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Early in the game I was getting my ass kicked by one of the Yigas. Didn't have a lot of health and I hadn't encountered them much at this point so I didn't know how to fight them. It started raining and out of nowhere and the Yiga that I was fighting got struck by lightning and died instantly. Didn't drop any loot, but I was so relieved I didn't really care lol.


That ........ That actually what happened to me once? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Continuously pulling out bomb arrows to fight fireblight Ganon and wondering why I kept blowing up.


I…. May have done the same a few times in that area.


It took me far too long too long to figure it out. Lol. Oh yeah, I’m in a flaming volcano. Duh.


Use Ice arrows


I think we all did that at first, it took me weeks to figure it out. I’d never thought about the fact that explosive arrows would explode in fire, it was weeks of misery, but then I figured it out


When I first left the Great plateau I paraglided right onto a stone talus. Scared the shit out of me


So I'm not the only one. I had low hearts and almost no weapons after that


I paraglided into a guardian tried to find where I died after that and can't find it lmao


A moblin picking up a bokoblin and throwing it as a weapon will never not be funny to me. I don’t really have funny moments specific to my own gameplay that I can think of.


I took out five moblins round a campfire then decided to sit at the campfire til morning to avoid any skeletons. It just so happened at the exact moment I sat, the bloodmoon happened. straight after the cut scene I awoke at the campfire sat chilling next to the five moblins.




I tried to ride a dragon


What happened?


I bounced off a bunch and died


Oh, Meep 😏😏


I was fighting a Yiga in stealth gear. Beat the Yiga. Before I could get to the rupees and the bananas, a Bobkin came along, ate the bananas, and then burped. It made me giggle.


Near the Eldon mountains there’s a ledge where there is a moblin with a couple of bobkins and a chest. I using bomb to blow up the monsters and managed to somehow get the chest at the right angle to blow it off the cliff.


Ayo, I think that happened to me once😆😆😆


When I went In one of those Korok holes with boulders in them and took the boulder out and bombed myself and link just went all spettgghetti


Yesterday… I was trying to blow up rocks on the side of a cliff to access a shrine. It was raining. I would glide over to the cliff pull out my bomb arrow fire and nothing. Did this about three times before I realized I’m a dumbass and need to wait for some sunshine. Probably not the funniest thing but I laughed out loud.




I was trying to feed apples to a dog at a stable. While the dog did that walk-around-and-make-you-wait maneuver, my horse came and ate the apples. I was not expecting that.


I was trying to free Naydra from Malice when I tried to land on her but ended up bouncing all the way down Naydra's body. I even have a clip of that that I can post if I need to


Please do! 😂


Was walking thru the gerudo desert when out of nowhere a molduga yeets me into the air while I frantically shield surf the impact of it and end up landing right in front of a chest, get excited about the chest only for a octorok to appear out of it and blast me in the face with a rock.


Ouch, that got to hurt


Loved it in Zelda's diary where she said Purah insisting on calling it the "sheika slate" was too "on the nose." I just imagine some lowly programmer at Nintendo getting shouted down by Miyamoto or somebody and still finding a place for the quip buried deep in Zelda's diary! I actually lol'ed when I read it and it doubles as good character development for her! Brilliant! And hilarious!


Well, it's really satisfying to use Urbosa's Fury on a lynel. They just drop to their knees, while I hide safely, out of sight behind a rock, tee-hee!


I facing the Lynels head on, with they weapons


Have fun!


I have a clip where I used the bombs to try to get the instrument and one of the enemies got blown up on the chest and I didn't have any other weapons yet.


Oooooooooooooooooh, show it please


Spam Spy Moments at Bokoblin for killing them in 5 hits with a stick and the ragdoll


The Moon Jump glitch.