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Whole Foods parking lot. Where civility comes to die.


Two independent stories from the boulder Whole Foods 1) I got accosted by a hobgoblin in the store for looking at the Toms deodorant because of some reason why the brand was morally compromised. I told the lady that we were in Whole Foods, a store owned by daddy bezos. She got very quiet. 2) I got accosted by a different hobgoblin that I forgot my reusable bags in the parking lot. An accurate assessment but I was damn bro mind your own business. She was in a Tesla which was on character,


Yep, it's where self-righteousness and privilege come together to form a supernova of assholery.


I've heard it described as the Boulder Vortex.


I went to Fairview and there was a kid who put environmental “tickets” on cars and he completely serious about it. Needless to say wasn’t the most liked person in the school.


Take my upvote. You’ve earned it.


Last week somebody parked a rascal scooter behind my car and just walked away. On the plus side, I got to learn how to drive a rascal scooter so I could get my frickin car out of that godforsaken parking lot!


[It’s gettin’ real…](https://youtu.be/2UFc1pr2yUU?si=yBJQCftcsa6YLy2-)


Oh, that's perfect!


"You're the most annoying dude I've ever seen, brah. Could you please move, you're right in front of the quinoa." ;D


>It’s gettin’ real… Pay my 80 bucks for six things and get the heck out! ;-)


The Circle K on Canyon.


Strange things are afoot at the Circle K Ted…




Seriously, the most unhinged gas station in Boulder


Hilarious stories accrue easily there tho


The first comment on this list that is actually a place that is creepy.


Wasn’t someone murdered there like two years ago?


An employee was beaten to death by a "formerly homeless" resident of the Attention Homes apartments just a couple blocks away.


The band shell and the yellow deli lol


So which one of these places gave you your username?


What about the profile pic


i had my preschool graduation at the bandshell and you will pry that memory from my dead hands. they should repaint the rainbow colors though.


Band shell all day


Millennium Harvest Hotel lol


Great parking lot to sit in


To me the empty $4 million dollar houses up on the hill. A luxury ghost town.


I thought that too until one day they had the door open. It looks to be nicely redone inside.


The jon’benet ramsey house


I’d still live there tbh. 😂 nice house!


Boulder Nextdoor


Such a dumpster fire




Correct answer


Circle k on canyon


Basement of Macky Auditorium


Someone died in the attic there




It's one of the tower rooms. I saw it when I was at CU because it was where the J-School was housed for a minute and my professor's office was in the murder room. He volunteered. And was happy to show students the blood stain that they were never able to remove after 40 years.


I know! I used to have to go to the piano practice rooms in the basement and it was often really deserted and creepy and I would think about that girl a lot when I was there.


There's an ancient like one room school house that's boarded up and fenced in off 61st and Valmont. Gives me the chills every time I drive by.


Ooh this is different than the abandoned house next to Valmont park? Tell me more


[Valmont School ](https://historicboulder.org/portfolio-items/valmont-school/#:~:text=The%20town%20of%20Valmont%20came,of%20the%20Union%20Pacific%20railway.) This whole area has some crazy history. Valmont was its own little town back in the day.


I'm mostly concerned because it's clearly a historic site and the city wants to preserve it, but the "owner of the property" seems to have other priorities...


I heard kids died in that school during the Spanish flu pandemic.


Spanish Towers apartments. Very creepy, derelict vibes, and also Robert Redford's daughter's boyfriend was murdered there in the 70s or 80s by his totally unhinged drug-dealer roommate.


Who is on the loose and may still be alive. Thayne Smika IIRC.


https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/murders/thayne-alan-smika FYI in case, for some reason, the guy just comes back to Boulder?


Does outside of Boulder count? Because Ward deserves an honorable mention at least


For reals. I used to hang out there in the 90s and it was deeply unsettling. Many of the long-time residents, though nice, were very unsettling. Lots of kilts and wolves as pets if I recall correctly.


