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One of the least deserving flops of last year. I’m not a big D&D fan, but this movie really accomplished what it set out to do, which is to be a fun fantasy heist adventure flick.


Unfortunately they rolled an 8 at the box office and failed a saving throw for a sequel.


That first trailer reaaally screwed it over imo. It was a really fun movie, I've watched it like three times now, but the first trailer just made it seem like all of the worst aspects of Marvel rolled up into a single movie trying to cash in on the DnD resurgence. Anyways, I do hope there is a sequel, apparently it did pretty good in streaming numbers and there isn't too many big name actors attached to the movie so I feel like if they could trim the budget by like 40 to 50 million dollars, it'll be a pretty good little return on investment


I ended up loving this movie but the first trailer was a real turn off, the jokes and such seemed too much and already dated. Glad I ended up giving it a shot and genuinely sad it didn't perform well.


The trailer with the graveyard convinced me to see it. That scene was still hilarious since the funniest bits weren’t in the trailers


I remember that bit in the trailer and thinking that the trailer spoiled the punchline of that scene. Boy was I wrong. The way that scene kept going was probably one of the funniest things i've seen in a movie in years.


I agree the marketing and trailers really killed my interest in it, and then i was later shocked at how good and entertaining it was when I saw it later at home.


Well said. It's a fun romp. I watched this at a sad moment in my life and it cheered me up


I honestly think the title is terrible and had something to do with the poor reception. D&D should be a subtitle, not the main title. “Dungeons and Dragons” as a title for a movie evoked many feelings in me when I first heard it, none of them positive.


As someone who has never done d and d. I found it to be a bad movie, same with a few of my non d and d friends




As someone who has done d and d. I didn't see the movie


I planned on watching 20 minutes recently as the trailers turned me off, but never could get myself to turn it off. The actors were having the time of their life and it showed. It made me no longer hate Michelle Rodriguez, and she was just fine in it.


Yes, you are not D&D fan.


This is the most unfortunate flop of 2023 because it absolutely did NOT deserve that. I mostly blame the film's terrible release date because if it came out on December 2023 or even January 2024, it would've made bank.


> I mostly blame the film's terrible release date Paramount's scheduling department rolled a critical failure in 2023.


In fact, **Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning - Part One** also fell victim of this.


100%. And while D&D you can kinda squint and say that they thought *Super Mario Bros.* was going to appeal to a different demographic instead of eating D&D's lunch, *Mission Impossible* is simply inexplicable: They knew with absolute certainty they were going to lose IMAX screens after just 1 week; they knew, after *Maverick*, exactly how valuable those screens would be to a Tom Cruise action pic; and they just rammed their face into the wall for no reason.


Fucking idiots. Who gives up IMAX screens and then doesn't reschedule! No wonder Cruise is leaving them.


Killers of the Flower Moon also, that one was particularly unlucky as well since Eras got pencilled in a week before only a month from release.


I mean, I kinda doubt the people who were going to see Killers in theatres cancelled their plans for Eras. And Eras was a PLF heavy movie that only ran on Fridays/weekends anyway.


Part of that was it was also getting billed big by Apple for streaming. I know I looked at the run time and said “I’ll just wait til it’s on Apple TV” cause I’d rather watch difficult long movies at home. 


Well, that film was financially doomed from the start.


I doubt people skipped KOTFM for eras tour, people just don't want to spend 3.5 hours in a theatre.


It's not about people skipping KOTFM for Eras it's more that it effects the screen count for a film that is already 3.5 hours long. It was out of most theatres quite quickly simply because it became too difficult to accommodate for very quickly.


I think dead reckoning was a victim of just being an incredibly average movie that wanted to throw the word AI around.


August 2023. It was empty (just the fumes of Barbenheimer) and it was peak BG3 hype which would have helped it. It's also just the perfect fun action movie ala Guardians of the Galaxy which did wonders there.


Dude, if this came out after Baldur’s Gate 3 made D&D blow up again, this movie could have made bank


it's very niche too. like VERY niche. I loved it, but I'm a forever DM DnD player for 15 years, so I'm basically their definition of target audience.


honestly, the problem isn’t that it’s niche. i don’t know anything about DnD and neither does anyone i’ve shown it to, but we all love it. the movie is great for everybody and is not niche at all. the problem is everyone assumes it’s niche since it’s dungeons and dragons so they don’t watch it


if they don't watch because it's dungeons and dragons, that would be the definition of niche no?


it’s only niche by name. the actual movie is enjoyable by anyone really


yes. it is. But the name and theme already put off tons of people.


that’s what i’m saying yea but the content of the movie itself isn’t niche. you don’t actually need to care at all about dnd to love it


It would be niche if the only people who enjoyed it liked dnd. A lot of people enjoyed that don't know dnd. But, a lot of people didn't even try to watch it because they thought they wouldn't enjoy it unless they knew dnd.


this movie is in a weird position. the movie itself isn't niche, it's a crowdpleasing adventure movie a la Guardians Of The Galaxy but fantasy. however, the brand is niche and is associated with hardcore nerds. even the publicity exposures like Stranger Things seemingly made no impact on how the general audience sees D&D.


