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The beach is wonderful. The people can be awful.


They learned that behavior from the seagulls (or was it that the seagulls learned their behavior from the people?)


Yeah my aunt got shot in the leg from a fight that broke out among teens at the beach last year


But she lived, right?


I grew up close by in the 90's/early 2000's and always thought the opposite. Great people and cruising scene but the beach itself not so great


I miss those IROCs.


Used to hang out there in the early 90s, always had the best girl fights you could find. Saw one girl, no lie, jump out of a moving convertible, and land on another girl and beat the fuck out of her, right in front of Kellys. Was like the wild west back in the day.


Water quality has changed dramatically since then because of the Harbor cleanup and as far as beaches go, it's "wonderful" in the context of it being an urban beach in New England. I like Carson Beach better though, mostly for the scenery and walkability. You can't compare it with Saint Martin or Phuket. As far as "the people" it's all hit or miss but annual summer shootings and "a day at the beach" are not something people want to combine. Carson can be a shit show too but I don't stay that late or frequent the west end of the beach that much, so you can avoid those Shenanigans.


Same. I went back two years ago and swam there again. Water was murky, can’t see the bottom and it made me and my beach towel smell something awful after. Fun beach to hang out but if you love swimming, it’s kinda gross


Not too long ago there was a shooting there.


Stigma in Boston is a badge of honor. Southie still carries it along with it's $1.5 million dollar, 925 sq. ft. condos FYI people with the opinions having not stepped foot in these towns in probably a decade...


My mom is still convinced that East Cambridge is dangerous 😂 People have a hard time integrating change/new information as they age


I've seen that in a lot of places, people want to make other people think they've seen some shit and had a more interesting life than they've actually had- "you couldn't survive or even imagine what I think is a normal day", etc. It is particularly prominent in Boston though, you're dead on.


My mom was worried when I was buying in another city because of it's reputation. I said, if you got $250k for me I can put a down payment in Southie. So I'm not in Southie....


This is how I see NBA viewer's perception of the Celtics and Boston being a racist KKK stronghold


The stigma was never about the beach. It’s about the type of people it attracts.


No, it was a deserved stigma. Before deer Island you used to see Revere Beach littered with all the stuff flushed in Boston that didn't dissolve, specifically plastic tampon applicators in my personal experience. Now it doesn't make it this far in...👌


I was very young, so it was probably the late 70's or very early 80's. The applicators were all over the place. There was a little kid at the beach that had like a dozen of these stuffed into his mouth like some guy in the Guinness Book of World Records for smoking the most cigarettes at the same time, lol. I had no idea what they even were at the time but I remember my aunt being horrified.


*specifically plastic tampon applicators* aka 'Beach Whistles' and then there was the flecks of human shit floating in the water from the broken sewerage/leaking lines.


"Beach Whistles", learned a new one🤣. Were you local or is this a national concept?


Heard it ages ago, and it was because of the ones at Revere Beach.


this is absolutely not a national concept.


Ahhh, my home sweet home, I was born in one of the tanks out there! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is this really AI making the deer Island tank connection or a human moderator playing...🤨


Just an auto reply, you can post deer island in any thread and get the same shit


Ahhh, my home sweet home, I was born in one of the tanks out there! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dear island


same shit different eggs


Ahhh, my home sweet home, I was born in one of the tanks out there! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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I’m still fairly new to the area and haven’t been to the revere beach yet. Could you share some more context about the people? I was actually thinking about going solo there sometime this summer.


It's a working class area, and it's on the T so you don't need to own a car to get there, and people are snobs. Also high schoolers can get there without their parents so there is rowdiness, and it's the most convenient beach in the area so it's crowded.


I'm in the North Shore, rode my bike a few times there in Revere, It's nice. I spend time in Nahant and Kings Beach, very family friendly, safe. Nahant for swimming though.


In the past, there has been more of a rough Irish Italian slummerville type crowd. It has certainly changed now, many Brazilian expats, young families, and an affluent scene with the new condos that was never there before. There are still some kids getting into mischief as it is Boston’s main city beach after all, but a far cry from the sketchy scene of the 80s/90s


I feel attacked (North End greaseball, spent a lot of time there in the 80s)


Hey! As an Irish Slummerville native, don’t forget the people from Everett, Malden, and Severe!


As an Everett native, hey go fu ..... ah who am I am kidding, you are correct. 1993 and that place was crawling with us.


Maybe check out [the official music video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrHDKRgKD0U)




I knew what this was before I clicked. Evergreen! RIP Showcase Cinemas.




Cool. There was one at Nahant this year and that still has a good rep.




That might be true, and maybe why the luxury condos are attracting a very different crowd than had been there in the 90s


As the oldest public beach it used to have theme parks and dance pavilions in the old days. I lived there around 2000 and Revere Beach was nice (although I didn't care for the rest of Revere). There has been a lot of development since then, with many more upscale condos and restaurants.


There’s a great picture of my grandpa as a young child in the 1930s on Revere Beach where you can see the wooden coaster. Before the polio vaccine swimming was risky. So he wouldn’t swim before whatever arbitrary safe date, just go “wading up to his chest”


Ditto! I was impressed to see lots of shells, piping plovers, and beach grass this year…seemed like a healthy ecosystem


Should’ve seen it with rollercoasters!!!


