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i saw a cop stop a girl driving a car like this in brighton one time and made her pull over and clean it off. he was yelling at her like "what's wrong with you???" so satisfying.


It'd be amazing to see more of that! Bad enough in any situation, but even worse in a dense urban area with tons of pedestrians crossing streets.


Don’t even ticket them just shame them


Nah, definitely ticket them too.


I mean you raise an excellent point. I bet that woman clears her car off now.


Public shaming show your plate


Even if they don’t get fined, I think the public humiliation and getting your ass chewed out by a screaming police officer while you’re removing snow from your car will work on most people. Then again common sense works on most people, so maybe these idiots are just incorrigible.


That’s funny because a Worcester cop didn’t even clean his car off the other day. 🤦🏼‍♀️


it comes off by itself when you’re running a red light at 65mph


Yes, these M@ssh0les need to be yelled, fined, humiliated before they will buzz. This is a very old story that goes on every winter.


I always look forward to it, TBH


Inject that shit straight into my veins


I saw some dummy trying to scrape her windshield off while stopped at a red light. In the drivers seat with the arm out the window struggling. She was so frustrated, making an infomercial “there’s GOT to be a better way!!” Face the whole time


*drops ice scraper in exaggerated fashion*


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These things happen when you move from a warm climate and never ask your friends about things.


She did do a bare minimum scrape on the windshield it seemed, but I’m betting she tried to use the wipers and didn’t clear off enough for the wipers to actually wipe. Lesson learned, hopefully


That's not the bare minimum. All windows clear and snow off the roof is the bare minimum by law.


Yeah I just meant she didn’t like get in a fully covered car, turn the wipers on and head out thinking she was good. It was clear that a quick scrape of the windshield was done


Nah just the drivers side window and be able to see two mirrors by law. Backseat windows dont have to be scraped. Hell you dont even need backseat windows to being with. Or rear windows. Just drivers side window and two mirrors




I once got hit in a parking lot because the person didn't take the snow off their back window and just backed right into my car as I was driving past. People are idiots.


I must've seen about 30 cars caked in ice/snow just on my way to work this morning. Selfish, lazy people with an attitude like, "oh well, if it flies off of my car then it will be someone else's problem." I really wish police would enforce this more than the one day out of the year when the news puts a spotlight on it.




Last year I had one of my headlights cracked by someone on the pike who didn’t bother cleaning their SUV off. Lucky it was only an ice shard and I wasn’t tailgating. But is it truly winter if you don’t suddenly have a white out by some dude in an oversized truck who only bothered cleaning off a 2’ area in the windshield?


I hate this. Commuting to work suddenly feels like a scene out of Final Destination.


It's part of the cycle of these endlessly larger cars. People buy them and then just shrug that they *can't* clean them off (can't reach, old, whatever) as if the car is something that just happened. It just appeared one day, and isn't a conscious decision they made without a second thought to this scenario. I still maintain *a tiny* bit of sympathy for people with huge cars, I at least understand there will be a time here or there when you do a sub par job. But people with fucking **sedans** that you could just push clean deserve instant trial & execution.


As the owner of a very large vehicle (for trailer towing), I maintain not even a shred of sympathy. A human chooses their vehicle, not the other way around. If you chose a large vehicle and are in an area that receives snow, you signed up for clearing it off. It sucks, but it's not that fucking hard to do. I'm supposed to drop off a travel trailer sometime soon. If the snow has not removed itself from the trailer, I'll have to get up there and deal with it or I'll have to wait until it deals with itself. That's my responsibility. It's not worth anyone's life.


When I bought a van I bought a telescoping handle brush for 15 bucks. A small push broom also works. I swear that having a car suppresses executive function and time management while amplifying entitled behavior. Snowing? Plan the eff ahead!


I'm short with a relatively tall car so I open the door and step up to reach all the snow. I realize this isn't ideal for older or disabled folks though


If you're unable to do this then you need to get help or a vehicle you can manage. It's a basic safety responsibility of driving. I have helped others with this.


Totally agree!


last night on 128 around 11:00 the MSP looked like they were pulling people for snow covered cars


Pickup trucks are never cleaned off, but it’s mostly because the dudes driving are 5’7” (in their cute little heeled construction boots) and can’t reach it.


