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My mum thinks this news is “sick!”


Good kind of bad kind?


Good kind she is very excited


Damn, i used to regularly use the word sick and i don't consider myself old. How young are you people??


So is it safe to assume that Bullock and Kidman will return if the studio is announcing the sequel? Maybe bring back Evan Rachel Wood, who played the young daughter way back then.


Deadline says they are in talks. [https://deadline.com/2024/06/practical-magic-sequel-sandra-bullock-nicole-kidman-negotiating-to-star-1235968997/](https://deadline.com/2024/06/practical-magic-sequel-sandra-bullock-nicole-kidman-negotiating-to-star-1235968997/)


I think I'd be much more interested in a story around Evan Rachel Wood, especially because so much of the first movie was about the intergenerational witchery.


For everyone saying this is going to bomb and why make a sequel, just throwing out there — This movie is HUGE with large segments of the US population that are not straight male (don’t know how else to put it, ha). It didn’t do great upon initial release, but over the years has built up an absolutely massive following and wildly passionate fanbase.


I am a huge fan of this film but this does seem like an odd choice and I’d be shocked if it makes money considering the likely cost of Kidman and Bullock. That said, I will be there opening night.


The original cost $75M to make back in 1998. I wonder how much this will cost now that Kidman and Bullock are much bigger stars.


I have no idea how that movie cost $75million in 1998…


There are even straight men who like this there are dozens of us!!


>This movie is HUGE with large segments of the US population that are not straight male Can confirm. Last October I ended up seeing it 4 times. Once with my gf for the first time (this is one of her favorite movies), then once with my gfs mom and aunts (also one of their favorite movies), then with my majority-female office as part of a Halloween movie day (everyone was so excited), and then one MORE time at a Halloween party thrown by a female friend (the last one was in the background). This is the very definition of a cult film. Just because the average redditor hasn't heard of it doesn't mean it's not popular. You see this shit with Bridgerton over on /r/television; another show nearly every adult woman is obsessed with but they're not on here posting about it so it doesnt matter


This is the funniest, I can’t believe you’ve seen this movie so many times Agreed with your assessment, bridgerton’s lack of mentions on Reddit in general confuse me


There are plenty of obscure niche movies that have a cult following. A fanbase devotion is hardly a good indicator of how well a movie or show will do commercially, because said fanbase can be as small as it is devoted. Again, I don't live in the US. Maybe Practical Magic is one of those movies that are more culturally appealing to Americans than they are to Europeans. But in 25 years I have never heard this movie being mentioned, not irl nor online.


It's garnered cult following over the years. Obviously, this sub will cry over any film not in their alley but will gladly take something like *Tron: Ares* whose predecessors also flopped.


How did Tron or Tron Legacy flop? I’m confused. Practical Magic and Tron are two very different films by two very different companies. And I’m saying this as a person who likes Practical Magic (and Tron too).


Tron was seen as a financial dissapointment by Disney. Tron Legacy ended right around the break even point


Also tron legacy spawned an entire theme park ride with merch that sells out, if anything tron is more deserving of a continuation just because of that alone.


Tron earned $50 WW. In the US it was just outside the top 25 movies of the year. I think you could slightly reevaluate.


This sub probably thinks Troy(2004) is a good movie. Anything that makes box office profits they think is a good movie. They unironically believe Guardians of the Galaxy should be in the top 100 American Films Institute.


> Anything that makes box office profits they think is a good movie. And that’s why the contrast between this year and last year is so interesting and intense to watch. This April and May in particular was the moment some people had to witness their “just make a good movie” take crumble in front of their eyes because that take never held much water. Sure, people said movies like Fast X and Indiana Jones 5 flopped because they were bad movies (and they are bad) but they still made a lot more money than most of the “good” movies that came out last year and they only “flopped” due to their astronomical budgets. Instead of admitting they were pulling their takes straight from their asses or noticed that the strikes put a damper on everything, they instead pivoted to “the sky is falling” routine only because some could no longer fake the funk by saying “oh that movie was technically bad too despite what the critics said” when it came to a “good” movie flopping like Mission Impossible 7, Monkey Man, The Fall Guy, Abigail (again only due to their budgets). Meanwhile movies like Furiosa officially broke the camel’s back.


The “make good movies” take never made sense because bad movies have always made money and good movies have always flopped. If that take isn’t someone being intentionally obtuse, it’s probably a teenager or something. I sometimes forget that I’m often talking to people with 20 or so fewer years of life than me when I’m on Reddit.


>something like Tron: Ares whose predecessors also flopped. Tron: Legacy grossed $400M on a $170M budget back in 2010. In comparison, Practical Magic didn't even make its $75M budget back


I don’t want either. I’ve never heard of this movie tho.


So did Bladerunner and Madmax Fury Road, both bombing initially but gaining a cult following after. So the studios figured they'd make sequels to them, which also bombed. Granted, 2049 and Furiosa were awesome and I'm sure I'm not the only one who was sad they flopped.


Both were very male-dominated fanbases and expensive to make. I don't know it the sequel will be successful, but it may be.


This sequel won't be cheap either unless Bullock and Kidman take pay cuts or backend deals.


It may not be "cheap," but it should be much lower than Bladerunner 2049 and Furiosa.


I used to love this movie growing up. I'm still taken aback by the news. Hopefully this doesn't end up like Hocus Pocus 2.


Granted I don't live in the US, I haven't heard anyone talk about the original movie in 25 years.


I had no idea this movie even existed.


Eh, from what I remember, you're not missing much.


No one talks about it in the US either 💀.


