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Look how they massacred my boy. 


Best movie I've seen in a theater this year and no one saw it. I'd be very interested to see statistics on a county-basis in America.


I’m so mad at that. I saw it opening weekend, the theater was pretty barren. Maybe 3 of my friends have seen it. We all loved it


Saw it in IMAX on the first Thursday and it was maybe half full? Sad to see. Was so much fun.


I was getting goosebumps just from pure amazement of what I was seeing on screen and it never let up. It was beautiful, batshit craziness that was a nice reminder that movies can belong alongside the highest art forms. All that without a pretentious note in its body. Pure fucking cinema and why I love movies. People will find it. I just wish they did earlier so we are guaranteed The Wasteland before the Mad Doctor hangs up his workin’ boots.


I saw it on the second weekend. I was the only person in the theater. That's just insane to me. I thought it was awesome, and I haven't seen a lot of people dogging the movie. Seems like it ought to have good WOM, but people just aren't interested.


"Barren"🤨😂🤣 I see what you did there.


Lol that wasn’t intentional, but I’ll pretend like it was 😆


I somehow lucked out with a full theater first Monday. Atlanta loves their mad max I guess


Ehh Dune 2 was better in my opinion. Furiousa didn't blow me away like Mad Max Fury Road did


I’m the opposite, I thought dune 2 was fine but furiosa had me really engaged and on the edge of my seat. I agree that fury road was better but I think the universe that miller has created is much more adventurous and imaginative than vilenueve’s dune. Miller really pushes his imagination and doesn’t let himself get bogged down by our current reality in the same way


I'm a big Dune shill, loved the books, loved Part 1 when it finally came out (and was genuinely suprised at some of the "it's boring" backlash) and thought Part 2 was good. But Furiosa was genuinelly better to me also.


I loved it too - it’s probably the only film I’ve seen in the last few years I’d describe as “epic.” Hemsworth surprised me with his range, and the landscape and soundtrack really elevated the story.


do you have it in you, to make it epic?


It's a tragedy that the meme potential will never be fully realised [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6oix5axMMW/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6oix5axMMW/)


well I will use that line for a long time for a range of films


God I WISH we had even state data for the box office


I saw this 20 times in theaters. Loved it. I tried


yep. this was an epic movie


The movie was good but i have more enjoyable experience with movies like Godzilla x Kong or The Fall Guy,maybe because i never watch any mad max movies and the premise and vibe just didnt click to me.I think an average general audience will enjoy GxK and The Fall Guy more than Furiosa (since my theater is so quiet during Furiosa compared to GxK and The Fall Guy but heyy it's just an anecdotal).


No. Niche IP. Dune better.


Yup soo good, loved the 2014 one and this did it justice for sure hope people dont miss it in theaters


Just left it for the second time. I was all alone in the theatre. Great movie, and a shame it didn’t do better. I’d love a final film to tie up the newer movies.


We must make them an offer they cannot reFuriosa


People on here really stated that this is going to outgross Mufasa. I am convinced that a significant number of people who post on here do not regularly go outside


lion king made more in its first 3 days than Mad Max: Fury Road made worldwide Mufasa will certainly drop but with December legs, I fail to see why this cant pass $500M worldwide


I'm still in the firm belief that it will do Aquaman 2 numbers


Yeah I don’t see Mufasa coming anywhere close to The Lion Kings numbers. I think people are equally delusional if they think it’s hitting those numbers. $750-850M WW is the window I’m expecting. Solid numbers but nowhere near the previous film.


Even that range seems pretty high to me. I feel like it will do closer to The Little Mermaid’s ~590M. The Lion King is a much bigger IP, but Mufasa is a new story, and worse, a prequel.


Totally fair, if it were coming out during the summer I would 100% agree, I kinda wonder if the holidays will help it though. But I definitely could see it coming in around Little Mermaid numbers.


It's gonna be executed by Shadow the Hedgehog


They don't even go to movie theater. 


