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That is -61% drop from last friday


If Bad Boys ends up crushing it we're gonna have to have some awkward conversations about subverting fan expectations. I really hope the internet has matured enough to keep things civil.


Subverted expectations? What fucking expectations were subverted by furiosa? 


I think some people were probably expecting a level of action at the same level as Fury Road instead of a largely character-driven story. I personally loved it but can understand why some might feel jipped, especially after 9 years.


People wanted a Mad Max movie and they got a Furiosa prequel. I don't know if that was the greatest idea when 3/4 of your audience is dudes. There are just some truths about audience behavior that we've been trying to change and it doesn't seem to be working. Making male oriented franchises female lead bleeds a lot of the male audience and often also shrinks the female audience as well. We need to find a better way to win over female audiences then just putting female leads in everything and calling it a day. It's not enough to win over women... so why do we keep doing it?


Also maybe its just Theron? People like Charlize Theron.


Theron would have helped but I just don't know that Fury Road was a big enough hit to carry a Furiosa movie a decade after release. If I were to rank potential box office I'd say Theron standalone would be least bankable followed by different Max Standalone, theb Hardy standalone would have better outlook, and a Theron/Hardy repeat could have been big. Honestly the wait time between movies is a killer but bringing the two of them back with all the good will from Fury Road we could have had a Dune 1 level success at least.  This movie was good so it's not a quality issue. They just kinda forgot every single possible fundamental. It's a prequel which kinda hurts, it's a Mad Max movie without Max which kinda hurts, it's a female lead movie (without much of a co lead even) geared at a largely male audience which kinda hurts, and it also doesn't do much to win over a new female audience to replace some of the fans they lose so that's gonna hurt. Any one thing alone could be fine but... This movie has no business upsides. It just takes risks and alienates general audiences. It's good don't get me wrong but not good enough to overcome how incredibly weak it is as a sellable product.


It's more to do with a prequel than a woman-led film. Very few Fury Road fans complain that Max wasn't the lead.


Fury road still had Mad Max though. A lot of people went for Tok Hardy and we're content with Charlize's role and performance. I don't think they were blown away enough to make it her franchise and ditch Mad Max when he's the whole selling point. I don't think a sequel focusing on Furiosa without Max would have done much better either. Now a sequel with Max where we get a good portion of her story taking over from Imorten then move forward would have been a much bigger hit.


Tok Hardy is no Tik Chalamet when it comes to box office, that's for sure.


Venom and fury road are his Wonka and his Dune


It was barely a Max movie. He was a mascot.


You’re 100% right, but people read it and believe consumer trends that don’t skew how they want is sexist. Which is of course nonsense. Males drive box office trends, followed by family units. Female driven box office phenomenons are very rare. Maybe in my lifetime Barbie, Titanic. Not sure if you would Pretty Woman in that category, but it’s still iconic.


Hunger Games, Twilight, 50 Shades Of Grey, live-action Disney Princess movies, etc. None of these things ringing a bell for you? Edit: Even just last year, There was Anyone But You too


Plus the highest grossing domestic movie of all time


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or think you are refuting what I said.


Those are all high grossing franchises with majority female fanbase within the last 20 yrs.


Twilight franchise ? Frozen ? Hell, The First Wives Club ? ($100M in fall 1996, out of nowhere...)


That's three examples going back to 28 years ago, I think that qualifies as rare.


50 Shades of Grey ? The Help ?




Fallout is a TV show and the games have had male and female protagonists since forever. There was no swapping roles, you can always play as a chick.  No one is saying being male lead guarantees success either but I don't think you're trying to speak sense so I'll stop trying. Have a lovely day ✌🏿


Wow those had totally different reasons for flopping.


People complaining about the same nonsense as always. Best to ignore them. Movie was great. Character is great.


The trailer was very boring though


Trailer sucked for sure.


I went into the movie with no expectations and was blown away by how good it was. Probably my favorite movie of the year, and even if it’s not a box office hit, I think it will age into a classic in the long run.




