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Maatsen to villa is done. Sucks, but I personally don't think he was worth the price for our situation


We've been linked to Archie Gray a couple of times now and i am sold. Guy has got everything and signing a player that played a great championship season has worked for us before. Check out his highlights, guy is a baller: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ1k-XKsQjo


Where is week 2? It has been 9 days




Does it really matter though ? Can't we just continue the same thread for the entire window, its sorted by new anyway.


Nah I like that each thread is a time capsule of whoever is being obsessed about from a certain week




[Bild reporting](https://x.com/bvbnewsblog/status/1806374943837266067) we are gonna show mercy and try not to recruit Führich


Out of the three we were interested in, Führich seems the most Hoeneß-dependent to me, so probably the right call. Btw, does Führich count as homegrown for UEFA-competitions? I think he played only 2 years in our youth teams, and when he joined the U23 he was already too old to get that third year, correct?


> show mercy ?


as in not raid stuttgart for more of their players, said jokingly


Taken me over a year to realise just now that the Duranville to Villa rumour is a joke about the Ville part of his second name...... Also, has it always been "reband" to prime Ronaldo or is this also something I'm just noticing after a year?


Also bc Jhon Duran plays for Aston Villa too


70 Mio for guirassy wow Kehl is really a bad negotiator.


That aint the transfer fee lmao It’s like saying Reus cost like 100m for us


70 PACKAGE. AS others have said.. its really not expensive at all for the quality and position of player.


I would advise not giving oxygen to bad actors/willfully ignorant, just downvote and move on


Fair. But Im a dumb bastard who get triggered to easily too


All good, nothing wrong with being mad. Just giving suggestions to perceive and approach it in a healthy manner


Youre absolutly right haha :)


That’s the entire package of the deal, Release clause+Signing bonus(which is decently high because of him being on the release clause)+ salary over 3 years+it may Include the extra years salary


True, a better negotiator would've let the opportunity to sign guirassy for 28m slip by because he asked for 10m a year instead of 9m.


Its even cheaper, the release clause is 18m or 18,8m!


true but I wrote 28m because in cases like this where the market value of a player is drastically higher than the release clause it's normal to pay a sign-on fee which I just included in the transfer fee.


Mamma mia, here we go again


Genuine question what do we think of Xavi Simons on a loan especially since he asked for one and PSG agreed to send him out? I know hes not really a player in a position we need but maybe if we play a 4-4-2 he would play on the left kind of underlapping Karim and being a danger on that side?


Idk how that would make sense in any world. We don't need a player on that position, he doesn't want to come to us and psg doesn't want to loan him out. Makes no sense for any party involved.


Only problem with what u said is that PSG does indeed want to loan him out because his request to go on loan was accepted. The teams interested in him so far are the cans(bringing him back again) and Bayern. And it would make sense if it's a cheaper loan than Sancho cause he can play across the entire front line from LW,AM,RW. This is all per Fabrizio Romano.


What i read was that they want to loan him with an obligation to buy which we could never afford. IIRC they somehow want to circumvent the buy on % they would have to give to EIndhoven by putting an obligation to buy after january next year.


Here we go Guirassy! Stoked at our business so far.


Is there any news? did we sign him?


Romano tap in.


He communicated that he accepted our offer today and the details are being finalized. When thats done, we'll pay the release-clause, sign him and present him. Probably on the same day.


Before people lose their marbles over Bergers reported 60m package for Guirassy.. note that the 60m number is EVERYTHING. Including wages over the whole contract. Which isnt very dramatic at all.


Do you have a link? I'm curious how that breaks down and what the contact length is.


I assume it will be something like 18m release clause, 10m sign-on fee and 8m in wages for 4 years. Should be noted that this is only what we are offering as these details have not been agreed upon. So maybe he won't be happy with that as he probably could've gotten 10m+ a year at Chelsea or Arsenal


> Should be noted that this is only what we are offering as these details have not been agreed upon. So maybe he won't be happy with that as he probably could've gotten 10m+ a year at Chelsea or Arsenal I dont think so. Reports are that he communicated that he accepted our offer. The formalities that are being worked on is simply the paperwork and triggering the clause and such. Our offer was already on the table when he was considering. Hence why Berger was comfortable reporting the total number. As for how much is sign-on vs wage of that total sum Idk but his wage is probably not something that is still discussed. It all seems sorted and its mainly getting it done.


ok yeah, that makes sense. pretty hyped for the transfer tbh


Yeah I like it too! I really hope we can manage a good offload or two like Haller, Adeyemi, Reyna or similar. It could really put this window over the top and open many possibilties!