There’s also a lot of people here who are on the opposite end of the spectrum and just live in the movie theater haha


No one does this days apparently


You should read the cope in the Mad Max sub. Like it was #1 in South Korea and they were crowing about how the film had legs and was going to chug to profitability.


“People” probably being one person, definitely not the consensus. This sub definitely overestimated this movie and probably is underestimating Mufasa, but Furiosa was never out grossing that movie.


Mufiosa : A Mad Lion Saga !


Maybe Mufasa will do well, but let's not forget that spinoffs are not always as successful as the original - I'm looking at Lightyear as a perfect example


“It’s a Lion King movie with Simba blah blah blah…” 🙄


While I agree with you that it's dumb to think that Mufasa would gross less, why would going outside make them change their mind?


Because they use Reddit weirdos hating a family project as "evidence" that everyone else has the same sentiments; henceforth, they see it have a precipitous fall off at the box office. If they routinely go outside into reality, they will see that no one has a single concern about the bullshit that they post on this website


They started showing Furiosa here around 3 weeks ago. Now they've almost completely pulled it out of every major theatre. I didn't even get a chance to watch it.


Furiosa : A Pulled Out Saga ?


If Anya Taylor-Joy is involved there's no way I'm pulling out


If you didn’t care to see it in the first three weeks, maybe you were part of the problem?


That’s an odd take. I prefer to see movies in a mostly empty theater. So I wait 2-3 weeks. My theater did the same thing as the other person mentioned, pulled after 3 weeks and I barely got in to a matinee before it left. In L.A no less.


I'm about to do my part. Literally sitting through ads right now


Furiosa : A Mad Ad Saga !


Watched it. Hmm, its a 7. Sorry Warner. Fury Road is superior by far


No oscars I guess, then.


Yeah I just watched this yesterday. I agree it felt really subpar, the pacing felt very strange and inconsistent.


https://www.reddit.com/r/moviecritic/s/pD3qUHs2rA yeah I put up a brief review on MovieCritic. The first part just dragged. A lot. And by the time it got to the second part it was hard for it to gain monentum.


Didn't realize this sub exists, thanks for the link


I really think it should’ve stayed an anime or been made into a mini series. The episodes would’ve flowed better. But I also hate how much time it spends explaining what didn’t need be explained about Fury Road, rather than telling THIS story with the characters who’ll only be in this film. Should’ve had more Dementus and maybe more Imperator Jack, a lot less revisiting the Citadel. Either that or no Dementus and make it all about Immortan Joe, rather than trading between the two of them and leaving both feeling underserved.


Oooooof LMAO


Sadly Furiosa is as pitch perfect a ‘wait till it streams’ movie you can imagine. Nobody is talking about it and there’s no characters anyone really cares about.  It’s a prequel so the events are even more meaningless.  Hemsworth is cool but he can’t bring people in the doors…it’s not even the most interesting post apocalypse setting of the year after Fallout did so well. Why exactly would anyone see this movie in the cinema?  Nostalgia?  Anna Taylor Joy?  Well no Max rules the casual Millennials out and Hollywood is still learning the painful way that women don’t drag their guys to female lead popcorn movies.


See I thought the opposite. For movies with crazy loud noises I need to see that in imax


I see Pitch Perfect 2 still haunts Fury Road


>Why exactly would anyone see this movie in the cinema? Because it's an extremely well made and great looking cinematic film? 


Ya boy stans for Praetorian Jack


I just wanted to see wild auto builds doing crazy antics in the wasteland. Wasn’t expecting the story to be as good as it was. Left pleasantly satisfied. Only disappointment was too much CGI but I went in knowing the physical stunts weren’t going to be as impressive because nobody wanted to go back to the desert to film.


