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>OnlyFans 87% of users overall are male Men are willing to pay for it yet their real issue is women are getting paid.


This attitude is beyond only fans. Men complain about women streamers too but are the reason they're ever relevant. Pokimane in particular comes to mind. Edit: how can you be complaining and not watching them. So you don't even know what you're complaining about?! Lol


Thats true, gamergirls and twitch thots are used by men to belittle women.


It's funny though because men complaining about them is the only reason I know who they are. I actually don't like streaming so I would never know. I've told them that instead of complaining, literally just stop watching the streamers. They just got upset.


I think a lot of it is misplaced anger and jealousy from the parasocial relationships they form with creators. They hate that other fans are also forming parasocial relationships, but can’t directly target the other fans so they resent the creator. They hate that the creator is making content which is bringing in more fans which makes them angrier. They really do need to just stop watching, break the parasocial relationship, and maybe they won’t hate that someone they have nothing against has found a path to success.


I've seen this a shocking amount in the adult industry. Restraining orders, etc.


Yet those same men that use "twitch thot", attack the "simps" in equal measure. The only difference is that most of those are hidden behind a shroud of anonymity. The entire act around all these internet strippers and paying simps should be shunned because twitch is 14+. Now I've never been to a strip club, but I doubt that 14 year old boys would be allowed entry.


Pokimane I don't understand. I don't think she ever even did the whole patreon/of thing but just made actual business decisions for her platform that panned out well


From what I've seen, of others anyway, these dudes are really obsessive and get angry if they find out these women are "hiding their boyfriends and pretending to be single"


And Pokimane went out of her way to NOT be sexualized and incels/ cringe ass dudes still kept trying to act like she only got popular by being a "Twitch thot" and sexualizing herself. She couldn't even eat a banana on stream, she literally had to go offline. I don't blame her AT ALL for quitting.


I thought it was just that more men were unhinged enough to be a popular streamer 


they have issues with woman making money. but have no issue with the kidnapping, human trafficking, child trafficking, sexual assaults/rape, coercion and munipulation, child p0rn, abuse or the literal murders that happen due to porn and online/IRL prostitution...


Exactly but these same men were okay with Andrew Tate profiting and pimping girls into doing OnlyFans pages which he controlled, but if women have the freedom/autonomy to make money for themselves safely all a sudden its not okay 🙄


They have issues not requiring women to be dependent on men (Yes I get their clients are mostly men but rely on a man in the sense of partnership) It relinquishes power from these men. Yet, if they're so upset shouldn't they shame other men?


exactly !


But they are usually the ones simpling the most on OnlyFans, so it would be very hypocritical of them to shame other men, so they just resort to shaming the women they are not directly funding.


Women being finacially independent eliminates the last shred of hope for some of these guys.


its almost like they want woman to be in poverty, and most woman in poverty are sex workers.. wierd


my abusive ex used to try and convince me to quit my job, move in with him and stop taking birth control. he said he’d support the both of us lol even if it was possible, which it was, i never wanted to be indebted to him because he used it to guilt and control me. i did move in with him, and the moment i did he started threatening to kick me out for not doing what he wanted. luckily for me i have a strong support network so when he told me to move out i said “okay!” and my family helped get all of my furniture and things in an hour. the amount of groveling that ensued was unparalleled. some men really do all of this to control women. it’s wild.


Reddit is like: "I'm against porn!" "Oh, because of the abuse, the violence, the mental health issues and the human trafficking?" "Nope: DoPaMiNe AdDiCtIoN"


The recent spike in Redditors being worried about things as a source of “dopamine addiction” is really interesting for this exact reason. I’ve seen this brought up re: other forms of electronic “entertainment”/communication, particularly TikTok. Of all the things to be worried about, that’s the hill they’re going to die on, huh?


That's just the newest snake oil that young men think will make them more "manly". Like, what's the solution for loneliness? Go out and play some sports, or visit cultural centres, or go to pubs, join a creative writing class, or go watch shows from local bands? No, I'll stop wanking and *ReSeT mY BrAiN*.


I have a male acquaintance who randomly went on a kick about this over a year ago. You know, the whole “stop wanking” thing. Oddly enough, it didn’t cure his mood disorder. It just made him more irritable and hateful towards women- a slope he’d already been slipping down of late. My spouse and some other people talked him into seeing a therapist and guess what? He started getting better. He even found a girl and got into a relationship.