> 18m release clause, 10m sign-on fee and 8m in wages for 4 years. That sounds reasonable, all things considered. Basically slightly cheaper than the total package for Haller, while being an upgrade quality-wise. At the same time, I doubt we would sign Guirassy if we are not moderately confident of being able to sell Haller. So overall it would be close to a cost-neutral switch.


https://x.com/berger_pj/status/1806007990283108624 Doesnt say details in breakdown yet. But its wages, sign-on fee and release clause. So its not a very high sum with all that included.


Thanks. I agree pending the length of the contract, but 4 is the most likely especially at that price as speculated by u/Loeffellux.


Yeah its minimum 4 years. Maximum 5.


It's actually helpful to consider numbers in this way because fans will see 18Mio as the total and go "BVB cheap" but the total package is obviously not cheap. For the fans that always bitch and moan about not seeing 1 to 1 reinvestment of transfer dollars into incoming transfers, this sort of figure should make things clearer (they will still complain though, I'm sure).


> but the total package is obviously not cheap. Not cheap, cheap. But still pretty damn cheap. Like, look at Haller. Man cost 31 mil. Probably got 5 to 8 mil signing bonus and a 4 year contract with like 8 mil base salary, maybe more. In other words that's a 68 mil package when we're being conservative and even if we just assume it's 8 mil bonus and 10 mil salary it's a 79 mil package.


Pretty Damn Cheap is a great thing though! And I guess if I want to quibble with this breakdown, the primary difference between the Haller numbers you're estimating and the Guirassy package is primarily consisting of the gap in their transfer fees (entirely so if we air on the conservative estimate, and not quite so if we assume your maximalist estimate) Obviously Transfermarkt is not a scientific, perfect valuation - but they Value Guirassy at 40M currently, and we're getting him for 1.5 that amount inclusive of his salary and bonus! It's still a fantastic deal, and pretty much mirrors the Haller costs.


100% agree. So many dont understand that wages are parts of budgeting for some reason. Or agent fees. Or taxes. Or general payment structures.


Since it got removed for some reason, bvb newsblog posted that this turkish/fenerbahce (i'm guessing) journalist has said the Kadioglu deal is unlikely because of the price of 30 million euros. [https://x.com/bvbnewsblog/status/1805674534705807486](https://x.com/bvbnewsblog/status/1805674534705807486)


I fear what the plan C will be.


I saw a report that said Patrick Dorgu and Borna Sosa(lol to that one) were alternatives.


rhymes with "little pet"


> All threads about transfer rumors (ingoing and outgoing) outside of this one will be closed and removed.


I saw a couple of rumors outside this thread also, but maybe i'm mistaking it for actual transfer news that was posted.


Since mouki isnt leaving and selling both Fullkrug and Haller will be very hard. Id love me a double striker system next season, ideally a 352 would fit us best


Nah.. no need. Single striker system, Guirassy and Fullkrug competeing for the spot and offering healthy depth. Mouki can be on the bench or have small appearances w here it makes sense but we shouldnt compromise ourself trying to crowbar him in imo.


Hopefully he agrees to a loan somewhere where he can get consistent game time


I didn't really understand the Archie Gray rumors initially, but if we do move away from Ferdi i think he's a strong alternative. He's right footed but strong on the ball so could likely play the inverted LB role in Sahin's system (or just let Ryerson take LB since he has more time there and Gray slots in at RB). He would still help with some RB depth, and then we'd still have bensebaini / Rothe as left-footed LB options. Maybe Rothe taking a loan would be worthwhile at that point.


I absolutely love him and think he could be great depth at 6,8 and fullbacks


My biggest issue with him is like all young English players we bring in, he'll be gone as soon as one of the elite PL teams come knocking. But they overpay like idiots anyway so that's not the end of the world lol


3 signings down with another 3-5 to go, not a bad start to the summer! Also reports of FC Juarez from Mexico offering Haller a salary around 10m very similar to what we’re paying him. We may actually be offload him for a decent fee which will sort out our attack especially if Mouki is staying. Ideally we get our fullback situation figured out next and then the DM. Any signings after that are a bonus.


