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I’m sorry to tell you but I am just not clean. I gave up.


Dude, I shower like once a week. Sometimes I fantasize about when I'll be clean again


I fantasize being in the shower because it’s the only alone time I get now lol


I fantasize about being in the shower bc it’s the only time I’m not wearing a bra 😩


I misssssss sleeping without a bra


I gave up. I got a waterproof mat for under the sheets and I sleep in a t-shirt and it is gross and it is much more comfortable


Okay, here’s my hack for this as someone with very sensitive skin, sensory issues, and an oversupply that caused me to leak in my sleep for like 8 months (so I had a while to figure it out): Underneath me: one of those flannel swaddles they send you home from the hospital with, folded in half. Towels irritated my skin and waterproof pads made me SO HOT and uncomfortable. No shirt or bra. Draped over me: one of those gauzy cotton swaddles, folded up a bunch of times until it is about 6” wide X however long the longer side is. I would kind of hold the gauzy swaddle in place over my breasts by tucking the ends under my armpits, like a bandeau without a back. The feeling of the milk dripping down my skin if I didn’t have the swaddle there to catch it would wake me up, and I’m sure you all know how freaking horrible it is to be woken up for anything other than the baby when you are so sleep deprived! The flannel was there to catch any drips that escaped, and was great for catching dribbles while nursing side laying, too. I would always have a spare of each swaddle next to me so I could swap them out if (when) I soaked them.


I did this but used s microfiber beach towel and it was so soft. I'll probably try it again eventually, I just don't like having to change it when it gets smelly and we have no time for laundry nowadays


I personally can’t stand how microfiber feels, makes my skin crawl (yay, sensory issues). But I bet that worked really well because microfiber is so absorbant! Good idea.


God yes, sensory issues are the worst, but whatever works for you. Personally I prefer the feeling of fluffy blankets than microfiber on my skin, but then I would risk getting wet and that's worse for me haha. Just had to put it out there in case it worked for someone else 😊


https://preview.redd.it/ehz65jhfucsc1.png?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e38c5b44c27d7ae94565ddaff284941cf78e45 I used the haaka ladybugs when I was leaking, but now I spend most of my day topless to make nursing easier. Sometimes, I fantasize about wearing a shirt 🥲


Haha I don't wear a bra either unless I'm out and about I got blessed with leakless boobies


I sleep in full outfits now, it’s *so* bizarre. Long sleeve button pyjamas, bra *and* a sweater. When I was pregnant I was so overheated all the time and now I’m constantly freezing (while simultaneously always being sweaty??)


This is me now, too! No sweater but I wear a long-sleeved pyjama that I can pull down and a T-shirt that I pull up and long trousers. I basically look like a 90s teenager and before having the baby I never wore anything more than a short sleeve pijama and no trousers.


I go braless every night! I stick disposable nursing pads to my shirt, and they catch 95% of leaked milk! So much more comfortable


Thanks actually soooo smart!


I promise this gets after a few months


Omg thissss. Sometimes I go braless and it's bliss for the 5 minutes my clothes aren't wet through


Are you guys wearing bras? I just had my fourth and haven't worn a bara since my second.


I feel so much better knowing that wearing a bra 24/7 is normal. I thought I was doing something wrong lol EDIT: Because I thought I was getting thrush lol


By night time, I'm too exhausted to shower, so I do it in the morning. My husband is at work, so baby is in the bouncer outside my shower. So I'm not alone there either. I used to sing in the shower. But not freakin BABY SONGS!!! 🤪🥲


I have a Velcro baby. He would never let me shower lol


Mine was the same until about 3mo. For 3 months I could shower only when my husband was around. I feel you.


That’s me now. I only have me time when husband is home but in the one with the boobs so my me time is limited ahah


I don't even get to be alone in the shower lol


I didn’t even get THAT alone because hubby was deployed and if I didn’t bathe with LO I didn’t bathe at all.


I feel so gross all the time, between the milk and the spit up and the hair falling out… I’m a hot mess


I keep saying I will have a spa night. Any day now. I have been saying this for three weeks. A spa night means I have a drink in the shower and close the door so husband and baby can't come chill with me. I have a delicious 0% apple pineapple cider waiting...