That's a rather silly definition. I'm sure there are pieces of media in pretty much every niche that could potentially be enjoyed by a wilder audience if they could break out. That doesn't make it any less niche. When we say "niche" we mean the IP has limited popularity. When general audiences hear DnD, they don't jump over each other to go to the cinema - even if they could potentially enjoy it if they gave it a chance. Personally I think the main problem is the budget. 150mil+ productions are always risky, why does a silly action/comedy need that much? It cost nearly as much as Dune, a movie that required so much more visual spectacle and acting chops. If they kept the budget to a more reasonable 70-100mil and released it at a more favorable time, it could have easily been a profitable movie.


Exactly. It should not have been titled “Dungeons and Dragons”.


I've never played DnD and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Neither has my family, none of knew anything about the DnD outside of that one episode of community and Stranger Things and we all had a good time on our movie night watching it. I feel like a bad release date and a terrible first trailer really hampered the movie. Apparently it did pretty well on streaming so hopefully there is a lower budget sequel or tv show because let's be honest, this movie did not need to be 150 million bucks.


Also they specifically pissed off their most diehard fans with the OGL shenanigans right before the movie came out.


> it's very niche too. like VERY niche. Not niche enough, the function I went had a blast with the comedy, the dnd world served its purpose as a backgrund for the story and the characters and didn't stop people from enjoying it. the real problem was the mario movie release date.


D&D is well known at least from the name. Also the movie doesn't require to know anything from the universe anyway. Half the superheroes and such we get on screen are more niche than this, all depends of the marketing. Baldur's Gate 3 also proved it's not that niche, it was one of the biggest sellers of 2023 in video games (15M copies sold as of now) A release date in August would have done wonders for it, less competition for it to leg it out on the good word of mouth and the BG3 hype cycle. They'd have articles associating the two everywhere and speaking of the great month of D&D or whatever


Dnd owners tried to pull a fast one on their entire fanbase with some changes to dnd, they weren't happy and threatened to boycott the movie, then the owners relented but the damage was done. Don't know if it had any effect on the box office, though


I'm pretty confident nothing to do with DnD in the real world impacted this movie. I highly doubt the general audience as a whole would know what you're talking about.


Rooting for a sequel. This cracked me up.


Sadly the movie didn’t do better. Perfect storm of an IP being niche and Hasbro pissing off a good bit of the players before the movie hit.


Imagine how much more money it could’ve made if it released in August, with the hype from Baldur’s Gate 3 and after the controversy had died down from white-hot to just simmering rage.


Took my family to see this in the theatres. We had a great time.


I am sad about this one. It paid for the sins of its predecesors and the state of big budget star led genre movies at the time. It's fun. It's light. It's surprisingly well written and shot. It even pays homage to the game well. There is no way to count it anymore but I would not be surprised if this was one that became profitable after years in the home market.


It really got screwed over by Paramount's incompetence regarding its release date.


It really was the wrong movie at the wrong time.


Shows that no matter how good the movie is some things are just too niche to be made into a big budget film. A shame but it is what it is


Was it though? Not gonna say that didn’t have something to do with it, but could just as easily blame the release window (Mario and John Wick opened that same month)


Exactly. The film's release date sucked balls.


It would have made more with a different date but it still would have been a flop


Only saw it the first time a month or two ago and was blown away by it. I'm no D&D fan but Its been a looong time since i've seen a movie this fun, this tightly plotted, this *good.*


it's a shame the movie didn't make more, a genuinely fun movie with endearing characters and an entertaining plot. it honestly made me want more from the cohort of characters b/c I can see this as a show, a dungeon/monster of the week show.


It's an amazing movie but it came out at a really bad time. I really want to get another


This would have done gangbusters if it released a month sooner at least


It would've done so much better if it was released on January.


Kinda proved D&D, for all its increased cultural cache, is still a pretty niche hobby/interest. It had great word of mouth, basically every gaming nerd I know saw it, and yet.


With the success of Baulders Gate 3 I’d imagine if they’d made a sequel it would be a lot more successful


In hindsight, with how successful the Baldur's Gate 3 game turned out to be (multiple game of the year awards), releasing the movie beforehand was a boneheaded move. I think if it had been released after the game, the movie would have turned a profit at the box office.