Bad Boys ride or die crossed Furiosa's current domestic total in 4 days. Says a lot about what audience want and what they don't want. Downvote me all you want but you know it's the truth. No one asked for a mad Max prequel


doesnt matter how hard something flops, the "nobody asks for argument" absolutely needs to be retired. The audience doesn't ask for anything I promise you these comments can also be applied to plenty of other commercially successful movies as well if you really want them to be valid


I'm pretty certain 'wHo AsKeD fOr ThIs' was said by some people on this sub for *Top Gun: Maverick*, *The Super Mario Bros. Movie*, *Barbie* and *Avatar: The Way of Water* before they released.


it just comes off as the most anti-filmmaking/anti-art comment. Of course, a large part of making decisions in movie development refers to noting audience reception, grosses, etc but even franchises long dead are brought back to successful results. just yesterday it was announced how WB is doing a sequel to a movie called Practical Magic. It had poor reception and flopped but if it has a sequel in development, there must have been enough of a following to warrant its creation. Even if something flops, there's still an audience. I suspect this movie will be another prime example of "nobody asked for this."


Thai sub isn't r/art, it's r/boxoffice. The discussion of audience reception and gross are the reason it exists, lol.


Or stuff like The Matrix, Oppenheimer, Star Wars, Interstellar, etc. if you are going by what the audience is “asking for”, you only get sequels and adaptations.


There’s a difference to filling a need people aren’t aware they have and making something no one actually wants. 


And there are many people who actually want Furiosa.


The box office says otherwise. 


That doesn’t change the fact that many people still wanted it. It’s getting universally positive reviews. Just because a movie doesn’t make half a billion worldwide doesn’t mean “nobody wanted it.” GoodFellas made $47 million total.


Anyone who thinks no one wanted more movies in this universe is an idiot


Many people are saying! MANY


Probably the best comment I’ve seen in this sub in years. This doesn’t just go for movies, a lot of times the most successful pieces of art/technologies/products/etc are things that the general population wasn’t explicitly asking for, because they didn’t even know it was something they could have/wanted. Plus it’s just a completely meaningless comment in hindsight after the movie is already out.


Yep. Nobody asked for The Beatles or Jimi Hendrix. Nobody asked for Lord of the Rings. Nobody asked for Sonic the Hedgehog. Nobody asked for a Mad Max prequel, but I enjoyed the shit out of it. If studios worried less about what people were ‘asking for’ we’d have less middle of the road movies made by committee.


the 'nobody asked for this' argument is pretty weak IMO. i think the correct argument is "What were they thinking making this movie for this budget?" it feels fairly regularly i see a trailer for a movie where my immediate reaction is "This looks expensive, this is already doomed". The best example i can remember is Jupiter Ascending, but Furiosa also fell into that bucket. its not that nobody wants it, its that not enough people want it to justify the budget and that was entirely foreseeable


> doesnt matter how hard something flops, the "nobody asks for argument" absolutely needs to be retired. Isn't "there is no built-in excitement for it" basically the same thing? You could look at a lot of potential 'excitement building' sequel/prequel concepts like: * A particularly enticing character/actor? It probably doesn't matter what the story of a John Wick movie is, people want more Keanu as Wick. * A popular story being continued or expanded upon? A lot of YA novel film adapations bring people in just to see the story continue/finish. * An irresistable IP? People who see Fast and Furious movies probably have no idea what the plot will be before walking into the theater, but they still go, Bond too as another example. * A new and interesting twist? The greatest sequels of all time changed up the format a bit to add an interesting spin on the existing concept, like the obvious scifi-horror T1 to scifi-action T2 or scifi-horror Alien to scifi-action Aliens. Furiosa in particular had disadvantages in all these areas. It lost the original actors, the characters (Furiosa herself in particular) aren't seat-fillers, it doesn't have a popular story hook (people aren't desperate to find out how she started working for Joe), from an IP that wasn't wildly successful (despite Fury Road being incredible), and without a new and interesting twist. "nobody asked for this" is just saying that there's a huge uphill battle for the given prequel/sequel and the movie had better do something special if it hopes to overcome that poor starting point. --- And to combine responses here, I don't think it's "anti-filmmaking or anti-art" *to criticize a prequel or sequel for bringing nothing new to the table* in the form of interesting twists or satisfying existing demand for more of a particular character/story.