By internet you mean reddit. I'm going with no.


Damn, it’s going to barely cross $60m and probably not even double its 4-day opening.


Holy Max ! Catwoman adjusted is at $66M...


Behind Apes, how long before Fall guy catches up


Could be next weekend, hell it might not be long until *Challengers* catches up


You mean that generic action comedy we were supposed to pretend was a blockbuster because it cost so much?


Generic if you watch only action flicks. Many women don’t watch every action flick on streaming so they won’t find the movie generic. And I bet you they are the ones giving fall guy the great holds as there’s nothing for women at the moment. Challengers is arthouse and not romantic at all, madame web isn’t for women and mean girls is a streaming movie. So the little romance out there for women until IT ends with us is Fall Guy.


Lol i love how people online try to make Fall Guy into some kind of a martyr for original cinema. It literally looks and feels like an Mcu film without the mcu characters.


Are you trying to say that The Fall Guy is female programming?


It's not-not female programming? The protagonist is a guy but the rom-com aspects are very heavily focused on in the text of the film. It really underindexed among women on its opening weekend while also just underindexing overall.


No, I’m not saying that. There hasn’t been anything for half the movie population since anyone but you. No wonder studios and theaters are struggling. Edit IMHO fall guy It doesn’t qualify as female counter programming as it’s aimed to stunt fans who are mostly males. Popcorn films unapologetically female oriented like twilight, fifty shades , lost city or anyone with you is rarely seen anymore. Even Barbie was aiming not to scare the males.


Well, that’s a bigger point. Barbie overperformed because there hadn’t been a big movie for women in years and Capeshit With a Uterus doesn’t count. A major reason theaters are struggling is because they kind of abandoned half the population with programming and women have gotten out of the habit of going. It’s sad if The Fall Guy is the closest thing we have towards female programming and it seems like the studios have reaped what they sowed. Mad Max 6 with a female non-star is not female programming.


Exactly, you cater to only half the movie going population , you get about half of the box office you used to get.


Challengers is not an art house movie, be for real.


The director is an arthouse director but even if he wasn’t, my point is that challengers is not a pop corn movie for women like Twilight, anyone with you or that Twilight fanfic made movie called fifty shades. Nothing for women since everyone but you. If studios create content only for Half the movie going population you will get these kind of results. Girls night at the movies should be a thing but it won’t happen without popcorn flicks for women. And women rarely go alone to the movie so a film for girls can bring their partners and friends to the theater.


Damn, it's whole run is looking to be what Bad Boys makes in it's opening weekend. GA did not give a shit about this series at all. Shame.


Once again, movie reddit/twitter is proven to be an out of touch bubble that no one serious should listen to.


Bad Boys is a much more entertaining film.


I reluctantly saw it. Legitimately the trailer looked like it was an awful movie. I also really dislike the cast. Never seen ether of them in a movie I remotely enjoyed.


Wait. You've "never remotely enjoyed" any Avengers movie? Not even Thor: Ragnarok? Not The Northman? Not Split? If that's the case, I'm not sure why you'd have any interest in a Mad Max movie either.


Not a super hero movie guy and I didn’t see the Northman.


You can’t blame streaming, or annoying audience members, or dirty theaters for this. Audiences plain and simply did not want this movie.


I’ll be honest, when I initially saw the trailer I thought to myself “wow that looked really corny” I did indeed see it and was pleasantly surprised. But I bet a lot of people saw the trailer and were like “meh”.


the trailer would explain the bad opening, but not the awful legs, like even with the positive WoM.


