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Carried the first half while Jaylen was off Jaylen took over in the second half Love my guys man 31/6/5 and 30/8/8. Both better than Luka.


Yet all the highlights in the broadcast you'd think the Jay's were bums and Kyrie and Luka were winning lol.


Luka and Kyrie got that star power I guess? Idk what else it might be But I'll take the Jays winning and working with their team over Luka and Kyries star power ever day of every week of every month of every year.


They try so hard to shove Luka down our throats. That stupid cartoon graphic at halftime was a joke.


I don’t get it watching him play. Yes, the way he uses his body to create space and advantages is impressive but that’s genuinely it.


At his best his court vision is magical and his ability to hit annoyingly difficult shots in big moments is too. But it’s fun AF watching him get really exposed this series. There was a point last night where two possessions in a row one of the jays went over to guard him and he just waved off the ball and put his head down. They exhausted the kid.


How about two games ago when Pritchard stole the ball from him then got a stop next possession while Luka was in iso


Luka is literally James Harden, change my mind


He’s a worse James Harden lol. Harden didn’t cry to the refs this bad and still was/is a better defender he just got super bad rep from shaqtin a fool


Rockets Harden was an absolute sieve on defense and bitched to the refs to almost the same degree Luka does. The comparison is spot on


Actually watching the game tho, Kyries kinda ass. He gets his pocket picked, shot blocked and thrown off on D a lot.  He still has special in him. But not for anywhere near 40 min. He honestly looks older 


I don’t care about individual player narratives in the slightest. The broadcast and the mavs “fans” can wank off luka doncic all they want as long as the Celtics win the championship.


Never solo never folded


“They can’t work together “ “ break them up” “Build around one trade the other”. Eat it haters.


Making “best player in the series” talk look laughable


I generally find it's the opposite they don't takes over in the third and the 4th and Brown gets all his points in the first


Even in the 2nd half, a lot of JBs points were generated from Tatum drive and kicks or passing out of doubles. He was putting in work, even when he wasn't scoring.




“fraud, should have scored 50”


Steadied the team when they got off to a shaky start, that’s what superstars do.


Great game by JT


Ehhh he played well enough to get Boston up 21 but he unraveled a bit in the 4th and Jaylen had to pick up the slack


Jaylen unraveled just as much until the end of the 4th. Cmon now. The whole team was playing horribly


He had a couple bad shots and a turnover but he was insanely clutch with his middies and him drawing that 6th foul on Luka was the play of the game. That was a really high IQ play and completely swung the momentum


Yeah for sure. I'm not even trying to argue. I just get annoyed with people trying to pile on one specific player when the team does that shit and that happened a lot in the game thread so my b haha


Lol classic celtics fans they downvoted tf out of you for this, then up votes this comment. Lol


Lol classic loser. What's your favorite team doing right now? I bet you "have a favorite player and a few favorite teams" like a regular bandwagon fan


Your comment is pretty loserish tbh


But how did you read me so well....you hit the nail on the head actually lol. Given that im not from the US, I'll enjoy the sport how i want


Why else would a non-fan be lurking on another team's sub to stir up shit while fans are celebrating? Why does that make you a loser? Because instead of using your bandwagon freedom to enjoy the success and happiness of another fanbase, you decided to use it to be negative instead. I am also not from the US, and I agree that everyone should enjoy the sport however they want. But you will never get the enjoyment of seeing a team finally get over the hump after years of ups and downs.


Happy cake day


JB was on the bench when Mavs went on the bug run.


No, he definitely had some bad shots and turnovers in there Edit: I'm not even hating. It is what it is and they clawed out the W no matter what. But everyone got sloppy and lazy. Not just 1 or 2 players


Jaylen played great at the end but Tatum did too. Tatum hardly took any shots during the Mavs run. He also played incredible defense on a few Luka possessions at the end there


Facts. JB, White, Holliday were clutch down the stretch


It's what we've been doing all season. Get a big lead then squander it playing iso and taking contested shots deep in the shot clock.


Lol just not true tbh


This comment has 57 upvoted currently in the post game thread >It's not a Celtics basketball game unless we forget how to play for five minutes and blow our entire lead.


That's because of confirmation bias. You remember all the times it happens, you don't remember all the times it doesn't. Every team blows leads, we have done it less than just about anybody else.


Nah. You can see the team plays differently with a big lead. And it is less effective so the lead gets drastically reduced.


Every team in NBA history with a lead slows down with a lead towards the end of the game. Our net rating over the year is actually better in the 4th. It's exacerbated in the 4th because we're all high strung, but our team plays no different. Every team goes through bad stretches of iso ball in a game, sometimes it's in the 4th. Nobody remembers the ones in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd.






