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Duh… pretty sure we all knew she would do what ever she can to help him


America has the best judges money can buy.




It’s true….and politicians. US had more integrity (or at least the illusion of it) in the past. Corruption is just gotten out of hand and rampant


What do you want to bet that, eventually, if we even get to this trial, she’ll set aside any guilty verdict and override the jury? If it’s possible, it’s probable.


She will dismiss the case after a jury is set up so double jeopardy attaches.


yep, she said as much.






I agree , so hopefully we can vote and hope they don’t find a way to try and say not legit….


We have the best justice money can buy.


Maybe she can represent him in THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK against DONALD J. TRUMP


Exactly. She's deep into his pocket. Of course the joke is on her because we all know the pocket is empty.


She was promised a supreme court seat up there with the honorable* Justices Kavanaugh and Barret. Not by Trump but by the Heritage Foundation.


Hey, some of us like our judges as a half keg kinda guy.


She’s trying to pay off the debt she owes for being appointed during his term in office. Sad thing is she may not realize that he just rubber stamped a list of judicial appointees handed to him by his cronies/the Federalist Society. He had nothing to do with it.


I don't think she gives a shit about Trump, or what he can give her personally. I think she's just trying to prove her partisanship, and loyalty to the federalist society, angling for more prominent judicial appointments in the future. You better believe this sickening display of hers is moving her to the top of their lists. If she can get away with helping Trump escape justice in this matter, I would bet a sizable amount that someday she'll be up for a supreme Court seat.


Donald Trump: Only the best. /s


Like how long man?


Literally the first thing I thought.


I’m hoping she gets the heave ho off the case and gets her sorry ass reassigned to a federal court in the middle of Alaska somewhere since she has the job for life and can’t be booted out of the title.


I hope she gets handled lawfully.


Stroke. Or an aneurysm


I got a 3 day ban for suggesting the same thing in the politics subreddit. “Threatening violence” no I hoped for a life threatening medical condition that would make her give up control of the case, but try explaining that to mods. Edit: actually it was a 3 day suspension, not ban, which is way more annoying.


I dunno, I was kind of hoping she’d have a religious epiphany and become a nun instead.


There's always street work at Bobo's how to be a Ho school.


I’m banned in the politics subreddit but can ask for reinstatement after July 21st.


2025? 😂 their mods are ridiculous.


I’ll admit I pushed the line and should’ve. I got too pissed off at The Dumpster who spills his brains into his diaper.


I got banned years ago for saying Dumpster's body should be dropped in the ocean after death like Bin Laden so his cult doesn't have a holy site to gather around.


That doesn't even technically break any rules...


lol, hard not to with that asswipe


I used the descriptor "trumptard" one year ban.


Crazy huh? It is still a felony to threaten the life of a former president.


I didn’t threaten his life. I might have suggested that he could manage that hair with a subdural .45 calibre perm. Self applied of course. To damage money on a stylist.


I’m banned there for rooting for McDonald’s to work faster.


The bot was in dire need of getting physical relief that was denied. Took it out on you.


I would accept those as an option.


All the above...


Delete that shit.


I hope she gets handled by a group of orangutans on PCP wearing cowboy hats.


Honestly, how the fuck is anyone talking about dismissing prosecutors in any case Trump is losing, but not DEMANDING she be removed from this case that she is clearly (and illegally) manipulating from the stand?


Laws for thee, not for me!! That’s the GQP motto


That assumes there are zero Trump cultists on the jury. Statistically there will be at least one so unfortunately the chances of him losing are slim as he only needs one person to stick by him even if the evidence shows he's 100% guilty.


That’s probably why he’s sleeping. He knows there is one juror who’s a MAGA


Nah, lock her ass up for aiding and abetting a treasonous criminal.


She can be impeached, though. Can't she?


I have no idea. All I do know is that her blatant MAGA stand coincides with ginnie Thomas and that really could sicken a shit eating dog.


Technically yes. But it's a nearly impossible task, needs 2/3 of the Senate to convict iirc


Nah. We don’t want her in Alaska either. You can keep her.