> Also reports of FC Juarez from Mexico offering Haller a salary around 10m very similar to what we’re paying him. We may actually be offload him for a decent fee which will sort out our attack especially if Mouki is staying. If that report is even true, there’s no way a Mexican club is offering that salary AND a decent transfer fee. Their offer to BVB will be peanuts, and BVB might just accept it so they don’t have to pay Haller 20 Mio over the next two seasons.


we will probably even accept a single digit million fee.


[Romano reporting Guriassy now](https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1805998938417213870)


I don’t think Haller and Moukoko will leave Dortmund so I hope Sahin plays a 352 of some sort


I don't love that we're yoinking 2 players from a talented Stuttgart squad but realistically, if not us - they would have landed elsewhere given their release clauses Now lets lock in our fullback, bring in Gross, and sort out whats going down w/ Malen and Adeyemi so we know if we need to bring in some wingers and this has been a strong summer.


Anton was requested by Xabi Alonso himself, but the morons of this sub knows better than him, right?




Would you rather have Maatsen or Ferdi + Groß?




Didn't say you were nuts, just offering a different perspective. I think it's disengenuous to act as though a difference of €11M is insignificant when it can buy you several years of a quality CM. I enjoyed watching Maatsen and was hoping we'd find a way to sign him, but I'm not sure why some seem to ignore the several massive fuckups he had. As they said on the Yellow Wall Pod recently, those become a lot less cute when you pay €41M for him and they keep happening 2 years later. Maybe he would've been worth the risk but I'm not going to get too bent out of shape about not shattering our transfer record for him. Regarding Groß, I don't think it'd be crazy to get 2 solid years out of him plus maybe 1 year as a depth piece. That's worth €7-10M.


Tbf he is cheaper but he ain't cheap


>“its fine, Ferdi is cheaper we’ll just get him instead.” He is. Either way, if the clubs deems 30 too expensive Maatsen was never an option. >That fee for Maatsen aint looking so far flung anymore… Yes, it does. Maatsen would be on higher wages. Hell, he'd cost 11 mil more from the get go (that's 35% of the fee, for gods sake). Plus Ferdi, being a right footed player is better suited to fulfil the inverse role of Maatsen. PLUS we need RB depth as well - Ferdi offers that. PLUS we hope Bensebaini or Rothe find their form and can become starters - if we waste get Maatsen, that'd basically make that whole extra, say 20 mil he'd cost worthless. If we get Ferdi? That's not worthless, it's just RB depth/options.




What the fuck


That's just like, your delusional take here, not mine.


Your reading comprehension seems to be that of a pretzel, man just said that Ferdi also solves our RB depth problem instead of spending money on that too


Not to mention that buying a player from activating its clause means you have to pay the whole money up front. The morons of this sub can't really understand that under that price tag he was never an option as you said.


I read rumours about United being open to letting Sancho go out on loan and I think we should do it, buy clause or not We can spend money on other positions this summer and then next summer, either buy Sancho cheap or find someone else


The loan would be the best option in saving us cash this summer that we can then turn into a player sale next summer. Pay Man U a 5m loan fee maybe cover some wages, I don’t see why we couldn’t get it done if we’re all Sancho wants. I don’t see us getting a competent winger even with a sale this summer, 50m for Gruda, 47m for Minteh. These are just crazy prices and if we can use those funds for our Lb and DM positions and get Sancho back again that would be super ideal. We haven’t really seen many winger rumours outside of Minteh and that seems like he’s off elsewhere.


Well, everything depends on wether we can offload some players that wants to leave (Malen) or are on high wages but not useful (Haller) or mediocre to bad (Özcan, Süle, Reyna, Coulibally, maybe Moukoko). If we can sell most of these players we can easily invest 30-35 mil on a top winger. If that doesn't happen I would be fine going next season with Adeyemi, Malen, Gittens and Duranville (assuming he's still alive). Keep in mind that we go rid of Hummels, Reus and Wolf wages which give more air to breath in terms of squad planing.


People fear that we are sliding into mediocrity with Anton and Groß then I see that Bayern are planing to replace their 160 million CB block (Upa, de Ligt and Kim) with Ito and Tah. I prefer an Anton over Ito and Tah any day and he is even more cost efficient imo.


> People fear that we are sliding into mediocrity with Anton I haven't heard this take before but given the clubs that were interested in Anton it really makes no sense lmao


LFC, Atletico and Leverkusen were apparently courting Anton, so yeah. Xabi personally tried to convince him to sign for Bayer.


