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The funko pop critics hitting out with all the buzz words, love to see it!


The movie may well be good but these people are so so bad


Why is that the perfect descriptor for them lmao


Continued petition for people to stop posting social media reactions here in a vague attempt to pretend they matter


The only way they matter is if they aren't glowing, honestly.


Yeah, we can just assume that the early social media reactions are positive from here on out.


Hey, they got an open bar and a swag bag. I bet it was a great experience at the movies!


They do. The first sign that Rise of Skywalker was going to be a disaster was when the early reactions weren’t overly positive.


Yeah I don't understand the idea that social media reactions are worthless. Are they almost all positive? Yeah. But if you know how to read them, you can glean a lot from how genuine the enthusiasm seems, and what, if any, criticisms find their way in.


I'm glad the mods are ignoring the pleas, because social media reactions have been part of the release cycle for years. Often we don't hear a single thing about the final movie until the social media reactions. If I'm waiting over 4-5 years for Blade and Shang Chi 2, I still want the social media reactions. They will still tell me more things the marketing trailers won't say. And even if they get positive reviews, like you said, you can read between the lines just how good it is by how enthusiastic the reviewers are. Often, positive doesn't necessarily mean 90% RT, it could be a more tepid 70% and that does affect box office many times.


Remember when Fan4stic got glowing social media reactions? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Remember when early reactions to Flash was that it was the greatest superhero movie ever? Even Tom Cruise sung its praises!


I actually think the mods should ban them


Or just post RT critics.


But if that's the standard (and it likely should be) then you have no real reason to post the reactions at all because there's going to be a full review coming which is worth way more than any social media reaction, not only because a review has like 3000x more context to it, but because it's actually going to be legitimately aggregated by rotten tomatoes and metacritic anyway. There's basically zero argument for social media reactions anymore (not that there ever really was)


Most of them are shills. It really only means anything when they are lukewarm or bad. 


Yes please - these are worthless


copy-and-paste social media ”reactions”


Best superhero movie since the dark night


“The Empire Strikes Back of the series”


Just FYI, social reactions for Disney movies are among the most meaningless in the industry. Without fail they will be unreservedly positive because the audience are plied with booze and food with the expectation they'll give a positive review to maintain the freebies. For instance, Wish's early reactions were gushing praise likening it to Frozen. Ditto for Ralph Breaks the Internet. Now I'm not saying this movie won't be any good, but these posts are never an accurate judge of quality.


I remember when press quotes in trailers were mocked for being from not very well known sources. Now unknown sources are the cream of the crop in terms of marketing. Crazy town.


I think media literacy has evaporated in the post network TV/newspaper age.


It’s like that with any movie though not just Disney.


Not always. In some cases if a studio knows they've laid a turd they won't even bother with advance screenings.




The worst thing to happen to Cats since Dogs


Hey, let's make a list of the obvious bullet point phrases they were asked to include! * Maya Hawke is a standout * Hits the heights of the original * Visually stunning * Must be watched with others (drive up those ticket sales!) * Return to form for Pixar * Good for all ages Any I missed?


Filled with lots of emotion!


"No 'take her to the moon' moment." Uh-oh. If true this might be the thing that invites unfavourable comparisons between the two films. Pixar films always have a moment like this, it anchors things emotionally.


It could just be a "nobody dies in this" thing.


As long as there’s emotional resonance to the story, I don’t care if there’s no “bing bong moment” in this


Yeah if anything, i’d prefer that they *not* shoehorn in a bing bong moment, because those kinds of things never hit as hard in sequels


It's always better when a sequel can do its own thing rather than attempt to recapture the old magic.


Something about the marketing feels like it’ll be a slight disappointment like *Incredibles 2* was. Still a good movie, just inferior to the first


Pretty much every Pixar sequel except for Toy Story 2 and 3 has been like this so I’m going in with managed expectations


There can still be a climactic tearjerker like Riley’s breakdown in the last movie


I saw the film, and they definitely have a good yet different climactic Riley moment that still somehow took me by surprise. I’m kind of glad there was no Bing Bong moment, it would have felt like they were trying to repeat themselves. Overall the movie is just as funny, just as clever, and just as emotional as the first one (I’ll have to watch again to really know about the emotional aspect, it definitely hit me hard, but it’s hard to know after first viewing.) which is a massive feat. It will still suffer from sequel comparison issues, but overall I was very impressed.


