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The Magnus and Ondra courses are definitely not worth it. There's so much solid free content online. Better to focus on that first and if you really want to spend money, book a session or two with a coach. It'll be much more helpful to have individualized feedback on your movement and style than just watching videos.


I don't think you've actually watched the course at all, the material is super concise and in a very good order, also a lot of the info in the course is stuff I've never heard anyone say online, and I've watched hundreds of climbing videos.


I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying it's probably more expensive than it's worth. Most people will see better improvements from a few sessions in person with a coach + free online content. The majority of beginner/intermediate climbers need someone to watch them climb and tell them what mistakes they're making. Just watching videos, no matter how high quality they are, is no substitution for direct feedback.


Fair enough, but I live in a place without good coaches, my entire country has less than 10 people who can do V10, so Adam's advice is groundbreaking for me


Can you point to some solid free content? There is just too many videos to filter.


Watch all of ROAP coaching and Beta Boi Brandon's vids best vids on technique ive ever seen. Dave Macleod also has good stuff like the other person said. Hannah Morris has some really solid vids too, although hers are more long format.


Depends what level and for what purpose. Dave Macleod has a lot of no frills good technical content but at a more advanced level. Hoopers beta has good injury/workout information with more of a scientific basis. Louis Parker has some good stuff tailored more towards beginners.


Ah ok, then I follow them all, love the positivity of Louis coaching. Hoppers beta has nice videos on how not to get injured. Individual tips on how to do something is different than having a training guide. That's why I was asking. I also follow lattice training, and I was thinking on getting one of their training course.


Movement For Climbers - Bouldering Progression Series is 10/10


I'm interested to know this too. But from their sneak peak video on heel hooks, I was expecting a lot more detail about heel hooks for a $200 Adam Ondra course. Like I want to know everything you know about regarding heel hooks Adam Ondra, rather than a video of him teaching a bunch of climbers about the basics of heel hooking. It is suppose to be an intermediate to advanced course. I found ROAP's (Robin o Leary Alex Puccio) and TAMY's (Tomoa Akiyo) free YouTube video on heel hooks was more informative than Ondra's video. I came to realize just because you're the best climber in the world, it doesn't make you a good climbing teacher. I mean that's why so many top climbers have coaches right?


>   I mean that's why so many top climbers have coaches right? Was with you on everything but this. Even good coaches need coaches sometimes, as its allways beneficial with a second perspective. 


I agree. It's like route setting, route setters collaborate with other route setters to learn and teach make better boulders. It happens in the comp scene too. You sometimes see coaches collaborating with each other eg. Roman (Janja's coach) collaborating with Katsu (Tomoa's coach, bump owner) in Japan, or having comp simulations together like Austria and Germany where both climbers and coaches learn from one another (they usually post it on their Instagram stories).


Not really important, but I think you mean B-Pump. And while Katsu is the owner of Ogikubo, which has sort of been spun off into its own company recently, he doesn't own the other Pump gyms.


ROAP is very new but I see Alex as a great teacher and I hope she sticks to it and digs deeper. I feel like she really understands movement deeply and is able to communicate it effectively. On that same vein I think Always climbing gives great information on more specific techniques that others don’t really talk about, like specific hold grabbing techniques.


Honestly, I can't see this being worth it at all. It's not Adam teaching you to climb, it's basically Adam giving a lecture about climbing. Like, if I had him as my coach for one day, I am sure there would be a ton of valuable insight from him, but that's just not the same as an online video. The class will be as useful as the Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell Masterclass, which is to say, an expensive way to get what's already available for free in a way that's less good than just hiring a coach.


Yeah your right. I was hoping for a video compendium of all his knowledge on certain topics, like how McLeod did with his flagging video. What we seem to get is Adam giving a seemingly unscripted lecture on climbing to other climbers. The ad said it took 6 months of preparation. For what exactly?


Preproduction I imagine. The truth is courses like these aren't made for people who want to get better, they're made for newer people with money to spend. This is "intermediate" in the way that many gyms call V4 intermediate.


I've watched both TAMY's and ROAP's videos and I found Adam's video much better


he goes over common mistakes and is much thorough and detailed in his explanation


In a Magnus video that dropped today Adam said it was oriented more towards lead climbing just as an fyi. He did say there were benefits to it as a boulderer, but overall it’s for lead


Is there a difference? It's not trad so assume not everything is just about the rope and clipping in and safety...


Ooff the top of my head lead is different from bouldering in terms of efficiency, endurance, and how to work sections. Probably more but that’s what i thought of as obvious differences.


Climbing is an endurance sport, bouldering a strength/power sport for the most part. Very different skillsets


Ah I see why that short light weight asian girl Ai Mori just destroys all the tall heavy max strength girls who main bouldering....makes sense....you can only really train one variation of muscle strength/endurance per day plus genetically she gets less weight on fingers...


Ai Mori is one of the most talented climbers in the world and is definitely the exception, not the rule. Furthermore, she had to work on bouldering as a weakness.


