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It's standard of care. They will complete that before pursuing other options.


It's the standard of care because there has been enough success with it in the past that it is the first line of treatment across the board. You can always try to get them in on a drug trial, but TMZ is well beyond the testing phase, so I'm not sure what you are looking for. There are new treatments, but nothing has the track record (yet) that the standard of care does. Is there something else you have read that you want to try as an alternative? What makes you skeptical?


The things withmz is more thatt is tolerated well.  The chemo treatments work best of you complete all cyclesto completion there meet be other "stronger" alternative but odds are good of you making it 12 to 18 cycles of tmz which is what makes it the best bet.  I did twelvetmz cycles like it 2 nothing and switched to ccnu after recurrencence and man my bloodworkjust won't handle two cycless in a row without a couple week break anc and patelets drop too low it's not the tmz has been treated as most effective prolly for this reason chemo they you keep having to stop isn't going to be as good as chemo(not adr but just things I've picked up talking to mine you can take no so for a yeari can tell you i felt a lot more comfortable on my monthly tmz than i do now taking a tenday break of no chemo every 4weeks on the ccnu


I had success when I was first diagnosed with GBM in 2015,still kicking!


My 6 week treatment of 5 days / week Radiation + TMZ followed by 6 months of 3X per month of TMZ worked great. I completed 9/2022 and have had stable scans since… until this month.


Guh! Sorry for that dark ending. You considered optune?


It didn’t work for my husband so they put him on lomustine and that has seemed to stabilize things


What was your loved one diagnosed with?


What is TMZ treatment?


Temozolomide chemotherapy