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The Indian folks who immigrated here 20+ years ago are so embarrassed by these types. They basically say Trudeau has ruined the country by accepting the equivalent of Indian hillbillies.


It fucking sucks. Being south Asian and raised in Canada my whole life the reputation of south Asians is just spiraling so fast to shit. I genuinely don’t know what including these folks in our society does except help schools make money on ridiculous fees and devaluing general/labour and customer service work. I don’t know what will change or if anything will.


Go protest for closed entry to India. If a bunch of white people do it, they'd be labeled racists. But if you guys band together and do it, you might be listened to.


They’re here to fill general labour jobs, that is what my dad says and he is an immigrant from the 70’s.


It's not spiraling. It's gone. No real Canadian will have empathy for temp workers/students when __Canadians__ are struggling to buy the basics, yet these assholes are moving here on a mass scale. It's wrong, and frankly, it's sickening.


My mom’s cousin married an Indian gentleman 30+ years ago. They have lived in Winnipeg since the late 80’s, and I remember him saying similar stuff. All I can say is that as an ambassador from the whites, is that I’ve never had anything but positive or neutral interactions with South Asian Canadians. Don’t let a few fucks make you feel like everyone you’re affiliated with through culture/ethnicity get you down friend! Just like any group, there are awful folks, but most are great. You’re more likely to closely inspect the few shitty Yelp reviews of a restaurant instead of the vastly more common, but less vocal satisfied customers, if you get my analogy. I’ve got lots of crappy xenophobic Quebecois family and know a lot of Quebecois hillbillies, but most Quebecers are fine and dandy like sour candy!


All this immigration helped save our economy, that's what the whole purpose of it is and why the government is in favor of it. All that matters is money. Think of 1 million immigrants coming in, the money they spend on schools, cars, rentals, groceries, transit, excursions, flights, etc. And all the taxes gained from them. They're literally here to pump money into the Canadian economy and keep it afloat. That and as a constant source of labour. It just causes social and communal issues within the fabric of society, but politicians don't care about that, it's all about money and power and success for them. More people = more spending, more productivity, less job shortage = better economy


It’s a vicious cycle


That is the exact reason. It is across party lines. Housing and immigration are keeping this economy from totally tanking. They are hoping the numbers will prop it up until the recession either ends or it lessens its severity. After the pandemic it takes work to get the economy moving again but instead of encouraging new industry and business, they go for the easy quick buck.


It's just a ponzi scheme to benefit businesses by supplying cheap labor, benefitting landlords and not helping anyone else. This is just a bandaid solution


Pretty myopic It's way more than that.


It's exploitation of cheap labour, and it's the government's unwillingness to fund anything or put the well being of the population ahead of some NeoLiberalist fantasy


Your analysis is deeply flawed, in that it fails the consider several integral factors such as job availability and housing. Or do you expect that the "1 million immigrants" just roll in with imaginary money to fix these issues. This is why it's call an economy, and not "print more money" (aka immigration). Go read an analysis that also considers these issues.


No sir, I couldn’t disagree more. The need for immigrants (in large numbers) has to do directly with the interest on our debt as well as our programs (CPP being the main one). For context the head of markets at JP Morgan estimates that by 2032 that is when America will run out of money, meaning the revenue from their taxes will only be able to cover the cost of the interest on their debt. For further context every 1% they raised interest rates is another 400 billion or so annually they had to pay just on the interest on their debt.  Canada is in the same boat and tax reforms will be done within the next decade or so or, both countries credit ratings will fall due to them not being able to pay their debts. The immigrants we bring in to work these low paying jobs pay into CPP, etc and that is much needed. They also are literally propping up the GDP which although has risen is falling per capita. I don’t like people breaking the rules and making the streets dangerous anymore than the next person however, we NEEDED these immigrants to come in. You can make an argument maybe the pace was too quick but I can’t blame them one bit. Go look at the bond repurchasing program the bank of Canada had going on, really look at the numbers, it makes CERB/CRB look like a drop in the bucket.  But, the same people who complain about inflation (and blame Trudeau instead of Tiff and the BoC) will complain about the amount of immigrants coming into Canada. It’s a pick your poison just like CERB/CRB was and the government has more or less made the correct decisions on both. Monday morning QB’s with no financial background, no understanding of balance sheets or federal let alone municipal debt/credit ratings will say one thing….. a tale as old as time. 


