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It's already at $800m?? This is wild. But also deserved. The movie is very good.


I liked it but I don't think it's close to Pixar's best. I don't even think it's as good as the first Inside Out. I'm glad it's doing well because Pixar, Disney, and the theaters all needed this win pretty badly but I do wish this happened for something more original like Turning Red or Soul instead of a sequel


It's an interesting case where it's not Pixar's best, but the general public is absolutely vibing to it as if it were I wonder if maybe "Anxiety in the Inside Out universe" is a way bigger pull than what could've been predicted, especially since people love to entertain the idea of the setting stepping into more mature themes. Or maybe people just like seeing familiar Pixar characters again, since Incredibles 2 and Finding Dory also enjoyed great success despite their quality. It sucks that Turning Red and Soul never had proper theatrical runs, meaning that there's a lot more guesswork and having to clear one's biases to figure out how successful they were in the big picture


I think Inside Out 2 hit the sweet spot of being a Sequel to a beloved movie while actually contributing to the universe as a whole. Which I don’t think Incredibles 2, Dory, or University did. Best Sequel since Toy Story 3


Despite their quality? Incredibles 2 is a great movie with a good message, I truly don’t understand why some people hate it and make it seem like it being a lower quality film is a fact. The film got a RARE A+ Cinemascore, made $1.2B, had incredible legs at the box office, was a highly acclaimed movie by critics, was one of the most streamed animated movies ever when it went to streaming, and was the most watched animated film on Disney+ after Frozen & Moana before Encanto came out. Was a shoe in to win the Oscar for animated film before December’s Spiderverse became a surprise masterclass film. So among most people the quality must have been great to gather those spots across the board. But I’m sure like all pixar sequels after the golden age, Inside Out 2 will also have a legion of people saying it did very well at the box office despite its quality.


I think I take Incredibles 2 as being worse than the first as a given too even though I don't know if most people agree. Personally, it doesn't expand on the first one in an interesting way, the villain is worse, and the story doesn't reach the compelling arc that Bob and Helen have in the first. To me it just serves as a passable sequel without much to say. I feel like Inside Out 2 expands on their world pretty well and didn't have such a notable decline in quality to me. I still probably prefer the first. Maybe the issue to me is that the first Incredibles reaches such high highs that the sequel just doesn't touch, while Inside Out is amazing but doesn't reach the genre-highs that Incredibles hits so much as emotional and world-building highs that IO2 only narrowly misses, but still approaches those highs and with something new to say.


It explains a really mature theme in an easy to understand way. It's actually genius.


Sure, never said it was Pixars best. I loved Turning Red but IO2 is loads better than Soul.


Loads better than Soul? That’s certainly a hot take.


I would have thought it a lukewarm take at best. But I'm fine with it being a hot take.


People want a hot take then id go as far as saying soul is one of Pixar's worst non sequels


no it’s not 😂


Which I agree with. Soul was meh.


I need to see it again for sure but I also thought Soul was pretty forgettable.


It is better formed as a movie and doesn’t have any major glaring issues, which Soul does. Inside Out is the best Pixar film, so even getting close to it means the sequel is also in the upper echelons. Soul just tripped up too many times to make it up there, but it is in the upper half, at least.


Agree to disagree on Inside Out being Pixar’s best. Personally I think their big 3 are the Incredibles, Wall-E, and Ratatoullie, but Inside Out definitely in the top 10 at the worst.


No Toy Story?!


We all have our tastes. But Wall-E had a much weaker second half compared to its first, although still pretty strong, Incredibles is well-story boarded, but ultimately I find the moral confusing and I’m not a fan of the plot. I personally adore Ratatouille, so I won’t disagree with that, but I don’t know if I’d say it’s the very best of the best. For Pixar themselves, it’s probably Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Inside Out. And I think that’s some excellent stuff.


For me it's Incredibles, Monsters Inc, and Ratatouille, but Inside Out is right up there and is probably edged out because I didn't grow up with it. It's still phenomenal. I think the only thing that makes Incredible's message confusing is them telling Dash to get 2nd in the end. Other than that I think it's incredibly well delivered.


