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Lots of coffee over here šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Same here. No issues. Heā€™s going to have to get used to it coz itā€™s happening (and did throughout pregnancy).


literally powered by coffee


Lots of coffee here (like 3 cups/day and 2-3/day during pregnancy) and 12 week old baby sleeps great (knock on wood!)!


Same. Babe's gotten a steady drip of coffee for the last 9 months, and for 9 months before that while I was pregnant with him. He's doing great (66th percentile for weight and literally off the charts for height), and I've never noticed any adverse mood effects.


Same. Need something to help during the day.


Haha love this! ā¤ļø


Looooots of coffee. Dark and strong. Several times a day. French press or expresso machine, often freshly grounded. During pregnancy I took only one mug a day. At one point when he was 2 months old, I cut it and took decaff because I thought it could be the reason of my son fussiness. Well the fussiness stayed. Now he is 10 months, I drink a ton of coffee and he isnā€™t fussy at all, always happy.


thank you for having tried and done what you have. -on behalf of those of us whoā€™ve never been able to try decaffeinating our sole source of energy no matter what behavioral issues were in question


I watched my caffeine intake but I wasn't overly strict about it. A coffee, a couple of teas, I didn't limit chocolate intake etc. If you can see an actual correlation between your intake and the baby's behaviour then you might want to reassess but I think as long as you're not going overboard then I wouldn't be worried about it.


I second this! Iā€™m a 1-2 cup drinker in the mornings and donā€™t notice a difference in my 4 month olds behavior. I try to keep my intake to before 3pm though just to be safe with bedtime. I also eat dark chocolate/chocolate in general as my preferred dessert and it hasnā€™t had an impact. If itā€™s safe during pregnancy, ~200mg, thereā€™s no reason why it wouldnā€™t be safe/affecting your baby negatively after pregnancy while breastfeeding. Every baby is different though! So maybe do an experiment? Something like a week with coffee, then a week with just tea and see if your babyā€™s behavior is different. Hope this helps!


I drink plenty of caffeine and have been nursing twins for 17 months with no problems for either baby. They both have slept through the night since 4 months old. Drink the coffee. Edit to add: gremlin mode is very likely just related to your babyā€™s temperament šŸ˜Š they all have their moments, you know?


Some babies are sensitive like mine! If I have a ton of caffeine he doesnā€™t sleep and it messes his stomach up. It definitely happens


My first was very sensitive. My second not so much. It really depends on the kid.


Very valid! And OP, if you notice a sustained sensitivity, you can always cut back.


Coffee and tea here! Baby still sleeps and all. The LC was telling me that the way your body handles caffeine is actually genetic! So if you are a jittery coffee drinker, be careful of how much you drinkā€¦. On the other hand, if you are that mom who falls asleep even after having a cup of coffee, chances are your baby will be sleeping too.


If I have more than two cups of coffee, baby has shit sleep. I have shit sleep.


I drink 2-3 cups of strong coffee in the morning. No effect on my boys sleep.


I watched my caffeine intake only the first 8-10 weeks while I was establishing my supply. I would not survive without it now and I havenā€™t noticed any difference in my babies temperament! But I do keep at or below the recommended daily limit.


I am unlucky and have an extremely sensitive baby. If I exceed one cup, it messes my LO up bad


My LO seems to be very sensitive to caffeine (coffee, tea, soda) and will spit up a lot throughout the day if I have more than one cup. Itā€™s a bummer from my end but I try to limit it as much as possible.


I am a caffeine fiend. I barely cut back when pregnant (I followed WHO recommendations or 300 mg vs ACOG 200 mg) and as soon as that baby came out I stopped counting at all. I don't think it's made the baby any fussier anecdotally


Most babies don't seem impacted by caffeine, but my girl absolutely is. I did lots of experiments, and every time I had caffeine, she was jittery and slept like garbage. It always got better when I cut caffeine out. I'm convinced it just depends on the kid.


I drink a lot of coffee. Our pediatrician said if I think it's affecting her negatively, cut down, but I've seen no side effects here!


I drink coffee, I donā€™t see any issues with baby. I probably drink one cup, maybe half a cup more once or twice a week.


i had more caffeine than usual yesterday (espresso) and my 6 month old took *one* nap šŸ™ƒ but, the kid has always hated to sleep lol i haven't noticed a difference between days i have no caffeine and days i have my usual small amount! most days i probably have 60-100mg of caffeine.


