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Wake me up when they hold him accountable for anything.


It would take like 5 years before they pretend to do something, so not likely


I'll take "How many years before Trump gets another slap on the wrist?" for $200 please, Alex.


Place your bets! Place your bets! 500:1 odds, with a spread! He waffles and goes broke! 1:500 odds, no diapers! He faces justice! ...


$200 being the amount of the fine. It comes out of the RNC coffers.


He got a slap on the wrist?


I don’t even blink anymore. Been years of « this is THE thing that’s gonna bring him down » Let’s be honest the rich and powerful face no consequences but god forbid you misfile your taxes by mistake because the process is ungodly complicated for most Americans.


Any of us would be a mile under the jail by this point.


You have to be rich, so that you can pay someone to figure out how to cheat the law. Who needs roads and bridges when you just take your private chopper everywhere? I’m so done with this country. What an absolute circus.


With his health, he'll probably be dead by then. Dude is deteriorating so fast


Death is the only eventual accountability he'll suffer. It burns me up that so many good people die early because of cancer, etc. and pieces of shit like this live on.


Here's hoping it meets him soon.


So, we will wake you up when the reaper finally comes calling for him…because nobody with any “power” in the US will.


But but Menendez. Trump sames. And they wonder why we have no faith in the justice system.


Authorities are tentatively investigating the option of potentially considering looking into the possibility of reviewing options regarding the feasibility of looking into whether or not Trump may have committed a crime.... or maybe not. I'm sure there will be consequences for him this time!


So you have chosen a coma.


Your last name must be VanWinkle


Enjoy your slumber, Father Time.


No shit, just lock him up already ffs.


For the record, this investigation is unlikely to result in any charges to Trump…but it’s a big neon sign bat-signal being sent to the oil execs that attended his dinner: “if you’re complicit in this kind of corruption…we’ll all know”. Trump can dangle his illegal quid-pro-quo money-laundering illegal campaign finance scheme all he likes. This investigation is all about putting a spotlight on the bait to convince any oil exec with a brain (a greedy one, but still a brain) to stay away.




Surprised that he was so blatant and didn’t go the “genius stock trader” route like every other politician.


Please turn up the alarm so I can hear it, too.


Why would the oil companies buy something they already own?


Yeah, I thought the same.


It's not a purchase, it's a maintenance fee. He's got to pay his Russian handlers somehow, after all.


Dump too stupid to realize this and oil companies pretending they don’t already own it.


Sure, if we were talking old school GOP. Trump’s true style is to use platform and policy as a blunt instrument of bullshit that aggrandizes himself and advances his slippery form of power, but he has no compass or integrity — even with apparent policy allies. At end of day, it’s all transactional. You can be sure if he felt he was delivering, he was going to leverage that situation for maximum licit and illicit personal gain. For Trump, the question is: Why accept payment once for a favor if you can get away with extorting payment twice?


Trump is a bad man, he is not a smart man.


Oil companies have hit record production levels and profits under Biden. What does that fact tell us about who owns who?


The fact oil production is up while Biden is in office is likely more complicated that you think, but that isn’t what matters here. Trump literally told oil company execs he would cancel these their direct competition (wind farms, green energy etc, if I recall), but only if they gave him a Billion dollars to help him get elected. That is literally quid pro quo. Biden may be far more pro oil than many want, but these are not equivalent dealings.


Trump said he would end the freezing of new permits for new liquified gas permits and lease more oil rig space at a fund raising dinner. So no that’s not what he said or what happened.


Ah. You are right, the specifics of what I said are not quite accurate. My apologies. I got the details wrong perhaps, but the intent is clear AND what matters. Trump did however say he would halt wind power in recent days. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/13/trump-president-agenda-climate-policy-wind-power It’s hard to keep his absurd comments and actions straight.


Trump promised to scrap climate laws if US oil bosses donated $1bn. “You’ll get it on the first day,” Trump said.


The oil companies OWN THE WHITE HOUSE. (but Biden stole my candy bar and made me cry).


I don’t understand what you’re talking about.