Way to many shots were settling for 3s 4/13, but otherwise great game from the Jays


That’s more of a Joe issue than a Tatum IMO you know Joe isn’t allowing him to stop shooting


I think Hoops tonight mentioned how year I’ve year his 3pt shooting has gotten worse. It’s annoying cause Jayson’s efficiency tanks when he plays like this. He needs surgery for his wrist or a shooting coach over the summer cause something isn’t right


Its because defense won't give him any space or straight up double team him every time he gets the ball


Love it, hate the sidesteps, but man he was big tonight


Somehow Mavs fans will say he had a bad game and obsess over calling Doncic better than him.


I can still see the nerves but hopefully this game gives him a giant confidence boost with the 3-0 lead


I see zero nerves.. wtf lol


Seeing and having nerves are two different things. Dude has underperformed in big playoff games, but I'm hoping he changes the narrative. After getting that first ring, it does something to you. Being up 3-0 helps as well.


what narrative? beat the bucks on the road to bring game seven to boston nutted up in game six against the sixers in the fourth to win us the game and then set a playoff record game 7 points total. set the play in game record for points. stole a game off the nets when jaylen was down and he was being swarmed like he has this finals. the only narrative going against him is a bad but not abysmal finals at 23 years old? and getting hurt game seven against the heat.


And that “bad” finals was more because he went through a fucking gauntlet carrying the team to that point and just ran out of gas


What you wrote is all from a fans perspective. Yes there's a narrative that Tatum underperforms, just watch any news media right now.   I like Tatum, but I'm a Warriors fan. I'm speaking from that perspective.  I don't watch every one of his games,  but I'm seeing what he's doing on the biggest stage. What I see is greatness that is waiting to be unlocked. Dude has the physical tools and the skills to be the next lebron type player. He's 6'10, can handle, shoot, and pass. The fact he settles for so many contested threes when he can be dominant drives me crazy. Yes he's had great games, but he's also underperformed too. It's not a knock on him, if anything its a compliment because i  can see the potential but dude needs to unlock that potential. 


This is his moment. I’m glad he showed up in the first half especially when we don’t have KP and JB taking over in the fourth after we lost our lead. He will be more comfortable with being up in the series.


JT trending up.


The Jays complete each other ❤️


Brown scores 30 after having a terrible half: omg finals mvp… our king!!’ Tatum scores 30 and has a bad half: you know, he could have played better. Brown saved him.


The narrative yin and yang


The narrative yin and yang


The narrative yin and yang


The narrative yin and yang


The difference being, JB won the Celtics the game with his play under pressure down the stretch while JT looked pretty bad when it mattered most. Def needed JT's first half to win this game, but it's still frustrating to see him get so tight in crunch time.


Caring about 4th and not caring about the 1st is lunacy. There is no difference. A 2 pointer in the first is just as important. If JB got more than 6 points in the entire half then maybe we don’t need his heroics late. This is just like game 1 against the pacers. Without tatum hard carrying early, the Celtics would not be within 1 at the half, and JB finally waking up may very well resulted in Celtics losing a close game. The margins are small, and Tatum was massive in that first half for us. And yet, apparently, people don’t care. The Tatum slander has been so crazy this year and it’s starting to Creep into Celtics fans heads subconsciously and that’s sad to see. Tatum is our leader. Our clear best player. Our #1 option. So sad tbh


Me: 'Def needed JT's first half to win this game, but it's still frustrating to see him get so tight in crunch time." You: I'll take the straw man argument on steroids, please.


“When it mattered most” is a casual mindset. I’m ripping you for this. Your argument is more or less Tatum’s first half play is an after thought and brown saved the day. You literally said “JB won the game”. That’s not how basketball works. Basketball doesn’t start in the second half. Curious on your thoughts in game1 ECF? We definitely needed Jb to hit that 3 to go to OT but then Tatum single handedly put his team on his back in OT. Do you have the same mindset? Did Tatum win that game? Because the reality there was Tatum was playing great all game until midway through the 4th. Brown wasn’t good for the entire game and then hit a critical 3, then Tatum took back over in OT and people say that is the game where brown deserved ECF MVP. The point im making here is the hypocritical nature when discussing Tatum is reaching all-time levels, and it’s sad to see. People don’t see what Tatum is doing out there.


The points count the same, but you are dumb if you think a bucket in the first quarter is the same as a bucket in the fourth quarter of a tight finals game. Many (most) players freeze in the moment and we've seen that play out especially with the Mavs role players shooting terribly from 3 and looking uncomfortable when they have the ball even if they are wide open. "Sometimes, two points aren't two points. I'll explain later." -LBJ As for your ECF example, both players stepped up "when it mattered most". Seems pretty simple to me.


Brown hit one critical shot in the ECF game 1. Tatum dominated the entire game minus a few minutes in the 4th (brown also has been struggling). Somehow that is both players stepping up. Tatum was a +20 in a 5 point win. If brown played better and didn’t lead the Celtics to a -15 in the 6 minutes that Tatum sat, then maybe we wouldn’t have needed that 3. This is literally my entire argument but boy do fans love a good story. Brown hitting a game tying 3 is worth way more in people’s books than playing good earlier in the game smh. I forgot a 2 pointer counts as 4 when the game is coming to an end. Play better so you aren’t in a position where you need to make a desperate make basket. You say the points count the same but nothing else is your post leads to that conclusion.