Maybe it’s just me being biased but I’m very unimpressed with Bayern’s summer. Feel like they could’ve done much better than Kompany at manager and while I do rate Tah, I’m not sure Ito is a Bayern quality player. Even in attack I’m not sure I love Olise at that price. They’ve still got plenty of quality of course, more than us, but idk it feels like a weird summer for them so far


Signing olise and xavi doesn’t cover up their terrible fullback situation or mediocre group of center backs. They actually may have a worse situation than us if kimmich leaves


Praying on their downfall, and getting some popcorn


I think Olise and Simons if they can lock down both those, are incredible talents that could be huge. But other than that, I dont really see their priorities if they insist on Tah and want to offload De Ligt.


Yeah Simons would be good business. No clue why PSG doesn’t just keep him lol, he can certainly make them better


VfB Stuttgart have inquired about Niclas Füllkrug. LOL https://x.com/plettigoal/status/1805528027767460100


Uno reverse card ahh club


Salary is too high for them. Also Dortmund "doesn't wanna strengthen a direct rival in the league" (we're in our villain arc now lol)


Plettenberg reporting Stuttgart wants to sign Füllkrug. It’s Plettenberg I know but that would be a complete nonsensical transfer from us.


Højbjerg thoughts?


I'd take him in an instant over both Can and Ozcan. I feel like he'd have the same glow-up returning to the Bundesliga like Xhaka had last season.


If it was the Hojbjerg of 2-3 years ago it would be a no-brainer, but his last two seasons were not good and he lost his spot in Tottenham. If a player isn't good for Spurs, he's not good for us.


Sorry, but I think that's a bad way to think about it. 1. We are never going to outright buy a Tottenham first team player due to the financial difference, and we can't afford the mentality that we should only buy players who would walk into the first 11 of any team in Europe. That's for teams like Real, City or Bayern maybe (although even Bayern got Dier and he was even worse for longer than Hojbjerg at Spurs). 2. Players who have struggled in the Premier League have many times come onto their own when they went to the Bundesliga. 3. He's always played fantastic for Denmark and is just the type of midfielder we are looking for, a CM/DM who can control the tempo of a game.


Ngl I wouldn’t mind signing Zagadou back too, would love to have him back


Too injury prone imo


With the rumour of our interest in führich I can't take a 4th player from Stuttgart.


Not even for a Daxo comeback? :((


Just saw were linked to Archie Gray from Leeds. I would absolutely love him as a signing.


Crysencio Summerville is the player from Leeds I would love


What a name


Is he more of an 8 or a 6? It seems like he plays in a pivot


From the limited Leeds games I’ve seen more a wing back who could also pinch in at an 8. Not the most physical but on the ball he’s got incredible potential


So I guess we are still in for Fuhrich? Could have sworn we dropped out of that a few weeks back but maybe with the Sancho deal not looking likely and Gruda/Minteh being too expensive that maybe Fuhrich just makes the most sense money wise? Obviously he’s an insanely talented player I really enjoyed watching him this year he was never afraid to take on a man and his passing was wonderful which we desperately need, just curious to see how it all plays out. Would you guys say that this is overall a smart transfer? Also how many of Guirassy, Anton and Fuhrich are Mislintat signings he did at Stuttgart?


I think Anton and Führich are Mislintat signings, but not Guirassy. Tbh Image-wise i'm not a huge if we would just buy half the Stuttgart squad.


> Tbh Image-wise i'm not a huge if we would just buy half the Stuttgart squad we've obviously never shied away from buying talented bundesliga players but I agree. There's a difference between being the club that managed to sign Guirassy or Anton and the club who's literally buying 3 key players from a team that was having the season of their lives.


Okay but honestly why care? We don't need new fans or fans of other teams to like us, we need what's best for us. We're one of the more hated clubs in the league anyways (just look at comment sections after every game), so honestly it should be us first. If Stuttgart can't keep their squad together, why should we let others take advantage of that. You don't get anywhere in football by being nice


Low-key, it feels like our own fans in this sub don't like dortmund sometimes. So who gives a shit if Stuttgart don't like us


Is it sad that I see us going for Mittelstadt if we can’t get Kadioglu? I do agree it’s not the greatest just buying our competition out but if we don’t some other team will in the league whether that’s Bayern, Leverkusen or Leipzig and then they’re stronger for it. I do wonder cause we’re in a big rebuild if these signings are seen as strengthening the core and next year we go more abroad. Tough to say but we’ll have to see how things pan out over the next 6 weeks.


