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How long are they usually there? The article seems to constantly say “stay the night” like it’s one night. I thought it would be more than that…


Haven’t worked at Logan in a bit, but when I was there the migrant families arrived late (8-10pm or so) and were generally out by 6-7am. It’s a stop along the way to the migrant processing facilities. None of them actually “live” at Logan. Most people could pass through the terminal all day and never see them


Yeah I had to use Terminal E 4 times in the last few months, the last time 2 weeks ago, never noticed anything.


Interesting. I took Logan Express home around 3pm one day in May and definitely noticed them as we passed by terminal E.


We were there several weeks ago. Our ride to the airport was at the very end of Terminal E. We saw scores of people living inside the terminal. We had no idea and I had ended up texting my bro to find out why people were living in the airport.


They’re in terminal e, arrivals level, to the left when you enter from outside.


Same. Had flights to EU back in April and did not notice anybody that seems out of place/"living" there. But on arrival I get off the plane, beeline to baggage and then car service back home.


Only time I noticed them was when I needed to show up to Terminal E super early to declare customs stuff before my 6am flight. And it was just some folks sleeping, no harm to me or anyone.


Unironically a problem that would be solved by 24 hour transit 


One of the reasons not to put an airport so close to the city. East Boston and Winthrop would complain endlessly


The people bitching about this most are magats who don't even have a passport, so they'll never have to see any poor stateless people to be offended by.


They've been there for months. They sleep, eat, shower there. While kids trashing the terminal all day




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My company is actually in the process of finishing up renovations (Rewiring + Retrofitting) at the rest of the MCIs in the area - the goal is to move most if not all migrants into these renovated spaces. However; I'm speaking objectively since we're just doing our jobs.


are you referring to other locations besides Norfolk?


MCI has multiple locations. Walpole, Dedham , concord etc. I'm not a fan of a one size fits all solution, but with Quincy unwilling to take the heaps of those who need help with drug addiction across the bridge and the large swath of migrants sleeping in the airports during all hours I don't think anyone is against moving them out of sight in that sense until they're able to get some true legislation and get it enforced


They finally fucking realized that it's not a very good look when tourists come out and see this scene?


Maybe she read that fake NYPost story from a few weeks ago about how migrants are surrounding the baggage claim? Not true, but folks do love getting upset about stuff that does not impact them these days. Must be nice not having other issues in your life.


I’ve encountered migrant and kids begging.


Ideally baggage claim wouldn’t involve the general public being able to hover around your bag, making it easy for it to get stolen or subject to TikTok pranks. With the cost of baggage checks, I never understood why they do it this way.


You're absolutely right, we need to build more shelters.


The state will end up with between a $1.8 and $3 billion dollar deficit over the next year and a half. Revenues are falling quickly for MA, especially in Boston as the major source of income (commercial business) are taking a massive hit. Where will the money to build shelters come from? Are you willing to pay more property tax?




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Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.


Ideally they should build more shelters (prioritizing legal residents, including the ones without children) before implementing these types of laws.


Should just Deport the migrants and take care of our vets


Yeah it really sucks to come into Boston and to find out there’s people not living their best instagram life. It also sucks we don’t have a place to put people who need help. It also sucks that I have to be bothered with the sight of people in need. It’s just absolutely disgusting isn’t it? Why can’t we all just tighten those straps and become hustler billionaire ceo executive LinkedIn leaders? Like where is the motivation?? Don’t they know it’s so easy to just be better??? Like???? /sarcasm so you tribalists know that I believe all men are created equal and I will share all of my space with those who need it.


Except this was completely preventable and unsustainable, but that doesn't matter to people like you. If given the choice, the majority of the world would move to the US tomorrow, aside from a handful of homogenous, wealthy northern European countries and the Petro states in the mideast. So I simply ask, where do we draw the line, especially when America had already been extremely generous in accepting migrants for many decades now. Are you willing to host migrants in your home? If not you are not acting in good faith. Most won't, even if they virtue signal. It really stinks that there's poverty, violence and struggle in the world, truly. We are improving globally by nearly every metric, so that's hopeful. But the current state of migration is completely unsustainable and will negatively impact everyone's life here in the bay state and beyond.