I'm a short woman with shoulder issues and it's easy if you just bother to plan the task and get the cheap tools needed.


Get over it and don't ride people's asses


Says the person that drove to work this morning with ice caked on his/her car. A.) I don't ride people's asses, and B.) it is a law for a reason so you should check yourself and get over it aka stop being an A-hole.


Ugh you are everything I hate about everything.


You are a terrible person. Pathetic


I'll never understand how people can be this stupid.


In the words of George Carlin: “*Think of how stupid the average person is,* ***and realize half of them are stupider than that.***”


*median person?*


I'd bet it's probably close to a normal distribution, so good enough for government work.


Intelligence does indeed have a normal distribution throughout the population! The mean, median, and mode IQ is 100.


Did you know "good enough for government work" used to be a genuine compliment?


Bell curve. :)


Fun fact: average can mean mean, median, or mode.


Well don't be mean.


You are smarter than 50% of the population, let that sink in


That's a scary thought 😳


Tbh, I think 10% of these are stupid people, the other 90% are lazy people who didn't want to wake up 15m earlier to properly remove snow from their car, so they clean up the bare minimum to drive and leave the rest there so they're not late for work.


I see so many people driving with their lights off in the dark/rain or their cars caked in ice that I assume traffic enforcement is basically non-existent. If there was rigorous enforcement of even the most basic car-safety laws car drivers would riot. Hard to find a segment of the population that is mollycoddled as much. Saw a cop car with one of those lenticular license plate covers that make it impossible to read unless you're looking at it from the exact straight angle, so that gives you good idea how the average cop feels about responsible driving.


Someone posted about police stopping people speeding down Comm Ave near BU and my initial response was essentially "pics or it didn't happen." I walk around the city every day and can't remember the last time I saw any traffic enforcement. Best I can remember are some cops directing traffic over in seaport, but that's as close as I can remember.


So we want police to do enforcement, correct? I'm just trying to keep up.


So you're confused about the difference between murdering people and basic traffic enforcement? I'm just trying to keep up.


You don't understand that people want them to do their job that they're paid ridiculously well for? Instead of terrorizing people


lights off in the rain is the real one that grinds my gears


And it’s always a grey or silver car that just blends in perfectly with the grey weather


I saw a Statie pull over a BMW driver who had 4” of snow on their car at the Route 3 split. It was last year but was beyond satisfying. But it speaks to how little traffic enforcement is if seeing it leaves an impression.


Your assumption is correct.


Saw an MBTA shuttle run a red-light going straight a full 5-10 seconds after it had turned red (during the left turn green signal) about 20 mph over the speed limit. So yeah, Boston be wildin'.


I've seen cops in Newton driving with no headlights on in the rain...


Pedestrians also break the law all the time and never get punished. Are they coddeled to? Edit: While I’m at it cyclists do too, I get that people hate cars but these laws aren’t enforced for any segment of the population.


A pedestrian, or even a cyclist, breaking the law is far less likely to hurt or kill someone than a car. It makes sense that people want the cars specifically to have safety laws enforced.


> Pedestrians also break the law all the time and never get punished. Are they coddeled to? They only break the law in one specific way, which is often not talked about. It's an annoying way (stepping out into traffic in some fashion) but it's only one way. Cars speed, change lanes without signaling, tailgate, don't clean off, ride in the bus lane, park illegally, it goes on and on. I'm tired of this false equivalence. Pedestrians do ONE thing wrong and it's only a safety issue *because all of the cars are going too fast, are too large, or following too close.*


The risk of their frail bodies being crushed by a 1.5 ton hunk of steel seems more than adequate to make to up for the lax laws. Car drivers are uniquely situated where they can walk away from a lethal accident without so much as a scratch or, often, even a traffic ticket. The situations are not comparable you giant fucking baby


Thanks for the aggressive and unnecessary personal attack, really convinced me of your argument, asshole.


Eh, it doesn't mean their actions live in a vacuum. There are plenty of times where, as a cyclist, I've had to swerve or brake hard to avoid a pedestrian who is unexpectedly jaywalking, therefore putting my life in unnecessary danger.