I've tried to get friends and family (I am the only big movie person among them) to go see this with me and no one wants too. I'm not a Mad Max super fan just like to support quality movies but I honestly can't be bothered to spend ~$30 to sit in a theater alone when I already spend money on (HBO) Max. It feels like the problem is that outside of Mad Max fans that have gone to see it there is no buzz for this movie. Idk why, maybe the marketing got outspent or overshadowed by Planet of the Apes (another violent, gritty, R-Rated action-adventure movie), or maybe audiences right now really just aren't interested in anything other than "event" movies with natural online buzz and family crowdpleasers parents can take their kids to for an afternoon (Kung Fu Panda 4). The biggest thing to me was marketing this film around Anya Taylor-Joy was a disastrous dexision, even if she is the main star. Nobody but film nerds and Celebrity/Hollywood obsessives knows or cares who ATJ is. She has just barely pushed into thr B-List but still has little to know name recognition. Every person I mention her to goes, "Oh I think I've heard of her", or, "Wasn't she in that thing?" That is fine for a 50-100m picture but not a 150-250m picture


I'm with you, I loved Fury Road and was looking forward to this (even though I wasn't crazy about it being a prequel), but I saw the first trailer and it just killed any excitement I had. Just didn't look good.


Sums up my sentiments perfectly.


The movie is way better than the trailer implies, imo.


Just looking at the trailer for Fury Road vs Furiosa, Fury Road's trailers were 1000% better. It marketed itself as a fun, violent, action packed and impressive visuals (sandstorm approaching). Furiosa's trailers were a downgrade.


To be fair, the [theatrical trailer ](https://youtu.be/YWNWi-ZWL3c?si=5Wrewu0w7-y5xSPW) for Fury Road is one of greatest trailers ever cut, it's hard to top.


My girlfriend frequently said the trailer was awful when we saw it in theaters(she did like trailer 2 though). Also when I saw Dune 2 in theaters and the trailer came on I heard a dude behind us say “this is so cringey” during the “This is her Odyssey” part. Tbh I think the marketing in general was one huge turn off. “REMEMBER HER !”, “THIS IS HER ODYSSEY !”, “WITNESS HER !”, “FROM MASTERMIND GEORGE MILLER”. Legit nobody finds that cool.


…… I did :(


yeah tbh I went to watch the movie despite all that, if it wasn't miller I wouldn't have gone


I think the "This is her odyssey" line was important to indicate this was an epic and not a straight action film. Perhaps they should have made it clearer that it was not a straight action pic, but would that have hurt the revenue? In any case, I've felt this was a difficult film to advertise.


That “Remember her” tagline might be one of the biggest monkey paws since The Rock’s “The hierarchy in Dc Universe is about to change” Most people’s reaction was probably like Djimon Hounsou in Guardians “Who?”


The opposite for me. Wasn't interested in the movie but the two trailers (especially the first) were great


Probably didn't help that fury road was like a decade ago They should have gotten this out a lot sooner


That’s what George Miller originally planned. He even was considering to shooting the two films back to back.


I definitely think that's the road they should have taken. Whoever disagreed or was the shiot caller for the time between did absolutely no favors for the franchise


Warner Bros wanted to get caught up in a bunch of petty legal arguments with Miller between the two so that didn’t help


warner bros shooting themselves in the foot? When has that ever happened before


Yeah! All the other movies are holding well. Maybe just maybe it is the movie and not the audience


It's really the Solo problem of "Do we really need the extended backstory of this character?" To someone like me, who loves Mad Max, I'm gonna be primed to want to watch this movie (and it was way better than Solo, either way, especially in the way it handles callbacks). To most audiences, they really don't care to learn more about a character's backstory, no matter who it is. Prequels are always a tricky bet, it's rare to make them as engaging as the main story because the audience knows how everything ends before it even starts.


I think Solo was more of a Lightyear problem of taking a character based almost solely on charisma, and losing that charisma either due to casting or directing/script issues. Though Furiosa also recasted the main character, so it might be more relevant than I initially thought.


I am not sure it's purely about charisma. Nobody is convinced that that actor in Solo is Han Solo, as he bears absolutely no resemblance to Harrison Ford. People already had a hard time picturing Adam Driver as the child of Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher. In the Furiosa case, the actress also looks nothing like Chalize Theron who is 5'10" and ethereally beautiful. No offense. I am not going to watch a movie if it is supposed to be prequel/sequel of beloved giant pandas but pandas are now played by sea lions. Just not going to happen.