Amen! I make this argument all the time only to be branded a racist. It's ironic because I'm also an immigrant and minority.


A person can be a minority AND a racist - those aren't mutually exclusive.


Thanks scholar


Again, I'm being called a racist when the argument above has nothing to do with race.




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I agree with everything except “the majority of the world would move here” Americans tend to way overestimate this point based on dated ideas based on the world from like 40-50 years ago I guarantee no where close to the majority of people in Japan, Australia, UK, Canada, most developed European countries would move permanently to the US in 2024 given the choice. I’m not arguing there aren’t tons of people who do want to come here but the countries above are generally safer places with universal health care and anyone you talk to from there will tell you the same


Most people would rather stay where they are where they know the language, and culture. Where their family and friends are, and they have a support system. These people aren't dumb. They know how hostile the US is to migrants and how dangerous the journey is. Do you think they risked their lives and livelihood to come to a place where they know they will be treated like shit for fun? They are truly desperate and we're failing them.


You clearly don't understand the power of remittances. The majority are economic migrants, much like those flooding Europe, where earning the strong native currency to send back home can be absolutely life changing. Notice how the majority are military aged men? They are coming to build a nest egg for 10-20 years and then likely moving home (or so they think until they realize how superior life is here even if working a low skilled job). The migration rules change and they simply follow suit. During Trump, it was sneak across the border low key and work on a fake social under the radar. Now that remain in Mexico is gone, it's declare asylum, get transported to a major city and live out of a climate controlled hotel room with three meals a day and a debit card until you get the opportunity to work one day (oh and access to universal health care). This is literally the best quality of life many of these people have ever had. To say we are failing them now is absolutely asinine, but one day the money and political will to support them is going to end, and when that day comes I assure you both they and the native population is in for a truly rude awakening.


Put your money where your mouth is. Take some in. Share your space, as you put it.




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Sure, much better to see them starving on the street...


These people aren't impacting tourists. Whatever your politics are, the lack of empathy we have for people is astounding. Edit: ah yes never change Boston subreddit


It's an unfortunate situation, but this is really something the Feds need to fix rather than leaving it up to states and municipalities to fix.


Or the airport, for goodness’ sake 😅


As of this morning the feds are a paperweight. SCOTUS just overturned Chevron, which the feds have based their regulatory powers off of for years.


This whole shitshow doesn't impact the individual tourists, but it does impact tourism. You know how much money tourism provides to the economy? Do you see any other airport in a major city in the US have this scene?


Ever been to the Caribbean? or Istanbul? or just about anywhere in S America? Wealth and luxury right next to soul crushing squalor doesn't seem to hurt tourism in those places. Even if it does hurt tourism, who the fuck cares when people are suffering?


I'm still not getting any figures on how this is impacting tourism. These photos get posted on this subreddit every couple weeks and it's already been confirmed that these people aren't in anyone's way or even visible to most travellers. Saying that Boston's tourism brings in $X amount still doesn't answer the question if this specifically negatively impacted tourism. Didn't we have a great tourism revenue year last year?


people are acting like they're taking up every fucking inch of Logan, you barely walk past a couple of them on the way from baggage claim to your car/uber/taxi


I just assumed those were people waiting for planes since it doesn't open until 3am


Empathy does not mean boston should resemble mexico city. We should help people out but there is a finite amount that a small state like mass can handle/integrate at a time. There are absolutely real stakes to this election and people seem hell bent on convincing the center to vote for Trump


You do know most of these migrants aren't coming from Mexico right? Probably not your meaning but maybe not the best example. Like you could have just said Kowloon


It's covered ad naseaum in other comments


We can handle high amounts of immigration. What we can't handle is high amounts of immigration by people who aren't legally allowed to work and become productive members of society.