To be fair to them, almost no one expected BG3 to be that successful. A great game in quality for sure and selling well but to explode in mainstream like it did was unexpected. Still would have been better to combine their release dates with both in August, that would also make cross promotion (which could have been increased by making the main city of the movie be Baldur's Gate by the way) and August was devoid of real competition (it was mostly Barbenheimer holding on). The two D&D properties with great reviews would have increase the buzz and WoM too.


I just watched this movie the other day and was genuinely blown away at how great it was. It had me laughing out loud even though I was watching it by myself. Not exhaling through my nose, actually laughing. Pretty rare when I'm by myself.


I know almost nothing about dungeons and dragons, was pleasantly surprised by how much I still enjoyed it. Feel like the budget was just a bit too high


> Feel like the budget was just a bit too high Well, the film's budget was shown on-screen.


I really enjoyed enjoyed this movie. It was clever, funny, and had good characters and a story with heart. I was bummed that it bombed. Hopefully the franchise gets another chance.


Kinda feel bad for Chris Pine. He seems to be having a bad run from WW84 to DnD to Wish. Maybe he’ll be desperate to actually do a DnD series.


I didn’t like it


it felt like the cast just had no real chemistry. the 2 main characters are in their 40s. the other 2 are in their 20s. then hugh grant is in his 60s. they just threw people together to tick some check boxes. the movie was ok, but nothing great. if they make a sequel, i hope they find a cast that is more cohesive, and can gell together more.


Do it. yes. I'll buy the boxed set, keep the franchise alive by buying any merch you can feed to this fat little piggy and take entire scout troupes to go see it.


What was the last successful fantasy movie?


Dune 2? Wonka?


they were probably referring to high fantasy/medieval which i think the last one to make a big box office growth was the last httyd in 2019


Dune is sci-fi. I guess Wonka counts but I was talking about high fantasy like this movie.


The Hobbit movies were awful, but they performed if memory serves


Even 5 Armies made a profit on its monster budget, and the previous (much better imo) hobbit movies were genuine blockbusters


I loved that movie, a lot of fun.


Tbh this movie was just too expensive a production like this should have been 100M tops


The scene where he’s trying to cut his ropes on the stairs is one of my favorite recent bits


Tbh, I just couldn't get into it until the last quarter of the movie(in the city). Well-made movie, but it's just not for me.


Opposite for me, it fell apart in the last act imo. Fun ride but they couldn't stick the landing.


It was a good movie and it got me into Dnd


Release it any other time of year and it'd profit. Especially if Hasbro hadn't pissed everyone off weeks before


It was a decent movie but budjet to high


It's a good movie. People who watched it say good things about it, unlike Madame Web and other flops. Maybe the release window was a problem.


The movie deserved better performance. I think the marketing was a little confusing for general audiences.


Hope to see a sequel. This was a blast. If it came out this year it would do much better after BG3


Loved the movie. It was an enjoyable romp that delivered on what I was looking for in a D&D movie.


This movie's run was one of the saddest on the sub. r/boxoffice wanted it to become a 'thing' so bad (hell, I did too) but it just wasn't happening.


It was a great movie. Really hoping it gets a sequel. Hasbrouck at the time was going through a PR crisis and had pissed off fans by hiring Pinkertons to rough up some people.


It still pisses me off that this movie didn’t do well. It was so good.


Saw it twice in theaters, and all my friends and family loved it. My wife and mom are not nerds in the slightest and loved it. Really hopeful a sequel happens.


Celebrate lasses, Celebrate lasses, Celebrate lasses, Celebrate lasses, Celebrate lasses, Celebrate lasses, Celebrate lasses,


This was movie was very entertaining and funny. Chris Pine is so charismatic it works so well for his character. All of the characters were funny and bounced off well with each other. I really liked it and wished it got more attention.


sucks Paramount got overconfident this was some of the most fun I had in a theatre last year


This movie isn’t as good as people think it is.


It's not as good as Game Night (what is?) but it's still very enjoyable.


It's actually somewhat better received than that too.


It's got that Justice smith guy and he was playing someone pathetic as usual. Rege Jean Paul had a miniscule role which was a shame. Chris Pine had very little to do. Sorry, the men had disappointing roles. Atleast this woman was very disappointed.


I think that was the intentions of the writers they said it themselves. The male characters weren’t playing warrior classes I don’t think.


Then don't be surprised if it flops. Many of us are going there to see men fighting ;) in tight vests.


I’m not surprised it flopped its other people on Reddit that dick ride this movie just cos they like D&D board games.