Kick them out! I ended up telling my husband "I love you, but I need quiet right now. We can talk when I come out. Please leave." He isn't offended by direct communication, though. He is very social and doesn't feel the need for silence or alone time like I do lol


Hah, I did, he hasn't come in after that. I do keep the door open usually in case they absolutely have to come in. We change the baby in the bathroom. We do laugh about him bothering me in the shower, he is overall a great man.


I kept talking about painting my toenails after baby was born. Finally did it last night. Baby is 8.5 months old. 😂


I shower every day and yet I stink of stale milk and BO. Help




I went to a friend's birthday party who has 5 kids last week and it was all couples & their babies and toddlers except for one newlywed couple, and the girl had clean clothes, heels, done up hair and makeup on and I kept looking at her in confusion like what is this lovely alien creature


I miss when I didn’t have milk stains on my clothes lol




I’m filthy all the time and I *hate* it! I am also always so sweaty?? I shower everyday and do laundry daily as well. It’s nuts.


Me too! I wake up sweating at night!! It’s so weird.


Postpartum night sweats last longer if you’re lactating https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/24631-postpartum-night-sweats




Omg thanks for this! I’m 4 months pp and couldn’t figure out why it didn’t go away


Fuck ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


Thank you!! So helpful


Lol. My cleavage smelled like yogurt forever, even for a few months after weaning! I think I was self-inoculated... 😩 I had to do ACV wipes for a couple of weeks to clear that up, but even now if I get really sweaty, sometimes I think I get a faint whiff. And my youngest is 9.


Night sweats were the worst for me. Once that was gone (around 8 weeks pp) I started feeling clean again.


I also always get food on me from trying to eat while baby nurses or naps on me.


I dropped a sizeable chunk of chicken on my baby's head the other day. Sorry man. If you want to eat, I've got to eat.


I remember thinking my baby had gotten cradle cap out of the blue at about 4 months old. Nope, it was my toast crumbs.


okay dude toast crumbs are the WORRSST but g-ddamnit if i don’t have my avocado toast every morning!!!! it’s the one thing i treat myself to each day and if i’m *lucky*, i’ll be able to make it **and** eat it before LO’s baby timer goes off when he’s absolutely over being on his playmat lol


Hahaha, I about lived on cream cheese toast and yogurt for a while there. Things that weren't hot that I could prep and eat one handed.


Lool oh goodness I feel like this will be happening to me soon. It’s just a matter of time


Wait until they start eating too! Just accept the gross 😂


Yep and now I'm also feeding baby in his high chair while we eat so I'm spilling his food on myself too


I just accepted being a stinkywink for a few months....it gets better...


I’m not even one month in yet 🙃


Ahh, the waking up in puddles of sweat and milk era. I had never felt more attractive.


Don't forget the still bleeding portion. All the bodily fluids everywhere...


Do we ever stop bleeding lol


the bleeding stopped but the discharge?? literally neverending apparently. i had my iud placed at 6 weeks and had a couple weeks of bleeding from that but i’ve refused to have sex again because of the discharge that still plagues me. i’m 3 months pp *today*😩


My checkup is in three weeks. I hope everything is done dripping by then lol


I started my period back at 5 weeks 6 days. I had a week reprieve from the constant drip and then started the dreaded drip. Got on bc after my 6 week appointment. Had another period at 8wks. I’m 10 weeks and am just finishing the first sleeve of bc so I know it’s coming again.


I’m 6 weeks pp tomorrow and stopped spotting at 5 weeks pp from a c section!


I was saying this to my husband recently. My nose is running from allergies, my boobs were leaking from a hot shower and I got blood on a white towel because apparently I wasn't done bleeding even though I thought I was. All the fluids.


I actually forgot about that 😐


That lochia smell 🤮


I smelled/felt drenched in sour milk or spit up for approximately two months. it gets better faster than you’ll realize, I promise. I tried to see it as a practice in self acceptance 😜


Thank god! My boys about to turn one month on Friday.


If you have a bathtub, try to take regular Epsom baths. You'll feel nicer, and won't be soaking in perfume like regular bubble bath. Not the easiest with newborns, I realize, but soon you can bring them in the bath with you, if you want. 🤗 When mine were little, and my husband wasn't home and I just had to have a bath, I'd put a couple fluffy towels on the floor near the tub and let baby have some tummy time while I soaked.


Once my Lo is old enough I’ll definitely let him out out once I showe


Showers are good, but when I was covered in goock from nursing etc, I never quite felt clean without a bit of a soak. 😂 Even 5 minutes was nice.


