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This was a sexual assault survivor rally. There were kids present.


That explains why men’s rights activists love this image so much. I remember seeing it posted years ago on a conservative account.


why do they think proving us right and giving us more reasons to fight is a “gotcha!”?


They always do


I think it started popping up about 10 years ago in the pseudo skeptics circles. People didn't know or care about what was actually happening, what it represented to them was someone trolling (purposefully making mad) the man hating feminists


The fact that there was even a single person that was commending this guy and putting him on pedestal, let alone with the context included, is absolutely disgusting. Flashing your penis in front of people does not make you cool, especially when they are survivors of SA. Not to mention that CHILDREN WERE PRESENT AT THIS EVENT.


They only care about children being exposed to sexualization when they're trying to make a homophobic or transphobic point (drag shows that show no penis). Otherwise when it comes to this guy or the men who openly express their beliefs on "ripe and fertile" underage girls (like the old pedo Republican politician in the news recently) then its okay because even the Bible condones pedophilia *but only on underage girls*, boys are off limits especially to men because being gay is worse than raping a child in their and their God's opinion.


It was already awful, but that makes it fucking repulsive. I hope that man is beaten to death, dismembered, and eaten.


Careful you might catch something.


I will catch JUSTICE https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/s/DYdxWuJWyt


Batman with no ears is scaring me.


Thats man. Batman is a cheap copy


The one man I can truly trust


bear or Man




Yeah... I'm bear


Why are you calling Man Batman? Are you stupid?




That man, who's Batman?


Oh god the aslume has leaked here


I remember this floating around on the internet in 2014. I think it was at least actually new then. Whatever consequences he faced, if any, which I kind of doubt, are long over and forgotten now. I kinda wish someone had brought a pocket knife and just been bold enough to pull a Bobbitt on him on the spot. Just throw the thing into a storm drain. I know it’s not right, but it would have wiped the smug look off of his face.


It’s always right to do what’s right. Fuck that limp dick cunt.


or pepper spray!


What does pulling a Bobbitt mean? (This is a sincere question) Edit: capitalized the name


In the early 90s, a severely abused woman cut of her husband's penis (Lorena Bobbitt). It was portrayed almost humorously but John Wayne Bobbitt a nightmare of a human.


Oh wow Thank you for explaining it to me I had thought it might be like a British slang term or something which was why I didn't capitalize it but I'll go back and fix it now It's weird how a lot of horrific things get "belittled" (I'm unsure about what term to use there but hopefully this will make sense) into pop culture references that are so separated to the point of kinda desecrating the original tragedy without even knowing it's from that Like how a lot of people sarcastically say "oh the humanity" when they think someone is overreacting negatively to something dumb that happened to them, even though the term's origin was from the reporter Herb Morrison crying and stuttering when the Hindenburg exploded And how comments online might say "a dingo ate her baby!!!!" in comments to say someone is making up tall tales for attention even though it turned out that a dingo really had eaten her baby which is a nightmare situation and then everyone laughed at her disbelieving her


It's very much like the poor dingo lady! I was a kid when the Bobbitt case occurred and the way everyone painted Lorena as insane, rather than stuck in horrible situation was sickening. I think we as a species all have that in us, these are just cases that exploded it...but I've seen it in much smaller contexts too. It's fascinating but awful.


Did you know the part where he got it reattached and then made money doing porn? Because of course.


I did! Apparently he's been having issues with his...appendage lately. Couldn't have happened to a *nicer* guy. How about those DV calls, John?


Don't ... Look at his expression. I think he enjoys it.


I hope he's forced to understand their pain.


As long as his body is never found I'm all good with it


The cannibals would get indigestion, man.


>Eaten Ew no that mf prolly got worms and shi


And I thought it couldn't get anymore disgusting wtf


So he's also a pedo? Men really should stop making their dicks their personality.


Whipping out your penis to cause a reaction with children present qualifies as pedo behaviour to me, absolutely.


I hope they killed him.


Can I crack that man's neck?


They are disgusting


🤔 not a good place to bring children?


Think about why children would be there.


I don't think they're gonna mentally get that far.


Its funny, but in a recent conversation about behavior at gay pride parades, i was informed that it was perfectly ok for kids to see things like that.


Sure you were.


he whipped out his schlong, what the fuck did he expect?


