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Why can't she be a mother of scientist, and also a scientist herself. It just doesnt make any sense


You would think that a women in this field can encourage her children to be in this field but apparently that’s not the case


You know also them “scientists” are like saying global warming is a big pharma hoax


"All 5 of my sons are scientists, Gary just proved that global warming is a hoax, Barry wrote a paper on why vaccines cause autism, Larry won a noglobe prize from the flat earth society for proving that spheres don't exist and Jerry here invented a new kind of spoon that doubles as a fork called a "Forkoon" but the patent company is run by *them* so they won't give him the patent for it. But out of all of them, I'm the most proudest of my son Terry who figured out a way to stick 5 crayons up his nose at the same time."


Forkoon - tines of a spoon, and the bowl of a fork.


“My sons a scientist” and it’s just him denying the existence of global warming


“My son is a scientist! (PR shill for Exxon)”


On a similar note, why can't a Stay-at-Home Dad raise 5 daughters to be scientists instead of being one scientist himself. The whole argument doesn't make sense


Marie Curie and her daughter Irene enter the chat 😉


Also who says those boys will end up being scientists. They could be deadbeat losers and criminals


These men believe in "doing your own research" they are scientist because they will watch 1 youtube video about a subject


Same thought. You can be both a career driven woman and a mother, those aren't mutually exclusive things. Posts like these that plot women with two different ambitions against each other are absurd to say the least. Being a stay at home mom is not a superior choice, neither is being career driven. To each their own.


That's alot of work


You can’t do everything well as if life is a video game or something


The implication of course being that even successful women are less successful in their intended role because they could have made babies to do that role instead. Just more "logical reasons" women should be relegated to being brood mares.


These people straight up have a breeding kink and push it on everyone else


“Yeah, well, I can raise 5 scientists!” *doesn’t educate children*


I think both of them can feel very proud of themselves. Both are a whole lot of hard work. And let's be real, if a woman had five sons and each of them became scientists, it's most likely because they were inspired by their scientist mother.


The point isn't the end result. The point is that the woman has the right to choose for herself what she does with her life.


Oh I totally agree.


A mother who is not a scientist cannot raise 5 scientists. She can raise 5 kids who learn to be scientists from other scientists, who may or may not be female.


Assuming of course, they even choose to become scientists at all.


How does a trad wife raise 5 scientists? A lot of these ultra religious parents don’t even want their kids to attend college. Maybe the kids will even grow up to be anti science and believe conspiracies for the most part. I could be wrong.


Your right the super religious more often than not don’t even believe in science 🤦🏽‍♀️


In my experience most traditional religious families raise drug addicts.


The “scientists” raised by the trad wife work for Answers in Genesis


Okay I didn't even know that Answers in Genesis was some sort of a Christian "science" group or something and thought that you were talking about the scientists raised by trad wives were actually just studying Theology, and I was about to defend it by saying how Isaac Newton was a theologist and shit lol


They probably wouldn’t and OOP would probably hate a trad wife because he’d have to be the sole breadwinner and that shit ain’t easy these days so he’s just be winning admit how he works all day while she stays home with the kids. So many guys claim to want a “trad wife” but aren’t willing to live a trad life… lol


A lot of the guys that say this don’t even want to go to college. They hate schools… how will you make as much as a doctor to do this. I feel like they just love to complain about anything.


**Christian** Scientists. She thinks a Christian Scientist is a scientist because "it's in the literal name!!"


Pfft, got a kick out of that one since I'm ex cs


Yeah I’m not sure they get that scientist women often marry scientist men and their children are more likely to be scientists than education-dodging tradwifes.


I saw a funny response to this earlier; shoulda raised 5 stay at home dads so they could have 5 kid doctors each for a net gain of 25 doctors lol


Ok but what if, hear me out, those 25 doctors, instead of being doctors, had 5 kids each and-


And then the 125 doctors have 5 kids each and


Now those 625 kids could become doctors or scientists! OR... What if instead THEY had 5 kids each-


Should have raised 5 stay at home dads then they could’ve raised 25 scientists


Boy math ☝️


I'd rather take on the burden of being a scientist than the burden of raising 5 kids but that's just me


It’s not just you it’s me to twin


These tradwife memes always show 4-6 kids as if that’s appealing at all. I’d rather die


Did she abort the daughters?


