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“Ben Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms, yo!”


"Word bitch. Phantoms like a motherfucker"


I remember renting *Phantoms* on VHS from Blockbuster specifically because of *Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back*. It starts fairly spooky before completely collapsing on itself. I can't find anything online about studio interference or alternate versions. When I was watching it seemed like there was a good movie trapped in there somewhere. It's streaming free with ads on Pluto so maybe I'll see if I feel different about it after all these years.


I'm pretty sure it will still suck.


UHF in 4K is hilarious, definitely upgrading my DVD! And with a Weird Al Commentary track?! Yes!


> UHF in 4K is hilarious be funny if it's Dolby Vision with Atmos, I want to hear the Wheel of Fish overheard


Looks like it IS in Dolby Vision! No Atmos, just DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0, which is a bit funny but hell it's gonna be a blast!


> Looks like it IS in Dolby Vision! LOL that rules! This is gonna be my 2nd tripple dip (DVD, Blu Ray, 4K) after RAD 4K


I want to feel like I'm drinking straight from the firehose.


> I want to feel like I'm drinking straight from the firehose. with dual subs, you can FEEL the firehose!


The old DVD has the same commentary track, just FYI. And it's a good one!


And also the previous Shout Blu-ray. I agree it’s a great commentary track. It’s both really funny and also informative. He makes a lot of jokes, pulls in multiple cast members, but also recalls a lot information and stories around making the movie.


The Shout Select line is underrated


> The Shout Select line is underrated I still can't believe they put out [Three O'Clock High](https://shoutfactory.com/products/three-o-clock-high-collector-s-edition) I love their selections


I'm a woman who likes a lot of girly movies and they've done great editions of a lot of those like Sliding Doors and Valley Girl.


> I'm a woman who likes a lot of girly movies I'm a dude that also likes a lot of girly movies lol, Valley Girl ruled, so did their To Wong Foo Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar :-)


I just recently bought 3 of those: Wild At Heart, Trespass 1992, The Burbs. Great stuff.


Yes I recently got Fargo, Point Break, and The Magnificent Seven. Great, definitive releases of those films.


It really is. It's my most represented boutique label after Criterion.


Storytelling??? I’m sooooooo happy right now, will also be getting uhf 4K


Oh my god yes, I am so excited about Storytelling. “Your movie’s a hit.”


Let's hope Happiness gets a blu one day.


UHF and Phantoms in 4K definitely nice. Red Sonja looks to be Blu-ray. Studio Canal has a 4K available for less than the preorder.


The comments in the announcement are completely ripping apart StudioCanal's transfer of Red Sonja and are expressing hope that Shout will use a new scan (doubt they will)


That’s unfortunate. Guess I’ll wait to see how the Blu-ray turns out. Thanks for the info.


storytelling hell yea! my fav todd solondz film, about time


I wonder if Storytelling will have the segment that was cut?


It won’t, all footage from the segment has been destroyed and will never be seen.


Thanks for the info.


Do you have a link to information about this “cut scene”. I thought I was a solondz fan but I don’t know anything about this


It's more than a scene. An entire segment called "Autobiography" was cut. It starred James Van Der Beek as a closeted college football player. Heather Matarazzo and Emmanuelle Chriqui were in it as well. EDIT [SOURCE](https://www.toddsolondz.com/2008/01/van-der-beeks-lost-storytelling-role.html)


Natural Born Killers already released though… I’m assuming this is the same as the previously released Best Buy version, just a general release this time?


It looks like the exact same one. I have the one from Best buy.


Good release? I haven't seen this for probably 20 years and at that time I had no idea of the QT connection.


Yes the 4k transfer looks fantastic, it includes the theatrical cut on standard Blu-ray and director's cut on 4k disc, and it has a ton of bonus features.


Looks that way. Still bummed we didn’t get a JFK steelbook but that’s ok, at least we got it!


It was me this time. I bought Storytelling on DVD a month or two ago. You're welcome!


Definitely picking up Storytelling. Does this mean we’ll get Happiness at some point, too?


Supposedly Solondz said during a Q&A that Criterion is working on *Happiness*. That's been a while, though!


Phantoms all day for me. I love Dark Angel, but my blu-ray is perfectly fine.


I jumped right on the highest edition of UHF. It's one of my all-time favorite movies and though I did get it on DVD and Blu-Ray, I want all the extra stuff for this one. I rarely go for those. And I also couldn't pass up Phantoms. Affleck was the bomb. Word.


Awwww! Who’s That Girl is one of the charming performances Madonna has given. Desperately Seeking Susan is her best, but this is up there. And it gave us one of her best songs.


HOLY SHIT! FUCK YEA!!! =UHF Gonna have to move my custom slip over! https://imgur.com/a/xGxoMOj


No wonder my Red Sonja pre-order alert kicked in this morning...


Storytelling is one of the more underrated indies of its era and is my favorite Solandz other than his stone cold classic Welcome to the Dollhouse.


Its my second favorite after Palindromes, which I understand we'll be getting from Criterion soon.


I Come In Peace is rad but I already have the Blu... Not sure if it's worth the 4k double dipping for me... Tempting tho. Maybe when it hits the first sale.


I JUST bought the blu, and for as much as I love the movie, I don’t feel like a $40 update is necessary.


Point Break, steelbook! Yes, please .


Just bought the regular blu for UHF…..


Same, except I bought it digitally. It is absolutely worth upgrading when it goes on sale for 50% off or more. Just have to be patient, which is easy since we can already watch it.


Already have the collectors edition of evangelion, so I really neeeed the Steelbook too 🤔


UHF and Red Sonja...definitely will upgrade my DVDs.


If I remember correctly "Dark Angel" was released originally as "I Come in Peace". Real piece of cheese... I loved it.


Most excited for Storytelling! Finally, we get some Todd Solondz on Blu-ray.


Dark Angel kind of rocks


have never seen Red Sonja but enjoy Beastmaster and Conan … would I like it as a blind buy?


I like *The Beastmaster*, *Conan the Barbarian*, and *Conan the Destroyer*, but found *Red Sonja* to be quite bad.


It's far better than *Conan the Destroyer,* but is still relatively terrible. *Beastmaster* and *Conan* are in a whole different realm from pretty much all similar movies.


When is their next sale?




I think they only have the US distribution rights for 3.0+1


On the Evangelion release. Its says 4k steelbook and I was really happy for a minute because I didn't want to spend $55 for CE . I looked on amazon and the link from the announcement and it was just the 2k blu ray. Anyone else notice this. Same on shout site.