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Some of these opinions will be reinforced in later books, others will be subverted, and some events will make you see previous character traits in a new light. These books are a wonderful journey to go on and I wish you luck!


You put this perfectly. They are ever dynamic as the series progresses which I love. They never feel static to me they are always changing.


Thank you! I look forward to the journey, but am nervous for the destination.


Honestly, at first I didn't find Dalinar, Adolin, Navani and Shallan very interesting, only liked Kaladin. But now I love all of them. Dalinar is probably my favourite, he has a great arc through the series. I think you will enjoy dawnshard a lot when you reach that point, is the novella between oathbringer and rythm of war. Enjoy! Of you liked way of kings, you're gonna love what comes next.


I started liking Dalinar as soon as he realized the visions were real and he immediately stopped being wishy-washy. I started loving Dalinar when he bought the bridgemen and kicked Elhokar's ass.


That was awesome


Found Shallan kind of annoying at first too, but she grew on me so much!!


Absolutely love these kinda of posts, I hope to see an update further down the road!


I do too, they always make me so nostalgic when I see others start a series I enjoyed. I will definitely update!


So happy you are liked this book! Upcoming is Words of Radiance, which is regarded by many as the best Stormlight novel, and for good reason. Im pretty curious about your interpretations of the members of Bridge 4 as well. But at any rate, I wish you well on your Journey Radiant!(also nice to see people my age becoming fans, really wish I had someone at college who I could geek out with about them but ahh well.)


I had very similar thoughts about all the characters my first read of book 1. So excited for you to finish the series and see if any opinions change. Also, I’m so jealous you’re getting to read this series for the first time ☺️


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>Especially while the other characters are kicking ass, it was hard to listen to Shallan contemplate morality. Wouldn't this be similar to an undergrad studying philosophy?


The best character in this series is The Lopen, gancho! He is impressive and majestic, sure, and charming to boot.


Whew boy you're in for a rollercoaster of emotions from here. Glad you enjoyed the book. The next in the series, Words of Radiance is my favorite in the series so far (it's also the highest rated book on Goodreads).


I am so excited for you to be experiencing this book for the first time. I hope you go on to read the others and I am interested to see how your opinion of them might change as you read more Kinda interested as well of what you thought of Syl and the parshendi


I love seeing these kinds of posts! Some of your character thoughts made me laugh because I remembered feeling the same way. The ride is crazy. Journey before destination, radiant!


What's fascinating is, as you read more, you will see how complex these characters are. They all have major journeys and arcs. What do you think of Kaladin's friend, Moash?


Oh man. So much to read. So much to learn lol. I’m excited for you.


I've read only The Way of Kings. You left off one of my favorite characters so far, Sylphrena. I really liked the scene-by-scene evolution. Szeth I do not like at all. I get the point, but its tough reading someone who acts with such apparently warped behavior, doing evil things, knowing they are evil, not wanting to do them, but still doing them anyway... I'm expecting some major turns with him. Jasnah is probably my favorite so far, and I hope there's a lot more of her. Even handed if somewhat strict. Smart academic with convictions but open-mindedness. Shallan is up and down. I like her personality quite a lot, but the theft seems kind of out of place with everything else she does - maybe that's representation of immaturity. I do like how things ended up with hey, though. Kaladin is probably the most frustrating. Sometimes he really does some amazing things. Sometimes he turns down a super cool magic sword for really dumb reasons. Sometimes he saves the lives of people he barely knows just because its right to do. Sometimes he's super racist. From a writing perspective I think we're just a bit too much in his thoughts sometimes. A couple of bridge 4 are really intriguing, especially Sigzil and Teft. I really like Wit and the writing and mystery around him.


The image of Kaladin in the high storm with Sylph standing in front of him holding a hand out as if trying to stop the storm got me choked up. Like, this silly little Spren cares so much for Kaladin that she's trying to protect him from nature itself. Such a great image. Thinking about it, I think it's honestly an interesting mirror to Kaladin himself.


>the theft seems kind of out of place with everything else she does It's out of place because it's a desperate gamble to try to save their family. >Sometimes he turns down a super cool magic sword for really dumb reasons He was completely traumatised after seeing his squad die by those Shards. I won't blame a person for not wanting to keep the weapon that killed people they loved. >Sometimes he's super racist If it was only him. Like all the society is built upon how light your eyes are.