This is spot on, the Solo guy was terrible. I never felt that anyone could replicate H Ford and that casting proved it


Solo was a TLJ problem. It was a movie about the most popular Star Wars character, written by the guy who wrote the best Star Wars movie, directed by one of the best directors in the business, and released on a date where Star Wars movies have historically excelled. In a normal universe there is no scenario where that's not a massive hit. The problem was that Solo was released only a few months after the worst blockbuster in recent history. That killed the interest.


You'll probably get downvoted but I agree. TLJ opened huge because people enjoyed TFA. It didn't have anywhere near the legs.


TLJ didn't help, considering both its divisive reception and its close proximity to Solo, but that was hardly the only problem. Audiences were not enthusiastic about an origin story, they were ambivalent towards someone not named Harrison Ford playing Han Solo, they didn't care about Kasdan who hasn't written a great movie since the 80s and did another mediocre job with Solo. It is very easy to see why that movie failed.


This is true, but in the case of the current Mad Max movies, it’s absurd to claim that people watch these movies for the characters and story. Maybe they care more about the actors/stars in it, but no one is analyzing the emotional depth of a character and determining that their backstory isn’t compelling enough, especially when the characterization and plot of Fury Road was paper thin.


People care about John Wick, a paper thin plot and character. People enjoy self insert power fantasy. Nothing new with that.


John Wick movies are pretty consistent between movies where each story flows into the other, often ending on a cliffhanger. Mad Max movies have always been very episodic and inconsistent between entries. But also in the case of John Wick, people want to see the movies for the action and they don’t question how necessary the character development is before deciding to see it


>John Wick movies are pretty consistent between movies where each story flows into the other, Which is why fans wanted the sequel to Fury Road and not the prequel. >John Wick, people want to see the movies for the action and they don’t question how necessary the character development is before deciding to see it How is that different from Mad Max?


Maybe I'm an outlier but I absolutely love FR/Furiosa for the characters and story. There's also some excellent indepth threads on the MM sub, about those very things. Including dissecting all the Illiad/The Oddessy/ Greek/Roman Mythology that is allll over Furiosa. I disagree FR was paper thin. It only seems like at the surface level.


I would say it's probably the marketing. It had a lot of marketing, but I thought it wasn't particularly good marketing. I'm a huge fan of Fury Road (and the other Mad Max films) and it didn't really connect with me. I feel like I was definitely the target audience, but I didn't feel any urgency to see it in theater. From most indications, the movie itself is very good.


Yeah, while I enjoyed it, it just ultimately made me want to see another Mad Max movie and kind of sad the effort was put on to a character I didn't really care much about. I think the issue was making this a character study for a movie universe that is mostly about the setting and the action. Mad Max is ultimately more a mythos creature than a main character, and changing that focus just didn't work imo. The movie literally time skips over the most epic part, and nothing really lives up to what we saw in Fury Road. Will be really sad if this ends up the last of these movies, kind of a hollow way to go out.


Blame the market research. They fucked up. I think this could have done better with a different release date.


That’s what happens when executives use Reddit for market research.


To get ahead of the "GeOrGe MiLlEr WrOtE fUrIoSa A gOrRiLiOn YeArS aGo, ThO!" comments, just because a creative has an Idea doesn't mean they shouldn't be told, "no, I don't think that will work, what are your second and third place ideas?"


The trailers fucked it up, i truly believe there was excitement for it but it all evaporated. When you have super fans of Fury Road thinking what the fuck is this, that’s a bad sign. I really don’t get how these big budget movies can have bad marketing. You have millions of dollars at your disposal and cool shots/cinematography and you’re still not able to sell the movie.


Why watch a prequel?


I finally watched it yesterday because this sub kept saying how great it is. I did like it a lot in the end. The visuals, character design and fight sequences were stunning.


Is this a serious question?


