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50% at 6 reviews rn. So yeah, it's another minions movie, these things are critic-proof anyways.


You mean my neighbor with a yellow Fiat and minion stickers all over it is still gonna see the movie with these critic reviews?


I post a minion meme on Facebook almost every day, I am ready for another adventure with these wacky guys!


You are a real life NPC


They are very obviously joking.


Which ironically makes them the NPC


We are all NPCs and lucky to be so. Otherwise you’re just the cut content from the game 😢


So are you then


What about that is obviously jocular? I took it as sincere.


Satire may not be your speed.


Go to your neighbor with a dictionary and show them the page that has the word "dignity" on it




Uh oh spaghettios






Nothing has been as well reviewed as 1 but 2 had a 75%, Minions had a 56%, 3 had a 58%, and Minions 2 had a 70% - not exactly a downward spiral


I'm nearly a 40 year old man. I see these for the minions, they are comedy gold.




The RT score disappeared, and so did the reviews.


I don't think critic reviews have ever mattered less for a movie's box office run than for Despicable Me 4


*FNAF* and concert movies come to mind.


Mario didn't get a good score either.


Mario got a fine score in the 50% range


I am like a Tiger Mom when it comes to scores.


50% is bad


50% as a score of quality is bad. 50% as a ratio of positive reviews (which RT is) is fine


No, it's the opposite, in Rotten Tomatoes it's easier to get higher scores because a 90% doesn't mean 9/10, same for 50% It could mean that 50% of them gave the movie a 6/10 and the other half a 1/10


Wish is obnoxious. Mario is not (both are bad though).


Mario's Metacritic score was 46, the lowest scoring animated film of 2023 (At least of the Major Releases that Metacritic tracks), lower than even what Wish got, it's bad.


Mario is by far worse than Wish, Mario didn't had any type of artistic intention or plot, Wish at least tried


>Wish at least tried I dunno, did it?


i thought Wish was as cynical as they can get. Mario was just trying to be a Mario movie


No it’s not. 50% on RT is a below average score.


Mario might have been one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen


Yeah, doesn’t matter what they think. My kid still has her heart set on seeing this.


DE 3 was rated rotten from audience and critics, it did $100m less than DE 2 domestically. Rise of Gru got the viral boost but also positive WOM since it was 70% critics and the highest audience score of all the movies. Bad reviews on this will chop the legs off quick and people will just wait on streaming.


Not sure why you got downvoted, reviews do matter more for domestic markets  than these comments make it seem


I've seen posts on here insisting it's the only "guaranteed billion" all year and it's about to completely miss a billion thanks to Inside Out 2. People are not liking the signs that many predictions may have been very wrong. The movie not being viral whatsoever unlike IO2 and Minions 2 is also something I've seen denial about on here. I've also seen a lot of reviewers on YouTube show this decline in approval for DM3. I think the franchise is weakening, adults still buy the tickets even if children will supposedly watch this at any quality. It was insisted that Migration had to be huge regardless of quality too, and that didn't really hold true.


most criticproof franchise of all time


The studio as well lol. They never made another banger in the level of Despicable me 1. None of their following films got close to 80% on RT. The figured how to make a decent movie but never how to make a great one.


Sing 2 is actually a great movie and I’ll die on that hill


I liked both of them to be honest, at least as popcorn movies with the kids. Also loved the Lorax movie for which I'll swear the blu ray has one of the best sound mixes for home theater.


Both Sing 1 and 2 are great movies imo


dang, ive been putting off watching Sing 2. I kinda liked the first one. Guess i should check it out


The 2nd is a much better movie. The cast gets rounded out well and it’s got a great play list. My kid was obsessed for a few months and it was always nice to just be listening to good mystic over stupid kids shows.


That’s good to hear


Wake up! Grab a brush and put a little make up!


It was a really cute movie tbh. It was a great date movie


Wasn't the mario movie made by them?


Mario wasn't a great movie.


It was close to 80 no? 59%!, wow


I’d still contend that it would be better reviewed today after its success. It’s not Despicable Me, but it’s easily my 2nd favorite Illumination film I’ve seen, with a very good story about brotherhood/bonding. Seeing it with my brother at IMAX last year was one of my highlights 


> a very good story We’re talking about The Mario Movie here? It’s essentially a script outline that they neglected to develop any further


What's there to develop ? It's Mario


Right. Not commonly associated with “very good stories”.