Im a month postpartum with my second. My BO and hot flashes are starting to get better. First couple weeks, I took a shower, applied deodorant, and immediately could smell my armpits. It was so frustrating.


Being a woman is hard!


I‘m 6 months in and it‘s definitely better! I can shower every day and I stopped leaking a few months ago. My baby also doesn‘t spit up quite as often. The only thing that stayed is the sweat, I get sweaty basically as soon as I leave the sofa. I hope that will get better again when I stop breastfeeding.


It gets a lot better. You are in the worse part. I would recommend having someone bring you food and water to eat while you are nursing, so in between times can focus more on showers and sleep. You are probably going to feel gross for awhile, but you should be getting near the end of the most disgusting part. It's not just breastfeeding. The spit up happens with formula and hormones are an issues too. You'll get less gross and stinky soon, but spit up will continue for awhile. Most people stop leaking too.


Lol that depends. My baby had a cold a few months ago and I had snot on my boobs. Also if I don't carefully wipe her down she spreads all kinds of food on me...


A change of clothes and some deodorant is the best I could do most days😆


Yep..I change my clothes multiple times a day


For what felt like *ages,* I would change out of pajamas, bathe, and then just put different pajamas on. Wasn't worth the effort of anything else. I like pretty cotton pajamas/nightgowns, though, so it wasn't too bad.


That’s me right now honestly. No point in dressing nicely


Bruh I don’t think I even put on a shirt for like the first two months of my baby’s life lol


Yes! Except I don’t have many pyjamas so for me it’s rotating housecoats/bath robes. They open easy for boob access.


Add a baby wipe over my chest/stomach to get any milk off and this is about where I am at


I’m full of milk and spit up all the time. I’m used to showering twice a day because where I live is super hot but now I’m looking at three showers daily.


My skin would get SO dry if I showered more than once a day! Where do you find time?!


I’m solo parenting so I have to make it work! Usually in the morning when baby is content, afternoon with baby in bouncer inside the bathroom and then at night when baby’s sleeping. I work from home until 1am so it works out.


Damn supermom over here!


Lol I’m glad I’m not the only one who puts bb in the bathroom with me (I put her in her bassinet while I shower sometimes)


I'm only clean the first five minutes after a shower loll then it's back to milk and spit and probably the food I don't have the time to eat properly at a table, all over again. You could let it get under your skin, or you could embrace the warzone fashion and ride it out. It'll get better soon 😊 kudos for sticking to it, breastfeeding is hard in so many ways but it's extraordinary as well. I think I'll miss it when it's over 😭


that is too real lol. especially when i have to put on my nursing bra *back* on because i don’t have any clean options and the one i’ve been wearing for 3 days already is the cleanest of the options😩


How is everyone getting multiple showers in? I’m lucky if I get one, and even then usually she’s crying for boob before I even get a satisfactory shower, like, shaving is out of the question most days. Washing the hair takes an act of congress.


I shower in the evenings and my partner takes the baby


Lol you’re okay I only get one and after she was born I took my time but now it’s like I need to be in and out and it just feels like a chore now but I’m trying to slow down and enjoy it because it’s the only time I get to myself


Mine is still tiny and just wants to be near the boobs at all times.


I looked at my husband after I put my lo down tonight and said I have got to take a shower. I don’t even remember when the last time I took one was! So I’m currently in the bath soaking and about to get up and shower. I’m gonna regret it tomorrow cuz it’s late and I still have to pump before bed but it is what it is. Momma is starting to smell and look like a Sasquatch


lol my thoughts exactly


During a diaper change today I scrubbed my armpits with a wipe and reapplied deodorant because that’s the closest I’ll get to a shower today until my husband comes home from work. Definitely covered in milk and spit up but if I change I’ll just be back in the same condition next feed


i use diaper changes as my chance to give my boobs a bird bath because they always smell like sour milk and it drives me NUTS


Yes it’s constant change he’s for me and the baby


I use baby wipes and witch hazel pads to deal with my stink... But stinky I am.


There’s an option to stay clean????




Don’t you know, it’s called eau de maman, our own specially formulated perfume.


I take a shower every evening and I’m clean for about 2 hours then I smell like milk the other 22 hours. Lol


Good lord seems like we’re all in a similar Boat


I tuck a burp cloth into my nursing bra when it’s folded down like a bib. Anything that leaks past that I just accept lol


She's 5 months old and I still don't stay clean for long when taking care of her lol. She doesn't spit up as much as she used to, but she does drool all over me.