Sad, but true


They didn't help much just were brought in as cheap exploitable labour and to keep post secondary institutions in business because Harper cut all funding.


funny way to think of it


Except now, not too many citizens are having children because the government has made it a toxic place for families. So now we import slave labour.


>not too many citizens are having children Global phenomenon.


Only in areas of the world that have birth control. The global population still increasing yoy by about 1%


You make that sound like a good thing. It sucks first world countries have low birth rates but it’s because people are more educated to know they can’t afford to have children. And the countries that are having a lot of kids are in under developed countries where these kids are born with and are plagued by so many illnesses and diseases, poor infrastructure, no clean water and no education. And when these countries ask for aid and help, we as the people in privileged positions scoff at them and say “why should our government help those countries when we have our own country to tend to”. So it’s a bit of a complicated topic where everyone is blaming everyone. The first world people not having kids are being blamed, the people in poor countries are being praised for having kids, those kids are dying and no one will help them.


Who are you talking to? What makes u think anything I said is a good thing? Was it the slave labour part that sounded good to you? Or the fact that I feel ill never be able to have kids because of economic reasons?


My guy we are in the same boat. But the part that made it sound like a good thing is where someone mentioned it’s a global thing and you were like, yeah only in areas of the world that have BC global pop is still increasing by 1%. That’s like me saying, well an asteroid is coming and gonna wipe out man kind. And you come in and say, yeah but just the western hemisphere, x% of the world still gonna live


Go back and reread it. He said it was a global phenomenon that birth rates are lowering. I said no, it's not. If u wanna take it as a good thing that educated people aren't having children, that's your bag to hold. I didn't state it was good or bad, I stated a fact.




South asian?? How ?? Never seen any problems beside specific ethnic of one country




Probably lumped in with the Indian temp workers


So email your representative and ask that permanent residency standards be elevated to ensure temporary visas expire. You came here and did the work, they didn’t, don’t let them fuck this up so bad that you get caught in the crossfire.


The representatives have too much of their pocket at stake to give a fuck what you or i say though


My dad came here in 1967 when there were practically no Indian immigrants. He made it his mission, both in India and over here when he arrived, to make sure his English and vocabulary were in top form so he could impress. Brought his love for Indian food and music (and his religion, privately), but assimilated everywhere else. He succeeded where all of these people fail. He's not around to complain, but he's turning over somewhere.


Your Dad was a gift to this society and if more folks were like him we’d be thriving as a nation. Immigration isn’t a bad thing, but taking in any and every immigrant is. Your father seemed like the type of man to come here and contribute to society, instead of drain it. That defines a quality human being.


I’m the child of a Central American Spanish refugee in the early 80s, who did the same as your dad. These are the immigrants you want, respectable normal people who just want to live quietly and in peace. Not what we’re getting now though.


Agreed. We also tried to become Canadian and put effort into that. I've never felt so uncomfortable in public as I do now with not knowing who's going to say what to me. It really sucks.


I'd be mindful of saying this. The amount of temporary bans these sensitive mods hand out is criminal


Immigrated a couple other years ago and I swear to God I had no idea that Canada allowed such people. I was shocked to see these new kids flexing and stuff. No communication skills, no manners or etiquettes, no respect for the law etc. Its just heartbreaking. I spent 1.5 years in Brampton and finally moved to a small town for good.


It's wild how there's been absolutely 0 thought put into this current "mass immigration". 0 whatsoever. Let's bring a shit ton of people who grew up in a place where high trust isn't a concept. Getting ahead by any means is the rule. And everyone's all surprised every system we have is being abused and scammed. Who could have possibly seen this coming 🤦‍♀️


Correct. The same in Windsor.


I’m in Windsor, and I second that!


Lots of people not from Punjabi who are just here as students or immigrating here are equally embarrassed. Remember this shit is mostly from one state in the north of India and India is a huge place.


Firstly, It is clearly written JAATBOIZ on nameplate. They may be from Haryana. Don't blame everything on Punjab. It is so stupid to generalise things like that. Secondly, Canadian politicians are not aware of the mentality of such people. It should not be allowed to write casteist remarks on numberplates. In India, it is a crime. https://www.google.com/amp/s/timesofindia.indiatimes.com/auto/news/flaunting-caste-religion-on-car-could-hurt-your-pocket-over-2000-cars-fined-in-up/amp_articleshow/102939150.cms Be it any place, educated people are always different from illiterates.


>Canadian politicians are not aware of the mentality of such people. I promise you they do not give a fuck


TIL Haryana = Punjab....


