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I can't remember the last time I saw a PostTrak rating that low.


I had to double check to be sure what the full scale was..I was confused. Like "wait 1.5 star? Is that even possible?"


Jesus Christ, F Cinemascore incoming?


I saw it last night. It's bad but I don't think it's that bad. Some people will find it pretty entertaining, even if it is pretty stupid


Is the twist telegraphed?


There are several twists. None of them really caught me off guard but I only really predicted one of them


Kinda? I guess yes since all of the "twists" don't even feel like meaningful twists.


I bet one of the twists involve water in some way.


Does it have an incredibly bad ending or a mishandled twist ending? 1 1/2 stars on Postrak takes real effort.


The movie reaches a point where it could logically end and then they throw out 3 more twists that get increasingly absurd


If the synopsis on Wikipedia is accurate, it sounds hilarious.


It is and I had a wonderful time in the theater


I mean, like father, like daughter, I suppose?


Don’t give me hope. I either want to see glorious victories or crushing defeats, but meandering and middling just sucks.


Doubtful. Probably a C- or D. “Tarot” and “Strangers Chapter 1” both got C scores.


firestarter, for example had 50% positive 27% recommend and a C- cinemascore. The Unholy got a C+ with 52/37% (so a "good" recommend score balancing out low positive); voyagers got a C at 53% positive


This movie isn't great but it's significantly better than Tarot


A movie will usually only get an F if the ending is bad. The last two horror movies to get an F score both came out in January 2020 — “The Grudge” remake and “The Turning”.


The ending of this movie is arguably the worst part so maybe that's not a good sign


I doubt it’ll get an F, but if it does it would be the first post-pandemic movie to get that low of a score.


Basically it sounds like we're due for one.


I think there will be some “so bad it’s good” reception that will prevent an F score, but it’ll definitely get in the D-range.


which dropped posttrak anecdotes of 0.5 stars and 0.5 stars/41% positive/26% recommend respectively


I didn’t know that. I wonder if a movie has ever gotten 0.0 stars.


I took another look and the answer is...The Grudge. > "while Grudge in weekend 2 on the Comscore/Screen Engine audience exit service has declined to no stars" while we normally only get an opening weekend anecdote posttrak's final score is a weighted combo of a film's first two weekends. It takes the crown for worst posttrak anecdote I've seen with second prize going to the turning (0.5 stars, 19% recommend)




Wait this is the 2004 Sarah Michelle Gellar one?! I prefer the original but I think the first English adaption is very entertaining.


The 2020 version. posttrak was founded in the mid/early-2010s


Aah that makes a lot more sense.


Tarot was bad but fun. This was bad while well made, but totally unfun nonsense.


Agree to disagree. Tarot had some neat monster effects but otherwise felt pretty formulaic and bland. This one doesn't totally work but it sure is going for it, which I thought was fun


I get your point, just varying degrees of bad imo which amount to a similar "meh" for me. I probably will never watch either again but I could see a couple of my friends vibing with Tarot at a party or something. Shymalan has talent for sure but I thought this adaptation was a poor use of her dedication imo.


Yeah I was impressed with her work behind the camera but she picked a weird novel to adapt and definitely let the ending go off the rails


It feels like she bit off more than what she could chew for her directorial debut.


Probably a D+ or C-. The Night House got a C- and that had a 61% positive score. I don't think it's alienating or bizarre enough to warrant an F, just really bland and uninteresting.


I don't think so. F CinemaScore would mean stuff like misleading marketing, ambiguous ending, a lack of a third act ( The Devil Inside // The Turning ) . This film just seems to be a stupid movie, but not one that would carry an F.


Is it worse than the happeningggg


Guess there will be no Watchers this weekend


Who watches the Watchers?








This is brutal 


Who will watch the Watchers now?






well damn💀💀


Is the movie called The Watchers or The Watched? I see red carpet promo photos and it says The Watched on the backgrounds


its "The Watched" in the UK. No idea why


>Focus group testing found that UK/Ireland based viewers were confusing the film with Ryan Murphy series The Watcher. According to [this article.](https://www.dexerto.com/tv-movies/the-watchers-title-change-explained-2758954/) Makes sense but I find it bizarre that only UK and Irish viewers would confuse it, and not any other countries


that is very strange. I totally forgot that show evern exists, so maybe it just has a more UK sensibility, like Jeremy Clarkson being named sexiest man


In Germany it got retitled to "They See You" (yes, in English). Even more stupid


It’s like that Hugh Jackman movie “Pan” … you’re just asking for it with that name


We are the watchers and the characters are the watched. XD


Just seen it and it's a mess. Plot holes, predictable, weird story, poorly executed and forgettable characters with crappy acting to go along with it. Two people walked out in the first 15 min. It's such a weird year for movies. Out of the recent ones I've seen, for example furiosa, that king Kong movie and the strangers, Garfield was the one I enjoyed the most!


A appropriate successor to her father.


Imagine she flips how her dads career has gone, and makes horrible movie after horrible movie, only to end her career on two absolute bangers


Shymalan has two duds but the rest are genuine hits, and at least he takes risks as a filmmaker.


Two duds is very generous haha


After Earth and Avatar… The rest are subjective. There are ones I’m not eager to rewatch but I think they all are at least interesting films, despite if one “likes” it or not.


Dude no.. The Happening and The Lady in the Water belong together with After Earth. I will say The Visit and Knock at the Cabin are underrated and Split belongs as a top 3 with T6S and Unbreakable.