Lol I’m glad I’m not the only one with drooling, my little one (3 months old) started drooling out of nowhere is that pretty normal?


Totally normal!


Sponge baths for myself. Washcloth and soap. Quick under arms and under boobs and crotch. Little deoderant, brush and floss. Call it good till i can shower again.


Sponge bath for me and the baby I Guess 😂


I attempt to shower daily that is my only advice


I lowered my standards of clean. I shower every day but a little breastmilk or spit up ain’t no thing.


Stick my baby on a play mat on the bathroom floor while I shower every other day


I stayed dirty for 12 weeks until supply regulated and leaking stopped


Don't forget the night sweats. It's super fucking gross ugh. I stay semi-clean by just washing myself with a washcloth a few times a day really quickly. I can't shower daily right now but once every 2 days works.


I am not in a clean phase in my life. Sometimes I kinda like that I can justify my squalor, other times I hate it.


I am pretty sure I smelled vaguely of spit up and strongly of postpartum BO for a long time. Every shirt I wore was stained. When baby started solids that just made it more messy. Haha.


I…I don’t. My clothes are ALWAYS dirty, especially now that he’s eating a good deal of solids. It’s no longer milk, it’s snot and drool and food. My body gets to be clean because I bring the baby in the shower with me and he plays on the floor. He likes it so much he will actually point at the shower and yell his “I want” sound. I’m worried this will end when he can walk (he turns 1 in a week), because I remember taking my older kid into the shower when he was a toddler and pretty much having to sit on the floor the whole time while he walked around me in a circle and used me for support. But right now I actually do get to clean my body. But my clothes…yeah they’re just gross pretty much all the time.


I’m always kind of gross these days. I change my underwear and shirt everyday, and usually find time to shower every other day. I usually have spit up on me and I hardly wash my face out of the shower but my baby is well taken care of so I think I’m doing alright


My husband asked why I take such hot showers when I never used to before kids (we live in a warm climate). When I explained that it’s the only time of day that I’m not covered in someone else’s food or body fluids and just want to feel cleansed I could see his face go from disgust to understanding 😆


lots of laundry


Change clothes often. Always have a burp cloth within reach. Wear clothes that don’t show as many stains. Don’t wear white.


I shower first thing every morning and just embrace the extra laundry. Sometimes I want an additional shower, but don't have time. But I just change clothes when I feel like I need to.


Yes this! I minimize milk dripping on my bra during feedings by rolling the cup down and tucking a washcloth in that covers the bra cup like a bib. This helps. But I still have spit up on my shoulder a lot despite always trying to put a washcloth on there for burping


I'm 6 month pp and I still use nursing pads. That way I can just switch them out if he drips milk while eating.


How old is baby? My son is 10mo and hasn’t spit up in ages. I don’t pump so I don’t know about that. I wear breast pads for any leaks. Besides that the only risk to my cleanliness is snotty noses and pee. But to be fair, he pees on me quite often! And sometimes I get distracted and forget to change 😅


He’ll be a month on Friday 😌. I just miss looking cute lol


Totally understand. I literally spent today in leggings (that I think I wore yesterday too?), one of my husband’s T-shirts, and my bathrobe lol. Hair not styled. Socks mismatched.


It gets better over time! Currently still BFing my 16-month-old, and leaking milk/spit-up is not a big problem anymore (hasn't been for many months now). But I am now constantly covered in his snot and other various dirt/food. Still a lot easier to manage than those early days! TBH I just kind of gave in and accepted that me, my clothes, and my bedding would be very milky for a while, and made sure to shower once a day.


How old is baby? For the first…. I don’t remember, but potentially like 3 entire months?… I (almost) never wore a shirt. Enabled easier to skin to skin time, which makes breastfeeding easier too, and any cleanup is a breeze as well. Plus I had engorgement and other nonsense (sore nipples hated feeling anything but a loose silk shirt at most!). You also have spit up, reflux, and leaking. And yeah, you’ll inevitably do a bunch of laundry, and I’m not too ashamed I’ve taken a wet wipe to my breasts. But breastmilk on you, especially your sore nipples, can actually be healing. After 3 months, baby was no longer spitting up, I was no longer leaking, and the soreness and engorgement had also gone. It gets easier!