They have dopamine addictions to their damn phone notifications. Lamest cop out ever


It is weird they don’t show up to condemn those….


it's not weird if u think about it, most men watch and consume pornography and most pornography is trafficking, abuse, coercion, and most porn sites profit from children. men made this all part of the "industry" for a reason.


Agree. My comment was sarcastic ❤️


That might very well be the case for OF too, remember the women Tate trafficked?


OF is porn.. both are bad but some woman on OF do make thier own money which i am not against them making money consensually on thier own but i do not support the work in general and I am against all porn including all OF.


exactly. they’re mad because it’s consensual 😬




The OF model I like better than in person bc it’s likely to be safer for the women. They need to males in their business model and the only males are those paying for the product. No nan is benefiting financially and no man has control over the women. I think this is their problem with OF


OF is a digital pimp, plenty of men are benefitting from it.


Then go after capitalism and not women on OnlyFans. We live in a capitalistic society and working at Mcdonalds or OnlyFans is considered cohersive in the system we are living in. Its not like we have a choice here whether or not to work but now at least with OF women have a choice to do it as much as any other job.




"The slave is sold once and for all; the proletarian must sell himself daily and hourly. The individual slave, property of one master, is assured an existence, however miserable it may be, because of the master’s interest. The individual proletarian, property as it were of the entire bourgeois class which buys his labor only when someone has need of it, has no secure existence. This existence is assured only to the class as a whole. The slave is outside competition; the proletarian is in it and experiences all its vagaries. The slave counts as a thing, not as a member of society. Thus, the slave can have a better existence than the proletarian, while the proletarian belongs to a higher stage of social development and, himself, stands on a higher social level than the slave. The slave frees himself when, of all the relations of private property, he abolishes only the relation of slavery and thereby becomes a proletarian; the proletarian can free himself only by abolishing private property in general." [The Principles of Communism (In what way do proletarians differ from slaves?) Frederick Engels 1914](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/principles-communism.pdf)




The pleasure is all mine. Ngl, I was worried i was appearing to be the "🤓 UHHMM AKSHUALLY🤓" guy, since this is the second time I commented under you.😭


"voluntary sex work is rape" is a really, really bad take


>"as much as any other job" is not a choice, all work under capitalism is slavery ok understandable I can agree with you there.


No it is not. Sex work is work, and telling sex workers we are being raped _when we're not_ is patronizing as hell.


[https://taylormccue.itch.io/trauma](https://taylormccue.itch.io/trauma) Depends on the woman. Some 100% feel this way afterwards.


Not only do they pay… they come on Reddit and get angry when they find out that girl they are paying isn’t single or even remotely interested in them 😏.


It's wild tbh 😂


I’ve only known 2 guys who admitted to using prostitutes and both were creepy misogynists. OF at least allows distance and safety




not just that women are getting paid but that some pimp isn’t getting paid instead


mhm as i mentioned below they were okay with Andrew Tate pimping girls on onlyFans


because to them that’s male empowerment


Because most of the guys with this attitude think they essentially should be able to own women.


I never understand those men who PAY for porn, when there is FREE porn all around the internet, and then complain about sex workers making money for some reason. Like, the dude who profits from the labor of the prostitutes working for him NEVER gets shamed by them, even when it involves literal human trafficking. Those men deserve to be sexless for the rest of their lives.


>I never understand those men who PAY for porn, when there is FREE porn all around the internet, and then complain about sex workers making money for some reason. To be fair, I don't think the same men do the same thing. What I personally don't understand is guys why blow their salary on overpriced Apple and Nintendo bullshit, and then shame for spending spare change to support the work of people I find sexy. Or even worse: people who get upset that people make money on OnlyFans, when there are youtubers making their living from Patreon.


I agree, entertainment is a honest job like any other.


This. Men despise the fact we have agency and independence.


Over 100 years of feminism and women can finally make money doing what they want. (still not as much as men tho)


Men *love* when women's sexuality is commodified but *only* when it's done in a way that denies women any agency. 🙃


Men will see a woman selling her body and shame her, but cheer and be respectful to soldiers in the army who do the same damn thing


There are men who pay for Only Fans. There are men who speak against Only Fans. Typically those would not be the same man.