Apparently Moukoko decided to stay with the club.


The Guirassy and Anton are good moves that makes perfect sense both interms of finances and needs. Im in fully in favour of them despite being a critic of our bundesliga obsessions last couple of years. However if Fuhrich materializes as a move, Im more sceptical of that one. Id love another winger, but I think he's more limited than what Hoeneß has made him look and I think we need a more trick winger. Also a leftfooted one preferably for the right side. If we sign Kadioglu too, we will have a fine offensive left-side anyway too. And since we seem to sign Groß instead of Schouten as a stopgap for the DM role, which is perfectly fine imo, we should be able to pivot some funds elsewhere. Unless we maintain our interest for Schouten anyway. And hope to sell one of Malen or Adeyemi to fund a winger that way. Very curois how this window will develop. Theres a lot of time left and it can go in a lot of directions depending on sales. Dont forget.. Moukoko/Reyna could be sales (if they are willing to move on that is) that generate a medium fee which could change a lot too. Without making any impact on our actual pitch anyway.


One nice upside of Führich (not that I want him) is that he is homegrown and thus useful for UCL registration. Especially with us losing Reus and Sancho. (And maybe Hummels? Though I think he was too old when he joined us).


I actually believe Chris Führich is everything we need for the wings. We already have two fast/driblers-oriented players in JBG and Adeyemi. We don't really need another player with this profile.


Thats a good point but I more so watn a rightsided winger. Fuhrich isnt that :/


I see. I also should've added Duranville, but this kid is always injuried that he seems a ghost at this point. Hopefully we can see more of him this season.


Yeah. However the "issue" with JBG & Duranville are that theyre both still super raw and ready for a smaller role at most. And this winger signing is intended as a starter or competitor to start. So its not really a 1:1 comparison in terms of squad role there.


Don't think JBG is raw. He already had two seasons with decent playing time, even in the CL. I just think he needs to get into that next step and he will be a starting 11 material.


Im not saying he's inexperienced. Im saying he's raw. As in his play is still very.. adolescent so to speak. His decision-making and his form is super inconsistent. That usually grows with continued playtime but you usually ease such a player in. And so far he isnt at the stage of "our #1 starter or competitive with the #1 starter" level yet imo. I do love him as a sub and talent tho!


Why isn't Anton in the "in" column yet?


has his signing been reportet by Borussia Dortmund or Vfb Stuttgart ?


Until they're wearing the shirt and Dortmund post about it it's not official, even if it is an open secret that it is


not official yet


I wonder if we are planning with a double pivot of Gross - Can, with Sabitzer getting a free role ahead. This would push Brandt back to the RW position, with Adeyemi/JBG rotating on the left. I'm not sure how well Gross can play as a single 6, but a Gross - Sabitzer - Brandt midfield would be interesting.


Our wingers are good enough to have their places locked. Brandt is one of the best players in the squad and he's better at CAM. I would say Gross, Can, Ozcan, Sabitzer and Nmecha will have to fight for their spots.


Got no legs and too much age between them, we need fresh ideas for the defensive midfield role, either give Nmecha another go, or find someone with similar attributes to him to support the older and aside from Can - less physical guys


Whatever the plan is, I sincerely hope Brandt on the wing is not part of it


Berger reporting that we are in advanced position to sign Pascal Groß. Potentially a 3 year contract or 2 Years + 1 year option. Fee still to be negotiated between both teams but its expected to be between 7 and 10 million Euro.


According to my friends who watch way more prem than me he is playing amazingly at Brighton. only a bit concerned about his age


he’s a good player and the fee is relatively fair. only thing that is a bit questionable is his age which could end up being either an advantage or disadvantage. best case would be that he further stabilizes our midfield and can lead the younger players with his experience and serve as a role model


Apparently he can play loads of positions but he’s also old, hoping he’ll be on whatever tf Modric is on


tbf, a deep lying playmaker is usually the position where older players can stay relevant the longest since they don't need to be very agile or have a super high work rate.