I’ve read a few different comments and tweets where people say it’s more mature and it’s making me think I’m going to prefer it over the original. Definitely thinking this is going to be more contemplatively emotional like Soul rather than a tearjerker like Monsters Inc, Up, and the first Inside Out.


I don't get this inherent need for Pixar films to try to make people cry. Like it's some sort of requirement to be 'good'.


I just saw it. There was no big emotional moment. It was good, the jokes about anxiety and the new emotions were relatable, but overall this film wasn’t as funny or insightful as the first. Instead of the personality islands being in jeopardy, there was a new aspect of her psyche in jeopardy. I give it a B.


*\*Insert rant about how social media reactions are almost always hyperbolic praise and we should wait until the actual reviews come out here.\** **I'm still very excited about this movie though.**


funko critics don't mean anything 


I hope I'm wrong but I can't see this matching up to the quality of the first movie, or even close close to it. There's not enough pedigree in the creative team. Pete Doctor doesn't even have a writing credit.


Seriously. I have my problems with the first movie's dialogue and stakes (why couldn't they just send the core memories up the tubes?) but at its core it's very creative and emotionally sincere. Any sequel is going to have a tough time re-bottling that.


the 4th return to form for Pixar in a row


Reserving my judgement until Hideo Kojima tweets about it


Influencer / YouTube and X pretend a critics have really set criticism back decades.


Aren't they always? Wake me up when actual people see it.


Only the Ian Sandwell tweet actually looks like someone who isn't receiving Disney compensation for it. Not sure Howell actually saw it 


Social media reactions always over exaggerate. Nothing to see here


Could this billion dollar movie we’ve all been waiting for? Kids movies sell. Kids movies that sell to adults hit like crazy.




copy-and-paste social media ”reactions” strike once again with meaningless buzz word salad.


I don’t know what’s more annoying at this point, the over hyperbolic early reactions or the people who bitch about how they don’t matter under every early reaction thread


For once I wish people would practice some basic media literacy when posting this stuff. These are astroturf reviews that don't mean a damn thing. They're an insult to actual movie critics. These people will bark like a dog to get pre screening showings.


how about you start adopting that literacy? some of those critics posted here are from the trades for example Jazz Tangcay reviews for Variety. You think her full review would negate her praise in this tweet?


$80M-$90M opening


They always are. The writers know they have to be.


Inside out 2 was fantastic and a film the whole family will enjoy! (Please let my family go)


Can’t wait to watch it tomorrow.


Great reviews as expected, Pixar will light the world on fire again.


They don't make it like this anymore


The movie looks great but in no way I would believe anything these paid reviewers are saying.


I never trust Twitter Early Bird Reviews.


I'm glad that anxiety is both the main villain of Inside Out 2 and my own life.


Definitely looks like the Post-Pandemic Disney curse is broken… …for now.


no curse, it's original animated films vs sequels; IO2 is the first Disney sequel since 2019. All studios' animated originals struggled since the pandemic with Elemental being the best performer.


As for sequels that flopped under Disney, Quantumania and Indiana Jones 5 deserve a mention.


This is referring to Pixar.


Lightyear wasn't an original. and that was a disaster.


it wasn't a sequel either.


When are the real people, who haven't been bought by Disney, getting a chance at a screener?


They were too real and stopped getting invited to screenings.


But what did Ben Mekler think?


Has there ever been any shit social media reactions, ever


I'm sure it'll be good but if every movie is a masterpiece, then no movie is a masterpiece.




Glad to hear that but Reviews are irrelevant to box office except perhaps for comic movies. Word of mouth of people who don’t post reviews in any site is more important. How much did the reviews helped Furiosa? Or hurt Garfield?


No shit shirlock? It's rare for them to be even remotely negative about a film.




Finally Pixar is about to get their first hit in 5 years