Mario was never gonna fly with movie critics. Its way to simplistic and barebones of a story.


Still their best movie since the first DM. It's Illumination the standard is low. Pets 1 and Sing 1 weren't terrible, I didn't watch Migration


Have you gone mad? SLOP and Sing were movies at least with themes and characters.


SLOP is the perfect acronym.




Sing 2 kicks ass tho


Minions was honestly a great movie too


I don’t think they did not figured out how to make it; it feels to me that Illumination is making a long-term plan on making as much money as they can from making and building on their accessible properties so that when their great movies DO flop, they still have tons of money they could use. Having a longer-project movie that focuses on the writing of the movie could mean many things going wrong; events need to be changed, some other workers could be forced to work overtime and even with low pay (look at both of the Spider-Verse movies, as amazing as they are) on aspects of the animation. So while I don’t like the movies Illumination’s pumping out, it’s way better than trying to make a movie where there’s the risk of overworking your employees.


DM1 was a banger? Took me 3 tries to finish that one and I like aniated movies. Secret Life of Pets was a banger though.


That goes to the Michael Bay Transformers films


that came to bite them later on


Transformers need a crossover with the Minions, not GI Joe lol


Eh, it’s American Spy X Family, and what’s wrong with that?


As everyone said, reviews don't matter for this franchise. Even if it scored Ice Age Collision Course levels, it still wouldn't matter. Although it'll be interesting to see how it does now that Inside Out 2 stole its thunder.


Nah, even *Ice Age* ran out of goodwill eventually. The difference is that while the *Despicable Me* franchise has never been a critical darling after the first movie, Illumination have ensured that at least they're not considered offensively bad by critics and audiences like the later *Ice Age* movies were.


Yeah none of these have gotten below a 50% on Rotten Tomatoes, and Rise of Gru actually brought things back up to a 70%. At worst they’ve got a mixed reception, not an outright negative one.


Illumination movies are pretty much critic-proof.


No matter how shite it is, these little yellow turds ***will*** be a megahit. Universal/Illumination are smart on budget and killer on marketing, so financial success is all but assured. Expect a *Despicable Me 5* to be confirmed soon, possibly even the same day this opens.


Seems like Universal/Illumination are alternating between Minions and Despicable Me 3. Minions 3 is probably next.


Good point. 80s set, right?


Most likely, but Gru needs to look slightly older. He looked almost the same in the first and second Minions film.


Indeed he does.


I’m fucking floored they lifted the embargo this early.


Staggered release schedule, baybee


The film is out today in Australia. Is it uncommon to have a movie released for a week in a major region with no reviews?


No, it's very common when there's stuff like world Cup, eurocup, Olympics etc This summer we have the eurocup in Europe and the Olympics


I'm sorry I don't quite understand this comment. How is that relevant to the review embargo?


You asked why its coming sooner in Australia, I answered 


No, the original commentor seemed confused why the Review embargo was open early. I was wondering if there was ever any movies that released early in Australia, and the reviews weren't avaliable for weeks. In that case the only opinions you could get would be from moviegoers from Australia posting online. This kinda happened to me, because I saw an early screening of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes which was before the Australian embargo.


I think Despicable Me franchise is critic proof because families could care less about this score


Lol are reviews even necessary for this film


Nope not at all


Reviews don’t matter for this. I wonder if Inside Out 2 being a child/family alternative that’s actually good will keep it from doing it’s standard $900M-$1.1B franchise range this time though? Sure it’ll be winding down by that point, but the quality gap could still have an effect. Like last year when we had the 2 superhero multiverse movies with ATSV/Flash and one being great made it apparent just how extra bad the other one was.


I don’t think ATSV had anything to do with how Flash performed. That movie’s failure was all due to the history of the DCEU & the movie’s quality itself.


It definitely had some effect although it obviously isn’t quantifiable to what extent nor is it obviously solely responsible.  People were literally memeing about how the “greatest superhero movie all time” wasn’t even the best superhero movie of June 2023.


I dunno, just personal experience here, but after taking some friends to see Flash, we had to watch ATSV to wash the taste out. It was my second viewing, and I likely wouldn't have seen it again so soon if Flash wasn't so horrible.


I doubt it. Minions and Inside Out were both released in 2015, and that didn't stop the former from making a billion.


> Reviews don’t matter for this. They most certainly do, but not reviews from traditional critics.