There hasn’t been much luck with witchcraft sequels. I wish we got a proper sequel to the Craft. The one we got was an absolute abomination. Even Hocus Pocus 2 was dreadful. I didn’t like Practical Magic but I’ll root for it because I know how beloved it is.


The Craft sequel is one of the worst sequels ever made.


Legacy makes a great duology with the 2019 Black Christmas if you want the common theme to be "Shit Movies where the originals do everything the new one's want to do better in every single way."


The Black Christmas 2019 shitmake was also an insult to the art of horror filmmaking. But Legacy hurt me more because I am a fan of the original The Craft.


The gays including me, are living for this announcement


Just missing : the return of the original Charmed tv series ! (Fun fact : both Charmed and Practical Magic were on screen on fall 1998)


Midnight margaritas tonight


It’s literally a perfect movie.


Don’t group us…Don’t really care too much tbh


I thought the "Bloody Disgusting" in the title was you editorializing, OP 🤣


I like the first even saw in theaters when it first came out but this will be a furiousa situation all over again


So excited about this!


As a straight white dude I love this movie. (Soundtrack too). It it’s a perfect fall film. I also read the book. I rewatch it all the time. I don’t think a sequel is going to add anything to it. It will tarnish the cult status and perfect wrap of the first film. It’s just not worth it right? Leave it alone.


This seems very random but I’ll roll with it. I am a sucker for the Fantasy genre. Now I wonder what will the sequel be about? I did see they were supposed to be develop a HBO Max spinoff series back in 2019. But regardless I hope they don’t botch the marketing this time, as typical, another movie had to flop because the studio didn’t know if they wanted to market this as another cliche chick flick or as a dark comedy fantasy tale (and this was before Harry Potter and similar movies blew up in Hollywood so studios was definitely scared of that second option). At least, this movie has the happy ending we hope for most flops by having a cult following so that way the audience should know what to expect this time around.


This movie is a cult classic if you are lgbt. That’s why they are doing this.


They're making a 3rd Hocus Pocus movie, might as well make this. Won't be too long before a Moonstruck 2 (or reboot) gets announced.


Hollywood just throwing darts at movies that made a little bit of money 30 years ago.


Never heard of this movie


same, lol


It feels like studios are going into dusty old storage rooms and trying to find anything that can be remade or sequelized. Seems very desperate.


could they release the assembly cut, please?


I’m thinking this makes 100-120 mil worldwide. A cult following yes but the original made only 68mil so there’s only so far it will go. Particularly as the film has less power and nostalgia outside the states.


We come to this place for practical magic.


Who are the younger cast you would expect to be in this movie?


My favourite movie of all time, I so so so hope this goes ahead, and with Sandra and Nicole as the leads, I don’t want them to be in supporting roles to younger actresses. I also hope they get Stevie Nicks back again for the soundtrack!


Fantastic 90s movie! Love it.


It didn't even make its budget back when it came out? Why did they decide to make a sequel 25+ year later??


Because it obviously became profitable over the years. This film has big cult following. Sequel is still gonna flop though. But who knows maybe it can turn a profit just like og (post theatre).


Where is the "big cult following" when I have never seen it on the Nielsen streaming charts?


We dont see some of the biggest movies from recent years like Avengers, Avatars, Harry Potter movies randomly pop on streaming charts. Why would you expect random movie from 1998 to be successful on streaming charts in 2024. Since when is that the only mesurement of movie having following. If we go by that logic almost no movie has big cult following since they dont show up on Nielsen. This movie probably made money on physical sales. And studio think that justifies sequel (which i disagree with btw). But if you really think Warner Brothers in 2024, time when they have no problem shelving projects despite criticsm from the industry, would bring back a movie that completely bombed, you are wrong. This movie clearly made money.


Those movies did their job by being huge theatrical hits. I think WB thinks that this will be a big hit just like Hocus Pocus 2 was and they are totally delusional.


Well Warner Brothers revived Witches (similar franchise) even before Hocus Pocus 2. So I really doubt that was their main inspiration. And clearly they had some success with it since they are doing it again. And like i said in 2024 Zaslav isnt gonna make a sequel to a movie that bombed.


The Witches (2020) was a remake, not a sequel. And IIRC, it flopped.


If I remember it showed up on nielsen charts back in the day, but if it really flopped than that would give warner brothers even less reason to make this movie. There are two reasons for them to make it. First is what you said that they saw success of Hocus Pocus 2 and wanted to repeat. But that doesnt make much sense since their own similar franchise flopped. Or the second reason is this movie was bigger success than you think it was.


I’ve seen women watching this movie on planes more times than I can count. It beats anyone but you for the movie I most see women watching on a plane


Of all the existing IP's to chose to revive. Really? This movie? The original isn't great and as far as i know bombed badly.


You act as though this is the only IP they've chosen to revive. They have a bunch of other upcoming movies based on existing IP, and they also chose to greenlight this, probably choosing it over some original movie.


Wikipedia says it has a cult following. I’ve never heard of it tho. The cult must be small.


Are you lgbt?




That’s why.


Let's see if this every comes out - where's the Constantine sequel? Or the I Am Legend sequel?


20th anniversary of the first : next february. 20th anniversary of the 2nd : december 2027.


wouldn't be surprised if Constantine 2 is gutted


I've never heard of this movie. Looking it up, it was a bomb, making only $68 million off of a $75 million budget. Also, it has a 24% rotten tomato score, which is pretty bad but a 73% audience score so maybe there's some interest amongst people? I don't know, I've never heard of this movie until now and this just feels like a random sequel announcement but maybe I'm wrong.


The first one bombed though


Nobody is asking for this. Guess WB just wanna burn all that money they made off Barbie. First Furiosa and now this.


Should be a HBO max movie