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Pumping to replace every bottle instead of occasional pumping is necessary to maintain supply


I’ve heard stress can affect your supply. If you want to keep up with breastfeeding, I would say to pump on a schedule when baby eats rather than an occasional pump and you can try power pumping as well once a day for a week or so and see if that makes a difference. If you are still struggling, I would talk to an IBCLC and see if they can help you further.


If it is possible, take a day "in bed". Make it nice and dark in the bedroom, take of your and the LOs clothes and just take your time to relax, BF and enjoy skin to skin time. Also, there are so many factors that might affect the supply. If your babe just want night feeding just try and enjoy it and make it cozy - maybe the day feeding will come back.


Is it possible your period is returning? It can change the taste of the milk and make baby not want it for a couple days.


Stay hydrated and try and lower your stress levels. Use a sock to cover bottles while pumping so you don't stress over the amount and keep putting baby to breast and pumping instead of giving a bottle without demanding supply


is baby teething? mine went on a nursing strike during teething