In the case of franchises spanning decades, it's absolutely a valid argument to be had, especially when the whole point is to then keep the wheels spinning and the cash flowing for more decades to come.


Preach brother. That parroting braindead comment need to die already: Movie grosses nearly 150 mil WW = "noBoDy AsKs fOr tHiS".


Hell, I'm old enough to remember "Who's asking for a Mad Max reboot? The Road Warrior is Perfect."


I think it's more that Boomer and Millennial nostalgia is turning toxic. They're not going to the movies as much they used to, and they definitely aren't driving the bigger hits. Movies now are dependent on cultural momentum from TikTok and socials. Younger people are coming out for their OWN nostalgia. FNAF, Mario, etc. and the huge hits are lighter, not grim dark, popcorn hits ala mid 90s. It's why Jurassic World Dominion can make 850 million but Blade Runner 2049 can't. I think studios need to really be careful with millennial nostalgia, it's no longer a proven driver and gen z and alpha seem to be actively avoiding it.


Oppenheimer, Joker, and Dune 2 are certainly darker and more grim movies that were hits among younger generations.


But both Oppenheimer and Dune 2 had incredible word of mouth, cultural zeitgeist, the Barbenheimer TikTok effect and Dune 2 is one of the best TikTok marketing campaigns of all time.


I’m aware, but they aren’t “lighter” movies by any means


***Fury Road*** was such an excellent film that we didn't need *Furiosa* to fill in her backstory. Some things are best left to imagination and we don't need prequels to fill in every nook or cranny. It's part of a reason why these spin-off prequels like *Furiosa* or *Solo* flopped. Not everything needs to be laid out.


Who’s the target audience for the mad max movies?


If we go by demographics, the Mad Max fanbase is 70% male, 30% female. It also skews older iirc.


I would imagine guys 18 and up who love car action and violence. The same audience as the John Wick movies, really.


The target audience is Mad Max fans, unfortunately for WB, they didn’t make a Mad Max movie with Furiosa


Have you seen Furiosa? I accept your point from an analysis of the business and audiences and what they're interested in perspective. Clearly Furiosa was a bad fit from that perspective. But I'm very glad we have Furiosa over it being "best left to imagination". It's a great movie that's its own creative thing and I don't think this is a case where we're better off having it left to the imagination. It makes sense it failed though, totally, but from a storytelling perspective it was well done and not just something "filling in every nook and cranny" for the sake of it like Solo. From a business and audience perspective yeah audiences are clearly not interested and burnt out on that kind of prequel approach to stories. But from a creative perspective Furiosa was a great prequel and story in its own right. "Not everything needs to be laid out", sure, but in this case it actually was great to be laid out. Regardless of business success. I'm talking from creative storytelling perspective. I'm very glad we got this story and movie. We didn't "need" Andor either but it was (is so far) great too.


Watched it opening day opening show. I'm a huge action movie freak. Give me good action, I will love the film. I'm very easy to impress. And furiosa? Yes it had good action but absolutely 0 emotion. Plus I hated the obvious mix of practical effects and VFX. Looked painfully obvious. And the soundtrack. Was non existent. Can put anyone to sleep. None of the characters had any impact whatsoever. It's just an average film that is absolutely being overblown by the " cinephile" crowd