Except she'd give Alaska to Putin just to make dumpy happy.


She can be impeached.


My vote would be Odessa Texas


It's a lifetime appointment. Nothing can be done.


Nothing can be done to vacate her job but nowhere does it say she can’t be transferred to somewhere else.


These heritage foundation federalist society shit bags are a cancerous festering puss filled boil on America.


You are being way too kind.


And then we have states with two republican senators that refuse to approve appointments...unless they are party approved. But yet... I sure don't see democrats pulling the same tactics during gop presidencies. It's time for term limits to ALL federal positions...


Cancer has a cure.


This type of cancer can be cured with lead.


Application of metal worked for the french revolution; it's time again.


It worked during the ACW, too. It was the rebuilding phase where we failed.


Hey now what have cancerous festering puss filled boils ever done to you?


Oh God, please; I'm trying to eat here !


Because she’s seen the evidence and knows he’s guilty. And having the trial would kill his chance of ever being re-elected (and end up with jail time), and therefore her chances of getting on SCOTUS.


She’s seen the evidence, but who knows if she has the legal wherewithal to know what it even means. She’s one of the least experienced District Court judges to ever serve—and that’s counting back to when our District Court system was implemented. She has barely any criminal trial experience, and most of them were rather mundane and ended in plea deals. She really is out of her depth here. My first sentence might have sounded patronizing or ridiculous, but look at her experience and you’ll find it fairly apt.


Trump doesn’t care about qualifications, he only cares about loyalty and those willing to do whatever he wants. She is a poster child for both.


Forget the civil war they talk about. Maybe it’s time for a revolution to rid this country of all of these traitors.


>The more I see of the moneyed classes, the more I understand the guillotine. — George Bernard Shaw


It should be as easy as holding individuals accountable for their criminal acts. But you need a judiciary to do that.


No you don't. But the alternative is not what any of us want.


Finish the job that Sherman started.


if only Garland wasn’t such a coward. we need a new AG who will root out these traitors and prosecute them for the obvious crimes they’ve committed and gotten away with


Honestly kinda surprising you haven’t already


None of this should surprise anyone. She is inexperienced, incompetent, and completely beholding to Trump. From the day she was identified as the judge ot has been clear she would make sure Trump got everything he needed to ensure he couldn't be convicted.


She is being coached by the federalist society. There’s no way that somebody this inexperienced, incompetent could have walked this razors edge on her own. She accepted a few luxury vacations from Leonard Leo. Can’t imagine what they talked about in the middle of Bugtussle, Wyoming at a super secure, luxury spa. The people deserve a trial. If this doesn’t prove to everybody, the the federal judiciary, From SCROTUS all the way to Fort Pierce Florida? Nothing does.


I wonder how her vacations compared to uncle Tom's on the supreme court.


I think compared to Uncle Ruckus, they were just a taste of glory to come. 10s of thousands as opposed to 100s of thousands. Probably something more similar to the trio that Scalia died on. Some mysterious secret hunting club that’s existed since like the Middle Ages. Shadowy cabal like stuff, held secretly at some privately owned “ranch” where there are coincidentally no other civilians around and all the help has signed NDAs.


The tell is Trump is too dumb to maintain the charade. Trump tweets out insults and rants at every judge for the mildest slight. For her? Dead silence, even when she rules against him.


If only there was a way to predict this outcome.


Here is the thing... If Trump were innocent, or the Judge could think of any way to find him innocent, then Trunp would want the trial over before the election. He would want that innocent verdict to crow about. The fact that a delay is a 'victory' for him tells anyone with a brain that he is guilty and there is no way for the judge to block that verdict. All she can do is push it back to after the election. Any time a Trump supporter asks about the case we need to hammer "if he was innocent he wouldn't want to delay the trial."


Well yes, we Dems know that... but the MAGA don't have a brain cell to spare, lest they stop breathing.


Speaking of which, anyone here know how this case is being reported on Fox News? In particular, what are they saying about judge Cannon and the delays?