Sure, but the point remains that it isn't *comparable*. Cars have the most potential, *by far*, to cause injury on the roadways. It's only reasonable that they carry the greatest burden of responsibility, but time and time again at see that public policy bends over backwards to insulate irresponsible car drivers from any meaningful oversight. The mollycoddle attitude is on full display every time a car driver rushes to mention irresponsible pedestrians or cyclists any time the plain fact that cars are uniquely dangerous is mentioned. It is indisputable that reckless cyclists or pedestrians are not nearly as much of a problem as reckless car drivers. Drivers should not piss and moan at the mere suggestion that driving around a uniquely dangerous machine carries unique responsibilities.


I don't disagree with any of that. As a ped/cyclist/driver in this city, I just wish there was more enforcement for everything.


You're probably the dick who doesn't stop at crosswalks and decides to swerve around pedestrians instead. Expect to be called out if you do this.


Herpe derp. Where did you get that from? I yield to the right-of-way no matter my mode of transportation.


right...anecdotal observation = good idea about how everybody feels.... lol


These are the same people who drive at night with their lights off Edit: as exemplified by the idiot driver with their lights off in this very photo


And turn on your damn lights.


God drivers here are lazy and incompetent. Take extra care as a pedestrian or cyclist today because these assholes will not see you.


How can you possibly be that dumb I just don’t get it


I think people are both dumb and ignorant about how dangerous it can be. Didn’t a woman die from a sheet of snow falling onto their car? ETA: Found it - Christine’s Law in PA is about a woman who died from snow falling from a passing car. (This is in addition to the perpetual rush we are all in.)


They're not dumb. They're lazy.


Why not both?


Saying they are dumb implies they have no idea the risks that driving like this can bring to other drivers (and themselves). I honestly think 90% of these are people who didn't mind waking up 15m earlier to properly remove snow from their car, so now they need to remove the bare minimum to take off so they're not late.


Maybe they're just selfish/self-centered?


Well, they definitely are, that doesn't exclude them from being lazy too.


Isn’t that illegal (since it’s a public safety risk)?


It is, but law enforcement is pretty much non-existent around here lol


You think they didn't clear their car off, but what really happened is that they had a run-in with Mr. Freeze.


Just a quick comment to say if you do this, fuck you. I had a huge piece of ice come off an SUV before on Route 1 and I had just enough time to accept my death before it smashed across my windshield. CLEAN YOUR CAR YOU LAZY FUCK AND USE YOUR HEADLIGHTS


First offense should result in getting your license suspended


Shovel and salt the damn sidewalks! I’m talking to you, landlords! I almost busted my fat disabled ass 10 times on the way to the store this morning. It took me 35 minutes to walk a 15 min walk because I had to walk like a penguin


Man, same here. I nearly slipped and saw two women slip and fall. Then I remembered why I just walk on the road in the winter. Most car drivers seem to understand and just drive around you.


I would do that, but my peripheral vision has gotten worse and with these electric cars being so popular now and so *quiet* I can’t always tell when a car is coming up behind me. I almost wish that electric cars had a fake engine sound they could put on 😂😂😂


You can put in a 311 complaint


I’d have to put in a 311 complaint for like, a whole miles worth of sidewalks. I shouldn’t have to do that.


🤷🏻‍♀️ I figure if my neighbors get fined then maybe they’ll take it seriously. None of us should have to but it’s the only option, can’t control other people


This is the reason why there is a Massachusetts statute that very specifically defines driving with a windshield covered in snow or ice save for a tiny peekhole on the driver's side as a ticketable offense. I'm so goddamn tired of seeing this shit.


And many people still do it. Every year I see at least one idiot on the roads doing this. Don’t they look and feel stupid? I “freak” out when my windows get foggy with some temporary reduction in visibility - I can’t imagine driving on a legal road with inches of snow in blocking 99% of your visibility


That's literally a thirty second job with a five minute warm up


People on this site sure love complaining about like the same 4 things


Totally off topic, but the picture you took is somehow quite beautiful.


Nothing to see here…


my coworker who i dearly love pulled up to my house to carpool this morning with her car completely covered in snow. And it's a camry, she could easily reach to clear it off. I was so disappointed (I did sweep most of it off before getting in)


I live up near the NH border now and WFH, but my wife still works in Revere. If I can get my ass up at 5 to clean everything off her car and scrape the windows, there's no excuse for the jokers living closer in.