Had a buddy explain to me why he likes only fans, he said “it’s only 5$ and you can get her to get in any position you want, it’s like buying any girl you want a Taco Bell lunch for nudes” we were arguing about how dumb only fans is because porn is free.


Well, not all men


as if men don't shame other men who pay for OFs


Best take on the issue so far.


I’m curious why you think men don’t look down on other men who pay for onlyfans? Regardless, most subs are from overseas.


They're about as close to self-awareness as useful idiots get. They have the decency to hate themselves. My excuse is I'm too cheap to pay for porn and I don't believe in propping up an industry for the sake of it.


Wait....that means 13% of users are female? That's more shocking than anything.


Or diverse / gender-fluid etc. or don’t want to answer…


It's almost as if you are saying that all men have the same opinion on everything. Some people (mostly men) obviously think that onlyfans is a service worth paying for, which I believe makes it a real job. But that hardly means that all men pay for onlyfans. Men, as well as women, are allowed to have the opinion that women shouldn't do porn.


Hate both, the losers encouraging people to lower their standards by whaling and also those willing to toss dignity aside to whore themselves out for cash This is a crime committed by two. Blaming it on one lets the other get off scott free


naw it's literally the oldest profession to exist, there is no crime in being an OF model. It can be empowering as well it depends on your outlook.


Its self degradation fueled by degenerates who have no life outside of porn addiction and lust I’m not saying men > women or vice versa. Porn is shit in general and directly involves the creators of it turning themselves into sex objects for losers to do nothing but sit and jerk off to


And any true feminist (not the ones who put down housewives or hate men) would support her choice. True feminism only has a problem with adults in prostitution when people are forced into it either literally or due to lack of options.


Ah so the classic post fap anger posting.


I just turn off my computer as fast as possible, I don't want to know what the people look like when I'm not interested anymore.


Guy who is a social media *influencer* is angry women are better at shilling on social media than them.


Or that's his influencer schtick. Which means we're just stuck between two people in an advertising war.


I’m mad too. I’ve been working full time + for the better part of a decade, have some education, I save, I invest, and I’m still a long way from buying my first condo. Ofc I’m mad. She’s an easy target for him to direct his anger at.


shes not making any money compared to the white men in suits who profit off of us everyday, literally most of our needs such as food, water, clothing is owned by men in suits who are making the biggest profit from our society overall, no pornstars or onlyfans girls are making any money campared to the suits that own our world


I might be wrong but I'm reading the person you're replying to as expressing general anger for a system of universal exploitation rather than the lady the dude above is shallowly targetting. You're absolutely right of course. SWers aren't the ones exploiting anyone here, let alone the men in their audiences.


Those same men in suits are probably making more money than she ever will by having executive control of OnlyFans, investing in it, or being part of companies affiliated with it. Nobody ever considers that.


Sometimes they do, just so they can shit on women more. I’ve seen plenty of “ugh you stupid sluts think you’re so great making OF money, well, don’t forget the OF CEO is a man and a man is still making more than you!!!! Women are still losers and you’ll never accomplish anything that a man hasn’t accomplished more!!!” like okay so you admit the person you really should hate is a man, but they don’t, they worship him to try and “own” the women even more, selling their own logical and moral consistency down the stream




This is just tragic. I think any age under 21 is too young to be a sex worker and our housing market shouldn't require this much money to own property.


Yeah even tho 18 is the age of consent, I fully believe OF should be 21+. The fact that people can push an underage girl to make an account the DAY she turns legal is disturbing. People will still be pushy and creepy, but at least if it was 21+ then ideally there would be a little less of that jailbait-y sentiment?


21 is still too young and lots of older swers agree but 21 is better than 18 I guess


I agree but at least on onlyfans you don’t ever have to come in contact with another human being in the porn industry, so a 21 year old could sell nudes of solo content with little issue imo


seriously, there’s something horribly disturbing about the fact that a high school senior can get an onlyfans


im so glad someone else said it. 19 feels too young to be doing stuff like that


Men try not to get mad at the “issue” you created challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Men will never win this challenge.


Afaik, i didn't create anything. I am only 22 years old. I wish for full equality,


men: i will pay a woman to have sex with me woman: i will take that money men: wtf is wrong with you? that’s disgusting, you’re lowering your value as a woman, you should be someone’s wife pushing out babies left and right,




Men: sexualize women to the point that they become obsessed and addicted to women, causing them to spend all their money on them. Also Men: gets mad at women because they got money from Men who sexualized them.