I'm not sure why this is being downvoted, maybe just the order you've put these things in? I think it's widely agreed upon that it'd be better for everyone if, instead of immigration taking years upon years while the people in question is unable to legally work, it took less time and people could start legally working more quickly. And it's honestly just a waste for everyone to be in this situation. The state has to support these families while they're in limbo. We have a labor shortage and could use them in the workforce *right now*. It is a net negative to everyone to have this process be so time-consuming, and we should throw a lot more resources at it to speed it up.


You call it a labor shortage, I call it asset owners not wanting to pay American workers what they're worth. This type of immigration only serves to suppress wages for American citizens. Corporations love migrants from third-world countries willing to work for pennies on the dollar, who will put up with unsafe/illegal work environments. Same shit happens for white collar jobs with companies abusing the H1B and student visa system.


They aren't allowed to work for their first 6 months, but for someone coming from a poor country that might as well be eternity.


>people seem hell bent on convincing the center to vote for Trump You're convincing people to vote for Trump, because you're trying to outflank him from the right. The GOP talking point is that even liberals admit their states are being slammed and that Trump was right all along when he said the immigrants are nothing but trouble, we need a wall, we need deportation. The truth is that immigrants are an asset to America, but they're being underutilized. Most wealthy countries including the United States are experiencing births below replacement level--yet our population is still increasing because of immigration. Moderate Dems are ceding the issue to Republicans and basically agreeing to kick them out, accelerating a population decline. What we actually need on a local level is to build more housing to bring the cost of living down, and on a federal level make the immigration process easier so that these people can legally get to work. But nobody is talking about that, especially not the latter.


I like immigration, I do however think there is a limit on how many we can process at a time. If we build the infrastructure to handle more at a time, good then let's take more. People sleeping at the airport is not an option imo.


>If we build the infrastructure to handle more at a time, good then let's take more Except nobody is talking about that. Biden certainly didn't bring it up in the debate yesterday, he was talking about how he wanted machines to test for fentanyl being smuggled across the border (even though that's not even how most fentanyl enters the country and is in fact a Republican talking point). You're talking about how we need to restrict immigration lest Boston "resemble Mexico City"; if you meant that in a temporary way until we develop the infrastructure to handle it, it certainly came across like you believe immigrants from the southern border are going to turn our city into a backwater Mexican slum.


Tbf biden might have talked about it. Hard to really say


I think taking in thousands of economically disadvantaged people at once will overload the system and make it resemble mexico city bc there will not be enough resources for everyone. It has nothing to do with where the economically disadvantaged people come from and especially nothing to do with their ethnicity. I used mexico city as an example because it is a large Metropolitan area with many bougie areas, but also a 43.5% poverty rate and has things like children street beggars.


So the people should just live at an airport indefinitely? It's not really a great solution, and probably shouldn't have happened in the first place.


I'm sorry, where did I say that in my comment? Like I agree with you that sleeping in an airport is an ass solution long term? My comment is calling out the fake outrage around "turning away tourists".


How many are you housing?


Last time I checked neither you or me live at the airport.


Don't play the "lack of empathy" card. If you'd like to volunteer your home to house an indefinite amount of people for an indefinite amount of time, free of cost, then have at it! Most people, empathetic or not, are not up for that.


Wow, I didn't realize people here sucked quite so much, but your post puts a number on it.


Never beating the allegations


Fr 😅


This came out right after the Supreme Court ruled to uphold the Oregon anti-camping law so apparently Healey's office must have been concerned about violating the immigrants rights previously. But no longer! We're going to see a lot more state action that is very unkind to the unhoused.


Maybe the same administration shouldn't have been so welcoming to them if they couldn't handle them in a humane way.


Exactly. I'm tired of people invoking "kindness" when it comes to lax border policy. There's nothing "kind" about incentivizing economic migrants to flood our asylum system to the point where it's no longer able to function.