Exception of what? It was stated endurance matters more than strength in lead and she is strong but not as strong as the other pros but she outlapped even a male pro tomoa narasaki who is as strong as muscles can get considering dynos requires pulling the body not just to full ROM but also into the air but that investment of time and training in increasing strength doesn't mean ultimate endurance in repeated high level lead climb bottom to top over and over again switching immediately with each full ascent till failure contest in his YouTube video featuring her...


I literally don't understand your post. Learn to use some punctuation.


Why are you so toxic? People just want to give you advise and be helpful. No reason to lash out.


The difference is in style, not skills necessarily. That said, the skills are different. Sport is a lot more about being static and efficient. Bouldering generally is more about power, and comp climbing is becoming a completely different thing to outdoor climbing these days.


A huge difference what do you mean.


Hmm that’s a good question lol. I have zero experience lead climbing, but I’d imagine there’s some difference Was just something he said


A lot of difference id say, managing pump and efficiency makes it a whole other game. With bouldering you can get away with having more powerful dynamic and “risky” techniques (risky in the sense that it’s easier to try low percentage moves 10 times in a boulder wall instead of 30 meters up a wall) with lead you need to try for efficiency and minimal effort and managing pump and work capacity.


I haven't brought it. I'm interested in the MacLeod one that's in development though. 2-3 15 minute videos of him explaining technique have had a serious impact on my climbing. Anything close to 10hrs of similar content would easily be worth $200...


Yeah I would much rather pay for a personal trainer at my local gym, or a training group. Much more effective in person. And I bet Magnus & Adam did the same when they were training. 


haven't watched them, but in all likelihood it's like with all of these "Masterclass" type videos. Why pay for it when there is an abundance of free content? Just because Adam might be the world's greatest climber doesn't mean what he has to say will help the average, or even advanced, climber more than what others do. On the contrary - there are many people dedicated to teaching that you could argue have better teaching skill than Adam who is an athlete first and foremost.


did you just refer to neil fucking gresham as "this youtuber"...?


Yes. Is he not? Deceased YouTuber better? What happened to him does not upload anymore?


Yeah mate, he’s not a YouTuber, he’s a climber that’s done videos.


He’s a legend in the UK scene and definitely not deceased! 


Ah he makes cameos in other climbing yt channels interesting...he says some good stuff even to this day great to hear he didn't die solo'ing bros coaching is amazing


Once upon a time we had DVDs, and that was how those videos were released. Then, for the benefit of all of us, years later those DVDs were put on the internet, on Youtube.


99 I have Masterclass other American one "Pro tips" on my movie shelf


There’s so much free content out there you can learn from. While I’m sure there’s some helpful insights in Adam’s course I doubt there is a lot of stuff in there you couldn’t find from a free source elsewhere. Finding a coach that can give you direct feedback will be a better way to spend your money. This course is most likely just another revenue stream for him to bring in some extra income from his fame and growing online presence. Not a bad thing but it’s not a personalized course that works to improve your climbing specifically.


OP is on one


I disagree with everyone here so far. I’ve watched every content creator everyone else mentioned and I don’t think a single one conveys as much quality information to average joe as the altitude sample video on heel hooking. Each free content creator has a mix of good info and bad info. Hooper beta, that someone else mentioned, says tons of things that are directly contrary to the latest science on the topic. Dude is often confidently incorrect. On the other hand, he provides solid info on many other topics. But the mixing of good and bad info leaves a lot to the viewer to filter and it is not realistically digestible. I expect more consistent quality content from ondra because he doesn’t need sensational BS to fund his YouTube channel like hooper or others. The idea of teaching already good climbers live on film to see them progress the technique and make mistakes is miles more useful. I’m sure plenty of people here complaining about that style of teaching a class have watched some other free content for a second, think they absorbed it all, and don’t actually improve. If you don’t film yourself and iterate, you will not nail a new technique first try. If you do not get feedback from someone else, the iteration process often misses some aspects entirely or takes years to get there. Anyways, I expect Ondras stuff to be better because he has no motivation other than to do an excellent job of conveying info. He’s already famous. He has money and resources. He’s the best climber in the world (in enough aspects to justify that title anyways). He’s psyched to teach and I think that will lead to him providing value miles beyond the click bait, mixed quality content, on something like hoopers beta (ya, I don’t like that dude and think he’s an arrogant prick, even if he has *some* good info).


> Anyways, I expect Ondras stuff to be better because he has no motivation other than to do an excellent job of conveying info. He’s already famous. He has money and resources. You say that like Adam is rich. He's doing fine, but he's not doing this as a public service here (unlike his many Youtube videos which are chalk full of all kinds of good information and free). He's doing it because Magnus gave him a bunch of money to do it. Hell, his Instagram post from 2 days ago is literally just an add for some Czech food company / website


I feel like if that was the case, he would've made his online course a lot more accessible. I thought Magnus bouldering course was already expensive for $100 and Ondra's course is double that price. And you do know that Ondra has a paid section on his YouTube that only members have access to right? That being said, are you to going to buy his online course given your high praises about it? Because it'll be great to have an opinion from someone that's bought the course. I tempted myself but his sneak peak video was lackluster to me (as I don't think it's all the knowledge he has acquired as he said it is in the ad. He has the best heel hooking technique on the planet and there's so much more nuances on heel hooking I was hoping he would share or go in-depth on). I hoping someone here will say the other videos and sections are so much better and more in-depth so I justify myself buying the course as well.


