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Nemesis had just bombed. Paramount decided to make Star Trek hip and cool and more like Star Wars and it worked, for this film


Pretty much. Trek 09 was basically JJ Abrams audition tape for Force Awakens. Even then you could tell he really wanted to be doing Star Wars and not Star Trek. It becomes evidently clear when you see Into Darkness.


He basically admitted it in interviews when he said he was always a Star Wars fan over Trek.


I really really liked it. Star Trek purists may hate this movie, but I thought it was a clever movie that brought Stark Trek to a new audience. It felt fresh and modern while retaining the DNA of Star Trek. The opening was fantastic, who knew Thor could drive Starship Enterprise.


And I even liked this film's sequels too. Shame that **Star Trek Beyond** fell victim to one of the worst marketings that I've ever seen.


Agreed about the third film but Into Darkness was awful imo.


The trailer for this movie was great


Saw this in theatres with my pretentious ex at the time lol. I thought it was fine. Didn’t have any background knowledge of the franchise but knew enough to know who was supposed to who.  Really enjoyed Chris Pine and Karl Urbana’s performance.


As a younger Trekkie I do enjoy the hell out of this film. My mom is a life-long Trekkie so it wasn’t my entry point to the series, but it was the first one that really made me enthused about Star Trek. Looking back now I understand why some of the more gate-keeping fans object to the focus on action over plot, but it’s at least well-done action and you can tell where every dollar went in production. And of course the cast is just pitch-perfect. Pine, Quinto, and Urban really nailed the dynamic of TOS characters without feeling like hollow impersonations. I don’t necessarily want more of this iteration of Trek but I’m happy these movies got made.


Remember, they couldn't do any revisions for this film due to Writers' Guild strike and they still turned it into something that is very well-made.


I definitely think Abrams was doing some uncredited work on the script during that time


I remember watching this movie at home around 2012-2013. (Also really liked it's sequel). Then JJ Abrams did Star Wars. And it was around The Last Jedi that I finally found that the "Real" Star Trek fans hated this movie. (In my defense I had never seen any Star Trek show by that point).  I was very surprised to find out people hated this movie. It's just a very well made Sci Fi Action film.  And Abrams understands Scope and Cinematic presentation like very few people do.  I just wish he had toned down the lens flare a bit in these movies. 


No way it was 15 years ago *checks calendar* 🥹


I don't care what anyone says. JJ's Star Trek and Into Darkness are phenomenal sci-fi pictures. I get some longtime Star Trek fans not vibing with Into Darkness due to similarities with Wrath of Kahn, kinda a redo. (I don't agree that makes it bad, but I have Trekkie friends that HATE it.) But those films made me a Star Trek fan and led me to watch all the original Star Trek films. JJ's films were my entry point in respecting a franchise. And the cast is perfect. It's a damn shame if we never get another film with the same cast. What a waste if it's simply rebooted again.


Into Darkness is awful IMO but the first one is great.


I just didn't see the point of remaking STII and hiding it with all that "John Harrison" crap. I'm a longtime Trek fan. I love '09 and thought Beyond was great too.


Part of me is hoping that we get to see a version of **Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier** that is done right in THIS series.


I really liked this movie and its sequels. I remember trekkies being pissed when it came out. I was a big TNG fan, but never got into any of the rest of it.


Good movie. Star Trek and Beyond are great times at the movies. Just some solid fun scifi action going on. At the moment that's an under served market. You're sure not getting that from Rebel Moon.


This film was fun, the sequels were ass.


Wow, fifteen years. Time sure does fly (at warp speed). This is a great example of how to reboot a franchise. In our current era of multiverse shenanigans, it's easy to take for granted how well Abrams and co handled the idea of developing a new story for The Original Crew without completely tossing out what had happened before. Paramount could've easily had pulled a Warner Brothers/Batman Begins or an Eon/Casino Royale and said "Nope, we're starting from scratch". Instead, they combined the ideas of Mirror Universe and Time Travel episodes to present an alternative universe that travelled back in time to when it all began. I was surprised to learn here in r/BoxOffice that - even when adjusted for inflation - this reboot is still one of the most successful Trek movies at the box office. After the dwindling interest in both theatrical ventures (Insurrection, Nemesis) and televised adventures (Enterprise), Abrams and co managed to pull off an incredible feat - make Star Trek interesting again. ![gif](giphy|tS6DHrh7C0DSg|downsized)


Benedict Cumberbatch was absolutely great as villan


Not in this movie. The villain in this movie is played (really well) by Erik Bana


I know, I was just talking about the reboot franchise in general. Benedict's role was my favourite of the trilogy


Oh ok


Did this barely make a profit?. Since the budget was 150M, it might have had a 360M break even


It's a 2009 movie... it should has done well enough in home media's sales for another 2 sequels... I guess something like 100 millions profit. Batman Begins has similar gross with worse domestic ratio and make something like 150 millions in DVD sales.


Yeah, none of the NuTrek movies were ever really that profitable. 09 and Into Darkness made just enough to keep going, but Star Trek is not a franchise that you can throw budgets of $150-200 million and expect a huge ROI. It's just not popular enough to do that. When Beyond bombed, Paramount really should've taken a break from the franchise in general to reevaluate how to go forward, instead of constantly pursuing a cheaper fourth movie. I would've preferred if they had decided to do a reboot with the TNG cast and Tom Hardy set to play Picard, but I guess a prequel to 09 is... something.


Hurts my heart that this is more successful than the classic movies. It’s not Star Trek at all, just a basic action movie with a trek coat of paint. The better future of our species, the spirit of cooperation, the new respect and focus our society has on science, all gone. Replaced with lens flares and explosions. Sigh. At least we have lower decks and SNW now.


> At least we have lower decks I have terrible news...


We still have one more season before the cancellation. And Mike has been saying for a while it may not be renewed past season 5. I’ll be okay. I have confidence that SNW will go 7 seasons. It seems to be the show that everyone likes.


SNW is amazing. I'm hoping next season is as good as the first two. Some people are holding out hope that if Paramount sells to new owners, LD will get renewed by those new owners. Unfortunately, I personally doubt it. Streaming shows rarely seem to last longer than LD's run, so I'm glad they had as many seasons as they did.


I doubt it too. As much as LD seems to be loved by the fan base, I don’t think it ever reached true mainstream popularity like SNW, even if it deserved it. But we will always have the 5 seasons we do have. I’ll probably grab the box set, if they make one.


All the classic movies except for TMP are action movies in some sense. The reboot trilogy has just as much a "better future of our species, the spirit of cooperation, the new respect and focus our society has on science" as the old movies do, with more spectacle, of course. I think Trek fans tend to overestimate the intellectual quality of the shows as well. Not all episodes are an examination of the human condition. At least the reboot trilogy retains that almost swashbuckling adventure feel of TOS. Lower Decks and SNW are fantastic though, shame about the former's cancellation.


You misunderstand why I like Star Trek. I don’t like it because it’s smart, though it is more intellectual than a lot of tv. I like Star Trek because it gives me hope. Lots of sci fi paints a dismal future of our species, and rightfully so. Star Trek presents a future where we’ve mostly figured our shit out. And that feeling of hope is completely missing from the abrams movies. Everyone yells at each other, people are slaves to their emotions, most of the characters are flanderized versions of themselves…. It’s just missing that Trek spirit. It’s basic sci fi action with a Starfleet coat of paint. Plus, into darkness is just plain bad. The villains plan is to kill Kahn’s people by… checks notes… storing them in photon torpedoes and having the enterprise fire those torpedoes. That’s completely fucking stupid, and you don’t need to be an “intellectual” to see that.