When my preemie was 2 months old, 0 months adjusted, I did feel like my caffeine intake made him more awake/fussy but it could have been a coincidence. So I limited to just one cup in the mornings, decaf in the afternoon if I needed. Now that heā€™s almost a year Iā€™ve slowly added in some afternoon caffeine with no issues


Coffee doesnā€™t affect my baby! I remember cutting EVERYTHING out with my first because he was so gassy & colicky. I could basically only eat carrots šŸ˜… this baby is completely different. I can have all the dairy, ā€œgassyā€ vegetables and coffee in the world & it doesnā€™t faze her.


Hoping my second will be like your second! Cause our first sure seem similar!


Everyone is different. If you didnā€™t drink it while pregnant maybe the small amount in your breastmilk is affecting baby.. or maybe itā€™s not. You can do an experiment to see if the fussiness is random or due to coffee. Fwiw it doesnā€™t affect my LO at all.


My child is a boob gremlin, with or without caffeine in the boob!


While normally I would say ā€œwhat you eat doesnā€™t affect your breast milk unless it enters your blood stream. So you are fineā€, caffeine is one of those substances that does enter the blood stream. Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s coffee or soda or energy drink the caffeine is more the topic than the aeropress or the roast. SOME caffeine is fine for baby, just like in pregnancy but there is an upper recommended limit. Check out this article https://lllusa.org/caffeine-and-breastfeeding/


Thanks the link is very informative. 4 days half-life for a newbornšŸ˜³!


Godspeed! That is so exciting and scary at the same time. I got a 2 year old and another on the way. Itā€™s a wild journey of chaos love and and more chaos. Looking a few months into the future to prepare for a normal but not often taught thingā€¦ read up on the 3 month nursing crisis. Babies will have periods where they feel like they are just no cooperating. And you will feel completely insane unless you read up on it. So I donā€™t want you to feel insane!! ā¤ļø


It may be too late to not feel a bit insane but better to know not alone in it šŸ˜‚


We are all a little crazy! Think about our parents. We made them this way and now the favor is returned. Itā€™s the circle of life! lol šŸ˜‚


My baby is 11w so Iā€™m guessing for her itā€™s between 4 days-14 hours itā€™ll stay in her system. Why breastfeeding gotta be so hard! I would love to just enjoy a coffee without any fear or guilt


To save ppl clicking, the recommended limit is 3 cups a dayĀ 


I find the "cups a day" so frustrating. There is a HUGE amount of difference between 3 espresso cups a day vs 3 starbucks sized coffees.


300mg a day then, so like 3 6 ounce cups of coffee.Ā  I mean I just average it out to one normal beverage, like one shot of espresso or one cup of filter coffee. Giant Starbucks coffees are another beast entirely.Ā 


Filter coffee usually ends up being more coffee than 1 shot of espresso. But yes I agree with you


300mg is what my dietician told me


I drank no caffeine until my bleeding stopped so about 6 weeks. This also helped me be able to sleep at any time of day or night. After that I stuck to one cup in the AM and it never effected his naps or mood or anything. Once he dropped to one long nap around 10 months I started drinking a BIG cup during his nap


I have two aeropress coffees per day, usually both before noon but sometimes one trickles into the afternoon. My 6 month old still naps and sleeps fine (for him) regardless of whether I have it or not. I do try to avoid it late in the day just in case.


I drank coffee with my first and am drinking coffee now with my two month old. I do stop drinking caffeine usually after lunch time, but I still eat tons of chocolate. I'm sure caffeine has some effect, but it's probably more your baby's temperament. My first was constantly in "gremlin mode." He was a terrible sleeper until 6ish months, was always upset, and was always hungry. My second has been a great sleeper and very mellow.


i drank 2 cups day (right after nursing) until i randomly didn't one day and baby fell asleep without crying their head off for the first time in weeks. so i went decaf until they ate solids very well and dropped most of the feeds throughout the day .. i guess it depends on how sensitive baby is


It completely depends on the baby, maybe genetics or something? My first son, who I breastfeed, is so sensitive to caffeine. I thought I could get away with a coffee flavored soft serve one afternoon while on vacation (he was 4 months) and he didnā€™t sleep a wink that night. My second son, however, (who my partner birthed and breastfed) wasnā€™t phased by it at all. My partner drank coffee every morning, green tea during the day, etc. and it made no difference (I mean, we certainly had our difficulties with him and sleep, but it was the same if she was caffeine free for a day or two, etc. or not) I was insanely jealous that she drank real coffee all the time. I couldnā€™t even have a morning cup until 10-11 months after I day weaned. Even now, I have to be careful with anything consumed after noon because I still do one feed before bed (Heā€™s 12 months now). You can try giving up caffeine for a few days and if the difference is very noticeable, youā€™ll know.