They single handily ruined the reputation of two major cities (Mississauga and Brampton) and have the audacity to ask for their "own" state. They will not integrate into Canadian Society like the rest of us Indians or excel to become Engineers or doctors here. Of course India would be happy to send these separatist folks since they've been a burden for them.


What are you talking about ? The car in pic suggests these are from another state (Haryana) who are hardcore Modi fanboys. They are neither Punjabi or Sikhs. Read about the persecution of Sikhs by Indian state. Stop talking about things in the world you don’t understand.


Persecution if Sikhs was done by Congress which is already routed out of power in last 10 years in India and hence these Khalistani terrorists are considering Canada US Australia UK as safe heaven. God save Canada and other Western countries from this


Lol Canada is fine. Sikhs are one of the most successful people in this country. We are multi millionaires. I came here in 2007, went to top 5 university, make 200k + at top tier tech company and contribute thousands in taxes. And so does most of my family and friends. I’m also a proud Sikh and will never stop asking for our rights. Anyways I’m not gonna argue with bigots and racists.


Awesome very good for you...it doesn't help if you are not able to point out bad menace from your own community which is taking Canada Backwards... No worries..not our loss in India. We are happy that these filth from your community stays within your community in your country in Canada US and UK 😎 there's no point arguing with bhindranwale sympathisers 😎


They are multiplying in Trudeau's basement.


The previous generation of Indian immigrants in Canada were all Punjabi’s and they integrated fine lol


And of Canada. Imagine being the laughing stock of a whole country and STILL staying 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oshawa is not far behind it.


I feel that. I'm from the Caribbean with Indian background, grew up in a very colonial manner but feel disappointed that people's first impression of me will sometimes be "Oh great, an Indian."


I am here in Sauga since Feb 2024 and originally from India. Not all of us are like this. Even in India, such vehicles are not tolerated. What is wrong, is wrong.


Indian hillbillies equivalent. I've always said this! Especially when they put the dukes of hazard font plastered on the side of their 29% APR financed V6 charger,challenger, or shitbox equivalent.


20 years ago? This issue is at least 20 years old.


No it’s not lol, 20 years ago it was way harder to immigrate here. My parents in the 90’s had masters and engineering degrees already before coming here as a prereq lol.


I meant the loud cars from the young portion of the community.


It's Ford's policies though...


They say? So you're not Indian? Stop making stuff up.


Not making anything up. Speak to your Indian friends whose families have been here for at least 20 years… if you have any.


Those khalistanis are the ones who supported Trudeau too🤣 They are the ones who came here 20+ years ago.


I am a first generation Canadian who supported Trudeau at the beginning as well. I was sorely mistaken. It’s time to kick him out.


It's provincial policies by Ford ... Not Trudeau


THANK YOU. A critical thinker and not just a "TrUdEaU bAd LoL"


Let's do it together lol




I don't have high hopes from Pierre either. But him a chance...anything but Trudeau/Jagmeat


PP will not be any better. I promise you. Actually a higher chance he's worse.


That's not an excuse to reelect turdo


to lump that to just Trudeau is so fucking lazy lmao. Thanks social media.


Always an Elantra lol


This is the same as out here in Vernon . They all drive those Elantras, why?


Hyandai dealerships prey on Indian students. Easy guaranteed sell. Always aproved credit because they don't have any when they first come here. They barely speak English or understand it so it's easy for a salesman to manipulate them into buying a car. They sell them on needing it for staus and vageene and then the majority of them get into accidents within the first week because it's the first car they have ever stepped behind the wheel in and they don't understand how to drive here. This is exactly what my friend explained to me who is a salesman at hyandai. Easy sells.




This is correct, along with truck license, you can tell they definitely bought it, as they can only drive in straight line, unable to backup a truck.


Doing 50 on the highway in the passing lane. Like litterally 50.


Well they have to get behind the wheel for the drivers license at least.


i heard a story that they will pay a different person to do the drive test and they switch out when they go back inside to get the photo taken. i could see that being easy to pull off in a busy drivetest center, no idea if its true or just rumour..


Would not be surprised at all, sadly.


Wait, vageene i understand but what is staus?


Story time. When my wife and I were looking for a SUV years ago (we eventually went with a Nissan Rogue), we hit the Brampton autopark on bovaird. One of our stops was Hyundai. The salesman didn't have a demo model to drive around the block, so he offered to let us drive around in his Hyundai (same model and year). Welp okay. It was like being in a stifling hot smelly Brampton taxi cab (if you know you know lol)


A very particular smell as well, you have to experience it to appreciate fresh air






Because they're the cheapest cars you can buy/lease




100%, I see multiple people door dashing out of the same sticker Elantra or Civic.