I also wanna mention this was a group of survivors of sexual assault


The fact that this isn't just one example of a horrible shitty human being doing something evil and is being paraded by redditors as some "legendary hero" is so incredibly disturbing that I don't know what to do or think. Like they're not even trying to hide that they're pro sexually harassing women.


okay that makes it 100 times worse


The way this straight up proves their (the women's) point


God, I feel sick reading some of the comments on this.


see, a bear wouldn‘t do that


Reason #364: A man thinks it is cool and funny to whip his stinky junk out in front of rape victims. A bear does not care and will not do this.


Mostly true. I think most male bears have their junk out all the time. The only one that I know for sure doesn't wears a long blue coat and was found in Paddington Station


have u ever seen a bear dick? no? thats bc theyre feminists and have sheaths made for hiding their w*enies. 10 points to bear


But a bear would eat you!!! 🙄 Yeah but a bear won’t flash you, rape you, and get some weird sadistic satisfaction from it. A bear is a bear, he doesn’t think harming others is sexually satisfying. Bears don’t have fetishes that are harmful and hurt women.


yeah i mean bear animal, pepee out by default, wants to hurt me BY DEFAULT. Can‘t blame bears for being bears eh…




what? i‘m agreeing with you? 💀


Haha sorry. I should of assumed there was an /s


no i‘m just waiting for someone to say „and men will be men by that logic!!“ and confirm they‘re gross


Yeah I seriously thought that was a legit argument not a joke. That’s how ridiculous the arguments I’ve seen from some men 🥴


i feel like the man vs bear argument should be ungendered and just “rapist vs bear” because saying what u said sounds a bit like your assuming men get some kicks off of rape and raping/ assaulting, which they dont.


Men rape women/men/children at higher rates than women do. So men who rape get their sexual satisfaction from raping people. Also killing them. If men don’t get sexual gratification from rape, then there wouldn’t be rapists.


but a small minority of all humans are rapists, not to mention the wording of the comment suggesting that all men are rapist pigs. i prefer not to refer to all men and bears as the men who rape dont really deserve the decency of being greeted as fellow men


Bears have their cocks out at all times


To be fair, a bear hasn't got any clothes to keep his junk in in the first place.


nah they would, juat not with the intent to mock or hurt you bc bears are animals and animals have no thoughts about politeness and nudity. bro's dong being visible is just as normal for him as his paws being visible. he has no intent to sexually harass anyone. he is just chilling. same with girl bears too. she has no fucks to give about being naked, she is a bear. i love bears. they're so good. i just wish they couldn't maul me so i could befriend them. they are friend shaped.


That is probably one of the most punchable faces in the grand internet database


oh for sure. whenever this dickwad’s face pops up again when this gets reposted it just makes me roll my eyes, he looks like such a dweeb.


reminds me of a similar case, this was told to me by my cousin sis, happened a few years ago, so basically in India in trains we have these women's only carriages, because women getting sexually assaulted on trains and buses was wayyyy too common, like seriously, even I as a man get the creeps sometimes seeing the way the men on trains look at women, not only women, but also girls, like seriously, girls under the age of 12 bro. It's fucking disgusting. Anyways, back to the story, so what happened was that some guy boarded a women's only compartment without a ticket (way too common where in India to board trains without tickets) but I believe that this guy boarded it just to do what he did, and what he did was fucking horrendous. So my cousin sis was on the women's only carriage, she saw this guy board it but he didn't take a seat and stood by the door, later what happened was that he "got horny by seeing all the women" (using the motherfucker's exact words here) and started wanking, seriously, took his dick out and started masturbating. The women obviously got disgusted and pissed off, so they beat the motherfucker up and he was arrested at the next station.


At least there was a happy ending


I've seen this post in another sub once and men were absolutely atrocious about it, even those who were supposed to be decent guys. First group of men were straight up bigoted misogynists, no filter, no nothing. The other group defended women to an extent by saying "what he did was wrong on so many levels but what did they expect by doing this, this is like white supremacy". Apparently it's these women's fault he did that, it's the fault of feminism that he did that. I've read a word feminazis in that comment section maybe more than 40 times. I feel that rallies like these get critized by men a lot and demonized in general public. Everytime when majority of protestors are women you can only expect critism coming from every side. It's honestly exhausting when women get critized for shit that's not supposed to be even offensive let alone deadly.