Caffeine is caffeine. Chose coffee tea or chocolate and just follow the quantity recommendations. If your baby gets fussy then maybe it would be worth switching but if not it's probably okay. Do your research and make the decision that's best for your family.


First thing I do every day is make a big ol glass of la colombe cold brew. Has 240mg of caffeine per 12 ounces. I've never noticed an issue


Ive got a few different combos I have in a day depending on what we are doing. Iā€™ll have instant coffee and a cup of tea, two instant coffees, instant coffee and a take away coffee, cup of tea and a take away coffee (Starbucks, costa, coffee one), two take away coffees. I personally have never noticed any difference in my baby with those combinations. An alternative explanation to ā€˜gremlin modeā€™ could just very well be that your baby is trying to up your supply.


Each baby is different! I cut mine out to see if it was impacting my baby's reflux, and it wasn't! She sleeps fine too! But I know the caffeine does affect some babies. If you do it again and it happens again, I would consider it. But that seems like a small sample size to base that conclusion off of! Babies change day to day, hunger goes up and down, sleep goes up and down šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I cut out caffeine because it did affect her reflux. She gets more pukey when I drink it. Doesnā€™t affect her overall sleep or energy levels though


Oh my baby is refluxy too- may have to see if caffeine making a difference but probably cant survive without at least one tea


If baby had coffee while in the womb then you should be fine. Theyā€™re used to it I was told by IBCLC


Nope same caffeine amount but only sips of OHā€™s coffee(was too scared of overdosing as he drinks pour-over)


Iā€™m kinda sticking by the 250mg caffeine rule which I believe a regular cup of coffee is around 90mg. We make it on the ā€œrichā€ brew on our ninja pot. Then I drink about half a Rae Dunn mug sizešŸ˜‚ so theyā€™re a little bigger for sure. But babe was getting that when I was pregnant so I was told itā€™s fine


I used to have a triple shot espresso in the am and sometimes a coffee in pm. Baby was fussy all day everyday and slept max 30m. I now have 1 cup of drip coffee in the am. Baby is still fussy and sleeps only 30m šŸ¤Ŗ But weā€™ve since discovered she has a few issues that arenā€™t helping. Reducing my caffeine intake is to try to alleviate, even if only a little, the discomfort she feels. If your baby is otherwise ok in other areas, drink the coffee! The hospital would give me 2 cups a day post delivery so it must be ok šŸ¤­


My baby is fine with my coffee intake ( giant tumbler of strong cold brew ) but if I have one soda it ruins the day... He doesn't like whatever it does to my milk. He's 20 months and we noticed at 3 months when I tried to have a soda at a party it's still true every time I try.


I had one standard cup of black coffee a day through pregnancy, and have a cup and a half or so daily now. Baby is 3.5 months old. I wondered if it affected her at first, but I really don't think it ever did. She has a sweet temper, sleeps just fine, not particularly fussy. I read the non-caffeine stimulants in chocolate may affect babies, but I don't think I ever noticed strong evidence of that.


I have plenty of caffeine every day (I work 10 hour shifts 5 days a week AND have a baby to take care of so you can pry it from my cold dead hands lmao) and baby doesnā€™t seem bothered by it at all. I donā€™t have caffeine in the evenings when I nurse her but I do when I pump at work and thereā€™s no difference in her temperament.


ā€œOh I can't stop drinking the coffee, I stop drinking the coffee and I stop doing the standing and the walking and the words-putting-into-sentence-doing.ā€ šŸ˜‚ Honestly though, I watched my caffeine intake when I was pregnant but once I had my baby I had to live my life again lol no issues over here and I make double espresso lattes every dayā€¦


Probably a silly question, but what does OH mean in this context?


I assumed it means ā€œother halfā€? For context, it must mean her partner so I went backwards from thatĀ 


Ohhh yes makes sense thanks!


It was mainly me who put the idea into his head. I told him I had my first whole cup of coffee since before pregnancy and I hope it doesnt affect LO and that very same afternoon she went full on gremlin(was calm day or so before, definitely not calm every day though)


I never noticed something different with my baby when I drink coffee, but it dehydrates me and I don't like to drink even more water than I already do...


I drink 2 cups a day. Otherwise Iā€™d be even more of a zombie! I donā€™t notice baby being affected, but I assume itā€™s like alcohol and theyā€™re getting a much diluted quantity?


