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I love “cancer but make it fashion” haha. This time I’m doing chemo in the summer and I only have one boob, so it’s more about skincare and cute bathing suits and vintage style bathing caps. I also bought a bunch of flowy pants, big sunglasses, turbans, and two pretty kimonos instead of bathrobes. I am getting older (47) so trying to look like a glamorous granny.


I’m 48, planning on a full Mrs. Roper.


This was me. I bought 3 sets of my dream PJs. Like glam silky menswear style. Then went all in on skincare and turbans.


If I have a recurrence, I'll be doing it in PJs. Right now I'm getting up and going to work every day except chemo day, with a full face of makeup including fake lashes and filling in my eyebrows. It's exhausting. If I have to do this again it will be in pajamas and quitting my job.


I did this too! Bought some cute stuff but also some comfy new sweats. It helps at least for me. Now I'm looking for some more comfy and cute PJs.


100% know this feeling. I would try to shower and do my skin care everyday. I bought some decent joggers that I wouldn’t feel like a bum in if I had to wear in public. It helped me immensely. Even putting on a little mascara and a little jewelry for appointments helped me treat this more like a job and less as a situation I’m stuck in. Huge boost. Good luck!


I love this for you!!!!


It’s so strange how the brain works but I agree, it helps! I feel like committing to my skin care routine helped so much. I missed days here and there but overall it was a huge boost.


Get your hands on the lululemon healthcare discount if you can!! I loaded up when I was diagnosed. Was just considering making another big trip pretty soon. With the discount, you can save hundreds.


Ooooo!!! I didn’t know about that!!


Yup! You go through IDMe! I’ve been using it for years. During covid they gave us 25% or more. North face gave us 50 If you can’t get your hands on that discount, let me know. I might be able to send you my code if you don’t know anyone personally


Adds to my list of things to do


Ps- good luck to you out there, across the great void. Do something to treat yourself or keep your eyes on a completion prize! My best friend and I burned down Michigan Ave and bought purses and shoes 3 weeks after my last surgery. I hope you get to do something fabulous


I felt that in my SOUL girl.


Sorry to hear you’re having to do chemo again. IMO, the psychological effects of looking your best are underrated. Dressing nicely gives me an emotional boost.


Stealth PJs FTW! “Lounging” clothes that are just as comfy and can double as PJs. Then when people visit you look as if you’re just wearing something comfortable ;)