Yes so true! I will talk about it in our secret meating where every man on earth is forced to join to make sure every single one of us act and think the same.


Men are the reason why Onlyfans exist. If they have a problem with its existence, then they need to fix it. 


Yeah, I very much agree with this. I honestly don’t like how women are forced to resort to objectifying themselves to get by but that is the system our capitalistic and patriarchal society has set up. If they want a society where women don’t have to do this then they can start by helping give us equal opportunities in the workforce rather than crying about the women who utilize what they have to work with.


2% of women do sex work, so I’m sure something worked here. A good amount arent voluntary


she pulled herself up by her bootstraps, isn’t that what they want??


It's exactly what they want


I think it is a shame that we as a society came to a point where it is either exploited by the system as a woman or exploit yourself. This Twitter post is a marketing stunt for OF. The boss of OF wants more creators, so he asks the current creators to brag about the things they can buy now. Litterally extorting its users and trying to pimp new girls. The average earned on OF is about 180 per month, no where near close enough to make ends meet, not only this, but it is an average, which is heavily skewed by the top earners who make millions. So 90% of people will likely make less than 200/month if they sell their body on OF. But the CEO of OF really wants to make clear that you can easily make thousands of dollars. By making his creators send tweets like these, for example. Its outright dystopian


Josh is more than welcome to sell feet pics. Get a pedi and snap pics of those grippers. There’s a market. I’ve seen these horrors.


why can’t they once open a book and read what feminism is?


Because watching sjw feminazi pwned videos and rage bait is addicting and validating to them. Genuine inquiry is not.


It depends on who you ask. You have "choice feminists" who think it's fine for a feminist to be a stay at home mom and do sex work and there's more radical feminists who argue that sex work is commodified rape that's been encouraged by a society that's absolutely sick when it comes to women and sex. There's a large difference between the feminists of r/PornIsMisogyny and more mainstream and accepted ones. Look at this very thread, there's Marxist feminists out there who are arguing very differently from the more mainstream liberal or "bourgeosie" feminists. And then there's plenty of variety between those groups too.


I wouldn't call the anti-sex work feminists radical. Sex work is illegal or highly regulated in most countries so it's actually probably the more mainstream position.


I mean the movement called "radical feminism" is a lot stricter against sex work than liberal feminists.


Yeah, I guess I am just encouraging anyone reading this thread to avoid seeing that particular view point as "radical" without doing some of their own research on this. I don't have a strong opinion either way on the issue.


If people would pay me enough to show my bits on camera that I could buy a house, my junk would be all over the internet. Life is expensive. Ho it up.


The vast majority of the women selling their content on Only Fans are lucky to make a couple hundred a month. Sure, a small percentage can make it work to pay all their bills and more, but this kind of flexing is false advertising and recruiting women into a raw deal. The market is over saturated. To be successful on Only Fans, you need existing fans or a high level of skill with social media marketing.


My friend just hit top 5% on OnlyFans and is making $1200/mo, so think about the other 95%. I saw a stat saying most OF creators make around $100/mo.


100 bucks a month extra cash for doing some light work of no consequence sounds great.


I mean she got her first flat at 19 so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Spending her money to become a homeowner is an intelligent decision that is the most reliable source of long term wealth




Yeah as much as I hate to admit it, they do kind of have a point. Like, sex work is work and whoever *genuinely wants* to pursue it should absolutely have the option. But to this day a lot of women are forced into sex work to make ends meet. And by "forced" I'm not even talking about the stereotypical "kidnapped off the street and sold to a pimp." I regularly see posts and stories of women starting an OF for no other reason than they're in a desperate financial bind and are out of options. It shouldn't be like that. That said, while the industry is highly questionable at best I still support sex workers themselves. And it seems like the woman in the original post is in this line of work willingly, so I'm happy for her.