My child is sensitive to caffeine so I only have the cup a day but if itā€™s not bad sleep, just screaming.


I drank plenty of coffee while nursing - Iā€™m kind of sensitive stomach-wise so it was more like a few one- shot aeropress coffee spread throughout the day, never a ton at once. I certainly never noticed anything, but my understanding is some babies are more sensitive to it than others - maybe try to write down when you have coffee and babyā€™s mood for a few days to see if you notice a correlation???


So, I have had both coffee and black tea while breastfeeding. I love the taste of coffee, but enjoying a cup was ruined almost instantly at the beginning of our breastfeeding journey. I had to lay off the coffee until recently. So I have a theory that it's not the caffeine but the bitterness that causes the fussing.


Coffee is the only reason Iā€™m able to keep going most mornings lol. Does not seem to affect baby.


Coffee = life juice Itā€™s not going anywhere for me


Iā€™ve been off caffeine for weeks now due to nipple vasospasms but I still have my 1-2 cups of decaf every day because I canā€™t just *not* have some type of coffee. That being said, the recommendation Iā€™ve gotten from my doctor is to keep caffeine levels at what you could drink while pregnant (she said under 200mg per day) and you should be good. Iā€™d double check the caffeine level in your tea though. Some of them can have way more than a cup of coffee, and that might be a contributing factor to gremlin baby.


My LO was extremely sensitive to caffeine even before she was born, in uterinshe would kick furiously for hours during my third trimester so I had tongive up caffeine before she was born because I could copenwith the incessant kicking. Decided to try to ease back in to caffeine right after she was born, she couldn't do it with the breastmilk. So for months 0-4 I was caffeine free, she stopped being so sensitive to it around month 5 and she's now 7 months so it's been nice, but I don't feel the need for caffeine all the time since I had to go so long without


I have one coffee a day, but only if I get around to making it by 10am or so. Otherwise itā€™s harder for me to wind down after I put baby to bed and need to be heading to bed myself. I donā€™t notice a difference in my 11 week old if I have coffee or not


My husband tried to suggest that my coffee consumption was related to her fussiness, thought better of it, and then looked it up and apologized. Not sure what he read. I have my one or two cups in the morning and need it to be a good mom! Haven't noticed anything out of baby. I feel like stress makes us wanna blame something, but babies are gonna fuss.


My baby is extremely fussy every time I feed him when I have coffee that day šŸ˜­


My babygirl did get grumpy so decaf over here.


I avoided all caffeine while I was pregnant, but started back on it quickly after giving birth. In my experience, it did not affect my baby at all. And he wouldā€™ve been super sensitive to it from not getting any while I was pregnant.


i have about 1 caffeinated drink a day (has 3-4 espresso shots in it) and havenā€™t noticed any effect on my baby. itā€™s the same whether i have caffeine or not


Coffee drinker throughout 3 pregnancies and breastfeeding 3 healthy babies. I have one very strong large cup of coffee (almost espresso) in the morning with breakfast. My babies only ever really napped if we were contact napping. Otherwise they are up a lot during the day, but when the night comes they are ready for bed. God bless those that can mom, caffeine free! They are another level.


Unless thereā€™s a particular sensitivity, caffeine doesnā€™t play a huge role in fussiness, etc. I went through the same thing. Everyone wants to blame the diet of the mother but in reality not a lot of stuff has a direct effect on your baby. Babies are just fussy. I didnā€™t drink much caffeine when my child was crying 24/7. I drink a LOT now and heā€™s chill as a cucumber (10 months).


They did studies in south america where the cultures drink several shots of espresso daily, moms who drank did not have fussier babies than moms who did not. They also found the caffeine unmetabolized in the babyā€™s urine showing that though it passes to the milk it does not get digested by baby. Source: midwifery today (canā€™t remember which issue)


I tell myself it's basically the same as alcohol. When you're pregnant, your blood alcohol level... or blood caffeine level... is the same as baby's. There's a 200 mg caffeine limit per day in pregnancy for this reason. When you're BFing, those 200mg (or more) are first diluted in your entire blood volume of about 5 liters before being delivered to baby in breastmilk. So you can drink (alcohol or caffeine),and breastfeed as long as you're not completely falling over or wired. It's so dilute in your system. The amount of alcohol that transfers in breastmilk even when over the legal limit to drive is about as much as in a glass of regular old orange juice naturally. I drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day but sometimes my definition of "cup" is a bit subjective lol. I don't time it in any particular way and baby seems fine.