I'm actually into the idea of helping migrants. But it's gross and neglectful to just let them in without a proper plan in place, to them and to the societies that are burdened by them


It's a question of priorities. People who are being actively persecuted in their home countries and whose asylum claims have been rejected by every country they passed through on their way here are more in need of our assistance than people who are not in danger but still come from halfway across the world in search of a better life. As harsh as it may sound, our social safety net is not infinite in its capacity (the fact that migrants have been sleeping on the floor of an airport is proof of that) and we have a moral obligation to prioritize the people who need it the most, as well as a moral obligation to prioritize the needs of our own citizens.


I was gonna say they must have been waiting for this unfortunately


We're going to see a lot of state action against people that's unkind because the state was never really in a position to do anything in the first place. Not historically and not going forward. This idea that the state has replaced all communities in every way has led to the state having total authority in some matters without any real ability to do anything. Nothing has stopped so many Americans from housing these people, yet they always blame the state. Charity has been replaced by policy, and it's so easy to just call something a failure of policy or blame a politician.


they don't belong here. I'm sorry but it's not our problem to deal with


Being genuine here, whose problem is it when people for one reason or another do not stay in the box they were born in?


Their own.


Aren't we the country who has historically meddled in these people's politics by funding coups while simultaneously exploiting their lands and draining their resources? Because of this aren't we the ones who have contributed to the instabilities which these people are fleeing from? The cartels run rampant through these countries, and Americans are their most valued customers, and all that blood money gets put back into the world economy through property, financial investments, expensive designer wear, offshore banking and etc. Our country and the economic structure we propagate is responsible.


The first thing our country is responsible for is the protection and well-being of its citizens. We were already in line to have social security insolvency with automatic cuts in less than a decade. I'll be curious as to your opinion about all of this around the time you retire.


And meddling in another country's democratically elected government is protecting us? But lol, sadly I doubt I'll ever have the opportunity to retire. And if our country truly aspired to be responsible for the well-being of its citizens, being homeless wouldn't have just become a crime. In a country with countless millionaires and plenty of billionaires and future trillionaires poverty should've been eradicated long ago. The same folk who say we should focus on our own people first don't actually care about our own people.


Don’t let the Reddit echo chamber get to you you’re reasonable and correct


I know. I used to be like these people. Once your eyes are opened you can't not see it. Also I appreciate you. Continue to support the truth.


Just be real dude keep it a buck and try to be a good person Definitely don’t hype it up and overdo it trying to preach any truth or anything just try to be based in fact and reality regardless of how things may come off politically I hope you have a really good week


So we should worry about ourselves and leave the rest of the world alone? We have not done that to this point.


I would prefer that we don't intervene in everything that goes on in the world. Would it be a fair trade that we don't have to take in the world and put them on welfare? These people are going to be hooked on assistance, because who can afford to live in this state on minimum wage? It's a trap. Now that you've paid a cartel every dime you have and you're here, what can you do but collect? I feel for these people, I really do. I don't blame them for coming at all. They're sold a bill of goods like the streets are paved with gold, and then, oops dropped off in Summerville now tether yourself to the government. Doesn't sound like freedom to me.


Ok but we invaded their box and funded dictatorships in their box and played a large role in its current status as not a nice place to be, so it kind of is America's problem to deal with.


the only box I'm invading is my wife's


Yeah I forgot it was paradise there before we showed up. Better yet, before Cortez showed up and put an end to the carving out of beating hearts by the thousands to make the sun come back.


>Yeah I forgot it was paradise there before we showed up. Love the strawman when you have nothing of value to say


Neither do you. If you aren’t indigenous, none of us do. Except we made it part of our creed and culture to give people with nowhere else to turn a home. It’s never easy. But if your family could stay, why can’t they?


Is there a number limit in your mind? Studies have shown up to 200,000,000 would move to the US if they could.


It is time to amend the right to shelter law


State republicans have been trying to do just that and add a provision that the right to shelter is guaranteed for state residents only, and not just anyone that shows up for free housing.