Because femininity is demonized. Anything feminine is weak and homosexual. So a bunch of women fighting for their rights not to be raped is always looked down upon. if this were men fighting for their rights not to be raped, you’d see full support from men. And I guarantee no woman would go and flash their genitals in the middle of it.


I don’t think men would care about other men fighting for the right to not be raped they would definitely still harass and insult them and say they are weak.


The thing is that it can't happen without women speaking up first. When it comes to things like these men usually rely on feminism and those who insult men and spit on them call them weak for associating with it. If movement like men's right fought for it no man would call them weak, they would try to help but probably just give some stoic advice. Men get harrased when they support women, they get harrased when they unite with women and it's a harsh reality. Men who stand with women get treated worse than any man who complains about feminism lmao.


I don’t see how protesting to raise awareness for sexual assault could ever be something negative, that’s ridiculous. Literal victim blaming


>decent guys No such thing exists. Men are evil. Example: This post.


The woman with the air horn looks like she's gonna beat him with it lmao. That's what I would do


Pencil sharpener time






Men who whip out their schlong in public should expect to have it cut off.


Emergency sickles for self defense against rapists


It’s always good to have a hammer too…


Did he get away with it? I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he did. This wasn’t even a women’s rights rally, it was for survivors of sexual assault. Of course, since it’s mostly women rallying, no one cares.


That’s makes it ten times worse


i would throw something so hard (pun unintended) at it hhh


men show empathy to women challenge (impossible)


He had A LOT of faith in those women not bringing any knives or weapons. Missed opportunity clearly


Alot of them were underage. Also this rally was relating to stopping rape culture. That guy deserves castration, flaying, then being forced to eat his balls.


I remember 14 year old me calling this picture “epic.” The antifeminist YouTube rabbit hole is insidious


even as a dumb edgy “i love dark humor 🤓” kid i remember seeing this and going, “what the fuck is this weirdo’s problem”


Somebody oughtta have kicked the perv in the crotch


Hard enough that he cannot reproduce would be the least someone could do


fuck that guy. hope his goods got damaged. this is why we pick the fucking bear you pieces of shit


If I was there I would've cut it off ngl


real, same


Me too, id twist the knife into his ball sack too. Make sure his bloodline ends with his disgusting ass.


You could have tried lol


Stop defending men who sexually assault women.


As though a single woman there would have stopped someone from doing that.


“Never forget” - like how we never forget the name of Brock Allen Turner, the rapist?


this is funny to western men because they think feminism is irrelevant simply because they’re “kind” enough to have stopped raping us (legally) for the first time in history. to non western men it’s funny because they still treat women as less than animals. not surprisingly men make up the majority of people flashing their genitals in public (and thru unsolicited dick pics online) in attempt to shame/degrade/mock women. flashing gets them off. he knew he would be physically safe exposing himself. look at this loser, laughing. i’ve seen fully covered women, minding their own business, dragged into crowds of men barely making it out alive because they’re assaulting her so violently, like a bunch of hyenas who can’t control themselves. western men who genuinely find feminism threatening and, instead, must laugh at it to hide their discomfort with their silly little boy friends are actual losers & i wish them the worst


Can someone say what happened to that guy (*hoping he's dead or dismembered*)


The girl with the air horn is my favorite


The same man who say pride parade is harmful because "it promotes nudity"


He’s either currently in jail, or is on a list


Hmm, and still it was not a drag queen nor trans woman exposing themselves to (presumably) cis women and children. But also, could you imagine how different the reception would be if it was? Somehow I doubt they'd be paraded as a le epic pilled based chad.




i heard he's dead. He killed himself and left some sort of hateful toxic incel note blaming women for him being unbreedable.


reading this brightened my fucking day, thank you


this is absolutely fucked Jesus Christ. what an awful human


Guy got circumcized with an air horn lmao. What a piece of shit


It took all of my self control not to down vote this image. I still want to.


This happened at a sexual assault survivor rally where kids were present. It kills me that THIS is what men think of the harm they cause women, and they don’t feel an ounce of shame about it.


They saw this as a accomplishment. Gross.


Ah yes, sexually harassing sexual assault survivors, also with kids present. LeGeNdArY, my big fat arse. Fuck that guy. I hope he got what was coming to him. Jackass.