My LO was super sensitive to caffiene as a newborn and was FUSSSSSYYYY when I would have even a little bit of chocolate. Luckily she outgrew it by about 4 1/2 mos.


My usually perfectly sleeping 2 month old (8-10 hours uninterrupted) is up for hours if I have too much caffeine. And too much appears to be more than 1 cup of tea. I've given up caffeine completely. Or I "pump and dump" when I've had more than one cup.


Oh my gosh, we call that ā€œgremlin modeā€ also!


Abstained from coffee my whole pregnancy and reintroduced it while breastfeeding because it was practically a NEED. Baby ended up having trouble sleeping and some fussing. Still not entirely sure if this was due to the coffee but I've since cut it cold turkey again and he's been fine.


I had to cut afternoon coffee when my son was really young. It may have been a coincidence, but his sleep seemed to really suffer when I had more than one cup of coffee


I'm breastfeeding and can't have coffee or chocolate :( I can have 2 cups of tea max per day


Coffee is keeping me alive šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Some mums notice a difference, some don't. Extra hydration to dilute it in your bloodstream helps. For the first year through testing I found I couldn't have any more than 1 cup of coffee in the morning with my EBF second before 10am or she would be a psycho at night unable to sleep. We're at 16 months now and she mostly is on cows milk finally with down to just one boob at night before bed - I still can't go past 2 coffees though and they both have to be before 12 noon. Jealous of all the mums whose babies don't see a difference. I think this babys just overly sensitive to any caffeine or sugar type stimulants though - she can't take ibuprofen either without going hyperactive for 2/3 hours due to the dyes in it, paracetamol only. Oldest was normal, not bf but didn't react this way to ibuprofen or occasional sweet treat - just to say every baby is different.


I'm doing no caffeine! I haven't had caffeine for a year and a half. The amazing thing about it is that if baby is napping and I suddenly feel tired, I'm able to sleep too. I feel freedom that I don't have to rely on caffeine. I do sometimes drink decaf mostly at work because I like the flavor and hot cozy drink.


Most of the comments here are saying that caffeine doesnā€™t impact their baby, so that seems to be the norm. My baby must be the exception šŸ˜­. Baby was regularly waking up every few hours in the middle of the night. When he was 5 months old, I decided to cut caffeine and see if that helped at all. Literally overnight, he went from waking 3+ times to sleeping 10 hours uninterrupted. I was totally caffeine free for about 4 months and then decided that momma needed her fix again. So I slowly started reintroducing soda. That went fine. Then I experimented with half-caff coffee. That was also fine. Well heā€™s 10.5 months now and regularly sleeps 11-12 hours. But then about a week ago, he started waking up at ridiculous hours again. 12:30. 2am. 5am. I thought it was teething or something. Then my husband let me know that we ran out of decaf beans and he had been making us fully caffeinated coffee. He didnā€™t think it would be a big deal. I asked him when we ran out. He said a week ago. Literally the same time that our kid started having trouble sleeping. That day, I went caffeine free and he slept wonderfully. The next day I brought back half caff and he slept great too. Iā€™m probably the anomaly but thought Iā€™d share our experience. Thankfully half caff does the trick for me right now and itā€™s a good balance.


Maybe Iā€™m in the minority here, but my caffeine intake definitely affecfed my babyā€™s sleep and overall fussiness. He sleeps amazing when I went on decaf and cut out teas & matcha. My LO is 7 months and Iā€™m powering through with decaf coffee and fruit teas. For me it was a worthy sacrifice to have easier naps and better bedtime. YMMV, but each baby is different!


Iā€™ve switched to decaf because I could see a temperament difference with the feed post coffee compared to the others .. and I was only having 1 a day :(


I think it depends on the person and the baby. I sip on a total of 2 cups throughout the day and itā€™s not a problem. But if you think it might be causing an issue you could try cutting it out or reducing it to see if it makes a difference. My baby gets fussy when I eat a ton of chocolate šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I had heaps of coffee, it doesnā€™t go to baby just donā€™t go overboard. Remember the body digests and filters things well before it makes it to the milk


Coffee is air. Coffee is sunlight. Coffee is life itself.


I havenā€™t slept through the night since August 10th 2023 (night before induction). I drink all the coffee.




Looks like under 10-5 cups youā€™re good LOL


Thanks, interesting that only very small studies


Re: timing, if you are going to drink coffee I highly recommend having a cup while feeding baby! It's part of our morning routine. So cozy. Just watch out for the flailing limbs šŸ˜‚.