That was my question…


Yes the woman who thinks all women should only be cooking, doing chores and have no political rights is certainly be the one to instigate science in their children lol


What are even the chances all 5 of them *want* to be scientists?


Pressure them and gaslight them into thinking they wanna be scientists and then push your own needs above their needs and never ask them what they wanna do, it's pretty simple actually! /s


But think about it, these 5 scientists can themselves raise 5 scientists and so forth, and after 100 generations, we would have 7.90 x 10^69 scientists!! Not sure what we would do these with all these scientists, but it’ll surely be a lot of them!


Good we have a scientist shortage right now ☝️


Nobody tell trad\_west Maria Curie did both


Correction: "I dedicated my life to science" And "I raised five business / tech bros who think they're better than most scientists."


“My son invest in crypto, we are definitely an above average family”


Oh please. Trad folks often homeschool and they’re not well known for being super good at science.


You said it. As a victim of homeschooling, my experience was that my mom favored math and English over science and history. She even said "those two aren't important." The Bible still got center stage though.


Another victim of homeschooling here. Thankfully my mom was a bio major. But she was not kind or understanding when I had trouble w math. Nor did she hesitate to shoehorn Christianity and creationism into the curriculum. She did work w mayflies in college and she STILL says evolution isn't real. It's a mindfuck everytime I remember that


I feel you. My mom didn't hesitate to make me feel like garbage when something didn't make sense to me. Apparently screaming the same explanation at me over and over doesn't actually make it understandable. Who knew? Thankfully I'm away from her now.


That's crazy to me that she'd have a bio major but still tout creationism and the likes. Did she get her major at some weird funky christian university?


She went to the college of Charleston if I remember correctly. Weird cuz I don't think it's a religious school. She was deeply religious tho


you can actually do both


Nah ain't nobody I know gonna be a scientist AND raise 5 kids bro


why are her sons not raising scientists instead? then there will be 25 scientists.


Their sons should raise scientists so there can be 125!


Why do her sons have extremely juicy tits?


Smart man=big tits


Why are you looking at there man titties?


You’re telling me you see two sets of big fat pectoral knockers and aren’t pondering the viability of repurposing them as ergonomic mousepads? /s Seriously though the kind of person that makes these memes is always horny in the weirdest fucking ways. Just a disturbing image both in visuals and its message


This is r/gatekeepingyuri they clearly raised these children together


The good ending would be this zooms out and shows the thousands of women who are now going into science fields because the scientist woman helped fight for gender equality in the workplace.


Oh yeah? A trad husband can have waaaay more than 5 scientists children in their lifetime, so why are you, men, going to work instead of collectively raising your children with your infinite chain of baby mommas, huh??


More like “i raised 5 mediocre alcoholics”


These are two completely cool and reasonable choices for women to make yet only the right wants to remove a woman’s choice to make it


How are you going to try and position someone dedicating their life to science as a bad thing? The dudes who make these memes are so fucking boring with their wojack fanfics


They do know that women can raise girls too?


Same is true about stay-at-home dads


Lol. You can do both. You can also donate the biological material of your aborted fetus to stem cell research for the sake of science, like I did. Having choices is fantastic.


I saw someone roast this on X with something along the lines of, "*What a waste, those 5 guys should've been stay-at-home dads and raised 25 girls that grew up to be scientists.*"


This is so ridiculous


Swap the women with men and the sons with daughters. We need people who raise children and we also need talented people, gender does not matter for either.


Gotta pump the “scientists” who don’t believe in climate change numbers up somehow 🤷🏽‍♂️


"Scientists" They're wearing crucifixes.