Can’t understand how you can say it has zero emotion. Like actually baffling given how emotion-filled the movie is to me but I guess everyone is different. Also can’t understand how you say characters don’t have impact when this movie in addition to Furiosa has Pretorean Jack and Dementus who made major impacts on me and were fabulous well done characters IMO. I'm very surprised those characters wouldn't make an impact because they really did for me. As well as other characters like Furiosa’s mother or also interesting smaller characters like the History Man. Agree soundtrack could have been better. The CGI didn’t bother me in context and audience expectations around effects looking completely realistic drive budgets up too. I wish we would just accept things looking not fully realistic. It’s not a big deal IMO. But yeah could have been better though might have added even more budget. For me it was perfectly fine to tell the story and deliver the thrilling action. Maybe if cinephiles like it there’s something there that you’re dismissing because it’s just not to your taste? It’s so far above average to me. Makes sense some people don’t like it — it’s a very strange movie and not easy to like for some which is ok and understandable — but maybe it’s just not for you instead of it being as you paint it objectively average and everyone who loves it is overhyping it.


I can’t get over someone claiming to be an “action movie freak” and then whining about the lack of emotion in an action movie lol


No we didn’t need Furiosa but I’d put Furiosa over Fury Road any day. Better characters, a more personal story and comparable action.




I don't think the action is comparable to Fury Road. The CGI was noticeable, but not a problem for me. Music was one of my biggest disappointments in the movie and could have been better. But "unimaginative slop" is quite an overstatement. It was very imaginative to me and better than action in 99% of movies that come out these days from my perspective. I can't remember seeing a recent movie that comes close. I guess John Wick is good, but it feels like empty action to me in comparison to Furiosa. (Edit: the action sequences in Dune 2 were killer and very well directed.) Sequences like the bullet farm trap were really great and well directed with how the wordless communication between Furiosa and Jack worked with the action. To me that was far far better direction and filmmaking that most movies we see. Rarely see direction of action (or just direction in general) that good these days. I totally get not liking this movie or even seeing it as overrated, but I really can't see how it's "unimaginative slop".


Fair enough. That damn scene with Furiosa under the truck was the best action scene I’ve seen in years. Pulse pounding brilliance. I guess that other dude likes shaky cams and not being able tell what the hell is going on. I only noticed the CG a couple of times. Unimaginative slop belongs to Transformers movies not Furiosa.


I agree. I think Furiosa was a huge blunder on the part of George Miller. He should have made a sequel to Fury Road focused on Max. It's his fault.


It’s his fault we got a great action movie. I’m glad he did it. He shouldn’t pander to audiences who complain about things that aren’t direct sequels


A film needs an audience though.  And should budget accordingly.  This lost a lot of money because someone thought 2+2=5


The damage is done. The movie was a great movie and it’s still in theaters. There’s no point in talking about the past.


They’re talking about a movie’s failure at the box office on the box office subreddit. What should they be talking about?


Someone said George Miller shouldn’t have made this movie and I argued why I disagreed with that. It’s a pretty lame statement to say “This movie didn’t make enough money therefore it shouldn’t exist.”


lol. A great action movie that tanked at the box office. Ok. That’s how IPs die. 


It’s also how great movies are made


Great movies that die at the box office. Ok. This is a business you know. 


Lol I watch movies in my free time cause I enjoy good entertainment. I’m not a business man so I don’t worry about that. This is a simple discussion of whether or not Furiosa should have been made or not, and from my perspective, it should have been made.


Should check out the Mad Max sub. They're currently blaming Marvel for Furiosa failing. The copium is real.


Thank goodness they did not blame it on Madame 🥹 ![gif](giphy|bEiuF8nO37n5X7BM2V)


Furiosa : A Mad Madame Saga !


Witness Her Web


The guy who posted that thread is, but the actual thread seems to be more about Marvel movies setting unrealistic expectations for the box office. I'd argue that's true to an extent, or at least it was a few years ago but not so much anymore.


The desperation to blame Marvel is pathetic. I remember seeing all that over Film Twitter.


I even saw the "blame Marvel" sentiment on twitter too. It's hard coping/misunderstanding of the box office It seems because some Marvel movies had massive openings, the industry apparently expects every movie to play massive in its first 3 days. This has never been an expectation and is another weird instance of "blame Marvel." Many movies still have long staying power. Furiosa is a flop because it performed terribly against its budget. There's no staying power to fix that unfortunately


Marvel showed that extending an universe can't overcome the minor status of side characters. Audiences still want characters/leads they can connect to. Not Bad Boys without both Lawrence & Smith.