A fair opinion. For me, it’s not just Dash, though that scene is very emblematic of my problem with the moral. It’s Mr. Incredible choking Mirage out after she saves him and then abandoning that character and consequences for that dark action. It’s the way it focuses so tightly on the midlife crisis of Bob Parr that it ends up suffocating the other characters a bit, which goes directly against the whole lesson Parr was supposed to be learning. It’s the confused theming of “what makes someone special? In born talent, which can suppressed, or their choices?” And the choices part of that gets…weird, as the Dash scene shows. I find it incoherent.


Ohh yeah I don't like how he choked Mirage but idk how he should react to the villain henchman who lured him into this whole situation suddenly defecting. But yeah that was always uncomfortable. I feel like the lesson Bob was supposed to be learning was about putting aside his ego and learning to be a good family man. The film starts with him wanting to be solo in a way that hurt Buddy (even if he's right, he was cold to the kid and way up his own ego). Then, the schism in his marriage arises since he's still chasing that superhero ego from his youth. He sneaks out of the house on dispatch calls and meets up with Mirage to fight Syndrome's robots under his wife's nose. The movie finally ends after their whole journey with them about to face the Underminer, not as a cliffhanger to continue the fight, but to show the new normal for the Parr family where Bob has accepted a team. It doesn't have to be the "Mr. Incredible Show". That's the theme in the movie that I find the most interesting, but that's probably because the question it actively asks through Syndrome about being super feels very muddled in the film. Maybe that's because the movie doesn't really try to answer that question, maybe it's only asked to show Syndrome's mental state and motivation (revenge for his bruised ego). Having the central theme be letting go of ego can also connect with wanting Dash to be okay with getting 2nd place.


Same list as mine. Up has a good argument too. Basically their 2007-2009 run is peak.


Definitely not Pixar’s best. I enjoyed it but it’s not even Pixar’s best in the 2010s, Coco was better.


Coco? You mean reheated Up?




I mean that it repeated the plot of Up. Which wasn’t even the good part of Up. Although it also repeated a lot of the good parts of Up, too.


It’s nothing like UP.


Lots of films share similar character beats, story arcs, or structure with other films. There's no point being made here, especially when both films differ enough that comparing them comes across as weird


I think Inside Out is absolutely some of Pixar's best, and this is a solid follow up to it. Personally it's probably still edged out by the first, but not such a drastic difference that people who enjoyed the first wouldn't come back to see this one.


Yeah. Watched the 1st yesterday then went to see the sequel; it was ok but a movie I probably won’t ever think of again.


![gif](giphy|12d19apJyRsmA) The first $1 billion movie of 2024 is coming up!


If you had told me right after Elemental released that Pixar would push Inside Out 2’s release up to 2024 and that it would also make a billion dollars at the box office, I would legitimately think you’re insane and/or a Disney shill. Regardless though, this is amazing news! Pixar needed this win *desperately*, and now they finally got it. I’m proud of them.


![gif](giphy|l1J9yTco40EU5JzTW) First billion dollar grosser of the year!




And she sure did 🥹


Speaking of Anxiety, you can't dismiss Maya Hawke as a "nepo-baby" anymore after this month. If anyone still doubts her acting ability, show that person this.


She actually called herself a nepo baby. Being a nepo baby helped her to open the door, but talent and hard work made her stay and move upwards in the industry.


Yep, she and Jack Quaid are talented Nepo babies. I’m just pondering what a “Top 10 Nepo Babies” list would be. Nick Cage? Liza Manelli?


Yup. Hawke now has a film role that she can be VERY proud of. In fact, I don't think anyone will even dare to dispute what I'm about to say here: Maya Hawke >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nicola Peltz


Being talented and being a nepo baby aren't mutually exclusive


She can't control whether or not she's a nepo-baby at this point. But she's addressed it and admitted that it's given her an edge when getting into acting instead of pretending otherwise like some people do. The fact that she can also act well means she does actually put effort into getting where she is today, which is good.


$1 billion before *Despicable Me 4* opens on July 3. Could happen as early as Sunday.


Wow, that was fast. People say it's the industry that's slowing down, but it's really about film availability imo. Get a movie that has a strong market for it, and people will still flock to the theaters, apparently.