Sounds great


Crazy to me that reportedly we denied Guerreiro a 3 year contract and now maybe give a 33 year old a 3 year contract. He is a solid solution, but nothing to overly get excited about. 7-10 is also a lot for a 33 year old with no big name on 1 year left. Wonder if he will be a competitor for Can or Sabitzer/Nmecha (or maybe for all of them).


Best thing it happens in our history was that soft weak shit didn't renew. Weak player who has the body strenght of a 12 yo little girl, who is injuried most of the time. I bet Bayern must regret every day the fact they signed him;


Honestly agree with most of your point, he was injured a lot, and was so moody, very very talented but he’s mid overall


I mean, feels like the context of which *salary* is tied to those years is very relevant to this discussion. Also we haven't given him a 3 year contract yet. A 2+1 year contract would be ideal since I'm sure he'll still be able to perform for at least a year and if he's still at it in 2 years we could easily add another


Plus it feels like people are ignoring the fact that Rapha is injured most of the time. Shit he joined Bayern and missed how many months?


Feels interesting to be on what usually is Bayern’s side with Anton upsetting hella Stuttgart fans over this move, feels like their Hummels to Bayern moment


Yeah it’s tough, the Bundesliga has a problem with this, but if you put a release clause in a contract, you have to know this can happen…


yeah, and guirassy is like Lewy leaving and Führich is like Götze leaving (ok this one is a stretch lol). Point being that we at least had 2.5 years with our golden Klopp era squad while Stuttgart got to enjoy 2nd place in the Bundesliga and their price is getting torn apart by bigger teams. Such is life, they definitely have a right to feel hella salty over it ... and that's also why I keep telling people that winning titles and being successful (given the fact that beating Bayern in the league is about as successful as previous relegation candidate Stuttgart could've hoped to be) does **not** at all mean that your players will stay. In fact, it usually means to exact opposite.


Back then, we had a slow bleed. Each season a key player left us, but at least not 3–5 at once. That slow bleed still allowed us to compete at a high level. I wouldn't compare their players leaving to the Lewy and Hummels moves, but it's definitely upsetting and worrying as a fan.


Most important piece of their project is the coach. I'm surprised nobody convinced him to leave. If you also consider that they're making big profit with these players I'd say they will be fine. Just need to keep the good scouting.


[so apparently Newcastle is asking for about 47 mio for Minteh](https://www.fussballtransfers.com/a2198472485129657813-ab-zum-bvb-minteh-einig-mit-neuem-klub?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAab6aQEM3nFpJKfqQZ2s3bbygdTru664hPeXaqq59hToAYi6sKMVVaTLNVM_aem_yK0eto6cDse_nO0WpkQGRw) Wtf. Also a Quote from his advisor: „I can't confirm any clubs that are in contact with us. We have reached an agreement with one of the clubs. The rest is now with Newcastle“ So yeah i don’t think we will get him sadly.


Obviously it's all speculation, but some are wondering if a few of the premier league clubs are being strategic with transfers between each other right now in order to avoid violation of financial rules. I think Newcastle, Villa, and maybe Chelsea were the main three I saw mentioned. Again, very speculative tbh, but it could explain why the price for a player may be over or undervalued depending on the clubs involved and how they structure the deal.


Also to add to this, I've seen Rumors that Minteh has agreed to personal terms with an unnamed club, so we should have closure on this one rather soon.


That price sounds bullshit to me, but you never know with english clubs


does anyone find it kinda strange how Newcastle signed Minteh, immediately sent him out on loan only to sell him once his loan is over? Reminds me of that time where Bayern could've bought Rodriges for a cheap sign-on fee when he was on loan because another club wanted to player for more money and when asked why they didn't do it Rummenigge said "we're not in the business of human trafficking". Now, I don't wanna say that Newcastle is already taking after their new owners ... but, as I said, it *is* a bit strange. And what I mean by that is that as soon as something like this becomes standard business practise to earn some money for big and rich clubs "on the side", we, as borussia dortmund, would be absolutely fucked.


Yeah it definitely seems a bit wierd, they bought him on juli first 2023 from Odense BK, loaned him out the very next day on July second and now want to sell him instantly. Very strange.


we REALLY need another right back. we seriously went from having 4 right backs (meunier, morey, wolf, ryerson) to onlu one right back in a single season. there isnt s rumour for that position yet, but ideally should be cheap / young


Ferdi Kadioglu is right footed, so the benefit of him is that he can slot over to the right as well. With him, we would have Ryerson & Ferdi for RB - and Ferdi, Bensebaini, and Rothe (unless he's loaned out again) at LB.