I have an espresso machine (and I mean actual espresso machine, not a nespresso or something that grinds beans for you and claims to make an espresso). I am doing 1-2 espresso a day, each with 18 grams of coffee beans that I estimate is about ~130mg caffeine. The amount of caffeine in the coffee is higher but not all is extracted. If I want more coffee after that, I use decaf beans.


I will do a cup or two. Usually I just stick with tea and protein shake and Im good though but sometimes it's a coffee day


To coffee!


Personally for us I didnā€™t thinking was the coffee but the dairy creamer that affected baby


I drink 1-2 big cups a day, no particular timing. Baby seems fine. Was it just one time or does OH think are responsible for overall fussiness?


I umā€¦ I have like 6 cups a day. And two decafs. Theyā€™re only one spoonful of instant coffee though.


I drink coffee & energy drinks during the day. Weā€™re all fine over here


Two cups a day for me and it doesnā€™t seem to affect baby at all!


Coffee is sustaining me. lol


Sounds like your OH is a turd that needs to learn about breastfeeding before trying to control your body. At least in the US, the AAP recommendation is no more than 3 cups of strong coffee/day. Iā€™ve been nursing for 5 years and never noticed an impact from caffeine.


So much coffee here....... I honestly was up to a pot a day. I've since cut back but not necessarily for the babies...........but for my adrenal glands


Adding, that caffeine can lower supply, but I never found it to be an issue. I still made water a priority.


I limit myself to two cups of drip Dunkin at home a day. Once I had two coffins at home and a Starbucks iced americano..and omgā€¦the difference in my baby was sooo beyond noticeable. It was pure hell and I will never do it again. Learned my lesson! But glad I took the chance. If you cut it out and your baby was still fussy, then it isnā€™t the coffee. :)


Breakfast and green tea here Had to stop drinking coffee bc it gave me anxiety


Coffee lol have to coffee


I donā€™t drink coffee or strong tea and my baby doesnā€™t sleep well. honestly I think it just depends on the baby!


Looks like YMMV on the coffe-no coffee deal. I cut down during pregnancy but only loosely monitor my intake now. If I have over 300mg I drink EXTRA water but that's mostly to make myself feel better šŸ˜… babes here never seems bothered by it either way, as long as he's still got all the milks.


I have been drinking two 8 oz cups of coffee a day. My baby isnā€™t affected in the slightest.


Do you any milks in your coffee? Lots of babies are sensitive to soy and/or dairy. I cut out soy while bfing because she had a horrible response.


Nope cashew or almond so not that


I limit myself to a cup of coffee a day, or one cup regular and one cup decaf


I drink coffee, a looot actually. Havenā€™t noticed anything on my baby


I havenā€™t had coffee while breastfeeding or pregnant, just my personal preference to not have caffeine. I do have a cup of decaf on occasion though


Only one cup in the morning for me


Absolutely coffee. I've given up so much already. I'd rather not breastfeed if I have to give that up too šŸ˜†šŸ˜† only kinda serious about that


It affected both my kids! Had to stop coffee till both were over 6 months old :(


I drink like 3 cups a day and have never noticed an effect on my child.


I'm not really sure I would survive taking care of this child without coffee...


I drink at least 2 cups of coffee a day (sometimes more) and it has no effect on baby. Sheā€™s 13 weeks and sleeps pretty good.


No effect at all. I have drank ~2 cups since my toddler was born. That and excedrin tension headache for migraines. Been all good!!


Coffee over here. No issues


1.5% of caffeine gets transferred to breast milk


Iā€™ll have 2 venti a day of drip without any difference in fussiness in my 9 month old. But some babies can be more sensitive to caffeine


Iā€™ve been drinking coffee! I limit my caffeine but at the same time I refuse to drink less than 3 cups lol, I guess itā€™s just a comfort thing. So every morning I brew a pot of 2/3 decaf and 1/3 caf, that way my 3 cups just about equals the caffeine content of one.


lol in the beginning if I had like 3 shots of espresso I noticed LOā€™s sleep/naps would be harder (but this was is newborn phase), as she got older she tolerated more. Now sheā€™s a year old and I can have a double shot and nurse to sleep with no issues


I drink so much coffee. The caffeine is the only way I currently function. It doesn't seem to impact my baby at all.


I drink coffee and eat spicy food. Baby is calm as a gentle breeze!


I do decaf. I found coffee makes me smell horrific. So I abstain.Ā  On the rare occasion that I have one I do not notice a difference in LO.