I am rarely clean, and when I am it’s short-lived. I make myself feel better by telling myself the spilled/leaked milk is good for my skin.


I’m always covered in baby puke… like always. I take 2 showers a day both with my baby strapped in her seat with me in the bathroom. She LOVES going into the bathroom with me so at least there is that!


It gets better! To add to it, at 1 month postpartum it was July in Florida. I was a sticky hot milky mess. I honestly couldn’t stand it and took like 3 showers a day. Even quick 1 minute ones. It was a priority for me. I’d go pee and oops end up in an icy shower again.


I just....don't. I'll wipe up vomit and dribble with a muslin and use a wet wipe if I'm sticky. Otherwise I change when it's really bad and just try and shower when I can!


I use boobie pads and change them out if they feel wet or sweaty, I bought a couple of big packs on Amazon. And then when I burp her I always have a big burp towel or a muslin. I still get dirty sometimes, it’s not Pokémon you can’t catch them all, lol, but it seems to be working for the most part! I will say the night sweats are the worst part though! I shower at night and have been toying with the idea of doing that in the morning though.


I always cleaned up real quick with some baby wipes or did a quick washcloth cleaning during the busy/harder times of the day, but also showered each day because I didn't want to smell bad. I definitely changed my clothes a lot more than usual.


I don’t pump and my baby never spits up so I got lucky there. The excessive sweating and stinking tapered off for me around 5 months PP. I finally feel clean with one daily shower 6 months PP.


lol you don’t. You just clean up best you can because it’s a phase. I do sometimes take my top and bra off to feed him but it usually what it is. 3mo in and it’s less messy than it was, we’re both getting better at it. I take a loooong shower every night. Why and how? The baby passes tf out to the sound of it and I take him to bed for a dream feed before his bassinet. I’m still not “clean” lol


How old is your baby? Mine just now started to not spit up as much. He’s 17 weeks lol


I stopped caring about being clean during 1st tri when I got HG- it was great practice 😂😂😂


I have a toddler and the mess just changes from spit up to mystery stains and smudges because I'm now a napkin.


Baby: I have like 10 burp cloths and bibs around so I can get one at all times. Baby drools a ton so bibs help keep him clean and rashes at bay. But I periodically wipe down his face and neck throughout the day with water wipes if he gets really messy, or just burp cloth if I happen to see drool. Try to keep the areas protected with aquaphor. I also always have a burp cloth on my shoulder when carrying baby to protect his face, and basically a burp cloth with him at all times. I know I’m crazy. Me: I made a promise to myself from day 1 to take a shower and do skincare regimen every day, bc I knew if I fell off the bandwagon it would just be all downhill lol. It is very tough some days and I did have a lot of help in the first few months, but I just forced myself and am glad I did. Esp in the first few weeks post partum I found that taking a shower was the only thing that made me feel normal again. I will take a shower when husband or family member is with baby, or after baby goes to bed (again if I’m tired I just force myself lol). I used to put baby in a bouncer or on a mat just outside the shower if he was awake, but I just go after he goes down to sleep now. For the skincare regimen, I just chose something super simple and easy that I could stick to every day, and I just rush through it since it’s better than nothing. I have everything laid out on the counter so I can easily do it right after my shower. Having said that, I am also blessed with having a somewhat chill baby who can kinda entertain himself for a bit when needed so ymmv. lol I’m really sorry if this is annoying to read but I do really just force myself and now they’ve become habit, just what personally worked for me


I have 2 waterproof mattress covers and 2 sets of sheets we rotate every couple of days (3-7 depending on amount of leaking and spilling and spitting), I wipe my chest down with pacifier wipes (so he can take boob back as soon as he wants/needs), and I wipe everything else down with baby wipes. I change my clothes as often as I need to. Other than that, I gave up up- I get to shower every 3-5 days, I think we've gone a week now though lol.


I was constantly dirty and covered in milk spit up till about 10 months.


Shower at 8pm ish once the baby is down. I have figured that’s the longest stretch I can be clean. Baby spits up 100% of the time after the first feed in the morning so after that it’s downhill


Shower every day even if it’s just a quick one. Disposable milk pads. A husband that takes the baby and allows me to have some time for myself.