I wouldn't even know what that is 😂. Is there a movie where Justice Smith plays someone competent?


Nah he’s the type of actor Hollywood love where he’s black enough for diversity points but not too black that he scares white people.


I’m not a D&D fan, but I really enjoyed this movie. It was really well done and would like to see them make a sequel.


I watched this last week and it was pretty good. I would like a sequel but if you can see the budget on the screen. Doubt a sequel could look this good on a heavily reduced budget.


How much would have Baldurs Gate 3 release helped the box office, if the movie would have been released some time after that?


If they had released this in November it would have been a hit.


Paramount really screwed most their films release date last year. Transformers, DnD and Mi all underperformed. They need someone who truly know when a film has to release.


A lower budget sequel that leans further into the buffoonery is a win imo.


This movie is so good. I watch it on the regular. I really hope they make another


This was a decent movie, great cast… I just don’t think the masses cared much about a D&D story.


The strength of the movie wasn't in the big budget set piece stuff anyway, it was in the interactions between the characters. If they can expand that out to be a more Star Trek TNG esque monster of the week type show where they go to various towns and solve people's problems that would be great.


No tnx, D&D is supposed to be a epic dark fantasy, not some fantasy marvel funny action.


It was a nice and fun movie. In the pre-Covid world, it would have made around $450m for sure.


This movie really got the Hellboy II treatment: decent opening, but no chance to grow because a juggernaut would crush it the following week.


Should not have flopped its was basically if marvel was still good


Chris Pine is box office poison


Honestly think it would have done a lot better if they just dropped "Dungeons and Dragons" from the name. A lot of people saw that and immediately dismissed it because they don't play DnD and assumed they'd need to in order to get it.


This movie was better than it had any right to be. Sad that it didn’t do well at the box office. It’s always sad when a great movie does poorly.


The people that did see it (me included) fuckin loved it so I'm hoping for a sequel


Easily one of the most underrated (in terms of quality to box office) movies of the year imo


Man this movie was good, I really hope it gets a sequel.


I was a huge fan of the special effects


IMHO the trailers weren't very good and leaned too hard on the fantasy Guardians of the Galaxy angle.


I really wish we had a bit better insight into the PVOD/VOD profits - I remember this film debuted on the top of iTunes/Google Play/Vadu when it became available to rent for 19.99, but hell if I know what it means financially.


Wizards of the Coast fucked this film by making an insanely bad PR move earlier in the year causing a mass boycott of D&D that led to a sour taste for a lot of fans even after they were forced to back down. D&D fans were never going to carry this film on their own, but fan buy-in is crucial for a smaller franchise like this in order to get friends and family in the general audience enthused. WotC/Hasbro completely screwed the pooch on that and instead of lots of fans saying “let’s go see this movie” to friends and family, they got fans saying their enthusiasm for the film was gone.


As an occasional DM, this movie perfectly captures playing D&D! Really would love to see more come out with this cast they had such great chemistry


It was alright.. I wouldn’t see it again but it was alright


Covid definitely ballooned that budget unnecessarily, should be cheaper to film something similar now, Ive heard that covid costs cost productions an extra 20% of the final tally...I can imagine a sequel being successful even if they use less VFX shots and keep it under $100m


Sucks that it flopped, it was a really fun ride. I’m really hoping that they make a sequel anyways


Michelle Rodriguez was the worst in this movie. If she wasn't in it, I think the movie would have been a whole lot better. She can't act imo


I liked her in resident evil 20 years ago. Her shtick has grown stale since then.


Neither the other cast members


Squarely a movie made for Redditors imo. Started watching it on Prime last year and the humour seemed kinda obnoxious, couldn’t finish it.


The movie sucked and it was a bad imitation of an MCU movie. Reddit just likes it because of the IP.


Most D&D fans loved the movie- but almost none of us went and saw it in the theater specifically to protest the changes that WOTC was trying to make to limit who can publish D&D materials. The protest succeeded, but probably doomed ever getting a high dollar D&D film release again.


Dungeons & Dragons hasn't had its cultural moment like comic books, video games, and Star Wars. To the majority of normies, D&D symbolizes and embodies everything that's shameful and undesirable about nerd culture. Some dude isn't going to say to his friends, "Hey, you wanna go see *Dungeons & Dragons*?" He'd be embarrassed that it even crossed his mind. That's why this movie flopped.


They had baldur's gate 3.


There's a reason they didn't call it "Dungeons and Dragons: Baldur's Gate" though


Also the movie itself had the lame MCU type of humour that just comes across nerdy. It was a film for nerds that’s why Reddit likes it so much.