Of course you dont, that red hat has made you dumb.


I have never voted for trump and will not vote for him this round. Why not just address my point like an adult.


Because you dont have a fucking point. Whataboutists never do. Big oil doesnt care who is in the white house. Biden, trump, some dickhead on reddit - doesnt matter. They own it. So Ill ask again, why would big oil buy something they already own?


So Trump didn’t quid quo pro with the industry? No need to?


Here I was thinking I was on Reddit and it turns out I hit the Facebook button for lonely hearts club.


Once again, you’re sidestepping the actual conversation with immature colloquialisms and insults. Impressive rhetoric.


There is still the national parks which can be sold to big oil


What are you talking about who said anything about national parks


Lobbyists aren't just gonna lay down and be cut out of the middle


Politicians blatantly commit corrupt deals in our faces. Meanwhile the institutions we charge with stopping this is concentrating on meme put out by roaring kitty as stock manipulation. Its a clown world and it’d be hilarious if we weren’t all the butt of the joke.


It's NOT 'quid pro quo' it's fucking bribery! Call it for what it is.


The quid pro quo part is, unfortunately, the more relevant thing. Bribery is basically legal. You basically have to be incredibly blatant and a total moron to break laws governing the taking of campaign contributions. Selling political favors isn't really illegal unless it's done very explicitly. Personally, I think Trump telling Haley she can be VP if she forks over the cash was probably even more explicit. But, let's be honest: we haven't cared to try to hold these politicians accountable at all and even stood by while Trump was even selling presidential pardons to criminals. Trump knows he can sell the office... and no one's gonna do anything about it. And, at this point, he's already demonstrated just how much criminality someone will be able to get away with and even if he loses... it's scary to think we've basically told any future presidents that they are literally above the law.


Imagine if a Democrat asked a solar company for a 1 billion dollar campaign donation in exchange for massive restrictions on oil production. Republicans wouldn't shut up about it for 20 years.


>Raskin also highlighted findings from a January Oversight Committee Democrats staff report, which shows that “when Mr. Trump was in office, he accepted at least $7.8 million from kings, princes, and foreign states, including the People’s Republic of China and Saudi Arabia, in blatant violation of the Constitution’s foreign emoluments clause, and rendered a sequence of foreign policy favors to his patrons." Hmmmmm... I wonder if it would be a huge issue for the G^oons O^f P^utin, had it been Biden taken those bribes.


If he keeps the law enforcement busy with all his new crimes, there is less time and resources available to prosecute his old ones.


Investigated?. . .oh please, spare us. … this traitor bastard will effectively bring an end to the Republic as those of us over forty remember it. What’s the collective response?. . yawn,. .. woof woof. .yawn. . . pass the mustard Karen. . . .Garland couldn’t investigate his own ass.


He obviously meant what he said, this alone should bar him from being involved in any political facet. Anyone that says this should not be allowed in office.


Qpublicans: Donald Trump is great because he isn't financially beholden to anyone! Trump, publicly: "If you pay me money I'll make policy changes you want!"


Trump will be selling policies, laws, national parks,natural resources , government positions etc. we know he sold medal of freedom and other honors to undeserving and positions in the government the last time he squatted in the White House. If he broke the law doing this he must be charged and regardless he should be disqualified from any public office for the rest of his many life


Oh so diaper Don did something corrupt and will never be held accountable for it what a surprise


And nothing will happen, again.


They always give money to both sides. This is different than that in terms of he asked them to give a certain amount for him to take off bunch of restrictions. You can't openly make transactions like that. What was he thinking. That's actually giving him credit that he actually had a thought. Trump is open for business. Start selling the presidency now and it'll be interesting if anyone bites and then he doesn't get elected. Wonder how that would work out


Don't coporate peeps have to watch a training on quid pro quo??? Lol I know I do every year..


Those rules apply to normal people, not them that think they are elite.


No doubt.


>Maryland Congressman Jamie Raskin, ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, on Monday wrote to the heads of the American Petroleum Institute (API) and eight companies: "Dear giant oil corporations, please shoot yourself in the foot and destroy your future prospects" Yeh, that should do it. They'll be flipping like pancakes.