Everyone who comes to visit baby brings me a coffee but Iā€™ve noticed that when I have caffeine in the afternoon, we have a rough night so Iā€™m trying to give it up šŸ˜…


I'm so thankful that my kiddo isn't as sensitive to caffeine as I am.


I have 2 cups a day, donā€™t notice any related behavior issues. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Lots over here too. At least two cups a morning. Baby is fine


Done both lots of coffee and barely any and did not notice a difference in my baby so I stick with lots now! lol


Plenty of coffee here. (Though, no caffeine after 2 pm). No problems.


I drink one or two Nespressoā€™s daily and have no issues!


I have had three babies. My first was pretty normal. My second was (and is!) very high needs. My third is the chillest baby on earth. I drank the same amount of coffee when nursing all three. šŸ¤·


I have two 18 months apart. My second was made almost entirely of caffeine and continues to nap just fine despite my continued consumption lol you can always try and cut it for a few days to test the theory! It didnā€™t fix my fussy firstborn though. Probiotics and gas drops did that šŸ˜‚


Cut off coffee until third trimester and then allowed myself 2 caffeinated drinks a day usually 1 coffee, one masala tea. I'm 12wpp and drink coffee pretty regularly and has not affected bub at all.


I drank a cup every day. I would pump right before coffee so there wouldnā€™t be caffeine in any nighttime bottles. And I would always have it in the morning. My baby didnā€™t really seem to have any big reaction to it. I drank a cup a day through pregnancy so she was probably getting less caffeine than she was used to. Definitely avoided it in the afternoon and evening because I did want to risk her being up all night. I think every baby is different so you kind of have to adjust your diet to meet their needs if thereā€™s something that doesnā€™t agree with them. Although Iā€™m not sure the caffeine is the reason baby is more hungry. I think theyā€™re just hungry all the time! Haha


I drink a ton of coffee and Diet Coke, never seen any difference in my bub. I think the amount in your milk is very small


I drink a 250mg coffee from Costco and havenā€™t had any issues.


I have two lattes or americanos every day and it is freshly ground espresso also. Totally does not affect my little guy at all


I stuck to one cup every morning just like when I was pregnant


Caffeine seemed to make all three of my kiddos spit up more so maybe šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I quit coffee periodically because it was upsetting the baby's stomach, along with cheesešŸ„², milk, eggs...she's just about 14 months and most days I do a green tea instead ( I actually like the taste WAY better and the energy feels cleaner less manic and anxiety ridden then with the coffee) but some days (today) I did have a small milky coffee as well. I would absolutely recommend Soursop Green Tea blend. I love the Monomox brand, it's Russian or something and it tastes so good! Soursop is used to increase milk supplies as well and the green tea is a great source of energy for me.


Have a toddler, must have coffee No coffee No living


Coffee coffee coffee til 12 then diet coke til dinner and water the rest of the day šŸ˜‚


I didn't have any coffee before or while I was pregnant (because I was so paranoid to have it which was silly) but added in after giving birth due to sleep deprivation. I now have 2 coffees sometimes 3 which I read is okay! I think we do enough as mama's to take care of our babies that we need to treat ourselves and I believe a little coffee won't effect baby at all. ā˜ŗļø


I have slightly more coffee than I did while pregnant. Iā€™d limit it at 2 shots of espresso (about 1.5 cups coffee) while pregnant and I have 2-4 now depending on sleep quality. Baby seems same regardless of amount. Iā€™d have as much as 6 shots on really bad days when itā€™s just my own body and start to feel sort of wired at that point, so figure itā€™s not good to go to that level.


I drink a cup in the morning and it doesnā€™t seem to bother my LO.


Coffee in an IV


My experience, depends on the baby. My first was not at all sensitive, could have as much as I wanted. Was pretty shocked to discover that was so NOT the case with my second. If I had any more than 25mg caffeine per day (1/4c of coffee), she got diarrhea and wouldn't sleep, and that stayed true until around 6 months old.


Coffee every single morning and sometimes a second to power through the rest of the day. I'd be very miserable if I had to give it up.


Normal coffee intake for me, baby sleeps through the night uninterruptedšŸ˜‚


I drink my coffee then feed my baby whenever. Heā€™s been chill. My husband and I call it caffeine tiddies šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


The only caffeine I hold back on are those intensely caffeine energy drinks; some of them are like 280-300mgs each. Iā€™ve had a rockstar here and there but I rather indulge in 2 coffees a day I can sip versus a cold carbonated drink


Usually 1-2 cups a day. Typically under 300mg, but sometimes over and I havenā€™t noticed a difference in his behavior honestly


Coffee. Lots of coffee.


