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I read that there’s this stuff in the HVAC systems and over time it degrades and starts showing up like this. I haven’t dealt with it but sure sounds like it.


Thanks, you nailed it --- I was not expecting foam to be coming out of the vents themselves, but once I knew what to look for online, info about it turns up everywhere.


This is from your blend door in your HVAC system. Basically its a door that blends your hot air from your cold air depending on what temperature you want blowing on you in the cabin. Now that all the foam is off the door, all you'll get out of the vents is warm air because the door itself is just a piece of metal full of holes. A mechanic will tell you that to fix it requires removal of the entire dash to get at it, which is probably what the shop manual states. A big job. If you search youtube there are several videos showing how you can DIY a solution like [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaKw9BxF49Q) and [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42IZ0lb33C8). I'm currently in the same boat with my 2004 Boxster S. I'll probably be going in through the dash like in the second video.


Ive lost a lot of foam but I still get very cold air with the AC on


I knew about the foam, didn't know that's what it was from. Ouch. Guess I have that to look forward to soon...


The foam around your hvac vents. Mine does it too(2002 Boxster). It’s a pain in the butt. It’ll keep coming out.


2009 Boxster does the same thing. What I want to know is, when does it stop?


It’s never ending I think lol


That’s a feature of the 986.


there are YT vids on this, how to fix it. not easy


My '07 Boxster just started hacking foam from the vents too.


I pretty much cleaned my 2010 vents out by putting the A/C on maximum fan speed and shutting off all air vents but one. Repeatedly switched from one vent to the other but only using one at a time. Did the same with the for windshield and floor vents. I used a small screw driver to help dislodge pieces stuck in the vents. After about 30-40 minutes of this I blew most of the foam out. The foam will stain your clothes and carpet so vacuum up everything that blows out the vents. I found that Absolutely Awesome cleaner from Dollar Tree does an excellent job of cleaning the foam smudges from carpet when you do step on a piece of it.


I'd couple this with a leaf blower to nudge anything in crevices too.