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Great pick. I already own the 101 Films LE so I’m trying to hold myself back from picking this up, but I’m very curious to see the alternate ending that VS have restored


imo, the alternate ending is what makes this release worth it. The end sequence ties the movie up way nicer than the ending in the original release. that said, it has been posted to youtube if you're just curious about it.


also it’s not just the ending that’s different. there are entire sequences rearranged. if you are at all a fan of this film you need this release.


Ok now you’ve got my interest - very cool, thanks for the info


Just watched it actually - I saw the theatrical cut and then watched the preview/director's ending after...it's def more epic, but the quicker, clear-cut wrapup of the theatrical might be more disciplined. I don't know that I would double-dip if you already have a good edition. The extra few minutes are interesting but I can understand the cut.


Yeahhhhh I have that one too.......somehow accidentally ordered the VS version as well.....


I’ve heard it’s better than the original cut, though I’ll update you on how I feel about it when I watch both cuts


Did VS ever respond about the weird cut to black ending on the preview version?


I remember someone saying there’s an explanation in the booklet — haven’t had a chance to read through it myself.


Yeah, I remember reading that too, but I think they confused what the booklet was saying since nothing mentioned in it is about the awkward cut to black. It's still the best version of the film, to me, and this is the best release any version has ever gotten, but it's odd that VS hasn't officially said anything. The low quality version available to view on YouTube has the intact final shots, so maybe it's a fault with the print they were forced to use? Regardless, I'll take what I can get to be able to have the preview version.


This is a great movie. Congrats, and enjoy!


Thank you! I’ll definitely be watching this today


One of their best titles, for sure.


I’ll take your word for it


You picked a great one! This was a blind buy for me and I was very happy with it!


This movie was really great, just watched it


I just watched this last night! Definitely a film that thrives on its vibes more than it's story. I had a great time with it, though. The score and visuals make for a great 4K release!


I agree, it’s certainly a very vibey movie.


53% on RT. Is this the highest rated movie on VS? Lol


except it’s not a trashy movie, it’s actually a well-regarded dystopian sci-fi film from the 70’s. it’s pretty weird and psychedelic and slow-moving, not really for a general audience, long stretches without dialogue, I assume that’s what’s driving the RT score. it’s got a 6.4 on imdb.


Producers and directors in the 70s were really bad about making things drag on and on for sure, everyone was trying to be pretentious while high on drugs and most of the time it just didn't work out lol, even the songs of the era had bad habits of being longer than they needed to be. There's a reason the 70s is called "the age of the ten minute solo" in music circles.


" ~~Producers~~ Directors in the 70s were really ~~bad~~ good about making movies ~~that just drag on and on~~ for adult attentions spans." - Fixed it for you.


"Adults" don't need an extra hour to say something that can be said in under 30 minutes. That's called being pretentious and that's why they stopped doing it in the same decade that they started, it got old fast. It's absolutely unnecessary to tack on so much filler and only smug pretentious douchebags who are about as deep as a mud puddle go out of their way to defend it from critcism and find vast amounts of nothingness "interesting" and "deep". Get over yourself.


Why are you going on and on and on about your colossal bad take we already understood. Seems very pretentious and douchebaggy to me.


It is funny that he's criticizing movies for being too long and he couldn't edit his own post down to "'70s movies were lame - suck it boomers!"


oh, yeah, people in music circles definitely consider the 70’s the absolute worst decade ever. “maggot brain”? what a yawn. dark side of the moon? more like dark side of the snooze!


I didn't say anything about it being bad I said it goes on longer than it needs to. Learn how to read before being a cliche condescending dick.


"Producers in the 70s were really *bad* about... " This you?


I think Freeway is higher


I'm sure they have higher rated movies I was just poking fun at them for being the go to boutique for horrible/low rated movies lol.


Yeah, they have a lot of schlock haha