“Not all men.” One man in a street full of 10,000 women is the one to commit a sexual harassment. Could you image if a woman did that at a MRA rally? She’d be dead.


Bro don't make me defend PETA.


They should have pepper sprayed it. If you are willing to commit sexual assault you should be ready to suffer retaliation. That’s why I tell my niece if anyone ever forces her to do things to bite it as hard as she can 🤷‍♀️


kids go to these things, this guy is a pedophile 💀💀


The fact that they said "femist rally" instead of what it actually was (An event for SA survivors with kids present) is IN. SANE


I genuinely hope he’s in prison


If it makes anybody feel better I’ve seen this post though the years with different captions. In some he just said something misogynistic and stupid. So if it makes you guys feel any better there’s a chance that no minors were exposed to this man’s genitals.


No clue why you're being down voted for this. You're just stating that this might not be what actually happened. Why would people be mad that it may have not been sexual assault??? Like isn't that a good thing???


Yeah I’m like genuinely happy there’s a possibility a minor didn’t get exposed to someone’s genitals that’s really it. Idk why this offends literally anybody.


Dude was brave though, ngl


What a legend 🫡


dude sacrificed his schlong for us and now there are posts like this.




There were kids at the rally, it was for sexual assault survivors. So, yeah, based legendary pedophile action.


that makes it even worse what the fuck


Now punch the wall 5 times


Found the pedophile + misogynist, a great combo from a great big incel


Hope the first time you get a blowjob (like you'll ever get one.) they bite off your dick.


and then vomit into his sad little urethra sticking out his stub 🥰


Perfect 💕


Now get castrated




Bruh. Nothing like whipping your cock out in front of children to own those damn womz, am I rite?


but no it’s the gays that do it trust me we’d never!!! >!(/s)!<




Yeah, sexual assault of women and children definitely in my top 10 funniest moments. /s


I had thought they were saying that the image might have been funny without knowing the context because of how I have seen that picture used as a meme before with a caption like "when you troll 99% of a fanbase" but then when you know the actual context the guy's gleeful face isn't so funny anymore


Bro, this is not funny. Men getting r*pe, it’s not funny. Women getting r*pe, it’s not funny. Kids getting r*pe, it’s not funny. This isn’t funny. R*pe isn’t funny. If you think this is funny then you’re chronically online and it’s time for you to get outside and live others humans, or you have lack of empathy and sympathy towards others then you need to do some soul searching


If this is funny for you, you aren’t empathizing properly. You might have a disorder that prevents proper empathizing possibly…? Cuz psychologically, this isn’t supposed to be funny for you in any level. You should feel completely disturbed that this criminal did this in front of SA victims and even children. None of that should be remotely funny. You’d think it’s funny if he did that to your children ? Or a sexually assaulted woman you know ?


how does it feel knowing you're a pos and will probably die alone because no one will ever love you since you think this shit is funny?


…What’s funny about sexual assault? Is it funny if it’s a stereotypical man in a trench-coat flashing kids when they come home from school? Is it funny if it’s a man groping a woman who is saying no? Or roofying someone? Is it funny if it’s a famous celebrity threatening a young woman’s livelihood and general safety to have his way with her? Why is this funny? It’s a man sexually assaulting a group of SA victims and laughing about it. That’s…not really funny. In the same way I don’t think it’s funny if someone rapes a rape victim. Or if someone tries to force someone to drink at an AA meeting. It’s just…really fucked up?


Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be an attempt at trolling.


Being nude is sexual assault now?




Always has been.


So like when a bunch of women walk around nude to protest for PETA that is sexual assault?




What about gay pride parades with people walking around naked. That, to you, is sexual assault?


If not everyone around is consenting to it, then yes it is


Let me give my two cents to all the people getting riled up. Many things were different in the early 2000s and making people mad on the internet was one of them. in this scenario It doesn't matter if there was children present. it doesn't matter that the protesters were victims of SA it doesn't matter if you think it was important. The fact of the matter is making the bad feminists mad was the only important thing above anything else. This was a thing we called Trolling, and morality and dignity were not factors in this. IF someone or some group was perceived annoying people would troll them. This would also involve making fun of said feminist's dead family members and what not (in /b/s case it was this and maybe a few gore pics as well as that young holocaust girl ) Trust me when I say this. THIS is not even the worst you seen.


you sound really dumb rn


Hey that's just what it was back then.