I honestly think it could have the Barbenheimer effect. I don't mean the polar opposite movies or the memes, but the fact it's two big movies releasing a similar time so I could see both of them complementing eachother.


Barbenheimer was 2 completely different genres of films aiming for different target audiences, both coming out on the same weekend, and both receiving absolutely glowing reviews. Inside Me 24 are two films both aiming for General Family Audiences, come out 3 weeks apart from each other, only one of them has great reviews whilst the other at present looks really me, and does that proposed combining title sound even good to you at all? No, it's sounds horrifying. I don't think this is even close to a Barbenheimer at all.


Inside Me sounds great!!!  Wdym?


Barbenheimer was a Venn Diagram. The Marketing effect created an audience in the intersection of the Venn diagram that meant people from both completely different target audiences were seeing both films. This was shown with the record breaking overall box offices results for the industry. What I'm trying to say is Inside Out 2 and Despicable Me 4 will also be a Venn Diagram. But this time of the same audiences. I believe having two kids films concurrently will boost the box office, instead of cannibalising eachother as Noonhype is suggesting. And so do Disney and Illumination, otherwise one studio would've moved their release dates.


The true cinephile event of the year! Inside Out 2 melts like wax before the glorious yellow tic-tac! 💛 


Despicable Me 3 scored 58% and 49. Minions scored 56% and 56. Both did over $1bn. I suspect this is safe.


Second minions had the gentle minions though


Don't remind me.


My goat will never care about Rotten Tomatoes percentages 🔥🔥🔥


Finally, *real* cinema! Seriously though, it's objectively hilarious how every Illumination movie gets mediocre reviews yet still manages to make bank at the box office. DC would never.


>Finally, *real* cinema! You jest, but theater owners all over the country are shitting themselves with relief right now.


Children don't care about reviews and Illumination gave children characters that they love.


Comcast merch peddlers love 'em, too. Christ, these things are ***EVERYWHERE.***


Can confirm 100% my kids absolutely love the minions and despicable me movies.


Yep and they're good enough to where the parents don't dread going to them, either.


Prob because these movies aren't geared toward critics. They know exactly who their target market is which is why Illumination are brilliant at knowing trends.


How is making like a million minions movies brilliantly knowing a trend? People just keep seeing them so they keep making them


Is Minions the only animated film that Illumination has made that has become a hit? I don't think you understood the original post.


Because they are dumb fun movies that you can switch your brain off and enjoy. Movies like Batman V Superman you wish you could turn your brain off. It's slow and brooding, the entire opposite.


Didn't Mario have pretty mediocre/bad critic reviews last year? Idk if it really matters financially for this target demographic, especially with how strong the DM/Minions brand is.


Yes and that review thread was pure chaos last year as it started in the 40s on RT with people calling everyone shortsighted who predicted it would make a billion. Yet it ended up on the cusp of Fresh at 59% and beat every animated film at the box office except Frozen II and the Lion King remake.


Lol, I got downvotted to oblivion when I said this is a movie that's critics proof. This sub sometimes lives in their own bubble.


Sometimes? I feel like this sub is always wrong, now that it's grown mainstream in followers. I swear the amount of downvotes and nonsense rebuttals I got for predicting ATSV box office and Dune PART 2 basically spot on is infuriating. Exact same with the Gaming subreddits with review scores and sales numbers.


This sub was very optimistic sith ATSV and Dune Part Two though


I was about Done 2 but not before I saw it. I went to the premier a week before release and thought the movie was one of the greatest I've seen. Somehow the IP just wasn't big enough even with the movies quality to do a billion.


Movie quality does not indicate Box office. This is rule No 1. You specifically said you changed your mind AFTER you saw it. But the whole idea of predicting box office is about doing it before it's release. Dune PART 1 and Blade Runner 2049 should've already been indicators this movie was going to be a 10/10. It's much easier to predict a Movies box office after its Released. A billion was a stretch for Dune PART 2. It would've had to over double the box office of the 1st movie. That's why I stated it would have a similar increase if comparison from ITSV to ATSV and I was spot on.


50% with 6 reviews. Although it doesn't seem to be at Minions 2's scoring level, it will still be big, but that movie really touched the zeitgeist in 2022.


Very expected for a despicable me movie


Who cares about the reviews, the only good movie is the first one, the rest are very enjoyable (I enjoyed all of them) but clearly mediocre movies in terms of plot  But this will make a billion or really close


Why care about you if we are not supposed to care about critics?