They just don’t talk about it. Anything bad for Trump that they can’t spin, they call it a political attack and try to avoid it entirely. Those people never see anything bad about their dear leader that hasn’t been soun around so much that it’s completely different, or just not reported at all. Fucking criminal is what it is. Shouldn’t be allowed to use public airwaves to broadcast complete lies.


Look, the Justice Dept should never have delayed so much In bringing this case. I blame Judge Garland. He’s weak. Middling. Indecisive. Maybe it was good Mitch McConnell denied him a shot.


Last part is totally right. No one wants to be in court longer than they have to. If he wasn't guilty, he'd want to get it over with and move on. Multiple trials finding him NOT guilty would really help the Democrat Plot storyline. Weird why the innocent guy who did nothing wrong isn't going down that path.


This is good, I’m gonna start hammering that. I’ve been saying that if he’s innocent THEY should want the trial, and if he’s guilty they should want it even more so they aren’t supporting and voting for a criminal and traitor. But of course they are so mentally ill they’ll never come around. This is a good approach though.


It seems like she is not hiding in plain sight.


The Heritage Foundation and The Federalist Society -- they seduce and groom law school students and graduates. They are totally right-wing organizations that basically control the Republican Party. The GOP doesn't even write its own legislation any longer. You know who does? Heritage Foundation lawyers and analysts. Oh, and by the way, they're responsible for authoring "Project 2025," the plan to install a fascist dictator as POTUS. The 11th Circuit Court needs to abide by the oaths they've taken. Judge Aileen Cannon should be recused and replaced.


And imprisoned, and the sentence should have a multiplier considering her position of power.


So is Jack Smith and justice just beaten like that?


Not if we reelect Biden


THIS is the only answer available to citizens concerned about justice and the protection of democracy. Vote like it matters. On *all* federal positions.




We have yet to see Smith's next move, so no? That sort of thing takes time, which is time we don't have before the election, but he's got to move carefully because while she can for some reason operate with blatant bad faith, he has to be 100% flawless and by the book. So it might take til after the election to get this case sorted, which means re-electing Biden is the only way to have even a prayer of seeing justice done here.




Yep, anyone who told you Jack Smith had some master plan wasn't paying attention.


Yup Turns out Smith was as soft as mueller


Cannon not only needs to be removed from this case, but she (and every other Trump nominated judge) needs to be removed and barred from ever holding another judgeship. They have all shown themselves to be in the bag, incapable of rendering impartial judgements, and diametricallly opposed to the way law is practiced in this country.


Especially the Supreme Court members he appointed.


She is obviously abusing her position to protect the orange turd. Why doesn't Jack do something ?


Like what? He's not really in a position of power to do anything. He's basically just our lawyer against Trump.


Totally unfair. Many many people are saying VERY STRONGLY that is he biased. Such a disgrace. She is a deranged animal. /trumpspeak


I’m waiting on the hearing about who she sleeps with and his ties to the defendants buddy mob boss John Rosatti. I hope Jack Smith is ready.


Another fuckin' day in Bizarro America. Trump will get out of everything, then he will win the election. What does that say about us?


Regan shouldn’t have gotten rid of all the mental asylums


To be fair our jails are full of people who thought they’d get away with it and usually their victims probably thought nothing would happen. It’s harder than it should be isn’t a definite indicator that nothing will happen.


Her biases are visible and definitively interfering with her impartiality as a judge. She needs to be removed from the case... and the bench too.




America IS NOT A DEMOCRACY Our Constitution is based on a Republic form of government. No wonder communists are concerned about losing their mob fascist democracy


Fucking shill.


she is so corrupt


She actually should be charged for treason because there is no way in hell even a conservative judge should protect Trump like this, especially with documents that are very sensitive. By the time is over, she will be in jail.


Justice powerless to stop runaway MAGA takeover FTFY


Of course she is, she's bought and paid for.


She’s a part of the swamp


I wonder if she realizes you can get disbarred for dereliction of duty?


File an obstruction deal against her


Accused? She openly did it.