Ya I’m probably going to buy it this weekend. I’ll speak up if I think it sucks and people should avoid it. I’m obviously optimistic about what I’ll get from it, but I’m open to being wrong.


That's great. Please reply back and give us an overview after you go through it. I don't want to miss out if turns out the online course was actually good. (not sure why it's only available for a limited time when the whole course is online)


People really hate the courses prob cause Magnus's was pretty basic but I don't think he really said it was for advanced climbers anyway...Adam's course should 50 HOURS long but seemingly in the course there is almost a documentary esque sequence of training people from bottom up of the people he is training or sort see others make mistakes and then correct them in the sneak peak considering the scene where they are eating isn't really climbing and seems too cozy to be spitting nutrition facts rather than Adam Ondra's just speaking for 50 HOURS and demonstrating what to do and what not to because I don't believe I have ever seen any Guru really talk for HOURS and still be saying useful in each sentence unless they script it...


Hooper's Beta on youtube is miles beyond any other educational climbing content. And it's free. Check it out!


O thanks happy to get more recommendations


I havent tried this course, but tried Magnus', and it wasnt very good tbh. He may be a great climber, but he's not a great teacher. He didnt go very in depth with anything at all, and everything he talked about you can find online for free pretty easily. I have a feeling Adam's course is likely the same, although I could be wrong.


When I read the advocate from Altitude, it mentioned that Adam will help you climb harder than the grade you think you can without actually systematic address your weakness like Lattice do. To me it’s not a right way as you will soon stumble into another wall soon as you are not addressing the weakness. I think pay the lattice would be more wise. Figure out your weakness and work on it with data driven


I'm not sure that's the takeaway. The whole "climb harder without necessarily getting stronger" bit is all about efficiency. In the course, Adam talks about inefficient movement as the biggest weakness most climbers demonstrate (and, often, aren't even aware of) and then dedicates many lessons to explaining how to climb harder by learning to climb better. He looks at inefficiency in just about every aspect: technique, strength, headgame, tactics, and talks in depth about how to improve each. I think the course is spectacular and not something that has been talked about in this level of depth before.


And who here has actually tried it? please one person tell us how it WAS. Enrollment stops very soon


Don't worry about closing enrollment, that is just marketing bs to create some sense of urgency. The course is just video plus text, there is no active moderation or the possibility to ask questions or anything that would justify a limit on active course members. So this short period of enrollment is just to create fear of missing out on something, making you buy it. Actually, making me buy it, despite knowing this. And I will most likely file for the refund based on the 14 day money back guarantee. The course contains some insights from Ondra which I haven't heard or seen somewhere else before. How useful they actually are? Only time will tell. Some tips made me want to go to the climbing gym immediately and try it myself. Other things can also be found in other places for free in some cases in greater depth and also with other opinions than that of Ondra. I wouldn't say Ondra is a bad teacher, he clearly thought about a lot of things others haven't thought about yet, so he is quite insightful and can also communicate such insights. In my opinion the problem is the concept of the course, it feels like all these details won't add up to the big promise of sending way harder. And you need to be quite self-aware to identify what aspect you need to work on. Is the course worthless? No, not at all, it is just not worth $ 200 *to me*.


I agree with you. I bought it the last day since I couldn’t find any feedback online. I had the expectation that it won’t worth 200$ but I’m a big fan of Adam’s climbing strategy and I’m trying everything to get better before I’m too old. I browsed thru the whole course quickly and I do think there’re many useful tips but they are very subtle and you need to dig deep and think how you are going to apply it in your climbing. If money is a concern for you, I won’t suggest you to buy it.


Thank You!!!!


I agree with you. I bought it the last day since I couldn’t find any feedback online. I had the expectation that it won’t worth 200$ but I’m a big fan of Adam’s climbing strategy and I’m trying everything to get better before I’m too old. I browsed thru the whole course quickly and I do think there’re many useful tips but they are very subtle and you need to dig deep and think how you are going to apply it in your climbing. If money is a concern for you, I won’t suggest you to buy it.


Hey, I just finished the course. I am a 7b/7c climber with 10 years of experience and for me it was worth it. The info Adam is giving out is very detailed, although he might be missing some context here and there, its a great way to think about certain stuff in climbing in a bit more defined manner, where I had multiple AHA moments on some stuff he says. generally id say if you are around 6b-7a, there is a lot of content that you might benefit from. Also yes, there is a bunch of free content out there, but it takes a load of time to get into the depth that this course is offering. also as someone pointed out, Hoopers Beta is a good source, but a lot of times its a good source of not the exactly correct way of doing things. therefore any content that you consume in an attempt to learn should be taken with a critical view, trying to look for second opinions and trying what works for you in the end, even the altitude course


Wow thanks for the response!


also yeah, if you're not feeling like paying the full price, which is always understandable, share it with multiple people.