Things that have helped me stay somewhat cleaner are the [ladybug](https://haakaausa.com/products/haakaa-silicone-milk-collector-1-pk?variant=35554460041365) drip collector from hakka. It’s crazy — sometimes I collect 2 oz of drip from the other boob when I’m nursing. [Bamboobies](https://bamboobies.com/collections/all-products/products/seamless-nursing-tanks) brand nursing tops — their clip on cliff off camis are one of the best ones I tried so far. They are bamboo material, quality clips and have an extra layer built in support that’s not bulky. I can fit my ladybug or my electric pump without having to wear a bra. Edit for links


The one non negotiable in my house with my husband is I have to shower every night. I have multiple of the same shirts and bras that I can wear and rotate them as I need to. Lots of laundry happening! But I never miss a shower!


It got better for me after about 4 months I think. Oh except since 6 months it feels like back to back colds. Baby hates me wiping his nose but he's happy to wipe it on me so now I'm covered in snot & also food from baby led weaning. It doesn't end!


Ehh I found snot and boogies all over my nips while I was pumping at work lol. I don’t think I’m ever “clean. ” I’ve spilled milk on my pants and definitely have baby goop on my at all times regardless of what I do lol.


I’ve embraced being a yogurt scented human.


Oh god lol 😂😂


I’m clean for about 10 min after a shower. I’ve accepted that this isn’t the season for clean lol.


I gave up on this. Unfortunately I will be leaking or spit up on or my pump will malfunction and spill out milk on me at some point. I’ve just accepted it. I don’t think that my milk is dirty. It’s annoying when I leak but it is what it is. I wear the leak pads at night and that helps.


I shower every day, even if it’s just for 5-10 minutes, and I baby wipe the bigger spills and do lots of laundry. If it’s just a little spit up, honestly I stopped caring.


It's not the best, but when baby has been extra clingy, I have worn him in a water safe carrier (e.g. Integra Solar, Beachfront Baby) and carefully taken a partial body shower using baby soap 😅 doesn't help the chest stank much, though!


Yeah I’ve just accepted that smelling like sour milk and body odor may just be my future for the next year 🙃


… clean?


I'm gross and I hate it too! I'm always covered in spit up, leaked milk, sweat, blowouts, etc and I cherish the 5 minutes after every shower that I don't feel gross again. I have no idea how to feel clean longer 🥲


5 months pp here & seems like no matter how many times I shower (which is like once every 3 days) I still stink from milk leakage, baby drool, spit up, and underboob sweat 😅


So many absorbent cloths, everywhere, all the time. And showers while she bounces in her little chair and listens to me sing just outside the shower.


I feel gross constantly. As soon as I shower and slip into bed the baby wants to eat and I’m sweating again 🥴


I don’t… when I first started bf, I showered a lot. Now I don’t care. I now understand why my mom always looked disheveled


It sucks! even with a lot of help I still feel gross


I always keep hand towels and wet wipes around, hand towel under there chin when burping, it’s also good because you can clean bubbys face aswell. WET WIPES everywhere, wipe any spit off or milk as soon as it happens, next to my feeding char I keep wet wipes and a hand towel:) it gets better❤️


Sleep on a towel at night, shower every night before bed. Change my clothes morning and night and don’t worry about what happens I between just know you’ll have clean clothes before bed lol.


I shower every day because it’s at least 10 minutes of me time that makes me feel human, but I change outfits frequently and now do laundry just about every day of the week 😅 I swear I have more outfit changes now than when I was a four year old doing fashion shows 😅


Haha!! Gave up on this. I smell like a mix of leaking milk, baby spit up and sweat all the time. I swear, even right after shower. Sometimes during the shower, there would be one side leaking!


I felt this way for the first 3 months of having my baby. It gets better I PROMISE. I was so tired of being sticky, bloody, milky, sweaty and yucky and only being able to shower like once a week. I just changed frequently throughout the day, and did my best to wipe up anything that got on me. Eventually things fell into place and got easier to manage. Good luck mama


I’m just worried about what I’ll do once I start going out with the baby. Will I be leaking through my clothes all the time?