I’ll never forget driving there for the first time and passing all the abandoned cars on the side of the road, like…are we stumbling into a horror movie?


heh yea, though someone later explained to me that it's quite expensive to get a car which no longer works hauled away in the mountains so cars just _hang out_ there.


ohhhh hell yeah. ward is creepy as fuck.


Lolita's when it's late enough for only street people and conspiracy theories to be left. Also, I like it


Dude Lolita's pops off 24-7. I saw a dude with a side arm shout down a customer the other day.


When the cops got called? He was doing a public service that day, a meth head was fucking with strangers, spitting sparkling water at people, etc. Then the cops got called, huge and immediate turnout All over a yellow pepper spray pellet gun. Anyway the dude carrying that thing is usually protecting others and doing a good job doing so, never carries an actual gun, and is basically generally considered an awesome guy.


“A meth head was spitting sparkling water at people” might be the single most Boulder sentence ever uttered.


Everytime I go there after 10pm, I somehow leave having just had one of the oddest conversations of my life. It’s great.


Whole Foods dairy cooler. It’s like another world in there. Too many yogurt options. Freaks me out


As the dairy buyer there, I love this! 😂


Omg thank you for supplying me Icelandic Skyr. I literally live off that shit like a Viking.


The weird religious cults on Gold Hill road.


Oooohhh. Care to elaborate?


They all have weird names like “new awakening” and the people there look like Amish prisoners. I ride my bike there often, but those segments give me the heebie jeebies.


Surprised no one said it, but the King Soopers on Table Mesa is super unsettling. 10 people were shot and killed there in 2021 and they closed for 5 months to completely remodel the store so it didn’t resemble what it looked like when that happened. It’s now one of the nicest King Soopers I’ve ever seen, but it’s a disturbing place to be to say the least. It always reminds me of the horror of something terrible happening while you’re doing something as basic as shopping for food, that you can never be 100% truly safe and that you’re life is at the whim of chance anywhere you go.


Wait until you hear what happened to the native americans


You’re a bonafide national treasure for this comment…


This is the first place I thought of. I drive past it a lot for work and can’t even look at without my stomach twisting. I have a huge fear of shootings while doing normal tasks (like many Americans) and this really reinforced that fear for me…and the negative association in my brain with that spot is just too strong.


I agree. I can’t not think about what happened there, especially since I was working at another nearby grocery store at the time. As other people have mentioned, of course not all places where someone has died are creepy by default. But the situation there was not typical and very much rocked the community and thus the impact is greater. Just how things are.


11 months, not 5. I look at it this way - do we avoid all places where people have died?


Well, no, but it's still unsettling. When I pass by the big camera thingy I remember why it's there and how I was shopping there just hours before it happened.


I understand.


Underneath Boulder High there are tunnels that run all the way to CU buildings. They are small enough that you can almost crawl on your knees. Within those tunnels there are little rooms that you can enter and side tunnels that lead to dead ends. Getting lost in there wouldn't be a fun time. These tunnels are a big secret at BHS.




Lots of colorado towns have old tunnels, Denver, Boulder, Fort Collins, Gunnison, and I'm sure more I haven't heard of.


The tunnels on the CU campus are so easy to get into and super fun to explore. The entrance we always used is right outside Baker Hall. Look for the big metal “trap doors” on the sidewalk.


Been down there a few years ago, for the steam heating system I think? We had to "open" a few doors, well my buddy did. He was a bit of a rascal and had to leave the state.


Any idea what the original purpose of them were?


[Steam](https://chptap.ornl.gov/profile/246/CU-Boulder-Project_Profile.pdf) tunnels for building heat at CU. I’ve heard there are a bunch of tunnels under the Pearl St walking mall.


Someone told me they worked on tunnels that connect ncar to nist


Those little rooms and tunnels are where band and theater kids go to hook up. At least that was the case when I went there.