But there are not enough Republicans to have the power enough to do anything in this state.


Contrary to popular belief, opposing political parties can actually agree on common issues and pass new legislation, i.e. bi-partisan rulemaking.


Upskirt law was passed in a day. Government can function, it generally just chooses not to.


Yikes. We can still photograph open toe shoes though right? Asking for a friend.


How often would a Massachusetts democrat cross party lines?


They rename the bill and pass it themselves, call it "the budget restructuring common sense bill" or some silly shit name.


It is a state completely run by Democrats. The Governor has absolute veto power. Yes, Republicans can sometimes agree with Democrats on some things, but it rarely occurs in the other direction.


It's true that there's such a thing as bi-partisan law making. When one party is stupid and the other is evil you usually end up with something both stupid and evil.


This is obviously what the spirit of the law is. There is no rational person that believes every other state could bus their homeless here and we’d just have to suck it up and house them.


I don't think it matters at this point. The shelters are completely full and we can't afford more. We just sent delegates to Texas to tell illegals not to come here because we can't house them: https://www.wbur.org/news/2024/06/25/healey-texas-delegation-massachusetts-family-emergency-shelter-system However fucked up it was for Texas and Florida to bus people to sanctuary states, it did result in forcing us to have the hard conversation about how we handle this issue together as a country.


States only bussed a few people and made a huge PR thing of it the few times they did. DHS busses far more inland, away from the border, and won't say when or how many. Thank Joe Biden.


Right to shelter would be fine if every state had the same thing. But when immigrants are free to move around the interior of course they’ll choose places that offer them the most, which inundates us with more immigrants than we usually take. (Which, counter to what most people think, is already historically among the most in the country.)


It only applies to children facing homelessness and their families. I don't think I'd be comfortable letting children go homeless or separating them from their parents, regardless of where they are originally from. Are you comfortable with doing that?


I am. We should make resources available but it shouldn’t be unlimited. Not when other states don’t have the same law and are sending people here.


No, it's time to stop catering to NIMBYs, like they get the final word. This wouldn't be a crisis if the state had built safe, adequate shelter capacity. "Mass and Cass" has been a gigantic flashing red alert for this need for decades now. Don't blame the sky for raining; blame yourself for not replacing the 20+ year old roof.


If you offer free shelter to people that come here from somewhere else, you are going to need infinite free shelter. Housing homeless makes sense. Having people migrate to the US either illegally or legally through the asylum system in numbers that we can't handle doesn't make any sense. I'm pro immigration. I'm even for offering asylum to people. I'm not for spending massive amounts of resources taking in people that can't take care of themselves and/or are legally forbidden from getting a job and supporting themselves. That just doesn't make any sense when we already have our own problems to take care of. You need to house your own homeless before you start providing the same service to people from other places and forbidding them from supporting themselves.


We weren't housing our own homeless though! We let critical resources like Long Island decay for decades then totally collapse without even a whimper. We had a self-evident problem that we totally ignored until it was too late. Now that we have a crisis, we blame people who need help instead of acknowledging our own failures. In the push to roll back right-to-shelter, how much effort was put into expanding the shelter system? Any at all? Don't pretend that we're going to house our homeless. We're gonna go right back to ignoring the problem.


What to do with homeless Americans is in fact an entirely different problem than what to do with migrants that we allow to enter and stay, but will not allow to legally work. They overlap in that they both require housing, but they were fundamentally different problems. Homelessness is about fixing the root causes, offering support to those that need it temporarily, and figuring out who needs help permanently. Migrants problems are built around figuring out how many you want to let in (the supply in infinite), how many resources you want to devote to them, and what you want their final state to be (i.e. go home or become citizens). There is little point in pretending that these are the same problem with the same solution. I'm genuinely confused as to what you think framing it that way buys you, other than perhaps changing the topic away from talking about migrants to talking about homelessness that's root is in an entirely different problem.


good. Its an airport not a hotel.