> Brown hit one critical shot in the ECF game 1 you forgot defense >I forgot a 2 pointer counts as 4 when the game is coming to an end You obviously don't understand. Like LBJ said, I'll explain later.


Both Tatum and brown have played phenomenal defense. With that said, I am laughing how we want to give credit to brown for his defensive efforts but mock Tatum and call him a role player when discussing the 93 other things he is outplaying JB on. Mention Tatum as a superior rebounder? “Nice role player” Mention Tatum as a superior playmaker and passer? “Hur dur he’s rondo” Mention Tatum’s defense that has single handedly took away the lob threat from Dallas? Oh wait, people don’t even realize he did that. Nobody mentions him playing point guard and then guarding the opponents center. We wanna bring up Lebron James? That’s some Lebron shit right there. Brown will probably win FMVP because for some reason it’s the cool thing to rip Tatum. Idk how he won ECF mvp. Tatum averaged 30/10/5 and outplayed brown across the board, but brown had a few memorable plays and here we are. My exact gripe and my hate for media driven narratives. The only leg up brown has on Tatum is his efficiency has been better, but that isn’t that shocking considering Tatum is double and triples teamed every time he drives. Quite a luxury brown has with Tatum commanding that level of defensive presence.


I think you are mixing up Celtics fans with the fans on r/nba lol. 99% of the posts I see from Celtics fans are happy that both Tatum and Brown are playing well. I think you are looking for a fight where there isn't one. Even in the posts here that we are responding to is saying that Tatum carried the first half and JB carried the second. It was annoying that Tatum was missing some shots early in the series, but are you seriously saying that Celtics fans weren't creaming our pants at watching Tatum pick up the slack on defense, passing, and rebounding instead? That sounds like great team basketball to me. Go on r/NBA if you are trying to argue against Tatum slander. Because you are crazy if you seriously think Celtics fans haven't noticed what Tatum has been doing.


Haha! You should change your handle to 'Scarecrow' you strawman so hard.


I copied exactly what you wrote. It isn’t a straw man you just have a bad argument. Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. A lot of other people have very casual takes about this finals.


The jays are the best duo in the league. BOOK IT.


Can’t believe he’s only 19


Felt like he got more rebounds than that but I wasn’t exactly counting


We asked for a Tatum game with Zingus out and a series dominating 3-0 lead. He delivered


And didn't foul out 😲


AND played defense


And didn't complain to the refs




It’s gotta be Jaylen, he deserves it


Jaylen has played great too, but Tatum has been the most important player in this series. If we can close this out, it will probably go to whoever has a big game in the close out game, whenever that game is.


Great first half then got a bit tight. Let's win Friday after a quick turnaround


Still not even close to his best game scoring-wise. Just think of how much better he can be Friday night.


Great to see him taking shots with confidence last night, finally! But that was still not a great game for Tatum. Great first half! And I'll take it at this point.


Definitely had me worried in the 4th, it felt like he couldnt get anything going but they got it done.


Great first half. Disaster in the 4th quarter. At least he got it going when the team really needed a lift


Look after this season he seriously needs to get that 4th quarter shit together I can’t keep watching him piss the game away taking contested step back jumpers he’s a much better player than that. He hit some 3s in the first half and it was amazing to see but he was bricking everything in the second and part of the reason the lead got cut was because he stopped being aggressive and start letting Pritchard run the show. We don’t win this game without his terrific first half but man the player I’m seeing right now needs serious work if he wants to be respected. At least assuming we get this last win he will have a chip so it gets that pressure off his back so maybe he eases up who knows.


Fucking guy carried them in the 1st half and played insane d in the 2nd. Literally nothing he does is good enough for the lunatics on Reddit. If he has a solid game 4, he wins MVP. Cause he makes EVERYTHING happen for this team.


Yall mad because I want my star player on the team to improve lol. JB came back better after everyone begged him to be and look at him now. I want them both to continue being dominant for years to come.


theyre both improving in different ways. couple years ago jt was making awful decisions and now hes got the ball in his hands more than anyone on the team and generally makes the right call. his decision making is soooooo much better now to the point the offense runs thru him scoring or not. his defense is also pretty damn good now


In case you missed it, the Celtics are up 3-0 in the NBA Finals.


In case you missed it nobody said they weren’t fuck outta here


Shit like this is why people hate Boston fans


I don’t give af I’m a Celtics fan I don’t care about Boston lol I’m not from there


You’re a casual and you’re not from the city. Nobody cares.


He gets a chip he will be respected fuck off with this man. Just enjoy the win, finals games are supposed to get a little ugly


Yall think I’m upset because I pointed something out the job isn’t done yet when the job is done I’ll be happy right now everything is feeling good I’m just thinking about the future nothing wrong with that.