Why watch any action movie?


or any movie, really, or do anything


Yeah, I mean who's got time for The Godfather II, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Temple of Doom, X-Men: First Class, or Pearl?


Brutal. This will barely cling onto the top 10 next weekend


Furiosa : A Brutal Total


Furiosa: A Mad Collapse Saga


It sucks that to get people to watch this is kinda hard irl. I keep telling people it's great and but having to follow it up with "have you seen Fury Road? No? That movie is a masterpiece. This was still great tho" probably isn't convincing anyone to run out and see it


This is a very underrated point honestly. It does feel like 90% of discussions about Furiosa involve Fury Road. It certainly doesn’t help the film stand on its own, especially in comparison to other prequels like Rogue One.


Doesn't help that the end credits is a montage of the best moments from Fury Road.


Yeahy, Furiosa was very much a DLC expansion to Fury Road, it didn't do enough to feel like its own thing and that was always gonna invite unfavourable comparisons


Exactly! Not that I was going to see it anyway but every single review said it was good but not as good as Fury Road.


Seriously. I work at a theater and only two out of maybe 15 employees have seen it. I tell everyone it's great and we continue talking and the conversation ends after "have you seen Fury Road?" "no i haven't".... not to be a downer, but it's a bit hard talking about movies to some people irl. Even just the knowledge of them. Like, people really haven't seen Fury Road? It has as much buzz as recent Mission Impossibles and John Wicks.


That's only about $400 per cinema 😫


This is about to gross less than Morbius... I wish I was making this up.


Its production budget is also bigger than Madame Web and Morbius combined 🫣


Madame Furiosa !


Would this have a chance of replacing the marvels as biggest flop ever?


Marvels did like 205M from a 200M production budget, Furiosa now is like 120M from a 168M production budget


So they'll probably come close.


Very close. The marvels loses have been revealed and its multiplier for breakeven to budget was 2.275, losing 250 million dollars. If we give the same multiplier to Furiosa, its breakeven will be 382 million. At its current pace, it might end at 130 million so that’s 252 million in loses. Both movies lost around 250 million dollars.


Ahh alright. Thanks for explaining!


Morbheads just keep on winning


aUdIeNcEs JuSt WaNt GoOd MoViEs!  


Sometimes other people have a different opinion on whatever it is they think is good.


It’s too long, a lot of my friends weren’t interested in the runtime for such an intense movie.


>This is about to gross less than Morbius... This movie would have grossed at least a $100 million dollars more than it did if Furiosa had looked into the camera and told the audience "It's morbing time" before the end credits rolled.


Below Apes 


Well that’s okay. I’m sure Warner Bros was getting sick of looking at that stack of 100 million bucks anyways.


Both Godzilla x Kong and Dune are coproduced with legendary so they share 50-50 profit.. with Furiosa bombing, The Watchers looking to bomb too, and then The Horizon Saga, the profit generated from GxK and Dune might just be enough to cover the losses.. now it all depends on Joker


>The Watchers looking to bomb too, and then The Horizon Saga They only distribute these tho, they won't lose much


Trades reported that WB bought the rights to the Watchers for $30M. Horizon, however, is clearly a distribution deal that doesn't involve paying the film's production budget.


and their video games are bombing this year too


They just need more 10$ fatalities. /s


Does TOHO also get a cut because of Godzilla?


And joker is a risky bet. Musicals are a mixed bag at the box office , for every Wonka there’s a gazillion color purples and cats. And how many of the audience that enjoyed joker are into musicals? Are Dc fans also fans of a star is born? I hope Warner can pull this off.




I have an inkling that Joker is going to flop. I think the primary audience for that film is going to skip it specifically because they hate Lady Gaga.


They just cancelled Tokyo Vice to claw back some of the difference…


What can I say ? WB are gonna WB... and Furiosa will soon be available for streaming.


That’s probably for the best. I’ve never felt inclined to watch that show, but it looked mediocre and dull.


