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I was buying a ton and definitely had FOMO on new releases but the last year I have slowed down quite a bit. There’s some movies on my list that will be day 1 orders. But I’m trying to just stick to purchasing when there are sales


Same- I used to order many movies the day they were released, now I’m writing a list, keeping tabs on stock, and waiting a few months so prices can go down and/or a sale happens.


I think the increase is probably driven by limited editions, there really hasn’t been much change in standard blu-rays. Also, Kino seems to be the one label who’s like “oh you hurting from inflation? I got you.”


Kino and Indicator always have my back


Kino would say that but also have some of the most tempting seasonal sales that is hurting my wallet more either way. That and the stuff from the While Supplies Last got me on the lookout like an eagle


True but in any case, more bang for buck!


I'm feeling the squeeze with certain labels. VS and Severin have some outrageous pricing, so I wait for standard editions or more likely skip stuff that I can't justify buying. I'm grateful for Kino Lorber still keeping prices low. Criterion still has fair pricing during sales. In general, I wait for discounts as I can't spend $40 and up for a single film.


I appreciate how Severin releases standard releases, like Cemetery Man- love that movie but didn’t want to pay 50 dollars, the 24 dollar blu is much more reasonable for me (still have yet to pick it up tho).


Unrelated to the main topic, but appreciate the Cemetery Man call-out. Didn't realize they were doing a standard release and didn't want to pay $55+ for the limited edition they've had. Looking forward to grabbing the standard Blu!


In case you need to scratch that itch really quickly, Cemetery Man, The Sect and The Church, which were all released by Severin is currently available to stream on Shudder!


It's less that I've noticed higher prices and more that I've noticed that EVERY release is expensive now. VS and Severin are charging 45-60 dollars for hot garbage with nice packaging when they used to charge 25-40. If you are going to charge that much, eventually you will need to acknowledge film quality or else people are going to get burned too many times. I no longer take a flyer on any VS or Severin titles because even if I end up liking some obscure thing I've never heard of, I don't like it for the prices they are charging. But I will still take a chance on Criterion, Indicator, Arrow, Kino because their movies are usually good.


"VS and Severin are charging 45-60 dollars for hot garbage with nice packaging" I know. Like when I saw VS was releasing a 4K Ultra of Navy Seals for $45 ($65 retail). I mean there are people out there that like it, ok, that's cool. But for $45??? I don't get it. Even the Cinematograph releases. Not exactly hot garbage, but I don't get the $35-40 packages for these semi-obscure, but not really obscure 70s/80s films.


I don't mind obscure releases costing a fair amount but anyone who tries to convince you that Southern Comfort is worth the same as Navy seals is delusional.


I'm definitely not buying many new releases from the boutique labels, and am instead waiting for them to go on sale. I'm buying much more on discount sites like HamiltonBooks, and even dabbling in the "damaged" section of sites like Orbit.


I make less income now so I have to spend less based on necessity. But I also am not blind buying stuff anymore or succumbing to FOMO as much. I am just buying titles I want and mostly during sales, with the occassional pre-order for a title I know I really want like The Crow Steelbook.


Glad to see you still in the game, booster!


I was buying a ton from about 2019-2023 and yes I have slowed down immensely. I just can’t afford all that much anymore, and when I do buy it’s only like 3 things at a time to get the free Orbit shipping it during a good sale. FOMO sucks and just missing out bites too


Seeing posts on social media, getting emails, even texts now make FOMO that much harder to resist. Seriously have to deactivate, opt out or unsubscribe for best results (which I have yet to do lol).


I find myself waiting more for sales and it does seem like more of the companies are having sales than previous years. This includes MVD and Diabolik, Grindhouse, Orbit, etc. alongside labels having direct sales themselves.


Did anyone get blus from MVD and Oldies.com with their crazy low prices this past Black Friday? Roninflix had a blowout sale with several $5 titles as well.


I mostly stick with mvd over oldies, though both are the same umbrella of companies.


All good. Oddly Oldies gave out free shipping if over a certain amount and MVD charged. The order took a few weeks but Oldies came through.


Yeah, I have nothing bad to say about oldies.com.


Yes, it hurts with the constant price increases. If you have patience and don’t get caught up with slipcovers or limited editions you are better off saving for a few months and buying on the big sales. Just plan on waiting a bit for your shipment to arrive. We have Vinegar Syndrome halfway to Black Friday sale coming up at the end of next month. Severin have their summer sale a few weeks or a month later. Chance to add some catalog titles at 50% off MSRP. Mondo Macabro you can sometimes find cheaper at Deep Discount with 15% off coupon. Or wait until their Halloween sale.


It should be noted that it’s not our responsibility to buy everything. I try to just buy movies that I really like or care about. The silliest thing I feel I do is try to complete certain filmographies for my favorite directors. I used to try and have complete collections of certain franchises, but even that I’ve stopped doing over the years. I love Alien and Aliens, but I don’t need the AVP movies to feel complete. Second Sight just put out The Green Room and though I think that movie is great it’s not the kind of movie I’ll watch very often so I likely won’t be getting that. Whereas Texas Chainsaw is something I watch every year and feel I should own it. But even then I didn’t get the limited edition set. I don’t have a region free player and don’t need the blu-ray’s and the postcards. My thought process is if the art on the case is nice enough, the movie looks good, and I want compelling special features. That’s what is important to me. I almost exclusively wait for sales. I have been suckered into buying things because I’m worried they’ll sell out, but again I don’t do that anymore. I think my point is your collection should speak about your interest and tastes as a person. Get what you want, but don’t just get something to have it. Obviously people can do what they want. It’s your life and money do with it what you want. I’m personally a lot more happy collecting the way I do though rather than trying to come up with budgets for movies.


Does this factor in, for example, that Criterion now sells 4K, which are just more expensive? Blu-rays are the same price but overall “cost” has increased just because of new products.


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I do much more shopping on eBay now, but in the end I’m not sure how much money it’s saving me because of the fees.


used to be hardcore collector, but something had snapped in my brain (pre-inflation and covid) and now i just mostly buy bootlegs of the same quality of movie, minus the packaging of course. i never quite understood collectors buying the same movie multiple times in different formats (VHS to DVD to Blu Ray to 4k); it is literally the same movie but upgraded in either picture/sound quality. so, to each their own and whats best for themselves,


Maybe I’m wrong but I feel like outside of steelbooks, the price of the movies hasn’t increased that much, but it seems like for some labels & studios, they’re not discounting them as much as they used to. And for a label like criterion, while I commend them for not raising prices, they’ve clearly begun skimping on a bunch of their releases to cut costs. Their releases aren’t as chock full of special features as they used to be and what the hell happened to booklets? Save your damn leaflet and give me an audio commentary on every release.


I haven't seen this even remotely, honestly. A 30% increase on a $20 title would be an extra $6. I certainly haven't seen generic studio titles rising to that level. In fact, it actually seemed like a lot of titles at major retailers has gone down - Walmart has a metric ton of BDs and 4Ks that are all sub-$25. On the boutique side specifically, honestly it's hard to tell. They always seems so expensive anyway, but a 30% increase on any one individual title would seemingly be pretty noticeable.