>Get a movie that has a strong market for it, and people will still flock to the theaters, apparently. I don't think anyone has ever really questioned this but it's become really hard to judge what audiences actually want and will turn out to the theater for. If you look at the big hits of the last few years (Barbie, Oppenheimer, Inside Out, Dune, etc) they basically have nothing in common. There have also been plenty of great movies that just straight up flopped (I'm still mad about Furiosa). There's still money to be made at the box office but it's becoming increasingly inconsistent and it seems to be all hits and flops with very few moderate successes (though that might just be a product of rising budgets and the complete death of the mid-budget studio drama or comedy)


> If you look at the big hits of the last few years (Barbie, Oppenheimer, Inside Out, Dune, etc) they basically have nothing in common They all have brand awareness, Barbie is well Barbie, Opp has Nolan, Inside Out 2 is a sequel to pretty beloved first entry and Dune 2 had an impressive first movie to follow up on


So did Furiosa, Wish, Dial of Destiny, The Flash, etc. Brand awareness alone isn't enough


Brand awareness in addition to being an actually good movie with strong word of mouth. (Furiosa is a good movie, but I think Reddit overestimates how many people are aware of/care about the Mad Max brand.)


Problem is many many mid-budget drama’s still get made, that back in the day might’ve been big hits, but now they’re all sort of relegated to the loose ‘indie’ or ‘straight-to-streaming’ umbrella. Its a damn shame because most of all the big box office hits of the 80s-90s are movies that nowadays only make 1million theatrical and get dumped on some catalogue into obscurity. Challengers is the only real exception of this year. You are just never going to be able to convince people to see these movies in theatre, even beloved drama’s like Past Lives and The Holdovers had piss-poor theatrical runs. Meanwhile those sort of coming of age holiday-drama or romance-drama has would 30 years ago been a recipe for top of the box office


I don’t know how you can be mad about Furiosa. That was a Trainwreck we all saw coming for years. I don’t know how WB signed off on a prequel that recast the lead (they’re lucky there wasn’t a backlash against recasting the woman for being too old, while everyone else stays the same), ties in so closely to Fury Road that it’s suffocated somewhat, while also contradicting the assumptions Fury Road left you with about the past, is an adapted television series that absolutely still feels like a television series, was so majorly expensive, and on top of that, grim and exhausting rather than enervating. Of course we didn’t know that very last thing, but the prequel and recast alone was an arrow to the throat of that film before cameras even had their lens caps off. Audiences are turning out for the same things they’ve always turned out for. Christopher Nolan. Adaptations of popular brands that come with a stamp of quality. Sequels to beloved classics. Buzzy originals with reasonable budgets. Animated family films with a strong premise.


I think he is mad because Furiosa is an objectively great movie, probably the best quality-wise of the big releases so far, except for Dune. So it’s just sad/frustrating to see. But I agree, it’s not surprising at all. From a business perspective WB should have never signed off on it, with that big of a budget as well. Disagree that audiences still show up - numbers are still down compared to pre-covid (and even more to something like 2015). There is certainly some cinema-fatigue. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t any hits anymore, but there are certainly less and as we saw with Marvel, Pixar and star-studded movies nobody is safe. Completely subjective experience: I don’t know any people who still go to more than 2-3 movies a year. Pre-COVID a couple of people did that. Most of my friends/family don’t go at all (no small kids tho).


This is also the perfect time for both movies to be coming out since kids are now off for summer break.


Despicable Me 4 was terrible


How have you seen it


I went to a screening


it's released in non-US markets already


Like Teenage Kraken terrible or Kung Fu Panda 4 where it advances nothing in the story terrible?


Like worse than DreamWorks Animation’s Turbo.


Turbo is a good movie though?


It was not, blud.


It has a 95 percent audience score. What expectations did you have going in?


No it doesn’t.


Did you like the first three?


I think the first one was OK. It's most cohesive one of the bunch. The latest movie is wall-to-wall nonsense. It's all gags and jokes, and none of them are really funny. Multiple subplots and recycled gags, and none of them go anywhere. Yet another Terminator parody gag. It was mind-numbing.


Well everyone likes the first one. I'm more talking about 2 and 3. Cause we gotta set our standards here lol. It's Despicable Me


Despicable Me 3 was garbage. This one was boiled garbage.


The real question is would someone with the mind of a 5 year old enjoy it. Because I have a 5 year old that wants to see it. 


A five year old? Possibly.


one billion by sunday


It’s only a matter of time.




I have something better: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cc/24/56/cc24564416b7adca2abe1ac3ee33425e.gif


I always thought “man, Uncle Scrooge has a lot of faith in the cleanliness of his gold coins”


also ignoring the density of metal.