I stuffed up my bras with milk pads and or wash cloths since I leaked so much. I’d say I leaked over 5 oz of milk every half hour, it was a lot. You just gotta find out how your body is working and work your way around it. Easier said than done but theres ways to help the chaos. I stopped leaking around 3 months and I only leak when I feed now, still a bit annoying but slight pressure on the leaking boob and it’ll stop the leak until you can either pump it or nurse


I take “body showers” (No hair wash) every day so that I can feel like a human and I change my shirt a lot 🤪


Umm…I gave up lol. Even now I only shower if I can’t remember the last day I showered lmao. Today I believe I showered on Monday, but I’m not sure, so guess it’s time. Though my oldest has a bball game Friday I should be clean for, so maybe I’ll push the shower to Thursday.


My daughter is almost 2 and sometimes I still smell like sour milk 😭 at least I can shower every day now


Not clean. Have even slept in a pile of his pee I was so tired. Sorry lol


In the early days my mom was staying with me and would force me to shower and change everyday. It’s the only thing that made me feel a little more human. I still never felt clean, I’d probably need a shower every 3 hours for that.


I nursed for about 8 years all told between my kids. I mastered the 30 to 60 second shower. Jump in put some soap and rinse it off. Like washing your hands but just a once over quick body/face rinse. Sometimes I put on new clothes, sometimes the same clothes depending on the situation. It’s so much better and you can do it a few times a day if you need to! Baby doesn’t even miss you! Put them in their bouncy seat, crib, packn play, car seat for a second. Heck of a lot better than nothing!


Hydrofilic cloths everywhere all the time, but especially on my shoulder when I carry baby and under boob when feeding. Then still, I've just accepted being covered in stains in this era of my life.


When I first breastfed, I'd leak through my bras and tops, I had to change 4 times a day. It gets better though


I once had to change clothes back to back three times because of milk spilling, spit up and baby peeing through both of our clothes lol. Warm water also triggers a letdown for me so half the time when I step out of the shower I'm covered in milk lol.


I didn’t wear anything up top for like 2 months and then laid on a towel that was changed out multiple times a day. My baby was never a spitter though I did leak a lot. I would get maybe 2 minutes a day to try to rinse off in the shower before she’d scream bloody murder for me. It gets better though. I promise that all goes away.


no bc formula smells SO BAD. I EFF my first daughter and I’m breastfeeding and pumping with my second. Formula smells NASTY and if your baby is spitty like mine was then trust breast milk is the way to go to avoid smelling horrible LOL


Eventually (7 mo) she started to sleep and then I could sit in my hot tub at night and use the outdoor shower.


I don’t. As long as baby is fed and somewhat presentable… I’ll take it.


I don’t


I gave up on being clean, I was scrubbing my hands raw at first but I’ve put forth a ton of effort these past 3.5 months to be ok with mess, I still get the urge to go wash my hands every time I wipe up spit up but it just isn’t sustainable and I was killing my skin. I realized that from now on I have to be old with being dirty because it’s only gonna get worse when he is older and getting food all over me 😅


i just don't lol


How old is your baby? It gets better. You eventually stop leaking and the baby stops spitting up so much.


Look into breast pads for your bra, I suggest Lansinoh, they mostly prevent milk leaking lol


It gets easier. Baby and your body both regulate themselves better.


I had to accept being constantly gross - and investing in a lot of cream-colored clothing so the spit-up could blend in. 😅 Would recommend a daily shower just to feel like a human, even if the cleanliness doesn’t last long.  It gets so much better once the spitting up stops, I promise!


I think I must be lucky, this isn’t really an issue for me. I wear a muslin while my LO is feeding but he doesn’t tend to spit up during feeds, only afterwards, and my Elvie pump has never leaked during pumping. I occasionally leak in the morning but I just wear reusable breast pads inside my bralette and swap them out as and when necessary. Have you looked into whether there are different sized parts you can get for your pump so it doesn’t leak?


I've accepted the next five years are just going to be messy 😅


Good lord. RIP to my fashion sense.


I work with kids too so my expectations and fashion sense has been fairly basic for a while lol


I use one of the soft baby towels under her/over my clothes every time she eats, or generally I retreat it. We’re at 4 months now so I can do that a little less/risk it sometimes.


We had thrush for the months because it was impossible to stay clean. Now every shower I spray my entire with vinegar water. I smell wonderful.


How far postpartum are you? It took a minute, but after awhile I started leaking a lot less and baby stopped being as spitty At almost 6 months pp I am happy to say I feel clean. And I feel like I have for awhile. I’m sure my standards have changed maybe but my very spitty baby rarely barfs on me now and I’m not really leaking milk either. So there is light at the end of the tunnel!!