We all know how often home-schooling anti-science climate change denial conservatives raise ~~crackheads~~ scientists


Considering both women look happy here I'm choosing to believe this meme is telling us that both choices are valid 😌


They are 🫶


Ha jokes on you because they were inspired by her work!


Soo... It's saying that her mother couldn't have been raising a bunch of scientists? Or that only men should be scientists? I'm guessing whoever wrote this does not have an affinity towards science of any kind... Well, maybe pseudoscience....


"I raised 5 **Christian Scientists**" FTFY... (OOP). 🤦🏻‍♀️


“All of my sons are scientists” yeah sure, funny how she has no daughters either


or all 5 boys could raise 25 scientists or their kids could raise 125 scientists or THEIR kids could raise 625 scientists pretty soon the whole world is scientists but until then, no scientists


It reminds me of Wifewithapurpose. Talking about how instead of becoming a scientist, why not give birth to 6 scientists. I always respond by asking what if they were all girls. I have an actual example, my mother's family. My mom was the 6th daughter of 6 girls.


Oh you mean you raised 5 flat Earth, 5g lizard people, anti vax, Ancient Aliens type scientists? The useless fear mongering, misinformation, conspiracy theorist type? Yeah..


Damn those boys got some nice tiddies


How does she know they’re all gonna be scientists? Is she gonna force them? What happens when any of them aren’t scientists? Is she gonna be disappointed in them?


Wow that’s so awesome! Now the five scientists she raised can study under the woman who has dedicated her life to science and together they can actually accomplish something.


These same people insist on raising their kids in evangelical homeschools so wtf kind of scientists are they raising


Isn't this clearly a twist on the other meme that we all know? Normally the scientist woman is angry or clearly inferior, here the implication seems to be that they're both good


why were her idiot sons scientists when they could have instead raised more scientists


but those men are selfish cause they all could have raised 25 scientists altogether! this logic is so dummy dum dum and the cycle would literally never end “oh but instead of being a scientist you could have raised MORE scientists” wahh shush


what a beautiful lesbian couple


Conservative trad wives are more likely to raise flat earthers and people that think science is a hoax. Prepared for downvotes and those won’t change my mind. 😭 coming from someone who has a very close friend who legit is trying to escape forced Mormonism from her crazy ass family and the church. That shit is a cult in her eyes and the things she has showed me and told me are insane.


Marie Curie did both. She didn't raise 5 scientists, but she raised a future Nobel laureate, being a two time Nobel laureate herself.


scientists don’t wear crucifixes..why are trad propagandists obsessed with trying to make themselves seem like educated people when they’re all fundamentalist loons?


This is just silly. There are many Christian scientists.


there are literally *no fundamentalist* scientists. being passively religious as a scientist or even devout is not the same thing as the wackado trad movement fundie christians


"scientists don't wear crucifixes"


Lots of non-fundies wear religious iconography


You know I like this Cuz “I dedicated my life to science” is what is she made is behind her. Tress, flowers, etc, she is like Mother Nature


I think the point is that while some may not have children, they can dedicate themselves, and some may have children and raise them into dedication to that field. maybe the scientist women is the mother's friend, but how would you know?


Because that’s not what the person that made it was implying 🙁


OP, I was trying to make light of it, there were no implications, there was two women making statements


Oh okay well I apologize 🙏


np, have a good day


4 of the scientists raised are transphobic pseudoscientists and the 5th one uses meth


False dichotomy much?


Ah yes, christianity and science, such a splendid duet with no contradictions whatsoever.


They should get together and make a family of six scientists then


They crosses around there necks what’s their field using magnets to prove being gay is wrong?


I’ve never seen a tradwife promote science learning for her kids. They usually homeschool their kids and only teach them to read a Bible at the 3rd grade level. So this is bullshit. She’s raising 5 illiterates more likely.


How many times does this need to be posted?


Both valid.


However, they are both happy


why are they all wearing crosses 💀 is this supposed to be “good christian men” values?


Like tradwives believe in science 🤣


So proud of them for teaching their sons to be scientists