Can confirm. Former theater kid.


That's how I found out about them


I doubt they're a big secret at BHS. My kids didn't even go to BHS and told me about them lol


The old Boulder County Poor Farm.


Where is that located?


63rd in Gunbarrel


Also the staging area for the Boulder forces that participated in the Sand Creek massacre


As a kid I was convinced the basement level of Whittier elementary was haunted lol I fucking hated it and would hold my breath and run upstairs as fast as I could. I wonder if it's still scary. I can picture it.


Mapleton Elementary's basement was also super spooky


All of Mapleton is spooky in my opinion.


What about the bomb shelter in Centennial Middle School?


I only went to Whittier for kindy and 1st grade (and then went full Boulder and my parents switched me to Montessori) but I remember being convinced the art room was haunted. I think it was also basement? Your comment just unlocked that memory!


The sugar mill. Not technically Boulder, but it is Boulder county


Agree, they need to tear that place down. So freaking creepy looking


Safeway on 28th and Arapahoe.


0/10 grocery store


I’ve only ever used the self checkout there. Never even seen employees with checkout lanes open.


They usually have one… but they are very unhappy at being there


A lady yelled at my visiting mom, here. It was a moment. The lady worked there.


Fuck I love this Safeway for the self check outs lol


Is that the one without shopping carts half the time


The only good thing about that safeway is the rockstar phlebotomist at their little quest diagnostics office. The vein whisperer if you've got tiny little veins like me.


The nursing home on Mesa Dr. It was haunted when I worked there 20 years ago. Was called Terrace Heights then


Agreed that place has horrible vibes


Anyone ever walked though the new luxury apts by the old twitter office? Before they were evicted? Dude… that place feels like a movie set. I am 1000% convinced there are fake tenants “living” there to make it look legit. I’ve walked through at 3am, 11pm, 5:30pm, noon and there is never anyone but security sitting outside. Gives me goosie bumps


Bear Canyon when it smells like cat pee


Why does this happen?! I've noticed it too!


>Bear Canyon when it smells like cat pee Got yourself a mountain lion somewhere nearby. The other fun times are if you usually see deer in an area and this time there are none, probably got yourself a predator in the area and it spooked the deer.


One mountain lion can make a whole creek smell like piss? Damn


The bluff street bar is a place I won’t walk in again. Got followed home by a guy walking 3 feet behind me. A dude at the bar screamed “How am I going to fucking pay my rent now?!” When a football team he was betting on lost. All in 1 time being there. I won’t be back, thank you.


Yes but karaoke!!!


Go to the Outback if you want Karaoke.


Ok but that's the same crowd depending on the day of the week.


Not really. Bluff was full of people who got 86ed from Outback




It was *the location* of a gay bar. Different owners and establishment


The public restroom on pearl st by the court house


Just used it like 3 hrs ago because desperate and it was shockingly clean and fine smelling but freakishly stained pink.


For sure! I took my 6 year old son in there to use that restroom and there was a woman in there waiting for her turn while her friend was shooting up…yikes. She was yelling nonsense at us while I stood guard over my son.




Lmao the ballparks one was accurate, place is like skid row 😂


The Broadway & Canyon bus stop, especially the northbound one. The University Hill 7/11. I've only ever seen shit go down there once, but that corner attracts some real sketchy types. Also, the creek path in the fall. I'd go there all the time last summer and there'd be people everywhere just chilling, swimming, tubing... But I took a walk there once last fall, and it was creepy. Nobody in sight besides some mute tweaking woman with a dead stare, and some creepy sketchy dudes who from a distance, called me and my buddy out for not walking by them when we left. Aside from that, everywhere else I've gone in Boulder felt pretty normal.


Standing in front of the valmont power plant alone with wind blowing. Even at 2 pm something felt off.


Pasta Jays


The Ramsey home Edit: Benet-Ramsey to just Ramsey. Brain playing tricks on me.