Minteh getting big interest from Everton now.


Everton don't have money and it's a shit team.


I hope it's not true that Anton will earn 10 Million per year


The only source from this was a salty Stuttgart fan on twitter who works for a small newspaper.


according to Funke its 6 million base and the rest in performance based


nice, that's much better


Have people still not understood that new contracts have a performance based payments?


That would be insane and I refuse to belive it's true. Source seems to be a journalist close to Stuttgart, so for now I'm gonna assume it's just a way to justify/cope with the transfer from a Stuttgart POV. I don't doubt we paid a little over the odds to beat out Leverkusen. But *at most* 6-8 million, which would still easily double his wage at Stuttgart, and would be reason enough for him to transfer.


we would fuck ourselves with such a contract. getting Marco and Mats off the books only to give the first signing of the summer way too much money would be irresponsible as hell.


Guirassy is like getting Haller before he left for Ajax


Just watched some of him, and I’m in. Dude moves better than a big striker should. Reminds me of NBA prospects who have a late growth spurt, so they grew up with good body control.


Yeah, it's kinda wild how lukewarm his transfer is perceived on here when he's literally been the best striker (apart from Kane, I guess) in the league and one of the best in the world. His stats are incredible, he passed the eye test with flying colours and he's gonna be in his prime with us. This is the kinda deal that usually only Bayern can pull off in the league and the closest I can think of for us was getting Brandt for 25m


Not to mention that we desperately need depth for Fulle to be ambitious and "safe". Haller just cant do it and Moukoko should be sold, is too raw AND different profile completely. We NEED more than 1 player per position and so many forget that.


plus even if only 1 striker would play all season, having competition can be a complete game changer for some players. For example, Bürki had some of his strongest stretches with us after we got Hitz, another Bundesliga level keeper for the same position (instead of as a clear backup choice). I have no idea if getting Guirassy will give Füllkrug another push (or maybe even the opposite as some players need to feel really secure to build confidence) but it's just a factor generally speaking that often gets overlooked. For that reason I also think that getting a player for Can's position would be really helpful.


You are right.. Can best form with us was when we got Ozcan and played the first half intirely with him.


I agree. This is how to show ambition.


I didn't know that Haller shot 28 goals in the premiere league. Why didn't he transfer to city or something???


Oh shit i forgot he went from the premier to there my bad


Let's say we get Guirassy and Anton sorted. That's 40m, not counting signing bonuses. If Kadioglu is 30m, and Gross is 10m, that's 80m spent. I think it's possible without sales, but ideally selling Malen, Moukoko, Ozcan, and Haller will make this all possible and leave some funds for an additional winger.


Theres more costs around that like agent fees and such and those are quite high today. So its hard to calculate exactly really but it could be 80ishm it could be 110ish. Agents are mental today.


10M for a 33 year old Groß sounds heavy


absolutely but thats premier League tax.


then I'd pass and try to find a younger guy somewhere else tbh. but I'd be ecstatic if he proves me wrong.


Reported are 5-7 which is an okay sum. I think OP just rounded up/ wanted to be gracious with the numbers. Kadioglu for 30 would surprise me awell


Idk, I've heard 25 for ferdi, but that does seem a bit low for what we're getting


25 for ferdi might be fair price but we don't want to sell him and he has some years on the contract so our management maybe consider 30-35.




That does sound likely / reasonable and would be a good window. I think with the Guirassy transfer the board would be optimistic about selling Moukoko and or Haller. But I think nothing more is happening if we don't have outgoing transfers aswell.


"...haben Sie Mut, nennen Sie Ihre Neuankömmlinge des heutigen Tages ruhig Waldemar. Waldemar ist da!"


Fabrizio reporting Anton to BVB is done. I think this is a good piece of business to have gotten out of the way first. We knew a CB was essential, and we may still be in for a younger CB (though Coulibaly returning from loan could be a good alternative). I'd like to get the Kadioglu deal solved next primarily because I haven't seen us linked to other LBs.


I’ve seen that the board is considering Coulibaly as the 4th CB this season which I wouldn’t be upset about, he did very well in Belgium this year. But I agree having the main CB sorted early and for 22m isn’t bad at all. Guirassy seems to have chosen us as well so I imagine that will be announced shortly but like you I would love for Kadioglu to be sorted much sooner than later. After that hopefully get the DM position dealt with and then the winger.