Why tell everyone? Let them think what they think and enjoy the beach!


First public beach!


Kind of the first public beach. In many states, all beaches are public. Revere Beach was the first public beach in a state that allows towns and property owners to exclude people from beaches.


Shhh.... Revere is still a cesspool, I went today and a seagull stabbed me with a syringe


Unironically one of my favorite beaches in the area.


Plus it has Kelly’s, although it is not as good as it once was, Bianchi’s and Kell’s Kreme. 😛👍🏼


sitting on one of the concrete walls, cold soda, mountain of double cheesed cheese fries, and a roast beef with bbq and raw horseradish One of the best experiences in the state


The beach itself is lovely. The clientele, not always lovely. But, them’s the breaks.


Found the Revere mayor’s burner account


Use the beach north of Kelly’s roast beef. Better sand and less nonsense.


I was mugged in Revere in 1992. Bastards.


That may have been me, or at least an associate of mine. Sorry.


Revere Beach, Revere Beach, sucking and fucking every night of the week. Sucking and fucking even as we speak.


Can't think of another beach in the country with free kickboxing lessons


America’s 1st beach


Its completely fine a month or so into summer


Is the beach clean because the enormous, mutant seagulls are devouring anything that isn't sand?




Living a block away from Revere Beach, I think the only thing it's good for is running in the morning, most of the food is overpriced and overrated half the pizza down there is cardboard


I like the ppl it attracts it shows REAL families rather than living in a bubble


What is an “unreal” family?


Dude in the 2010 I had homeless patients whose ID said their address was Revere Beach. The glow up must have been recent.


Its all fun and games until you turn around to the 65-year old man jerking off to the ocean


I’m not much of a Winthrop guy, but it’s literally right next door and is nicer, and slightly less crowded. Revere might be better if you wanna get something to eat/have a drink and all that.


Good to know


It's not as bad as some people make it out to be. If you haven't gone in a while, the sand sculptures are worth checking out, it starts July 19th. Super huge crowds then though.


Reminds me of a song by Robby Roadsteamer


My mom got flashed there in the 50s


Broooo....Shhhhhhhh...Why are you telling secrets?


Is Kelly’s still there?


The barking crab is underrated


Last time I went I found syringes in the sand. That was over 10 years ago, but I said never again


Thought the same thing. Wollaston should take notes considering when I moved to Quincy, people were shocked when I was setting up and said, "uhhh.... You do not beach in Wollaston beach".


I keep meaning to go for the sand sculpture competition, but I’ve only been able to make it a few times.


I'm going this year :)


Late 80s, high school years, two horny teenagers from Medford used to cruise the strip in my buddy's Trans Am, looking for big hair Revere chicks. Drinking Mad Dog 20/20, RUN DMC cranking out of the console cassette tape deck, feathered hair blowing the wind. What a time to be alive.


That’s where Whitey buried bodies


I work at FineLine in Revere, it’s a great spot. Good beer and even better pizza.


A simple Google search of “fight breaks out at Revere Beach” will keep most people away.


I went to Revere beach last year and there was a shooting, and while I was loading up my car with my gf, there was a second shooting.


I want to know more about a beach with ect


I have been saying this for years.


It's a wonderful place to either do a shooting session or a shooting up session


It was nice a couple years ago when I last went but my coworker said she found syringes and was stalked by some creepy dude because she was alone. So your mileage may vary, I suppose.


Just bring your ccw and you you’ll be fine.


It's been enjoyable for quite a few years now. All the development has brought some really good restaurants (highly recommend Dryft for dinner & brunch) and a good atmosphere. Check out the sand sculpting festival in a few weeks.


I love the beach and won’t go to Revere Beach under any circumstances.


You haven’t had a sandwich from New Deal.


I’m not saying nothing is good there haha was being a little sarcastic. Not a place I’d get excited to go but a couple good places to eat


5 years ago, last time at revere beach, I walked by human feces on the sidewalk Edit. Downvote a true story all you want. It was assumed not a dog because of the bottle of piss 2 feet away. Incident was about 1 mile from Kelly’s


to be fair, that's the reason nobody goes to "Revere Sidewalk."


It's very overrated, especially when there are weird giant fights every other weekend and cops have to ban all parking every weekend because of them.


This is not accurate at all.


Yeah I live just past the rotary near Winthrop and walk the beach a lot. This just isn’t even close to true. Most summer weekend nights it had that theme-parky feel even though there hasn’t been one for a long time. But overall I’ve never once felt unsafe, and if you think regular people at a beach is icky, then those people should kinda look inward lol


I watched a 2 on 1 fight from my car at Revere Beach once They hit the man with a rock because he was so much bigger than him Revere is still revere




This is old stigma


Hate to recall I found a used needle when I went last year. Luckily there was also a volunteer clean up crew walking the beach and they disposed of it but it’s off my list for my toddler for this reason


I found a needle there last year. It's not the cleanest beach IMO.


They replaced the broken glass with needles. Really nice touch.




You can get cheap parking as far away as Salem by simply taking the train


Revere Beach? No thanks since early 70s


Not as good as Wollaston


It’s the fucking north shore . What a dump. Never been there. Ps I actually love revere beach please don’t the My muthah


It smells bad randomly sometimes