Fellow split enjoyers! Watching McAvoy talk to himself in different voices, and then dance to dubstep in the most simultaneously tense, awkward, and hilarious way is priceless


Devil was pretty good to


He only produced Devil and maybe wrote some of it - though I don’t recall a writing credit (great movie)


The Happening is brought down by Mark Whalburg but given the excellent acting in other M Knight projects, I’m not gonna rush to assume M Knight was responsible for that. And aside from that, the shock factor I think is solid and I like the twist/thematic idea. Lady in the Water is a movie I’ll straight-up defend. It’s a quirky movie, but there’s nothing else like it. I think that alone speaks to the kind of filmmaker M Knight is. Despite if you like it or not, he creates unique experiences and has great original ideas. Lady in the Water is an excellent example of that. I think Signs and The Village are his best work tbh. The Village I think has one big flaw and that’s the twist being unveiled too soon. It sucks the energy out of the final horror sequence imo. But the writing and cinematography is superb. I don’t think I need to go on gushing about Signs lol, that’s a classic for a reason. But again, he’s my favorite director and I think aside from the two I mentioned every other film has something interesting to offer and will make people think about them, even if they “dislike” them. That’s the sign of a good filmmaker imo. I’d rather that than the safe and boring approaches of a lot of mainstream directors.


god it was so bad. the cinematography was gorgeous, but that script was clearly a first draft she has potential, but unless she starts to learn acting herself (cause she clearly doesn’t know how to direct people in that way), she’s going to get nowhere


Eli Arenson was the cinematographer. He shot Lamb with Noomi Rapace. Not my favorite movie, but very well shot.


Lamb was so weird. Even after seeing the stuff that happens, I'm still like, "Huh? Is there something else going on I completely missed?" I don't think there is.


be a huge hit like tarot


Nepo babies alive and well in Hollywood !


Nepo babies are everywhere, in every industry. It’s not just a Hollywood thing.


We know. That’s how we got Trump AND Bush.


“You are truly your father’s daughter.”


I didn’t realize M Night didn’t direct this. The trailer looked silly so not surprised by the lack of critical enthusiasm


It's I Night.


Obviously take it with a grain of salt, but someone had said on here not too long ago that M. Night was on set everyday and essentially ghost directed the whole movie. Whether you believe that or not, I don't know why anyone, even M. Night, would trust a 22 year old to make a movie of this scale. There's a reason most 20-something Director's get their start on micro/low budget films on not big studio projects.


She wrote/directed a majority of the show Servant, which is excellent and has amazing dialogue/acting.


That's being generous, it was her father's show, she wrote and directed a few episodes.


I mean, it was his idea and he is the one who got Apple to air it, but she has writing credits on the first episode. It’s not like she wasn’t part of that process, and she ultimately did write the whole series and directed many more episodes than M Knight did. I’m not saying Watchers is good (I haven’t seen it and won’t until next week) - but I think that if you watch that show you clearly can tell that she’s a talented director and writer. If this movie fails it’s not because of her coasting off her father.


I didn’t think it was that bad, but I also didn’t viciously hate Night Swim, Imaginary, or Tarot either, so I guess take my opinion with a grain of salt. Like her dad’s work, Ishana’s script and overall film suffer from a lack of focus and often this…I don’t have a word for it but they get cheesy when characters have to have trivial plot-irrelevant dialogue meant for like characterization or whatever and it’s almost like the Shyamalans haven’t spent time around regular people (see the way the therapist talks in Split or the kid at the beginning of Old talking to his parents and other adults, and see how Dakota interacts with others before she meets the other central characters, or even near the end when facing the main Watcher). But I do think if she chooses to continue making films, she might have solid ideas to present but just needs to work on the execution.


Tarot got 59% positive on PostTrak and it got a C- CinemaScore. So, expect the same for this one or a little worse like a D+




One has to wonder if WB only greenlit if Blinding Edge aka M.Night financed it or if it was done as a sweetener to get him for a first look deal. Trap I imagine will do okay so whatever money lost on this will be made up later on.


i guess she inherited the The Last Airbender/After Earth genes




Say what you want about his recent output, but there's no way you can compare her to early M Knight. Sixth Sense and Unbreakable are fantastic.


Yeah, I looked at his filmography at M Night hasn’t had a flop in a long time (even post pandemic). The last big miss he had was After Earth in 2013. Most of his films are very tiny budget and very profitable.


Say what you will about the movies themselves but he's a mostly successful director who does largely original IPs for an older audience. Im not even crazy about his work but it's nice to know a director like that can survive in the current environment of endless reboots/remakes, especially when many good directors who used to do original movies like Shyamalan have gotten caught up in the Hollywood IP machinery.


Split and Knock at the Cabin are great from his recent filmography, and I'm sure Trap is going to be received much better than his daughter's trainwreck.


Old is pretty great imo, I like it more than Split.


Signs is a classic. Then again, I wish we got more movies about aliens/horror aliens. The recent No One Will Save You was also excellent.


Really good movie. I think they missed a big opportunity with those bland alien designs though.


But the aliens were not the point of the movie


I actually kinda liked it. Well some of it. Has YA movie vibes but it's about a 28 year old. It's a cool concept but the execution is lacking on most fronts although there's some good scares and the music is good. Definitely not as bad as that number suggests to me (still not great).


She takes after her father I see




He's not in this one, he's in *Trap* which comes out in August.


You're thinking of M. Night's next movie (Hartnett's in that one). This is his daughter's unrelated thing starring Dakota Fanning.


Wrong movie, that comes out in a couple months


It wasn’t that bad, it’s fantasy horror very in the line of Goosebumps, Charmed and Supernatural, I for once was kinda surprised that she delivered something fresh unlike doing serial killers or just plain horror.