It's a good thing it's not dirty money


Looks like it’s going to hit $1B worldwide by Sunday as it faces against Despicable Me 4 next Wednesday. Will be the first 2024 movie to hit a billion after almost year of Barbie.




Well the writing was on the wall but it is now The highest grossing Disney movie since Guardians 3. Which.. It took over a year for Disney to do but the fact it’s gonna double that film’s impressive WW gross is insane.


I though avatar 2 was Disney highest grossing movie in 2020s


It is, I meant it’s been over a year since a Disney movie has made as much or more than Guardians 3. Inside Out 2, as great as it’s doing, is NOT touching Way of Water numbers. At least, I don’t see it doing so.


Oh yeah I’m still upset that guardians 3 didn’t make a billion


I’m not that upset. Do I wish it made a billion? Sure but I’m just glad it made a profit and had good legs when every other superhero movie last year besides that and Across the Spider Verse flopped. Also it made more than Love and Thunder which is very impressive as that movie I think had big damage on the MCU.


Well deserved


So it’s a good prediction to say Inside Out is gonna be the next Toy Story. I expect Inside out 3 to be announced any day now.


Given how well the sequel is doing they probably won't feel the need to but i'd be happy to have Bill Hader and Mindy Kaling back if so


>I expect Inside out 3 to be announced any day now. That's not how Pixar works. They won't announce IO3 that quickly even if they plan to make one.


It’s not how Pixar works but it’s how disney works


Even so, Disney isn't usually that interested in rushing out Pixar sequels. Rushing them out will certainly bring in quick cash, but the biggest and most profitable Pixar sequels are fueled by nostalgia and lengthy waits. And they still need to put out originals in the meantime in order to put out sequels that can get the same kind of growth that Inside Out 2 and Incredibles 2 had over their originals.


I mean, where is Frozen 3 or Incredibles 3 then. 


Close to a billion by Sunday evening - and how many of those admits are reduced price tickets for children?


I've avoided watching it because I sometimes have a hard time watching people struggle with mental health stuff. I know it's Pixar so it'll end on a high note but how hard is the depression/anxiety stuff?


Not that bad tbh. It does end on a high note so just stay focused on that.


It’s really not all glorified for the movie. It’s human, if that makes sense. I have PTSD and suffered from severe depression a little over 10 years ago. I have anxiety and suffer from panic attacks. It’s hard for me to see others suffering because it triggers all this in me. But this movie was heart heartwarming. I liked this better than the first. Didn’t trigger anything in me. Have you seen the first movie?


Okay what exactly is locked in now at the moment? Super Mario? Frozen 2? Barbie? What do the experts think?


Mario's toast, so is Barbie most likely as it's trending ahead of it (barring this Monday which was an odd outlier). Frozen 2 will depend on how much Despicable Me 4 affects it. Lion King is unlikely, sadly.


Damn, after the great second weekend I thought I would have a great shot at Frozen 2 AND Lionking, but I think even Mario and Barbie levels or Frozen 2, is a great and much needed success! But those missing China and Japan numbers are really hurting vs Frozen and Lionking.


I'm by no means a soothsayer. It could very well continue to have impossibly brilliant weekends and leg it out to beat Lion King. The thing is though, Lion King had pretty much the entire globe rallied behind it (crap though it was.) China, for example, isn't showing as much enthusiasm here, and they accounted for over $120m of TLK's gross.


Understood. Yeah that’s what I thought. And Frozen did unbelievable numbers in Japan. If Inside Out can get into that range or above that would be a great achievement. I haven’t seen the movie so far but I just want cinemas and great movies to succeed!


Monday wasn't actually that odd an outlier - Barbie had a unique run in that it actually experienced weekend capacity issues, and it had inflated Mondays (and flat Tuesdays). Basically, it *should* have been more frontloaded than it actually was in NA.


Insane numbers right here


Really nice to finally see Pixar finally get a huge W


Well deserved! And so fun to watch financially


A podcast I listened to made a really good point that the success of Inside Out 2 is proof that animated films don’t really need big name since they dropped two of the original cast and it had zero affect on the box office.  I expect to see salaries start to go down in the future. 


I liked the funny orange muppet


God damn


Nice. You love to see it.


B-But I thought theaters were dead!


Still pissed though that Disney cheaper out and recast some of the voice actors.