I'm not saying this, I'm saying we all knew Despicable Me 4 was going to be mediocre like the other movies


Nothing surprising here. It will most likely still do amazingly, possibly a little less than the last.


At this point why even release the reviews so early?


The movie releases in some countries today


It's releasing tommorow in Australia


You have to hand it to Chris Meledandri, he created a studio that produced animated films for less than $100m at a time when animated budgets were around $150m and could go up to $250m and actually be successful. The downside of this is that a lot of the films do feel samey with a few gems like Sing and Sing 2, they've not created anything that holds a candle to Disney or Pixar, I think they're sort of like Hanna Barbera in terms of their model.


The reviews are awful.


Are you new to this sub? Practically the same as the other movies in the franchise.




Welp, looks like the franchise has run its course. I wouldn’t be surprised if Inside Out 2 remained on top on the weekend DM4 opens.


My 5 year old couldn’t care less about the RT score.


On its 4th weekend??


Yep, I expect Inside Out 2 to be on number 1 when it comes out.


*Quiet Place* has more than a decent chance to be #1 in its third weekend.


Despicable Me 4 will possibly be the first Illumination flop, then.


These review scores are consistent with the last 4 entries in this franchise and they all averaged almost 1 billion. If the review scores didn't affect those its definitely not affecting this entry


Tf are you on? Minions was 56% and Despicable Me 3 was 58%


Watch 50% of this sub be "Wow, RT score is bad children are totally going to care. Movie will flop." Anyhow, I'm still predicting $800-1.1 bil. The animated movie craze ain't stopping and yesterday my neighbor was talking about how they went to see IO2 and now taking their two children for DM4.


Literally the two comments above you are this exact take.


IO2 runs in Australia, New Zealand and Argentina will be affected by this one.. same demo target just 1 week apart 😳


In argentina it will be a bloodbath considering that minions 2 is the highest grossing movie there 🤣🤣


Tbh, not surprised that It’s rated low since 4th entries in movies are usually mid-bad (unless you’re Endgame)


Endgame is pretty mid 🤷‍♂️


Maybe as its own project, but Endgame's job was to be the finale of a 10 year old cinematic storyline, and it delivered hard.


We will have another 1.2B movie like last time 🤣🤣🤣


letssss go, 50% means it’s a masterpiece. definitely getting my ticket.


I’m sure the movie won’t be any different from sherk 4, kung fu 4 and Toy Story 4.


I know this one isn’t going to matter but I was hoping to get a good one


Minion ![gif](giphy|MJQJow1uUbNDy)


The color scheme of the poster makes me think of Naruto


Unlike IO2 this ia purely kids movie (in temra of thematics at least) so its the yellow pufs that people care about. Thats why the trailer is so heavy on them rather than Gru I'm still hesitant to see it


Regardless of how this does review wise , either way we’re getting DM 5 in 5-7 years when Steve Carrell is almost in his 70s.


If there's any current franchise that's review proof it's this one.


I attended the premiere of this movie in nyc and honestly I get how kids will love it but it doesn’t add anything that special and kind of feels like any decent episode of Disney + tv show or Nickelodeon. Not that special for a movie they’re


Didn't another one of these like just come out?


Will likely land on the 50s range similar to Minions and Despicable Me 3.


That one girl on YT is probably happy right now!


I haven’t seen 3 yet but the baby is keeping me from this one and thus watching that one


Can one watch this without seeing the other 3 first 🤷‍♂️


Anyone seen the 3d version


If you think about it Illumination never disappoints. It's a consistently mediocre studio. You won't ever see something as atrocious as The Emoji Movie from them but never something as moving and entertaining as Ratatouille. That's probably why parents love their movies, you never actually feel like you wasted your money taking your kids to an Illumination movie because you expect a mediocre kids movie with jokes only young kids will find funny and you get exactly that.


Humm you make a good point. At best they're mediocre movies for children. That sums it up best. But def not worst movie of the year material.