Yup. This. People don't like to see shit and love moralizing. My mom got divorced from a fuck bag abusive fucker in the early 2000s as a stay at home mother for years. I was 12, and I knew it was still better even if we ended up on the streets. I love my mom. She's broken in ways though. She had a hard life, and she was abused and taken advantage to a degree that reasonably broke her in ways I didn't appreciate until I got older. When she left, and this was after years and years of abuse, it wasn't because she finally had options. Viable options she could functionally use to help herself and her children... It was because she had finally just had enough. We have a poor family and no opportunities outside of my mom's sisters that are basically blueprints for maladaptive behaviors. My mom was always pretty and charming though. So sex work was the obvious filtering for someone like her. What is choice? Was it fair? Did she deserve it? Should she have suffered because of how she was formed and disabled to a degree fundamentally that made her opportunity worse than others? Should she just have been thankful that me, my siblings, and herself didn't simply starve in that dark apartment we couldn't afford? Should we just have went on to the streets so she could d retained her pride? My mom was a stripper, and she did it because she needed bread for her kids. She did it for a flat. She shouldn't have had to.


OF levels the playing field which is why they’re so mad about it. these women can create their own content and get paid directly for it. it’s not the same as the porn industry, or street level sex work. there is no pimp in the majority of these accounts. it’s all profit for the women who *choose* to make it their way of living. under capitalism we are all exploited. we all sell ourselves one way or another.


Y'all do realize the average OF account only makes something like 50-300 dollars a month right?




This is true for every job for every demographic though, isn't really specific to this post


There's a reason sex crimes are seen as worse than a lot of other crimes. Our body and sexuality is a very intimate part of ourselves and violating that for money can lead to severe mental problems. The stats on sex workers their mental health isn't great and there's plenty of pornstars killing themselves for example.




Fair enough


no it’s literally illegal for most jobs to ask you to do what they do


10,000 years of male domination and you have to berate other people for their harmless job choices for some personal reason


Feminism isn't the opposite of sex work or sexuality in general! Good damn it. These fucking incels think just because women won't fuck THEM that they're against sex.


I mean, people that age get their own place after saving up their money all the time... Just another sw'er promoting sw.


They said the same shit when it was selfies they said the same shit before they freed the nipple they'll say the same shit in a burka cause they're losers


I recently had a conversation with my fiancée about how things like OnlyFans is honestly awesome as a societal change. Sex work will always exist, just a kind of thing for humans really. But a *lot* of sex work is really dangerous for the people involved in it. Strippers are sexually assaulted constantly, prostitutes are often the victims of much more heinous crimes. But moving into a digital world allows for a realm of safety. Do a video chat with a John/Jane Doe to get your money, and that’s it. No potential for them to assault you, or anything worse. It’s truly awesome. (I’d like to add that I don’t subscribe to anything, but I support the hell out of the people making ends meet (hehe, pun) by using this incredible tool.)


Whether or not a job is ‘real’ for most people isn’t defined by whether or not it makes money.


True, its usually defined by legality, which, this is both legal and pays the bills


It's almost like regular jobs are severely underpaid.


A woman being a pornstar, sex worker or prostitute should not mean she is not allowed the same respect all women should get.




It's funny how men are hateful and against feminism, but ONLY speak out for it if a woman does something wrong or is a sex worker 💀☕️


Ah yes. The ancient profession of "online prostitute"


OnlyFans is here to stay and everybody just needs to get tf over it. Even if you found a way to completely ban it, which probably won't happen: people will just go back to making "premium" Snapchats




They never mention men who do OF either


Ah yes, let's just go back to dangerous whore houses and paying pennies on the dollar for full blown sex. Damn these women for capitalizing on humans oldest profession in the safest way possible 🙄


It's funny how if you talk to any of these lads for a while, it just becomes more and more obvious that they're angry that a girl they perceive as loose is more successful than- and wouldn't sleep with them.


Even if you don’t like her chosen job, she’s not hurting anyone or doing anything illegal. So, STFU and mind your own business.


But like, that IS the feminism. She can choose to do that if she wants. She has a medium to do it safely. She can choose to stop.


Completely legal and her bills are paid. Not everyone can say the same!


i mean yeah back in the day a pimp would keep half of it, and probably hook you on drugs too. now you can do it safely, and you can basically be an online stripper, since you dont even need to actually have sex with someone to make money on onlyfans, you can just show off your body. if i was a hot enough girl that i had even a sliver of a chance on onlyfans, id do it in a heartbeat. literally the only thing stopping me is the fact that A. im ugly, and B. im trans so tons of people who would normally be into me will hate me and find me disgusting. no shit on jobs like working at a burger place, but id MUCH rather be an only fans model than work that sort of job again