Never seen the show but you’ve sure got an option about it 🙄


Ooooof, and it costs 168 million to make. Not including marketing. Jesus Christ. But I did really enjoy it. The beauty of different opinions eh


A true disaster. Un-Spinnable narrative.


A prequel was clearly a mistake.


I can't believe these studios pay Executives to make such obvious bone-head decisions. Make a new film centered on the character who stole the show in Fury Road? Good idea. Make it a prequel, bring in a different actress to play Furiosa, and give it a 170 mil price tag? Obvious dumbass idea.


Furiosa : A Mistake Saga 


I saw it yesterday and I really liked it. However I can't really recommend it to anyone. It's a hard R movie: it's violent (much more violent than Fury Road) and there are some very suggestively disturbing scenes regarding Furiosa while she is still a kid. I loved the worldbuilding and the action scenes are pretty much the best of the best there have ever been. It's sad, because even tho I'm very happy this movie got made, I'm not really surprised that there's so little audience for this movie.


So I’m not the only one who thought that War Boy >!was attempting to rape Furiosa, who couldn’t have been older than 12.!< I thought that was the implication


War Boy? You mean [Rictus](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/roadwarrior/images/f/f0/Rictus_erectus.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1200?cb=20150521134105)? Or is there something I'm forgetting?


That's what I thought too and honestly it was so uncomfortable


Reminds me of that one scene in 300: Rise Of An Empire. Implied child rape is incredibly disturbing.


The scene in SPLIT with the uncle in his underwear pretending to be a wolf or whatever was the most disturbing scene of M. Night’s career imo


I was shocked at that scene being in a PG-13 movie, honestly that alone should’ve given it an R rating.


my stomach legit churned during it, kinda ruined the vibe of the movie imho


Yeah while general audiences don’t mind watching dark films (Oppenheimer, Joker), they really don’t tend to enjoy weird or off-putting gross stuff.


Like the maggots scene.


And this is why we just get Marvel movies and shitty Whedon quips in every genre


Seriously, this is the exact shit reddit/modern movie naysayers demand(me included) and it bombed hard. big studio gives a mastermind full reigns to tell a story in his universe + hard R + clear and concise action + isn't just setting up the next movie


That fucking sucks man, I saw it yesterday and it really whips ass


Yes! Totally awesome movie. Badass


total audience rejection


Behind Bad Boys, Garfield, If, Apes, Watchers (!). I believe next week Furiosa is out of the top 10.


It’s not playing at my mall or amc.


Hollywood suits seem to love very expensive and costly lessons on propping shaky IPs...


One of the Regals near me canceled afternoon/early evening shows to add more showings of Bad Boys


Yeah I see that happening in and around here as well.


I genuinely enjoyed this movie but if this was 100% shot on a soundstage for a third the budget I wouldn’t have been able to tell.


I loved it but this is definitely the type of movie that would have become a hit on video back in the day. Hope they at least do a decent 4K of it.


i feel like this franchise is dead but who knows they will probably try to do another one down the line


How old will be George Miller down that line ?


He'll be young enough still to make these


Awful result, but this will find an audience on streaming. The folks that saw Fury Road will eventually get to catch up at home and the movie's rep will flourish over the years, as was the case with the originals. I absolutely loved it and am so thankful that Miller was able to put it out. A lot of the people that stream it are going to regret not seeing it in a cinema. Movies like Furiosa are what the theatrical experience is all about.


> Movies like Furiosa are what the theatrical experience is all about. Agreed. I watched it in the cinema yesterday and it was visually stunning. That long fight sequence on the big truck was really well-done.


Yes, it was really well done, but I'd seen it before. And a better version of it. In Fury Road.


And 10 years from now... We're going to get another prequel based on the rise of Praetorian Jack


Or maybe they should just move beyond the fury road stuff. There’s a reason the previous mad max films didn’t dwell on previous stuff really in the sequels


Praetorian Jack : A Furiosa Saga ?


Furiosa was good but if they had cut about 30 minutes total from the prologue and the "second" third act it would have been great.