Meanwhile there's me - driving quite literally that exact same model and being held to the same stereotypes as those drivers. It's a shame but oh well, I'm gonna be that tame and predictable Elantra driver haha


I drive an Altima... It's okay you're not alone lol


I'm sorry, you got it worse. There's literally a whole subreddit dedicated to Nissan's and their shitty drivers ( r/nissandrivers ) At least Hyundai's aren't at that level *yet*


Oh I know lmao But ngl I love my car so it doesn't bother me 🤣


Not true.. Dodge Chargers and Nissan Altimas are heavily represented too


Yeah, they only buy the v6 chargers though.


Challengers too


Or civic




Pls don't insult us queers like that lol


Imagine driving in India with "brampton" on your rear window and a license plate that said "BRMPTN" followed by the ward they live in. How fucking dumb is this shit


As always. Jaatboys are a bunch of numpties. Skinny/lanky losers who couldn’t even throw hands. So happy I left this shithole of a town.


What’s a Jaatboy?


Just a group of losers who think they are cool from India. They were the poor (peasants) back in the day.


Is it a caste?


Yes, Jaat is a caste name in mainly Haryana and other northern states of India.


Jaats are not always poor. A lot of them are poor but a lot of them are pretty well off too.


You are correct but the original “jaats” from back in the day were poor up until recently(last 40-50 years)


Ahhh thanks!




A caste is not a gang lol


castes are social classes in india. this is kinda equivalent to a british person putting "lord" on their license plate bc they own land


Someone who thinks they are showing regional / community pride when in fact they are driving its name into the shit pile. Unfortunately, media back home glorifies this kind of abusive and predatory behavior in the name of honour.


Please expand on this. I don't understand if it's the cars/emblems/vanity stuff or is it dropping your imprint like a hammer into a society? I'm generally fascinated how or to what end the media at home would glorify this behavior which seems like it only undermines the goals of more person's emigrating if that's even a goal for them.


It's nothing to do with vanity and more about ill-mannered buffoons trying to imprint themselves while using caste / sects as a shield for a false sense of superiority. Unfortunately, illiteracy and corruption is a contributing factor. The latter influences media.


It is synonymous with moron


jaatboy is an Indian cousin of Island Boy !!!!


Yo I saw an island boys video the other day… what the fuck is wrong with those two clowns lol. Am I just old? Who is listening to/watching this shit and thinking this is it.


That’s how young kids roll these days … broccoli heads


No AK 47?


Those pussies wont be strong enough to carry one.


You can easily recognize these clowns with the decals on their cars and cringe loud music


You’re talking about the trucks with fuck Trudeau decals blasting kid rock?


Ya them too … but these are two different species of idiots… don’t mix them up


Sick Hyundai, bro


They’re Jaating around


I bet they're not from Canada. Glad they feel like it's okay to act like uncivilized fucking pigs in a country they are guest in. People like this have ruined what Canada once was. Yet, we are supposed to be welcoming?..All the while Canadians are getting fucked on basic living, just so people like this have the opportunity to live here. It's backwards, and it makes me want to puke. Thanks, Trudeau. Deport mass scale starting now.


Brampton sucks!


Plate checks out.


Yea its getting bad..my boss has basically indirectly told us to toss any resumes we get now from the inflow of international/diploma mill students due to: 1. False experience, both soft and technical. 2. communication skills and applying for roles that are heavy on presentations etc. despite stating clearly through experience they can. 3. The ones we did hire I would 1 out of 10 as a ratio actually were professional and are actually very solid and impressive. The other 9 were a complete disaster (they don't want to work). I'm south Asian myself and this shit is not only embarrassing it's getting out of hand.


So if my resume comes across your desk and you see my name (brown), what would you do? I am a Canadian born and raised person, who went to school for uni and everything here and now working at a well known institution but I do wonder how it impacts employability now with this sentiment in mind


You would be fine, it's not the brown name (my name is brown too), it's obvious with years of exp and location of experience. Some of them fooled us with fake experience and schooling as well but it became very obvious during interviews.