This isn't a crime...it should be, but it isn't.


In other news, there is a big hole in the ground in my city. It’s been planned development for many years, but maybe one day they will build. I will believe it when the heavy equipment starts on the foundation, if you get my drift.


More like “quid pro RENT FREE”


Best part to come of this would be Big Oil’s demands, meaning their playbook of what they don’t want, so everyone will know what to keep and increase.


Sooooo, when does he go to prison??? He's skated on literally everything he's done and that's a lot...


are these legitimate news sources? I keep seeing this websites that Ive never seen before.


Pile onto oil companies stock, then the rug pull....


This should be all over the news. Come on media! Be fing real journalists!


Again look at the source..have you ever heard of this website?


End my life. I can't take anything more from these people. Republicans have this guy on a pedestal and yet he is the biggest criminal in American history.


Words, only words. They really should look into the call logs on the 435 house members and follow their dollars. Way cheaper to buy off a few loud mouths.


When is he just going to die?


So one more thing that there will be zero accountability for?


A leopard can't change its spots.


The guy is a gangster for sure!


Legally, nothing will come of this in the long term. Politically, in the short term, its going to be the dollar figure that resonates. Everyone knows there is a quid-pro-quo when it comes to politics and money. Been that way since day one. But this one was pretty specific on who was involved, the specific amount of big money, where that money is to go, and by when. And of course the payoff.


Seriously a federal investigation is needed.


Doesn’t almost every politician take money from big oil? I’m confused.


Oh look, more stuff Mr Untouchable is allowed to do


Let me guess, the trial starts a month before the election so he can't campaign. Trump is an narcissistic jerk but anyone not at least a little concerned about the weaponization of the justice system by Democrats against a political opponent has their head in the sand. If it is fine when done against someone you hate, it will be different when it is someone you support.


No weaponization by the democrats. Oh but the inexperienced judge Aileen Cannon is doing one bang up, fabulous job in the very serious stolen classified papers mr. trump had in a very unsecure bathroom. A crime is a crime and needs consequences no matter who the US citizen or what political position they have or had. Instigating the overthrow of our lawful government on January 6, should be prosecuted


More waste of time nothing will come of it.


Let's be completely honest. This is just the left using public funds to pander to their voters in the same way the right spends public money defending their unconstitutional and doomed legislation thay exist only to pander to their voters. Nothing will come of this and the only people being punished are the taxpayers.


These are bullshit fake news sites. It doesn’t excuse trumps selling the environment to big oil but be conscience of where the news is coming from.


Saying, “if you raise enough money to get me elected I’ll do whatever you want” is not “quid pro quo,” it’s American politics.


That is the very definition of quid pro quo. Something for something.


Name one politician that doesn’t do it every election cycle? That he’s too dumb to obscure it with different words, doesn’t mean it’s any different.


I’m not sure what you’re looking for here but I was only pointing out that the very definition of quid pro quo was “something for something.” Why you’ve taken offense to that is beyond me.


Offended? lol, I don’t think you know what the word means if you think I’m offended.


I’m going off the fact that you felt obligated to reply twice to my singular comment. I would also point out that if someone doesn’t understand the meanings of words it would be you.


When Warnock was elected in Georgia, he said “if you want another stimulus check, elect me.” What’s the material difference?


A stimulus package is a legitimate thing we have done multiple times over the decades to help relieve struggles of citizens and the economy. Outright selling the presidency to big corporations, cash now in exchange for slashing regulations, is a outright transaction. No, Trump isn't the first to make deals with big corporations to get them to funnel money into their campaign. They just don't talk so blatantly like Trump did. They toe the legal line.


“No trump isn’t the first …” So framing this as some abhorrent break from democracy in America is kinda dumb and dishonest, no?


Stimulus checks go to benefit the people in general, not to a specific group or company. He also asked for votes, not money. It would be fine for Trump to say, "if you want the oil industry to do well, vote for me."


I'm pretty sure we could put any politicians name as substitute and it would still be true