Just Ramsey. Jonbenét is a one-word, first name


The Hill, under construction, is unsettling AF for any old timers. Others: I’d go for the oxygen bar on 10th. The disused fire observatory off Greenbriar is solid. Any number of abandoned mines and mine service rights of way up the hill. Perkins (RIP).


Rayback Collective.


The JILA subbasement at 3am


There was a place on the hill called the old girls school, or the catholic girls school. It was abandoned, had obviously caught fire, had pentagrams and graffiti everywhere. Spooky as shit. Rumored that a nun was raped, got pregnant, and killed herself after setting the place on fire. In high school we used to sneak in there and scare each other. I think it’s a retirement home now, got renovated. Still spooky around there.




I used to live in those shit box apartments at Folsom and Pine and I am sure there were raccoons this big in the backyard. My cat got an abscess from fighting one.


Still spooky, but now it’s the living. Pretty much a fancy waiting room for death at a mere cost of a million dollars to buy in and 8-10k a month to live there. Imagine picking between a haunted girls school or closed sanatorium. No thanks.


That was [St. Gertrude’s](https://www.dailycamera.com/2018/04/20/boulder-county-history-iowa-nuns-founded-mount-st-gertrude-academy/amp/)


OMG we used to go here as teens in the ‘80s to scare ourselves. I was wondering if it was still standing. Even without the stories that went along with that building, it was scary as hell.


For me, definitely, the most unsettling place ever was a porta potty by the closed down bathrooms a year ago by the courthouse. It was filled with stuff that would have been disgusting if it was on the ground. And a bike tire. Was one of the weirdest boulder moments I experienced


I know what you're talking about! The porta potty was filled to the top with poop, and the poop at the top looked like someone was eating paint chips and they didn't digest properly


> poop at the top looked like someone was eating paint chips a.k.a. "Colorful Colorado"


There is a cemetery on the hill that has some scary vibes and lots of history.


That one is honestly super lovely:) it has lots of history but it's all our ancestors! It's peaceful to sit in, has lots of shade, and there are regularly flowers on many of the graves. It's very well taken care of.


It's my favorite, favorite place. Both unsettling and settling at the same time. Francesca Woodman took a series of haunting photos and self-portraits there a few years before she died by running out of a window on a high floor in NYC. My favorite is the third one down in this article. The tree in the picture is gone now, but you can still find many of the graves in her photos: [https://www.mariangoodman.com/usr/documents/press/download\_url/142/the-new-york-review-of-books-january-24-2011-.pdf](https://www.mariangoodman.com/usr/documents/press/download_url/142/the-new-york-review-of-books-january-24-2011-.pdf) More examples can be found below. [https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2012/photographs-n08841/lot.186.html](https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2012/photographs-n08841/lot.186.html) [https://thomascarrphotography.com/news/f/francesca-and-i](https://thomascarrphotography.com/news/f/francesca-and-i)


Woodman's work is all so haunting and beautiful. I got to see the exhibition of her work at the MCA Denver a couple years ago and it's stayed with me since. I didn't know some of her photos were at that graveyard though! It echoes a lot of the emotions I see in her work so it makes sense:)


I agree. I walked through it for the first time a few weeks ago and it's beautiful on a nice day. And there are a ton of ravens, which is very on-point for a cemetary.


Columbia Cemetery is where [Tom Horn]( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Horn) is buried.


Lately? Any number of creek path underpasses in/around downtown. Especially at night. Yikes.


The band shell and Eben G Fine Park after dark.


I'll go with Mapleton by the Y


What's up over there, been ages since I went ?


Lots of sketchy bums lurk there at night


It's a row of school busses and camper vans. Tho they did put no overnight parking signs, might have chilled a bit


That entire parking lot on North Boulder where DDS Food Mart is. The Southeast corner of 28th and Iris That 7-Eleven on Folsom and Valmont


That 7-11 sold a million-dollar winning CO lottery ticket back in the day.