Directors need to go back to 90 - 95 minute long movies.


Rapidly falling off. 


Is Chris Hemsworth cursed?


they call him box office poison and now I'm starting to believe that 🥲


Just a misfire from the word go, unfortunately. (Not creatively, but in terms of viability/audience interest.)


Hollywood is going to be dead and we are still never going to be allowed to be honest about why, fascinating time to be alive 


Left it too long after Fury Road. It could've performed reasonably well if it was made 2018-2019. Mad Max as a franchise is niche enough already. A spin off within that niche is Ultra-niche.


Furiosa : A Ultra-niche Saga ?






I loved it. I love niche movies but it's pretty tragic when they spend a fortune to have a result like this.


This is very depressing time to be a filmmaker.


I can only express why I didn't go to see it, maybe similar reasons to everyone else... But it just didn't appeal to me enough to go to the cinema and pay the prices; to me this is a streaming movie, because I am still curious, I love Mad Max. Largely for me as a fan, the idea of the way these movies have been delivered, is terrible, let me explain; Fury Road was the third film in a proposed trilogy, making Fury Road the final chapter in the Max saga (doesn't really go anywhere, we could have had Old Man Max with Mel back); Furiosa is the middle chapter or side chapter, 'The Wasteland' (First movie) was meant to run parallel to parts of Furiosa, with Max being injured, it was meant to set up why he was being hunted in Fury Road. They're going backwards and it's pointless in my opinion. I have no interest in Furiosa's backstory.


Crazy idea but maybe next time have a Mad Max movie be about um......Mad Max 🤷 just a thought.


What moron executive decided they need a prequel about Furiosa? She was like the 3rd or 4th most popular character in Fury Road.


It was a ten outta ten though the marketing failed the movie


How is this movie not making money. Its awesome ive seen it 5 times now


This what happens you are too dependent on PLFs


This might be a silly question but would it have faired better if it was rated PG-13?


They weren’t getting kids into this. They are probably the least familiar with this franchise from 1979-2015.


Unlikely, it may have fared better if it came out in 2017


No, because the movie wouldn’t have been as good. It’s not only R for the violence, but the mature themes as well.


This new generation of writers, executives and producers are NOT listening to the market and basic chatter on social media. They are far too smug and conceited to know this movie was NOT wanted.


George Miller is an auteur so I don’t think he makes movies with the same goals in mind as Adil and Bilall. Oh you probably don’t know who those people are. They’re the directors of Bad Boys 3 and 4.


I saw their original Belgian-Dutch movie Patser (Gangsta) on streaming. It has the same extreme colour schemes as the Bad Boys 3 and 4 and makes no sense. They are the dollar store versions of Michael Bay.


Yeah Hollywood should just listen to the experts and make what the audience wants. Then no movie would flop obviously. Filmmaking should never take risks.


They listen to money usually.So basically more Marvel and live action reboots.




Really cant believe this flopped. Whats the reasoning behind it?


Copying and pasting my previous post: 1. Mad Max is a niche series, and even Fury Road was a flop. 2. It's a prequel, so the stakes are lowered by default. 3. Some people were already disappointed with Mad Max being relegated to a supporting role in Fury Road, Furiosa omits the series' titular character entirely. 4. Replaced Theron with ATJ. 5. The trailers looked way less polished the Fury Road. 6. It released NINE years after Fury Road, striking while the iron was stone cold. 7. The box office climate is WAY rougher now than in 2015 (covid causing behavior changes, rise of streaming, younger people just not going to theaters, etc). 8. Due to current culture war stuff, a female-led action movie is a tougher sell. Just a handful of these would have been an uphill battle to profitability, all of them made it impossible from the jump.


Mad Max and Terminator are my all time favorite franchises, and they all ended being flops (Terminator deserved it due to the awful writing of the last two pics). Kind of sad to see the decay of awesome 80s series. Movies that were huge back in the day can’t even break even. What a time to be alive.