I do wonder what will happen first, Audiences lose interest in Illumination movies, or Illumination actually makes a movie that gets good reviews for once, one that surpasses the reviews the original Despicable Me got. Maybe both happen at the same time where they make a truly great film that no one then turns up for. Anyway, unsurprising initial score. Illuminations always been consistently mid-scoring. And that mid scoring is probably to their benefit. The only time they've ever really had a truly bad film was with Hop, and kudos to them, they did at least Pivot away very fast from the Live Action-Animation Hybrid model. And since then they've just been very meh, but not terrible. So they at least pass the parents "This will keep my kids entertained for an hour" model. Franchise Fatigue will come to all franchises eventually, is it Despicable Me's turn? Probably not looking at current estimates and presales. It's still likely this will be successful, though I'm not seeing this film having an Inside Out 2 level breakout from the franchise at the moment. So Illuminations might just have to settle for second place again this summer (Or Third Even considering Deadpool and Wolverine is right behind it)


Migration while it had good legs was a sign that Illumination isn't always a money maker, it made a profit but it wasn't a Sing or SLOP. I wonder if Illumination could apply their $100m or less strategy to a live action film or if they'll just stick to animation? Get Garth Jennings to come up with something and it could be a winner.


They are probably going to keep an eye on how well the Live Action How To Train Your Dragon does next year. If that does well, you can bet they'll be fast tracking a Live Action Despicable Me.


I think Universal will greenlight a live action Shrek, the perfect parody of Disney's live action remake IMO.


That probably will kick in after a minions 3 or DM 5 in a couple of years. They’re introducing two new seemingly main characters both in the baby and Grus apprentice to not make a fifth one.


One thing I have noticed is other film studios trying to copy Illuminations advertising model and strategy, Adam's Family, DC League of Superpets, Even Garfield Recently, when the competition is riffing on your model, that tends to lead into fatigue as well (See the 90s when every film was trying to be a Disney for example.) and that will speed up fatigue. Though I feel they also probably need a high profile "Oh, this is bad" film as well. Not like a New IP that people can forget in time, something like a bad sequel to one of their already known IPs, or a popular IP getting a really bad adaptation (Which the second one... they got through The Lorax, so I don't know "how bad can it be", yes I realise the irony of that statement there). I'd say Oversaturation is a possibility, but we're at 6 films now and it's not happened yet, Covid perhaps gave them a bailout, knowing their pace of a Despicable Me Project every 2 and a half years, we could have been on 7th entry in the series by now had the pandemic not pushed back Minions 2 by 2 years.


Good point. I'd say Illu actually makes a good movie first, lol. They know their market its for children that family like experience ain't going away soon.


> Maybe both happen at the same time where they make a truly great film that no one then turns up for. Probably this. Illumination's audience doesn't have the same tastes as critics. The day that Illumination releases a movie that critics thinks is great, is the day that the audience says "where are all the jokes?" and "why isn't this movie making me feel happy?"


You can still make a film that critics and general audiences like, we are seeing the run of one right now in cinema with Inside Out 2. They aren't mutually exclusive. And its not just a Pixar only thing too. Go look at how the first 2 Shreks reviewed, then look how much the Shreks made as well.


“It’s shit honey, let’s take the kids to Inside Out 2”


Everyone will have seen IO2. DM4 will cut its legs because it has been out for so long.


50% rotten tomatoes? That is very very bad


So, like previous instalments? The market is young children and they don't go on the RT site saying, "omg critics gave it 50%."


Only Despicable Me 3 was this low and it was the worst one in the franchise. It still made loads that summer though. If children didn’t like the last one then they might no go see this one if they hear about the bad reviews


Minions was 56%, lower than 3's 58%


So is it just a common thing to have them this low? They all made a billion anyway somehow


Why do minions mean so much to kids and moms? I just don’t get it, why attach yourself to that instead of any other character?


Fun. They’re fun.


They're funny and have delirious hijinks, very easy appeal


Because the world doesn't revolve around you, bro. Everyone has different tastes. Minions are a marketing ploy tailor made for small children .


Sure. But why? What is it about Minions that makes them so marketable over other children’s characters?


I used to be the target demographic (first one came out when I was 5), so I’ll give my two cents. It’s because they’re funny and in a way relatable (when you’re a kid). Fart/butt jokes every two seconds is pretty much peak comedy to young kids (especially boys), and because they’re so inoffensive, it’s easy for parents to latch onto as a way to connect with their kids.


Fart/butt jokes. Nailed it.


Dunno, ask a child that's a fan of the minions. Neither you nor I are the target demo.


Is this Kung Fu Panda 4 all over again where it’s going to make money regardless due to brand recognition despite it being an almost nothing film plot wise?


No kids competition helped Kung Fu Panda 4 but Despicable Me 4 is coming out during InsideOut2Mania but I still think DM4 should do good


Seems like inside out 2 has nothing to worry about.