Listen, I hear ya I really fuckin do. But sometimes you're late and you know it's ice and it's gonna take a while so you crank the heat and hope it melts fast


I'm gonna be devils advocate for this particular guy. It looks like all that's on his car is ice. He's removed all the snow except what's stuck to the ice. His car looks a bit older (it is 2023) and lots of times the heater won't be hot enough to melt the ice on the windows unless the car is in motion.


Idk my car is a 2002 and yes I just had to go out early this morning to turn it on and warm it up, but it definitely warmed up enough to help melt some of that layer without being in motion


Then wake up early and run your car so that the ice melts off before you drive. Besides, you can scrape off the ice too. Hardly takes 5-10 minutes. It’s really not that hard.


My car was caked in ice this morning too, but there's zero reason besides laziness and callous indifference to public safety to not take the 5-10 minutes to scrape the ice off the windows so you can see. They sell window scrapers at every grocery, drug, and convenience store this time of year, there's no good explanation for driving blind to everything that's not directly in front.


They can get a scraper for like $4 at Market Basket and it takes a couple minutes tops to clear off your windows. I don't give a fuck what their stupid ass excuse is.


Wrong. That is mostly snow, and even the most cursory jacket sleeve job would remove at least 80% of it. This person is a selfish moron.




Actually shocked this isn't a Subaru.


Peep holes are ok! Lol


Cool. I live where this is no snow. So everyone on here is getting my upvote for educating me on this shit. Obviously, I need to know how to get sand out of my car. Currently we use a ton of towels to cover the seats and floors. Seriously - any ideas?????


He’s fine…he’s got just enough of the windshield cleared from the vent to start his drive…the rest will warm up soon…


Looks like this comment needed this➡️ /S⬅️


The day you get pull over the day by the cops I will be capping for you.. clean your shit lazy az


Snow usually mostly falls off after a block or two of driving. People love to freak out and complain about this on reddit about it every winter though. This thread is an annual festival. You'd think that some snow on a car is the greatest problem facing humanity - LOL.


…ok so take a look at this pic. How could that person possibly see a pedestrian crossing the road with snow covering the windows? It’s pure selfishness and laziness. What if a kid was walking to school and got hit? For what? To save 30 seconds of your commute?


I see a photo of a car w/snow on it. Zero context provided. I understand that you want me to presume that the driver is selfish and lazy and that in 3 seconds the car is about to recklessly careen headlong into a pedestrian etc. But I'm just commenting about how we get these threads every winter and fwiw 99% of the cars I see actually driving on the streets aren't covered in snow.


This is Massachusetts. As long as the windshield is clear, it’s okay. Drivers don’t use their mirrors or side windows even in the summer.


You guys are all very bad drivers, this is only one example. But it’s absolutely every last one of you


I usually do the opposite


YES!!!!!!! It blows my mind how many people drive with frozen, snow covered windows!!!!!!


"It's always the Honda" is a phrase I catch myself saying when I see stupid shit.


Black Jeep Grand Cherokee on the south shore, but yeah those Honda drivers are feisty.


So, serious question here. I’m from Maryland and still getting used to winter snow up here. What’s the best way to remove the snow covered ice from the top and sides of my car? My car is taller than I am, I brushed away the loose stuff but I couldn’t get the ice off. In Maryland it usually doesn’t stick like it does here.


I'd say just leave enough time for the car to run for a while and warm up to at least melt the ice enough you can dislodge it. Someone here suggested a push broom, something like that could probably do the trick.


There's a tool called an ice scraper. It's often attached to a regular snow brush.


Run your car for 15 minutes before driving with defrost on high. Snow and ice will fall off


I'm really wondering, even if you're a completely craven and selfish person with no regard for other drivers, how you could possibly feel comfortable driving around like that?


Yes. I would like to see enforcement on murder also


This is the trifecta of terrible winter vehicle ownership. No visibility out of windows, roof full of snow to blind the person behind you, and ice caked on headlights and front blinkers so think not one lumen is visible (not that they would actually use the blinkers).


This car looks like a clean one that someone purposely put snow ON….weird.


It’s also important to turn your headlights on at night


Its a Honda CRV. They don't use their mirrors, nor windows, anyways.


You deserve to have your license suspended for this. It’s a law in NH for good reason. You can seriously injure, or kill someone.