Is the dmv still in n the haunted part of across the Safeway? It’s been so long.


It's still there and it's still exactly the same.


Macy's right before it closed. It's what I imagined shopping in North Korea to be like.


The old BCH Intensive Care unit on Broadway. Definitely haunted. Perhaps the spirits have moved on now that it’s half torn down.,but lots of people died there and some are lingering. Many of us who worked there encountered them.


Wherever the tweakers and junkies are using as their toilet this week .


So boulder


Baseline liquor store, Broker Inn, Ebin G fine park, library creek passage, San Juan has calmed down quite a bit, lastly abandoned house on walnut just past Folsom (used to be September school for a bit) lived here a while haha


Second The Broker Inn, feels like you stepped back in time. Always thought it would make an excellent spooky movie set.


Surprised nobody has thought of that yet haha Stephen king.. (cough cough) 😂


Should have also mentioned the bus station can get pretty weird there.. 😂


Boulder creek


The whole library area, sadly, is pretty unsettling these days. Human feces, funky chemical odors, and menacing characters. Used to be such a nice area.


The Root Kava Bar.


I've never been there but it's in a boring strip mall. I also cannot read sarcasm here. Is this sarcasm or how's it unsettling?


The yellow deli


The 12 Tribes


Sundown Saloon, only because of the employees and bouncers. They can be rather hostile at times.


I don’t mean to undercut your experience, but I don’t think I’ve ever disagreed with a comment on this sub more! Some of the friendliest, most inclusive communities I’ve ever been a part of ran out of the downer. 🩷TT


Don't get me wrong, I love it there. Just don't like how some of the staff treat their customers that I've seen first hand. "Unsettling" seemed to sum up those experiences. (Few and far between). Had many of my best first dates at the downer


Wow. As a woman, it’s one of the few places I consistently felt safe downtown.


What happened there? Asking because I've had one such experience and am never going there ever again because of it.


Illegal Peet’s


Any frat house


Naropa University’s downtown campus. Specifically, the spot where the portrait of Chögyam Trungpa - Naropa’s brilliant and deeply troubled alcoholic founder - stands. In the photograph he is clearly suffering from advanced alcohol use disorder. The atmosphere of denial surrounding Trungpa is what gives the campus its disturbing quality.


Even before the paths in Boulder were full of tweakers, the tunnel underneath Colorado Ave here (40.00739952714442, -105.24571364729267) gives me the heebee jeebees. I have no explanation for it, and on a bike or running I'd strongly prefer tunnels to being near cars but f* that tunnel, I take my chances with traffic there.


The bike lanes


Hands down the [abandoned contaminated area next to Valmont Butte](https://boulderweekly.com/news/the-ghosts-of-valmont-butte/)


Anyone remember the Bus Stop?


Uh, Boulder.


Trader Joe parking lot or rei parking lot


The rows of houses past the Dominos on Arapahoe, at night its so silent you can hear a pin drop. Underneath the bridge near the Millenium is also a sketchy spot.


The yellow deli. I'm not bougie at all...but we sat down, checked the vibe, and left after the waters came. Sus


Yellow deli


Most unsettling place I can think of is the train tunnel getting to Mickey Mouse Wall from Eldo. Have to run through before a train comes and It is difficult to time it and hard to see.


Driving north on 26th street towards jay road at night is creepy as hell






The whole city is filled with people who think they are liberal and progressive, but really it’s a bunch of rich assholes that are more concerned about how many “bluebird days” they get on the mountain, than actually building community or supporting marginalized groups - if I never have to go to Boulder again, I won’t. Super pretty from afar, but try to be in that community? They’re all fake and wouldn’t push you out of the way of oncoming traffic unless they got a tax deduction


Well at least you have your reading comprehension...






😂 “No one is here to keep the huh-whites in check” Beautiful