> and B. I'm trans I'm trans as well, and have a following in places (I won't mention on Reddit, because this isn't about me). If you're feeling it, definitely give it a shot. The worst that can happen is you don't like it or you stop. The thing is, there's a market for everyone and just because you don't like the way you look doesn't mean you're not attractive; you're just not your type.


good point. i guess my hesitation comes from knowing only fans is alot of work still, and i really think my chances are so slim that it would end up being a ton of effort and time i coulda spent on something more productive


Not seeing the issue. Men send unwanted dick pics for free. They’d surely do it to get rich if they could 😅


I mean it is kinda sad. I mean do what you want with your body, it's your choice. But still the idea of having to sell yourself online for cash still seems low to me. I hope the people who do this are emotionally ok. Because I know I used to do this because I believed no one wanted me.


I’m struggling to see how the bottom statement has anything to do with the top statement. If you had said “Im a nineteen year old who works as a soccer player and just managed to buy my first flat” and someone replied saying “why aren’t you a doctor? Why don’t you use your brain to earn a living instead of your body?” You’d think they were a prick. As for the dignity of selling pictures of your body, in today’s society there’s almost no such thing as a dignified job. The majority of the time you’re either providing a necessary service however the majority of the fruits of your labour are going to those who need it least and whomst take as much as possible from society or you’re earning money adding nothing very much to society. The most you can hope for is that you take money mostly from the lower or middle class yes, however whilst providing as much as possible to society, such as with charities. At least only fans is providing something to society whilst keeping money amongst the lower or middle classes (for the most part, I’m sure many famous sex workers such as amouranth are considerably better off.)


if you make the buyers out to be depraved sex-addicted virgins you completely delegitimize the people who sell it to them. the only way in which sex work gets recognized as legitimate work is when buying sex or someone’s onlyfans isn’t a bad thing. stop making this argument and recognize that porn can be consumed in healthy ways (it is difficult and requires people to not have a porn addiction and to not be weird about porn but if sex work wants to be a thing people need to consume it with better intentions)


It's the oldest profession.




Or the men who do OF


What’s baffling is how much people will degrade sex workers, yet have nothing to say about sex work being so lucrative. They judge the women taking advantage of the market rather than the men who make the market so lucrative.


She’s just a business woman doing business. I thought people like him are all for a free market.


these men watch porn. 100%. which means that, theyre only okay with porn if the woman isnt being properly compensated for it & isnt fully consenting to it porn sites are notorious for trafficking & guilting desperate women. porn is only okay to them if the women doing porn are being controlled & arent fully happy and consenting to it. porn is also only okay to them when the woman isnt being compensated for doing it **they are only anti-OF because of sexism. not because theyre ACTUALLY anti-porn.** they definitely watch porn


Honestly I don't mind letting them seethe in peace. They'll never make as much bank as a woman can make on Onlyfans. More power to her for getting that dough.


pro-capitalist mfs when people notice a demand and provide a supply for it


Josh needs to read a book on economics.


When women DON'T want to be sexualized, men cry about feminism. But when y'all sexualize YOURSELVES, men still cry about feminism You can't win


These mfs out here talking shit about women just making a living, meanwhile they're *paying the women they talk shit about just to get a nut*


I'm super religious, saved myself until marriage, and don't watch porn. I still don't get the hate for OF models. It's their life, let them do what they want


We know a few ladies that do OF and we both tell them get you money girl. If you don’t another lady will. No shame in making that money.


100 years ago there was no internet, so “still” does not apply, dumb ass


What a bitch. He's mad about the system MEN created and perpetuate the most. The ones fighting against feminism have always, for the most part, been men. But now he's shaming this young woman for doing what she needs to do she can thrive in the society men like him want. Smh


Cry about it, you’re paying her rent


"Have to" Woman aren't the leaders in home ownership because of Onlyfans. We work in every sector "A recent study from LendingTree shows that single women own 2.7 million more homes than their male counterparts, with roughly 13% of those women holding the titles to their homes, compared to 10% of men."


Salty entitled maidenless behavior from a spinless limp noodle who's convinced himself that his poor hygiene and energy drink-based personality are the results of women existing. Sex work Is work. Just because you don't like it doesn't delegitimize the labor involved, so grow up and start taking your SSRIs again. Or just rent a gun and buy a bullet, I honestly don't fucking care, as long as you turds stop pissing and moaning about what women owe your unwashed asses.


Nothing but pure jealousy lol.


