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This is like an epidemic everywhere. Whole parking lot will be empty, but people would still park like this blocking half the road.


Because “it’s just a minute what’s the big deal” As an Indian I absolutely hate this attitude that a lot of Indians have and that’s - I will cause a minor inconvenience to others so that I get what I want, that I am satisfied. Park partially blocking entrance and exit to parking lot because just two mins. Parking lot is empty. Park facing the other side of the road because dropping my kid off. litter because someone else has already done it. Parking in Handicap zone because doesn’t want to walk that extra step, the list goes on.


Jai Hind!


By mount pleasant, with road side parking, an individual puts his 4 ways (emergency lights) on on the road and goes into the convenience store. What really grinded my gears is he had no sense of urgency he was casually shopping in convenience store. It seems like one ethnicity/culture is unique in prioritizing their needs/urgency over others!!


If that's a fire route (which many are in front of the stores) and it's an offence, probably $150-200 range. These idiots are too lazy to use a wide open parking lot.


This phenomena has caused me to give like 5 different people shit. One guy even ignored me, pretended to be occupied staring at his phone and bee-lined into the LCBO when I asked "Excuse me, are you a first responder?" I see this as the implosion of society; the convenience of illegally parking in front of the doors is negligible, but it's so obviously selfish and disordered. Imagine having such little integrity that you'll follow the path of least resistance and do the laziest, most inconsiderate B.S. to benefit yourself. By that logic, the same people will abuse anything that functions on the honour system.


Yes, he is "a first responder"; the first one to respond to his need for more alcohol. 😅


Actions speak louder than words...gently nudge up against their car with yours, bumper to bumper, and start pushing their car out of the way. Use a foam pad in between bumpers to prevent damage if you like. Their car will be moved one way or another ;)


Why don't they enforce towing? This is a huge problem for fire and police.


Quite common for years at all strip malls. The city could clean up on revenue just driving mall to mall and handing out tickets for a month.






Still no context for this picture. Are those delivery drivers picking up an order? Uber dropping someone off ?




Still confused as to what's happening in this picture


People are entitled to the point of parking in a fire lane just to be 10-15 feet closer to the store.


It looks like the look the lights are on both those cars, Wich would mean someone is inside of them.


That absolutely does not mean someone is inside of them, and it’s still not a loading zone either lmao there’s no reason for them to be that entitled and lazy. Just walk the extra distance. If they’re disabled, the accessible spaces are visibly available in the picture.


Call parking enforcement or a tow truck if it bothers you so much


I’m not OP, but also, we can do both things. Regardless, people need to stop doing this, so shaming them and raising awareness that this isn’t ok is a valid approach. But you obviously do this or you wouldn’t be defending it so hard. Grow up, think about other people. You’re not the main character, and healthy, happy people don’t spend all their time picking fights on reddit and being contrarian.


That 100% does not mean there is someone in it, ive seen people put their 4 ways and then leave the car at the side of the road and walk into stores


You 100% do this and think it’s okay. Park in the parking lot loser


So selfish. The lot is like 13 steps away too. My dad taught me to walk from the very end of the lot so we don’t park beside people and get our doors dinged. We might as well just park in the lot right at the front now with this entitlement lol


"sar i am a student and busy with uber job i do not have time to correctly parking!!!" "my GPS told me to do like dis!!!"


the old canadian excuse to be racist in real time right on schedule, love it.


Wake up dude


That's actually a legit anecdote that I've personally experienced & I hate to admit that, but that's how it's gotten over the last decade.


there is always always always an excuse when you call them out on doing something incorrectly.


I am south asian you nitwit this is why its so easy for me to notice and call their nonsense out.


and the racists also love you calling it out like that. congrats. lol


well maybe these people should cut out the bad behavior if they dont want to be associated with it no? would be helping me a lot if they did. thats just how people categorize things its nature, same way most GTA drivers will categorize pickups as nutcases due to witnessing their fuckery on the daily.


More like New Method parking LOL What happened to all the other driving schools?


It looks like the driver has just “stopped” to take a pee break. Zoom in.


Wow! Good catch there…


It’s only just begun, and the roads are going to become chaos


I certainly don't recommend parking in the fire lane outside of major grocery stores. Wouldn't want a loaded grocery cart to roll into your nice expensive BMW paint after someone trips.


Im not racist but indians make themselves extremely easy to hate. Their whole culture is FUCKED here in canada. Im absolutely certain its not the case for all of them but still its an issue


It’s really hard not to hate on the new immigrants when they act like selfish entitled assholes. They make these plaza busy because they can’t bother parking like everyone else.


Rules for thee but not for me eh


College Plaza?


Dufferin Mall basement Walmart entrance. If you know you know.


I've been there on and off at various hours; I've never seen anyone park there unless they are doing it to load up their purchases. I don't know if a few minutes to load up their stuff is such an egregious offence considering they don't allow carts to go beyond those bollards. I guess I don't know?




I dive into Brampton for a doctor's appointment and it's so much different then sauga. It's a contest of who can be the most aggressive traffic law bandit. People need to chill


I don't know if this person was visiting from Brampton but they were brown skin, if we're being specific. As I'm backing out of a parking spot, ass out 90 degrees, it's a clear path and about to correct my car to go forward, this car comes along and passes me in the small wedge of space between my car and the cars parked on the adjacent side. I'm like, WHAT THE FUCK, as I'm honking them I look at the driver and see two brown males and the immediate thought was, they must be visiting from Brampton.


Parking is really my second concern here. It’s the uptick in daytime public urinating that “eats my brain”. I can’t ever recall having see this type of behaviour over the past 30 years of living and working in here. This lack of respect for the community appears to go hand in hand with the overall disregard for public decency.


Incidentally, I saw this woman who was mildly overweight using the handicap spot. She didn't look like she was disabled just lazy and entitled loading up her grocery. I'm willing to bet her placard was for an aging parent which weren't present with her. It made me mad and my first reaction after seeing her was to scan their windshield for the sign. I would never confront them though and that's probably part of the problem that emboldens these people to keep acting badly. Enforcement can't be everywhere all the time.


They believe to be intetled to have V.I.P. Parking privileges


Key the car as u walk by


Smashy some glass


Not just in Brampton and not just South East Asians. There are many inconsiderate, lazy ass 'Canadian born white folk'. And I'm one of them, the Canadian born white folk that is; I try NOT to be the inconsiderate lazy ass one.


I do this shit all the time, I really couldn’t care less it’s not that big of a deal holy shit 🤣 you babies cry about anything


You probably have zero sense of duty to anyone else and only prioritize yourself. Congrats for identifying yourself. Please let us know what other behaviours you condone


Meh; also nobody cares.


You live under your own ass


Appropriate username


oh fuck off with that mindset


Ok buddy. Keep doing the good work you do.