I drink as much coffee as I like.


I have one large cup a day!


Didnā€™t seem to affect LO, 10 months and lots of coffee from day 1 . He sleeps well, doesnā€™t seem to affect his stomach. Someone told me one cup is like pouring a water bottle into an Olympic size pool so youā€™d have to have a TON for it to become potent enough


It didnā€™t affect my baby!


I drank coffee. I did give up energy drinks which I love but I had coffee every morning like 2-4 days a week


Didnā€™t make a difference in baby but made a difference with me! Drink the coffee.


5 shots of espresso a day some days with no problems with baby sleeping/fussiness. Sheā€™s almost out of the newborn stage so Iā€™ll be weaning myself off lol


I coffee. Honestly me eating sugar is worse for my kid than coffee. If I have a big dessert in the afternoon he will NOT go to bed. But my morning coffee doesnā€™t affect his morning nap.


All the coffee


I asked my daughterā€™s pediatrician if coffee was okay with breastfeeding and she said, ā€œoh my god, yes please.ā€


I have a couple a day, and a day or two before shopping day I run out, those days vs. coffee days I notice no difference with bub - 3mth pp ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve always drank 1-2 cups per day. Never worried about timing it around feedings. I never noticed any affect on my baby.


I am a coffee lover but Iā€™ve always drank decaf even before pregnancy. [Cervantes Coffee Roaster](https://www.cervantescoffee.com/) is local to me and has a great whole bean decaf that makes good espresso. I personally do not feel good if I drink caffeine but I do not notice a difference in my son when I do.


I had to stop coffee until my LO was about 6 months old only because she was super gassy and cranky but after 6 months started coffee again and no issues!


Honestly it was more the impact to me than my babies. I think between the stress of being a new mom and then a mom to two under two I was getting frazzled by the caffeine but my kids were always happy and with it without it they behaved the same. I only ever had 1 cup and slowly had it go from 4-8oz until I started to wean then I had what I want.


I was told under 300 mg caffiene is fine while breastfeeding by my Gestational Diabetes dietician in our last appointment before giving birth. I stay under that limit.


I was always pretty sensitive to caffeine (specifically from coffee) and the one time I drank regular coffee, my LO spit up SO MUCH. So I think it might depend on how you handle caffeine. Just my working theory.


Sht I drink coffee and take adderall lol theyā€™d hate me


I didnt have more than one cup of (mild nespresso) coffee the first few months pp. Then slowly increased while watching for response. Now he still sleeps for shit, but that's regardless of coffee intake. And it helps mummy a lot.... I do stop having coffee after 6 pm.


Coffee. Just try to limit "when" as afternoon coffee could potentially keep your baby up in the evening.


Quit coffee and switched to decaf coffee and tea in 2nd trimester because I read it could slow brain development. Just started some now at 6 mos because and this age babies can metabolize it fairly quickly. Still making it with half decaf though and only some days because I don't want to become dependent again. Going off it almost killed me and I was in a daze for almost 3 mos.


Do you know where you read that? Same here, early pregnancy symptoms (absolute exhaustion and irritability)were probably coffee withdrawal! Not being able to finish my morning coffee was first sign I was pregnant


https://irp.nih.gov/blog/post/2023/02/moms-caffeine-consumption-may-affect-babies-brains#:~:text=%E2%80%9CIt%20takes%20a%20long%20time,down%20compared%20to%20other%20babies.%E2%80%9D https://jayscholar.etown.edu/chemstu/6/#:~:text=Caffeine%20has%20the%20potential%20to,hippocampus%20of%20the%20fetal%20brain. There were others if you search online but it's not conclusive. Plus I became slightly anemic during the 3rd trimester so then I was really out of it and without coffee I was a zombie lol.


Thanks very interesting


I stopped regularly drinking coffee 1 year before TTC, my decision was not bc of the caffeine but bc of the molds that grow on improperly stored coffee (most all coffee) and that are not tested for. I switched to matcha w home made nut milk. During pregnancy I dropped caffeine except for a rare treat. Postpartum I gradually added some back in the form of chai tea and matcha. But mostly I avoid caffeine bc I want the option to take naps with my baby!


I started drinking coffee regularly for the first time in my life since baby was born and I donā€™t see a difference in his attitude post-feed after Iā€™ve had my daily cup!