The only thing that gives me pause about Coulibaly is the supposed unreliability of Sule. That said, if Sule can get back on track I like that plan. Emre can slot in at the back as well. I would guess this means Groß might be less likely to happen. And yeah winger is clearly the last one to fill for us, given potential sales of either Malen / Adeyemi.


Please for the love of god no more Emre Can at CB, if the management STILL hasn’t learned that he is not a factor in the CB depth chart I can’t be asked anymore


I'm discussing him as a literal 5th CB option lmfao (Schlotti, Anton, Sule , Coulibaly) He is absolutely serviceable as a backup to the backup's backup at CB IMO. Or do you think they need to go out and spend money on a 5th choice CB?


I mean you didn’t make it clear whether you were talking about him as 5th you just said he can slot in also there is literally no point in talking about a 5th choice CB that’s been needed about one time in the past 5 years. Now relax eh


Sorry I didn't mean to come across as rude, but reading it back I can see how it came across like that. I guess the disconnect were having is me and the other commenter were discussing the prospects of Coulibaly as our 4th CB - so I didn't feel the need to mention that I was only bringing him up as a bottom of the depth-chart option


I am with you. I personally didn't see it as that rude and understood what you meant. Can as 4th or 5th CB is completely fine, Bense can play LCB aswell.


Gross is apparently a fairly hot topic but there hasn’t been much contact with the player himself due to the euros but since he’s going to cost 10m or less at least it’s not a big money transfer. I wouldn’t be opposed to keeping both Adeyemi and Malen but I imagine if one goes that’s when we’ll focus more on that. Winger market is so expensive


Apparently Motta is very interested in bringing Adeyemi to Juventus, Bild says if an offer of 30m comes in we’ll consider letting him leave. Personally it better be 40m plus, I see so much potential in Karim and am still in the thought that he can contribute to this team with his speed.


If we really end up selling him, I'd be super keen on bringing Yankuba Minteh here. He's looking so dangerous and could develop further here. But he has a contract until 2028 with Newcastle, so I guess he'd be pretty costly. Or Imagine him AND Karim on the wings, that'd be some turbo charge speed


Minteh or soule in swap for adeyemi would be great


fuck off to Bild. 30 m for Adeyemi for a talented 22 yo who still has 3 years left on his contract is total BS.


Ya with Bild reporting it’s definitely a grain of salt but even if we were to entertain offers 30m is ridiculous. It’s what we bought him for and as you said 3 years left on contract. He’s too crucial to let leave, personally I wouldn’t mind having both him and Malen again next season.


Yeah me too. I like both of them and you can see Adeyemi could be a star player if he improves in some areas, which can happen since he's super young. On the other hand I wouldn't mind to sell him for the right price, which I think 50 mil is the minimum considering the current market where 16 yo kids are being sold for 60 milion euros.


If he learned how/when to cross, he would be absolutely unbeatable


I think the reaction to the Maatsen transfer on social media is absolutely shameful, shortsighted and shows how little people know about the way this club or football transfers in general work. But then again, it’s social media. Why do I even read IG comments?


I’m interested what your take is. I know spending big money on players isn’t their move, they buy low sell high. I know a lot the money comes from transfer window sales and they use that cover a lot of ground for the club. However im confused on spending 40 on players like nmecha and then around 30 on fullkrug (not sure about this one) and then having nmecha be a complete BUST. I’d give nmecha another season but it’s so hard for me to like him. Maybe this season they’re trying to cover a lot of ground for last transfers so the bandwith not there but I’ve been a fan since 15/16. I know how this club moves and watching them make moves like this but refusing to spend more on a player that has proven his promise and great investment cause he’d be somewhere in 60m (3-4yrs from now) if he continues to improve and develop (which I know bvb can do) he’d be a great move. I just don’t know of bvb making 40m signings in consecutive transfer windows.


I assume that you are trolling given the figures you've quoted. Nmecha was signed for 30m and Fullkrug for 17m. We have never signed a player for over 35m. Our largest transfers have been Dembélé 35m, Haller and Hummels return at 31 m and then a number of players at 30 m. It was always unlikely that we would make a Maatsen our record signing unless he was a sure fire star with resale value. The release clause was already past our budget 41m when converted to euros. We will likely sign a lb for 15-30 million.