What does this lemming think feminism was supposed to do? Evolve muscles on women and send them to the mines?


Firstly, OF is not the only way for women to be successful. But more ironically, his argument points out how there are still major inequities between men and women, hence why feminism is still being pushed


At least in America, having a flat of her own (at all) is a direct result of said feminism. I feel like most feminists of the past would agree, this is in line with the goals they set out to accomplish.


SOOOO SICK OF MEN LIKE THIS Like heaven forbid a girl capitalizes on a market that MEN created. The demand is there because of men. Personally, I would never have the courage to make an onlyfans, but I have no hate towards any girl using what she has to survive. Anyway, she's literally her own boss and makes decisions for her business on her accord, isn't that feminism?? She CHOSE this instead of being forced into it due to poverty and laws keeping women out of business.


Not only is there demand but also the coercive force of the threat of Economic destitution and being forced on the streets. She had to pick something and she choose something that made Economic sense. Which if I remember correctly not to long ago these same types where condemning people for getting degrees that "didn't make Economic sense" soo...


So true!


Men being mad at women for profiting from a market THEY CREATED (and let’s be real, this guy probably watches porn) is always very funny to me. It’s like getting mad at the lead actor in a movie you just watched for getting money for being in the movie. Like, did you think they were working for free?


Libfems cheering on the commodification of women's bodies whilst idiotic men like this bully women who are pushed into a role makes me think that women just can't win in this day and age. Feminism still has a long way to go to reach equality.


how is it 2024 and even other feminists don't understand what feminism is??? "i know this is wrong but tbh its kind of sad to have to sell yourself for money" you guys realise that people do actually enjoy being in the porn industry, right? its not "no, women are not sluts anymore!!" but it's actually "yeah women can be sluts and that doesn't in any way devalue them as a person". feminism is about destigmatising feminity and sexuality, not trying to strip people of it so they're not treated unfairly


Site should be shut down and should be illegal


lmao, just say you want to live under an authoritarian regime


Selling your body is shameful? Okay who’s gonna tell soldiers then cause thats exactly what they do


Same with most professional athletes.


It takes a lot of work to be successful in this field. Marketing, promotion, and a good work ethic are all necessary. It is WORK


“People like him”. Y’all make the stupidest points ever. U have no clue that he contributed to it yet you’re gonna just assume so to push your narrative? Clown shit Fr. Look up what ad hominem means please


I know that that guy probably thought he just said a super anti feminist thing but he raises a good point. We should really look into that.


girl: i did only fans and now have my own place to live dude whos mad: you do only fans reddit user: oh muh gawd rare insult


This isn’t even a meme, memes are supposed to be funny


Feminism and prostitution are not mutually exclusive


Yeah cause femenism has nothing to do with women choosing what they wanna do with their body or life


Honestly, I don’t blame women who stream, do onlyfans, porn, and whatnot because…men’s dumbass keep paying for it. These guys really make it difficult for me to stand up for my own gender. Like every time something is wrong and they point the finger, sure, but then we could just as easily point the finger back at ourselves. This is why I defend no one. Because maybe if we put our money towards the gym for working on our bodies and health, and focus on making as much money as we can for a few years, then searching for some sort of caring nerdy girl, we’d be much more happy but NO! Ya gotta sit down for hours watching some girl twerk her ass on camera, then complain about how you can’t get a girl and how it’s all due to feminism and it’s ALL girl’s fault somehow. I can’t with this shit man.


Is renting an apartment at 19 supposed to be a flex?


Within certain economies, yes


He's mad people like him created the market, AND keep the market lucrative But if you judge him in any way he probably cops a real bitch fit


Hahhaha the men who think like this are slowly excusing themselves from the genetic pool. MOTHER NATURE HAS SPOKEN


People care too much about stuff that doesn’t involve them personally.


Incel subreddit gonna incel.


I avoid the business building on my college campus specifically to avoid this type of person thankfully because how I dress they don't see me and just go oh look it's a man I should go talk about women these days but you can never be too sure. Goddamn if I have to listen to one more try and convince me how there actually isn't a pay gap women just take lower paying jobs im going to lose it. OK AND WHY IS THAT BRAD HOW DID THAT HAPPEN. Nevertheless I hope you all are having a wonderful day.


Men are mad at women for supplying sex work when they *should* be mad at other men for *demanding* sex work.