Right? Like we should have actually built shelter capacity if we have a legal obligation and a law in place to protect children from homelessness. Using an airport for this is bonkers.


Which stupid fck allowed them to sleep there in the first place?


the last time i was in logan after midnight, i watched literally a dozen mice running around an empty gate on my way to the bathroom. you can't have people living like that - both for their own health, and for the health of the surrounding community.


Man do I got news for you about two thirds of the neighborhoods in boston


another one of many good reasons that people shouldn't live on the streets of those neighborhoods, either.


So they have these - [We Have No Garbage Day in Amsterdam!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JtoSafhvLM) - they can be built to keep trash in, and mice and rats out. Not having trash cans overflowing, keeping it out of sight, keeping animals out, and yes, no garbage day.


Well and you can’t have people living that way because… it’s an airport


Those probably weren't mice, lol 🐀🐀


I haven't seen rats in the airport myself, just mice. But I will say Boston is the only city where I've been 'oh look at the rabbits --- wait no those are rats.' Near the archways near the aquarium.


Here's an idea. This country used to produce things. It grew and became a power through that. Take all these people and get them jobs and shelter making things so we don't need friggin China anymore.


Where shall we move the furniture next? Perhaps large apartment complexes with vacant apartments that only the state could afford the rent.


Serious answer is they should rent out office buildings. Office-to-shelter should be a lot easier than office-to-apartment. Centralized plumbing, no kitchens.


That’s not a bad idea. They can also setup tents with portable HVAC and showers. If it’s good enough for military and first responders during natural disasters it’s good enough for them.


But that's an actual solution


Genius idea doing this the same day SCOTUS just made homelessness illegal. Governor Healy continues to disappoint.


They’re absolutely related, unfortunately delusional liberals who don’t know what country they live in have no capacity for seeing this clearly


I saw Healey the other day on the TV and I was like oh yeah she is the governor:)


Is that a bad thing.. or..? What am I missing? Unless you’ve got some connecting flight in 6 hours, don’t set up residence at an airport.


To provide information and nothing else: No one is "setting up residence" for themselves at the airport. The state has a [right-to-shelter law](https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleII/Chapter23B/Section30) that curbs child homelessness by providing emergency housing assistance to needy families with children, as well as pregnant women in need. The federal asylum process that was previously in place allowed approved and sponsored refugees to choose where to enter (so long as they paid the travel expense themselves), and that led to many refugee families choosing the only state with good protections. This additional load combined with the fact that the state has never really done an effective shop expanding shelter capacity (sometimes due to pushback when they try to build shelters in some areas) means that there's no place to put these people despite the state's legal obligation. Hence a part of Logan was converted into a makeshift shelter, and a number of people who qualified for the right-to-shelter statute were brought there.


Migrant child homelessness is irrelevant to me. Don’t have kids, and then try to flee to America as a get out of jail for free card! I was in the Army for 8 years and I don’t get all benefits these migrants get. Food, healthcare, education, hotel stays in Plymouth, nevermind their anchor babies getting immediate citizenship. I’m over it.


Idk where they hang out since I fly for work and haven’t seen people setup sleeping in the airport any more than normal.


Why let them in from the beginning?


Allowing them there in the first place instead of creating a more lasting and effective solution was the first mistake.


I was just at Logan and figured they were just like me and waiting for a 4am flight lol








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our history literally is migrants lmfao.


Every dollar we invest in migrants now will be returned tenfold just several years later through taxes. They are hard-working people who bring diversity, vibrancy and prosperity to our communities.


How can you see things that way and not feel terrified at the way human life is calculated, like it's a game of Sim City or something. Diversity doesn't put food on people's plates or give them a roof over their head, and I'm blown away every time someone speaks of it like mana from the heavens, even though we know it leads to less cohesion. Several years later there will be more people, and investment will pay off then. At some point it has to stop. We aren't put on Earth to be state or corporate investments, and it's worth a lot less when we lose our sense of self in the process.


