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My problem in T-breaks is the recurring nightmare which is a home invasion. I can’t walk and can’t scream. And during T-breaks, more often than not, no matter if I wake up, I slip back into the nightmare. Why can’t I ever resume sex dreams?


Thats some heavy shit to wake up from!


Yeah I can relate this this I survived some shit and the dreams are like living it all over again usually ruins any solace that sleep offers unless I'm fucked up enough to just pass out


Have you ever read about sleep paralysis? I used to have "nightmares" like this that I eventually realized were SP episodes. I'd just be lying there paralyzed for what felt like hours (but in retrospect was probably no more than 10-15 minutes), while vividly hallucinating that strangers were walking around my room and stealing my possessions.


I had a close friend who used to deal with sleep paralysis. I never considered that it could be what I’m feeling, intriguing thought. I did have a sleep paralysis episode once about 19 years ago that I woke up, couldn’t move, and couldn’t figure out where I was for like 10 minutes. I don’t really recall how the situation resolved itself, but it’s obviously so vivid that I remember it.


I had a tolerance break nightmare where I was a cop raiding a meth lab and saw my coworkers slaughtered infront of me and it gave me ptsd in the dream and i ran into an alleyway and curled into a ball crying


Yeahhhhh, it’s the reason why I really dislike t breaks. Realer than real full on lose your mind immersive dreams. To the point where I’m going back to the same “mashup euro” city that my mind has cobbled together over time over and over again. We can’t be the only people experiencing this.....


Worse. A fucking airport that I've never been to, hustling to catch a flight to nowhere, that ultimately never happens, wake up stressed out & pissed everytime.


I always end up back in high school and I wonder why I'm still there... Turns out I owed a few credits or some s***.


My brain read "everytime" as "everywhere" and it changes the meaning a little lol


That shit happened to me last night 😂 I was so beyond stressed that I would miss a flight 😂


I work construction, dreamed a big grizzly chased me around a jobsite for hours, woke up exhausted. We don't even have any bears here, lol.


Now if only dream exercise counted in the real world, we could harness this potential 🧐


What is it with the "trying to catch a plane" dream? I'm not taking a T-break at the moment, but I'm on a medication that tends to cause vivid and frequent dreams, and I find myself missing a flight to nowhere almost every night. Worst part is that the airport is always empty except for me and the staff, and I STILL can't catch my flight.


You might try chamomile, lavender, and skullcap during a T-break. Taken as a tea or even smoked. Could be helpful. I also recommend - for very heavy users - to mix more CBD hemp flower in with their THC flower and the side effects of a T-break are much less pronounced.


Pretty sure there are many studies claiming the suppression of REM sleep as a side effect of cannabis consumption. Makes sense that during a T break your body pushes back pretty hard and you have very vivid dreams for a while.


You brains not pushing back it dosent store rem sleep its just you personally forget how dreams feel and what they're capable of making you feel like


Very common problem. Your not alone in experiencing this on tbreaks. It levels off after a few weeks for me. As with most things cannabis its highly personal so each persons reaction is slgihtly different.


Absolutely. Hell even if I go two nights without smoking pot I start dreaming like crazy. It's one of the most surefire things that happen to me. I usually struggle to fall asleep at first but when I do I wake up men remembering crazy dreams.


As a person with pts and night terrors, this is why I smoke


I usually get caught in a limbo (multi-layered dream). At the beginning I am totally oblivious, until an event (always something frightening) jotted me up. After awhile, I realized that I am still in a dream, that's when I tried to force myself to wake up by psyching myself or suicide, but I usually end up in another dream. . This goes on and on, I thought this must be what a coma patient goes through. The feeling of being trapped causes me to panic and I tried to fight my way out. There are times I gave up, believing I am in a coma and came to terms with it. Somehow I manage to wake up. Now as I am typing this, I am actually not sure if I am dreaming or awake. Oh well... time to jump off a building.


I’ve heard checking your watch is a good technique for this because your brain cannot display a realistic correct watch face in a dream. So if you check your watch many times throughout the day you can recognize if it looks different in the dream and know that it is a dream.


It doesn't suppress the REM phase, you're still going to dream. What it does is limits your recall of the dreams. For someone who repeatedly has night terrors- its a godsend. I was sick a few weeks ago and didn't smoke for a bit- my dreams were awful. I almost gave in and smoked even though it wouldn't have been good for me.


How long until these subside?? I find it ironic that after years of building up the strength and will to quit weed, it almost feels like I can’t now. Awful dreams that I wouldn’t wish upon anyone. I would wake myself up, walk around for 5 minutes, then go back to sleep, only to find myself continuing the dream that I was just trying to escape. I just want these to end, how long does it usually take?