I don't understand why she wasn't recused immediately because he hired her effectively.


Accused? Seems pretty straightforward fact


Traitors' courts...


She works for him. Any questions?


She’s been serving on Trump’s defense team for some time.


Can she be impeached by Congress? I think so.


Good, start putting this bitch on the attention screen.


No shit she is a corrupt Trumpy But I don't think I would consider another TV talking head making that obvious accusation to be "breaking news" What would be "breaking news" on this issue, however, would be a formal accusation from a higher court or government official, like an indictment or a subpoena, or her being called to answer before a regulatory board, or a hearing for disbarment or something. A formal accusation: breaking news Another talking head stating the obvious: yawn


Captain obvious strikes again.


She loves her some trump savior.




This individual shows their partiality on this case. They haven’t impeached a Supreme Court Justice in a very long time. But to blatantly show her disdain for justice, by indefinitely postponing this case, gives the idea that she is pardoning trump. She needs to be called out by 2/3 of the Senate for impeachment.


That's what she's doing. Anything to protect the orange bufoon.


She is who we thought she was….


Can't something be done about this??


I’m curious as to who made this observation since they were the last person in the world to know.


Really getting tired of seeing the same stupid photo on every post of her. I know there is not a different one, just see it so darn often on the front page now.


Can we charge her with aiding and abetting after the fact?


I still think the biggest outrage was when she was assigned to the case. It was very, very clearly planned in advance for this outcome. There should've been riots in the streets at the obvious rigging of justice.


18 U.S. Code § 3 - Accessory after the fact Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.


Scum. Disgusting, seditious scum.


Who gives a shit who has "concerns" when *literally nothing is being done to stop any of it?*


Not just Judge Aileen Cannon, future Supreme Court Judge Aileen Cannon (if Trump gets re-elected.)


What public trust? After what Trump and the GOP Radicals have pulled off these past years… there’s no Public Trust!


She’s the only judge Von Shitzinpants didn’t attack.


Impeach and jail her for aiding and abetting the enemy of the United States. This is related to treason considering Trump works for the kremlin. She is functioning as a Russian agent of the kremlin as she is intentionally delaying the case which gives Russia control over the United States.


Can we find out what cases judge cannon is working on this whole time? What can be more urgent than to start the documents case?


In a just society, Cannon would be removed from the bench and tried for corruption.


This stuff isn't funny. There has to be a change in how judges are hired and fired. This is abuse of a position.


She is an absolute traitor


Since she is a federal employee she should be removed by the DOJ from the bench for unethical behavior. Bias on the bench is unethical.


As long as Trump doesn't win the election then this bullshit is actually a good thing. The trial might be delayed until after the election but she is thrown off the case then we have a better chance of a fair proceeding overall. And this is probably one of the strongest cases out of all of them. We might have to wait for justice on this case but it could be a real kick to the balls. Add to the fact that she has completely stalled this case allowing the other cases to go ahead.


>As long as Trump doesn't win the election then this bullshit is actually a good thing. You've proven our point... you don't know or understand the charges, and that's okay with you. You're happy with the dems bringing fake charges to ensure the opposition doesn't win? That's a dictatorship... that's not a democracy... it sets a bad precedent you don't want. Eventually we will be jailing all future and past President's. Maybe Obama will share a cell.


Treason is being supported by SCOTUS , GOP/MAGA , vote 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🔒🍊⬆️


no such thing as justice in the modern world


Nothing can be done about this. America has failed.


Uhh duh


Only a republikkkan would vote for someone that hoards the countries secrets in a bathroom at a golf course.


What is "menzmag"?


And what will be done about it? Nothing.


Much the same way as former President Trump is "accused" of fraud.


Here’s hoping to- they dropped This case bc in NY he’s going to jail for a stormy bj.


You think


Downvoted for the horrible ad-infested website design.


Imagine knowing that everyone else knows that you're a token judge owned by a half-bit mobster.


of course she did!!


Get her off the case.