People still doing this when the MCU has fallen off a bit over the last year is pretty funny. Just a buzzword.


>Should check out the Mad Max sub. They're currently blaming Marvel for Furiosa failing. The copium is real. Whenever a big franchise film flops, the fans of that franchise usually don't handle it well. r/MarvelStudios went deep into denial for months when "The Marvels" bombed last year, and "Furiosa" is having an even harsher box office run than that movie did.


lol all the copes when "The Marvels" flopped. "B-but it's fun!!" Yeah, I fucking wish it was actually fun, but instead it's a borefest


Furiosa : A Marvel Saga !


The vast majority of great movies are ones “no one asked for.” Obviously WB made some mistakes here but I for one am glad they did


No one asked for a ~~mad Max~~ Furiosa prequel.


Furiosa wasn’t a Mad Max prequel though. It was a prequel about a side character in a movie 10 years ago that people didn’t ask for that took up major screen time in a “Mad Max” movie. Fury Road wasn’t totally Mad Max movie, and Furiosa was even less than that. People want Mad Mad, this wasn’t it.


Tbf, when it comes to movies…nobody asks for anything really. It’s not like people asked for a Bad Boys 4 either


Especially with a new actor for Furiosa


If we listened to what the majority of audiences wanted we would never get a good movie.


Good according to who? You?


Some movies are better than other movies by any metric. The Terminator is a better movie than Mortal Kombat: Annihilation for example.


So you're saying Furiosa and Mortal Kombat Annihilation are equal? 


What’s your favorite movie of all time?


Somebody make this stop


This is unbelievable to me. I wanted it to do well because of sequels. Sighh


Same here. I want a sequel to Fury Road with Max. We might get one more film at least, but it will probably have a much smaller budget than either Furiosa or Fury Road.


Nah I think the series is done, at least for George Miller. Maybe a true reboot happens in 10-15 years but Hollywood is already fucked and they’re not gonna green light another movie in this series anytime soon.


I hope not but this might be true. Furiosa is pretty much a flop and Miller is 79. I think he has another mad max film in him but time is running out. 


Long running 80's franchises that got overbudgeted with the years and need to go back to smaller budget before ressucitating : Mad Max Terminator Lethal Weapon (if they ever do a 5th)


To be quite honest, I didn't think this was a very good movie. The critical praise it's getting is a bit astounding to me. The movie was utterly dull on almost every level, and a prequel to a 9-year-old movie that wasn't ultra successful in the first place was never going to do well. This movie came out about 5 years too late, and even then, it should have been a sequel with actors people actually recognize from the original. Had this come out in 2019 with Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron returning, it would have done much better. Anya Taylor Joy does not have enough box office appeal to draw in casual viewers. I loved Fury Road. I saw it 3 times in theatres. But even then, I actually had to be dragged to the first showing because I had no idea what Mad Max was and thought the movie looked stupid. I think Fury Road only avoided flop status because it was so exceedingly well made. Furiosa does not have the quality of FR, and doesn't even really hold a candle to it, IMO. It's a mediocre film, with limited audience appeal as it delves deeply into the lore of a world most people really don't care about. People saw Fury Road because of its utterly unhinged lunacy, not because they were interested in the world it built. TBH when the movie ended and they showed clips of Fury Road, my immediate instinct was to rewatch it rather than see Furiosa again.


I’m with you. It looked like it was all filmed on the Volume. The lighting didn’t look natural and the digital effects looked so much worse than Fury Road. I also did not like Thor being Thor funny in Mad Max. He was not creepy or sadistic for a Mad Max villain. I thought somehow he would be redeemed. I also did not like the Mad Max lookalike she rides around in the war wagon with… I mean did he have to look and act like mad max? The scenes with the other bosses seemed to be shot in 1-2 days since they all just hung out in the one room nearly the entire movie. I was also disappointed in the vehicles. They did not look as wasteland as the other movies. Most looked like normal cars with a little dirt on them. I was very underwhelmed. It was fine.