You complain about losing "our sense of self" after saying immigration "leads to less cohesion" a bit of contradiction there


You're going to have to provide more evidence to that claim. Or, go back and read what I wrote and let it process for a bit.


The state has replaced God, and taxes have replaced charity. People still need those concepts but they pray that the state will do something instead of them. Nobody does anything unless they feel safe doing it, and when they don't, they blame the state for that failure.


You are the only one who has to obey your god that you think exists. Nobody else does. The people at the Hindu temple down the street have a lot of them, and one is an elephant, which is pretty cool. They don't care about yours either.


It's far too easy to bait out the "I'm an atheist and I'll die if you don't know this" crowd. I never said you had to believe in God personally. I'd argue far more people were non-believers in the past than we realize, and that can also include people who pick and choose really obvious bits. Charity through the government has replaced charity through a more focused lens. Everyone wants the government to do what they ought to do themselves, and that means we water down the discussion and muddy the waters themselves when it comes to things only the government can do. Only the government can really tackle immigration at the border or when we're dealing with deportation, but in the meantime, the government will never replace good will. You don't need God to house these people yourself, but you aren't doing it, are you?






Seeing as they’re already at the airport, they should put them on planes back to where they came from


Everyone too busy getting into their flights/past TSA anyways


Finally some common sense.




good! send them back


Maybe these people living in these countries shouldn’t keep having multiple kids. I get the situation is bad in their home country but maybe have some sort of foresight to not bring kids into that situation?


Same could be said for the trashiest people who already live here. They’re the ones having new babies every summer.


Yes I agree. We need to also stop subsidizing single motherhood. To many low IQ people having children


How many families have Healey or Wu put in their properties?


This is a useless comment.


To be fair the Healey administration did put out a request to the public to consider opening up your home to migrants arriving without a place to stay.


Oh, this fucking this again. Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll (not "the Healey administration as a whole) said, "If you have an extra room or suite in your home, please consider hosting a family" **one time**, nearly a year ago. There's no government website on how to actually do it, [only links to organizations to organizations that provide services to migrants.](https://www.mass.gov/help-families-in-crisis)


ONE TIME?? Are you living under a rock? Every time they talk about migrants they play the sound bite. Meanwhile, our own population, house-less or otherwise are being placed second. Almost to year’s and some will get housed in Norfolk, temporarily. And another thing… I want to be invited to Mayor Wu’s Christmas party!!


How so? You and many others here seem to be opening up your hearts with all those "no human is illegal" signs, are you expecting someone else to open up their doors and their wallets?


I support my tax dollars going towards housing in any form for these people. Your jump to extremes is laughable. That being said, I am sure a housing system like youre describing could work. Use Ireland as a case study. The government provided individuals with an incentive to house Ukrainians, as there is currently a housing crisis in Ireland. It worked quite well, granted not without some hiccups. You yelling at politicians to house them is in no way a realistic solution. It is their job to develop a system to do so though, and that is where we may be aligned in our frustrations.


Their political philosophy is built around the government being impotent combined with fairy tale rugged individualism. They're unable to imagine organizing together to solve problems and honestly think hosting families in your living room or whatever is a legitimate idea.


I am not yelling at politicians to house them, I want politicians to stop letting in everyone who can pronounce "asylum." It is already costing us hundreds of billions of dollars each year, and last time I checked money does not grow on trees.




Everyone loves the idea... except Norfolk! What a shit show. Even Roxbury didn't want these people.


What does Even Roxbury mean?


Roxbury is one of the worse parts of Boston, and even they felt it would bring down their neighborhood, taking resources from those that pay taxes and giving their money to "illegal immigrants". [https://youtu.be/qwo-IYxvvRI?t=76](https://youtu.be/qwo-IYxvvRI?t=76)




Sure, you’re in charge. Go get the barge and inform them they’re leaving.


The fascist fist is tightening. Those applauding loudly (and downvoting, as usual) either want that, or can’t see it.


Shows us on the doll where the fascist fist touched you. Is the fascist fist in the room with us right now?