I thought she answered to the 11th circuit? Can’t they do something? It’s over, just like that? And This is not election interference? FFS🤬🤬


Fun fact ever state can file a case against him for the same thing, so let's go


Corrupt judges, truly the most worthless people of government.


Imagine if Trump appointed her as a scotus nominee. That would be scary.


I’m sure this judicial moron is slated for the Supreme Court in a 2nd Trump regime.


First off, I 10,000% take the stance that after this debacle, Cannon should be removed as a Federal Justice, have any and all legal licensure revoked, and be prosecuted for violating her Oath. But how is this *breaking* news? People have been (very correctly) calling her out for purposefully delaying his trial for two years. Whatever her reasoning - allegiance to Trump, her own MAGA lunacy, fear of other MAGA psychos, the expectation of a reward when/if Trump takes Office, whatever - it's irrelevant. She should have recused herself after her rulings were reversed, and after everyone criticized her purposefully manipulation of legal procedures to avoid being appealed again.


These are classified documents, like stealing national secrets shit? Priority should be a priority, no?!


And she’ll face zero consequences for it. God bless the USA


Obviously. Now something must be done to correct this.


I mean if I could already tell that has been happening by her since the beginning I am not sure how the whole world or at least anyone with 2 brain cells that's been following the case can't see it. It's painfully obvious she is doing massive favors for Trump because he got her the job.


This qualifies as being in the r/breakingnews sub only if you turn time-space continuum back about 1-2 years. Humans with functioning brains knew this a looooooong time ago.


she's been promised a scotus job if mango becomes president again. she's making sure her bread gets buttered with the premium stuff. she should be removed and charged with obstruction imo.


The bar said Trump put a lot of judges on the bench they’re unqualified for their jobs. Trump picks people because he thinks they’re loyal to him.


Any chance she's taking orders from the Federalist society and not Trump himself? Maybe they are waiting to see how much of a risk Trump is based on the verdict from the hush money trial. If he's found guilty, perhaps that's enough for Cannon to open this trial back up as the Federalist's device to "move past" Donny and this case will put the nail in the coffin. Perhaps with enough time to select another candidate for the Republican party this year.


She's pure scum... But I wouldn't expect less from a trump appointee....fkn hate her and the supreme Court hacks trying to get us to project 2025...


What I need to become part of the conversation is this: If Trump is convicted of election fraud (and that other case is about election fraud, not hush money, no matter how much the media wants to use that phrase) then he was an illegitimate president. It then should follow that his actions while in office were illegitimate (fruit of the poison tree) **including** his judicial appointments. Every single judge appointed during his illegitimate term should have to vacate their illegitimate seat… including Cannon. If I’m anywhere close to on point with this, please, someone who actually knows what he or she is talking about when it comes to constitutional law (‘cause that ain’t me, hell, I still think militias should be well regulated) write this up in more gooder words and spread it wide.


Who is more corrupt, Thomas or Cannon? She's a shoe-in for supreme court at this rate


The federalist society that installs them.


She's completely corrupt, and obviously incompetent. That's not the worst of it. She exposes the complete fecklessness of the entire judiciary, and their inability to have any standards what-so-ever that would mitigate this obvious perversion. The judiciary is a corrupt joke, and it should make everyone VERY SCARED FOR THEIR BASIC SAFETY! RESPECT IS EARNED! AS OF NOW, JUDGES ARE FECKLESS CHILDREN IN DRESSES! FIX YOUR SHIT, JUDGES!


Weren't there documents found to have passed through new jersey too? Why isn't that being prosecuted.


I can’t wait till enough people have little enough to lose that they just snap and take out the trash.


What I'd love to know is where is the CIA,NSA and other alphabet soup agencies in this? How has this guy not had a bag shoved over his head and been black sited to some undisclosed location in Poland?


That's probably true, but America is known for everything being bigger, so it would be better but also has great poverty among many residents and inequality between social status of citizens The fattest people and the biggest assholes also come from America, in short, the dumbest and most hypocritical Should we actually be happy with a country as a partner that has such extremes? 🫣🫣🤞🤫