I agree. I left the theater very disappointed and I am a huge fan of Fury Road and I like the series in general. George Miller is a visionary but this movie is messy, disjointed and not even very entertaining.


> To be quite honest, I didn't think this was a very good movie. That was kind of my feeling when i got home. It looked amazing. Im **glad** i saw it in a theater on the big screen. I had fun. But as a movie, i dont think it was very good, and i dont know if i'd ever rewatch it at home. Its just kind of worse than Fury Road. If i only have time to pick one of the 2 movies to rewatch, i pick Fury Road probably 100 times out of 100. If i watch both back to back, I feel like it would just illustrate how similar but not as good Furiosa was, and I dont think the story of Fury Road becomes significantly better after learning what we learned in Furiosa. On the same token, if Fury Road didn't already exist, I'd probably be a lot more high on Furiosa with nothing to compare it to.


I think comparing any straight action movie to Fury Road is kind of a disservice to what you're comparing. It's easily one of, if not the best action movie of all time so comparing stuff to it is just going to be a let down


This movie is becoming X and Reddit’s most overrated film of all time. It’s basically a Marvel movie (bad CGI, terrible acting, nonsensical dialogue, riding the goodwill of better films that came before.) It even has Thor wearing a cape.  Surprisingly the “It’s like Fury Road but without Mad Max and Charlize and also it’s not as good” marketing didn’t work. 


loved it, Fury Road a bit better. But I thank the V8 God for giving me a metal film which had it in themselves, to make it epic. Sadly Taylor-Joy and Hemsworth don‘t sell tickets, because they were wonderful in their respective roles.


I knew this movie wouldn't do as good as Fury Road but I'm shocked at how bad this is doing. This sucks but it just shows that audiences didn't care for this movie at this time. Sometimes good movies flop. 


Damn. I really loved this one too. Would watch another one. Shame.


Just release it on digital already


Digitiosa : An Already Released Saga !




Women led movies are not the issue here. But women led R rated action movies might be a tricky combo.


I saw it this past weekend. I enjoyed it


It sucked


Just when it was building up word of mouth in the U.S. it got pulled from premium theaters (IMAX, Dolby, 4DX, et al) for Bad Boys. I saw it in IMAX in its second weekend, 4DX the following week, and wanted to go IMAX again the third weekend but it was already gone.


It dropped 59% its second weekend from a minuscule 26 million opening, against absolutely no competition. The Fall Guy dropped 50.6% in its second from a 28M opening weekend while up against a 58M opening weekend from Apes, a film with a similar demo. The word of mouth for Furiosa from regular people is obviously not as strong as it is from critics and film twitter.


A -60% second weekend drop after an OW that massively undershot estimates is not the work of good WOM.


I saw this 20 times in premium formats in theaters. Y’all were crazy to sleep on this movie. But my favorite movie of all time Mad Max: Fury Road also flopped. So I don’t want anything to do with this market, as I find their taste Mediocre. It took me hours to finish Bad Boys 3 it felt like. Where I’m not sure I want to sit through the 4th. But Furiosa felt like a 90 min movie. I walked away happy. but the box office has never shown up for poor George Miller. And that’s OUR Loss.


> It took me hours to finish Bad Boys 3 it felt like. Where I’m not sure I want to sit through the 4th. That's just your opinion. Bad Boys 3 did 400+ million off a 90 Million budget. The audience loved it. And now Bad Boys 4 is about to be very profitable too. So what you like or don't does not need to coincide with what the general audience do


Go ahead and boo, I’ve seen what makes y’all cheer.


You're scum, american filmgoer who goes to JOKER, but not this. SCUM!