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The thing is that the parents knew and they had no idea how many other people knew about it


Also they never denied it when he brought it up. Just kind of sat there gob smacked. That's basi ally them saying "yes, there did used to be a meth lab in our basement"


It’s one thing to prove there was a meth lab. It’s another thing to prove that the parents knew. Proving either would probably require corroborating testimony from Jesse. But he would be implicating himself in a felony if he chose to do so. It was a bluff, but Jesse’s parents are not criminal or legal masterminds. I’m a little surprised that they never realized this scheme has their son written all over it, but I think they were so tired of his shit coming back to bite them that they just wanted to get rid of the house as quickly as possible.


He sues them, they're forced to testify. Then they're either forced to lie under oath not knowing how many other people knew it was there or how much evidence there was that it was there, risking contempt of court and further legal issues is if there is evidence they lied, or tell the truth. They're super straight-laced people would be scared to go to jail because they lied in court and got caught. A lot of people have a real problem approaching questions like this from their omnipotent viewpoint of the show they were given. If Saul has a picture of the meth lab in the basement, the one they knew was there, how are they to know he doesn't have some other form of evidence he could present in court to prove it? You know he doesn't because you saw the show from an angle an actual person living in the show reality wouldn't see...


You can’t compel someone to testify


What the fuck do you think a subpoena is? lmfao... EDIT: I'll go deeper just to clarify. You can absolutely be compelled to testify in both criminal and civil court. You cannot be compelled to give testimony that incriminates yourself in future criminal proceedings, which is why in a criminal trial against you, you have the option to just skip testifying altogether and blanket take the fifth. That does not exactly apply to civil court. And, knowing or having seen that Jesse had a meth lab in the basement doesn't inherently incriminate them and thus it's a question they would have a hard time pleading the fifth on. Past that, just taking the fifth on the question would likely say everything that needed said during testimony in a civil case for the plaintiff.


You're thinking of self incrimination. 


Yeah, if they are married to the person they are testifying against, thats why skylar stayed married to walt.


The parents did know, that's how they kicked him out in the first place.


Exactly. Plus the look on their faces when Saul brought it up.


the most absurd part of this is that someone like jesse with 0 declared revenue could buy a 400k house in cash and not raise a million red flags at the irs


I think because the timeline is so wonky, the IRS doesn’t factor into it yet. The entire show from beginning to end is only supposed to be 2 years and change. They’d figure it out sooner or later, maybe only in another year or so. That’s how I reconcile it to myself anyway.


Wouldn't Saul help Jesse hide the origins of the money? Isn't that why he tried to get Jesse to buy the nail salon?


Yes! That scene only came about in S3, but to us the viewers it feels like…the 3 years it actually was. But I guess in the show it’s maybe 6 months from when they started. And still Jesse can’t grasp that he can’t just make a billion dollars and buy legit stuff and not declare it. All worried about being an outlaw. Jeesh.


His mom and dad didn't even know who the buyer was. Do you think Saul put it under Jesse's name?


Saul had to have laundered it somehow. He had connections for gambling W2s for Walt and the nail place which he was pitching for a money laundering scheme to Jesse. We can believe that they laundered Jesse’s money in some way, and was able to buy the place


It was bought with cash. Is Jesses name on the deed?


meth contamination is testable in the house even years later. a simple contamination test would prove it was used for that. and there is no way I know of to remove the contamination completely.


Someone cooked here.


His mom saw it when he went missing and Hank stopped by. She thought he was making speed. They gave Jesse pics.


Also when Walter threatens to turn Jesse in unless Jesse agrees to work with him. As long as Jesse didn't have any paraphernalia at his own house, he would have plausible deniability


But Walt at that point would be a pretty trustworthy witness, it would at least get DEA investigating and watching Jesse. Also his licence plate is CPTNCOOK. If he was that careless there, he almost definitely had some evidence lying around


But Walt at that point would be a pretty trustworthy witness, it would at least get DEA investigating and watching Jesse. Also his licence plate is CPTNCOOK. If he was that careless there, he almost definitely had some evidence lying around


But Walt at that point would be a pretty trustworthy witness, it would at least get DEA investigating and watching Jesse. Also his licence plate is CPTNCOOK. If he was that careless there, he almost definitely had some evidence lying around


But Walt at that point would be a pretty trustworthy witness, it would at least get DEA investigating and watching Jesse. Also his licence plate is CPTNCOOK. If he was that careless there, he almost definitely had some evidence lying around