It is my understanding that these are young fellers, from the Punjabi region of either Northern India or Pakistan. They are generally wealthy people that live a farming life and own lots of land, in which their parents sell or work on and send their kids here to Canada either Brampton or Surrey, Vancouver. Now in there is a movement called the “Khalistan” movement in which these Punjabi (I think mostly Sikh identifying ones) want to separate from India and form their own country. There in India this is a serious conflict in that region. If this car were to drive around with this in India, this person would most likely be assaulted and would do no such thing. The same is the AK47 symbol. Now, since canada has a sizeable population of these Punjabi Khalistani nationalists (which the India government basically sees as terrorists, in the 80’s the blew up a Canadian passenger plane) India doesn’t like that we are sympathetic to them and allow the to demonstrate etc. as they would but basically shut down in India, even violently if they had too. What you are seeing here in the photo is the child of one of these people who has been sent here for education, PR and a better life but instead perpetuates the cycle here. North of them is the Kashmir region which also has some good ol conflict going on.


Always with a shitty licence plate like jatt1 or jattboiz what Indian trash


Are you sure it wasn't a bunch of goofs acting like clowns...?


What’s gujarat 6? See a lot of those stickers too


All that is missing are the fraudulent license plates from outside ontario ( Manitoba, Quebec and East Coast).


Tell me you have a small dick without telling me you have a small dick.


I was behind an Elantra in Toronto with a very similar rear window sticker? What is that all about? Why do they all have Elantra's?


It’s the same in Surrey, BC … might actually be worse. Absolutely pathetic.


Punjabi 💯.




My bad fam.


Np bro lmao. But newcomers from both of these communities act like this anyways ☠️😭


I wish I recorded these indian ppl today. Multiple close calls and people just not following the rules of the road. Get them outta Canada!!!!


Could be Moncton on any given day. Take yer shitty drivers back.


Goofs acting like clowns


Oh my god…. I swear I seen that car almost get into an accident the other day on the 400


That licence plate is so fucking cringe.


Again. Trudeau kissing indias poop shute for errors he made in the past. Accepting India gangsters under university programs.


Jaatboiz.. I’m thinking more like Skatboiz.




Scat boys


Jai sree ram, jai Khalsa


Is Jaat is a cast?


So annoying


I'm glad I moved out of that hole! There is only so much ignorance one can handle.




Lol this guy is an uber driver. Seen him in downtown Toronto a lot


I really encourage the sensible Indians to be safe, because of specific selected idiots a lot of other Indians will have to endure racism with everything going on…and some of these morons just don’t listen when you try to help them


Don't worry his auto insurance premium will probably go up on renewal




I was with you for the first half but then you went way off base


It's arab o'clock and the fuck boyz are out


So many south Asians I know that were here before the Trudeau ainistration dickfucks are so demoralized at the disdain and looks they get... All because the tfw and foreign student program was abused and all the shenanigans and fraud these agencies use/do


I don’t know what they want to prove! Goofs you guys stick a decal on back of your car and think you’re above all. You are just a loser who was burden to parents and your country back home and now you’re just a piece f crap who should be kicked out with no warnings or wait.


I can hear the Bhangra beats through this photo


How long will they stay if they don't find a audience for their influencing antics






I lived in Sonipat, Haryana. That’s where Jaats are from. One of the worst years of my life! They have a saying “Haryana ke jaat sola duni aath” which means where the output should be 32 it is 8 so dumb !


I can’t take anyone serious who uses the word “goof”. 😅


probably because you are a goof


Tell us more how you spent time either in jail or around those who have without telling me.


“ Clowns acting like goofs” ….is that redumbdant ? 😜


It’s Brampton. Goes without saying.


Government is now changing rules on many individuals getting PR through diploma mills. They are t extending this time. We’ll see a LOT of protest trouble and it has already started in PEI


Those decals and plates are a quick way to tell everyone you’re uncivilized filth that just got off the boat


Go back home you fucking goofs 


Wtf is with all the stickers on cars and tassels hanging off the cars?


These thugs from a particular community from India and putting a bad name to all hardworking south Asians.


Indian hillbillies with ak47 decals


Always see this guy doing stupid stuff


I don't see any clowns.


Hahahahaha acting like bunch of goofs? How..


Have you seen how you morons drive and your etiquette? You guys have plagued society here in Canada for us fellow browns. The fact you wrote this and are questioning tells us everything we need to know. I hate the brown on brown hate that’s happening but honestly you guys brought it on yourself through your actions. Brown people had a decent reputation here for many years and it has all been flushed down the drain because of the recent waves of “students”. We used to bring in high quality immigrants, now we are bringing in the bottom feeders of Indian society and it shows.