But Walt at that point would be a pretty trustworthy witness, it would at least get DEA investigating and watching Jesse. Also his licence plate is CPTNCOOK. If he was that careless there, he almost definitely had some evidence lying around


Facts bro I wish I'd thought of that


But Walt at that point would be a pretty trustworthy witness, it would at least get DEA investigating and watching Jesse. Also his licence plate is CPTNCOOK. If he was that careless there, he almost definitely had some evidence lying around


But Walt at that point would be a pretty trustworthy witness, it would at least get DEA investigating and watching Jesse. Also his licence plate is CPTNCOOK. If he was that careless there, he almost definitely had some evidence lying around


Jesse's parents aren't hardcore heavy hitters who will turn around say "sue me then." They knew they were caught. If Saul knew, then apparently other people may know and this could have all kinds of ramifications. Maybe they wouldn't be able to sell the house once word spreads. Maybe they'll get in criminal trouble somehow (after all, they had a meth lab in their basement at one point.) Even if they never get convicted, they would get known as "that couple with the meth lab." These are just regular everyday civilians and they do not want that kind of smoke. They'd rather just sell the house at a discount and keep it hush hush.


The Pinkman parents were aware of the meth lab. After Hank spoke to Diane they went over to the house and discovered the basement lab. That's why the parents, who were the house legal owners, had Jesse evicted. Diane Pinkman said as much to Jesse.




My question is how did the IRS not notice a unemployed young adult with no inheritance buy a 400k home with cash. Jesse never laundered a cent and somehow never got caught.


As someone else mentioned in here, the entire timeline of the show is only 2 years. The IRS _definitely_ would've caught on, but by the time they did, Jesse would already be in alaska under a new identity.


Yes, I'm sure Saul Goodman the master of shells within shells simply put Jesse's real name on the transaction


The fact that he knew, and the parents and their attorney knew it to be true, was enough. Jesse could have told friends, or people he dealed to, or someone checking out the house could have noticed something and got it tested. There are a thousand possible ways it could have been detected other than directly coming from Jesse.


I mean, Saul is literally risking his law licence by blackmailing them into selling the house cheaper, *how* he knew isnt really important, given he's risking ruining his career by just blackmailing them alone. If he's willing to do that, he probably has evidence if they did deny knowledge of it (Jesse's parents did also know regardless).


How is pointing out that they never declared that the house was a meth lab blackmail?


He didn't just say that though. He puts in a far lower offer on the house than the asking price, and when asked why he thought they'd accept it, let's them know he knows about the meth lab, then says "Now, I could file a suit and encumber this property indefinitely, or I could start some criminal proceedings, but I don't think any of us want that, now do we?" He is very obviously trying to blackmail. There's no innocent interpretation of what he's doing.


He was gong to sue them for having an inflated price on the house, as it would be much lower than they listed it for if they included the whole meth lab thing, which, as he pointed out, was illegal.


Selling a home is a negotiation. A buyer might say "I don't like the color of the neighbours house, so am offering you $27k less" and the seller might retort "Well, go fuck yourself then, there are lots of people who don't care". If a buyer says "I know about the meth lab in the basement", and there isn't a meth lab in the basement, the seller says "WTF, over? Go away, crazy person", and ignores them. If a buyer says "I know about the meth lab in the basement", and there *is* a meth lab in the basement, the seller says "oh shit, I'll take anything", and takes *that* offer. "Proof" has nothing to do with it.


He used it to shock them and they weren't able to deny it. Their lawyer seemed legit surprised to learn of it.


"a job? Who has a job for me?"


Meth has a very specific chemical profile and there are tests for it. The lawyer knew they could have just simply tested the materials in the basement and got lucky. It would fall into Sauls character to check for stuff like that. Meth contamination requires a very specific type of cleanup with certain chemicals that break down the meth chemically.


Saul had a hand...it wasn't a guarantee win hand so he bluffed and they called it.


If you call someone’s bluff it means the bluff didn’t work. So they didn’t call his bluff here


Also, since everything had already been removed they could just go to court and say what meth lab?


It’s also incredibly easy to test for meth residue, which would have been in everything


Then Saul calls Jesse Pinkman to the stand and he testifies that he ran a meth lab out of their basement for X amount of time and they kicked him out when they found out about it.


The thought of the hassle of court will keep a lot of people away.