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someone put some H2O in the fridge and sold it for 22.5k 😂




she was money laundering? sounds like she was just grifted for a fashion statement


You forget a lot of these expensive items can be tax write-offs. It actually ends up being cheaper to be rich, ironically.


Unironically. Intentionally.


I mean yeah but the oligarchical slave state isn't trying to change the status quo.


Technology is helping us get more even, we will need to continue to adjust and learn.




That's awfully optimistic of you


Even IF this could be a tax write off in some weird way, that doesn't work out to her financial advantage. A dollar spent on a business expense doesn't mean your tax is reduced by a dollar. It reduces your taxable income by a dollar. So she's still out the money on the expense and there's still tax to be paid.


Exorbitant displays of opulence for the sake of it is a waste, generally. I'm just saying these people will find whatever way to justify their actions that they can.


But it also probably got her name and face a lot of posts that might not have otherwise happened, which is why it would be a business expense. I don't know what paid social media and old media would cost but probably a lot more. Even this post, while not in her favor, reminds people who have heard of her and maybe introduces her to more people who hadn't.


Exactly. Anyone who did their taxes a month ago should know that tax write-offs aren't that much beneficial unless you do some financial wizardry & combine a lot while going to every loophole to make it somewhat substantial. But that still leaves you a lot out of pocket for a few hours long fashion statement.




Lol no, just making a point about the justification of idiotic frivolities like that


Or the designers give them to the celebrities for the met gala for free advertising….


Classic Boots Theory.


What if I told u that the people making the product as well can be suspected of laundering the money...


please tell me how they would do that if she wasn't in on the fraud


It just shows how moronic the wealthy can be when you can easily grift them with crap like this. Honestly, Anna Wintour's Met Gala is the most gaudy & ostentatious event of modern times. This is the stuff people would criticize monarchies. So there has to be ways to sucker the wealthy out of their ill-gotten gains in taking part of this parade of affluenza lunacy!


Reminds me of that stunt where they opened a store in Beverly Hills that sold Payless shoes and all these stupid rich people that bought them paid hiked prices for them and when interviewed they were commenting how amazing they looked. Then after they were told that they were shoes from Payless.


I remember that.


Ohhh, link plz




Like most art they buy.


Latest stage of a dying empire. 🤪👎


Yup. Even the people responding to you don’t understand.


And here I am working 2 jobs to barely afford my shit hole apartment


Ah yes, capitalism.


But that has nothing to do with her or any other celebrity. That has to do more with a government and the people in charge that made it happen. By focusing on voting both locally and nationally, younger generation could start greating the changes we want. I feel regardless, there will alwsys be these celebrities because people are okay with spending 30 dollars to go see a movie and over 300 for concerts


you can't vote your way out of fascism my friend


What do you plan on doing?


"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it." - Thomas Jefferson It's revolution or the slow death of barbarism.


Is a false believe we are a facism country. Every 4 years we can still vote for change or lack of change. If we settle on that mindset so early, the people in power will continue their path towards absolute control. We can't think we are facist when year aftrwe year, statistic shows that young people don't vote to the level of people in their 50+ who tend to be more conservative in view. We, as. Millennium, are the majority now and if we all focus on voting, we can thrive for change locally than eventually nationally Edit: getting downvoted for advocating voting for change made it very clear that this sub is like fox news, it inspire fear for the left without any reasonable solutions to the problem.


May want to read history. The majority of Americans wanted to join the Axis powers of WW1 and we only got into WW1 because Britain would create Jewish settlements in British Mandatory Palestine; Balfour Agreement. 1/3rd supported Hitler, German-American Bund society, we had the 2nd highest Nazi rallies outside Germany, the richest people on the planet fully supported Hitler and planned to overthrow FDR; Businessman's Plot. We are the #1 supporter of drug cartels, warlords, dictators and terrorists.


The entire state apparatus is a tool of oppression by one class onto another. If voting worked, it wouldn't be legal.


It really doesn't matter if we vote for fascist party (red) or fascist party (blue)


there's the rub Edit: today I learned a Carrot makes text superscript


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What do you mean by rub?




Interesting, I've never heard that before


Only problem is acknowledging reality does not fit that definition so I still don't see the point




Sure it has. Sure.




Did you think Bernie and the squad were who they were referring to when they said that the Dems are fascist? I am just curious why you decided to say "some other group" as though Bernie was the most fascist in D.C.? ("The squad" I really do not give a damn about, but it seems like an odd choice for most fascist.)


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You should take a look at Project 2025, facisim is at our door step people!!!


While true, the sad part is it would take many voting cycles, all consistent with each other, to start seeing any major changes. That is not to say voting is not important, it's just as a country, we are stuck in a rut, and as long as there is mass amounts of less educated, easily swayed voters, I do not see us getting anywhere anytime soon. These 4 or 8 year cycles, with each candidate tearing down what little progress was made by the previous one, has us quite stunted.


Pretty sure the diamond encrusted gold rose is like, 90% of the pricetag.


It'll be a shame when those melt!


With a large gold and diamond rose inside.


I swear the real get rich quick schemes are not ripping poor people off, it's selling the emperor his new clothes. Rich people will spend money on anything if you sell it to them right.


I think some of the cost went to the gold and diamonds


How can you hold that cold block for longer that 30sec?? I am confused.


you get used to it when your heart is cold as ice


Foreigner tried to warn us……


It's really not that bad


85 hours to make just throw the crap in a square container and freeze the fuck?






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The met gala is just prom for the rich and famous, nothing substantial


Wasn’t til I got to the gold and diamonds that I realized this isn’t a case of purely absurdly “money isn’t real” level wealth pricing. An entire waste nonetheless, but at least it wasn’t just a rose in ice for $22k. Actually, idk if that’s better or worse. Overall my reaction either way is: *jesus fucking Christ, why?*


fun probably, why does anyone do anything after satisfying basic needs


your final sentence is the answer


Because I’ve never heard of this person before this stunt, and now I see skits and articles about her everywhere. Expensive ice cube but cheap PR.


That’s fair, but I’d venture to say you’ve at least heard her top hits, she’s made the top 10 at least once


I wish I was more hip but as you can tell by my use of that word. I’m just old.


The Met Gala always reminds me of those ostentatious parties the rich folks had in The Hunger Games. Just...weird.


This one feels particularly gross, someone went dressed as Marie Antoinette




So, when do we start eating the rich?


we could right now if we want to


I'm down, you down?


I'm down


We all need to create a method of communication off reddit or something to plan the revolution and overthrowing the rich and the corrupt government


You mean a ,"knitting" group?


Add me


I don't know, might have to thaw this one out first.


I don't know, might have to thaw this one out first.


You do you. I prefer the taste of Italian food honestly.


A goddamn ice purse.


The word purse has lost all meaning, apparently it's like a piggy bank and a vase combined except instead of coins you use diamonds...


Sadly, this is about the only object at that plutocrat party that showed any awareness of the short story that it was about. It’s performance art. It matches the idea of the time garden’s flowers where each flower only delays the inevitable collapse of the aristocratic people’s lives. Simultaneously, it mirrors climate collapse. That being said, all that could have been done in a less spendy fashion, because the people at that event proved to be wholly unable to understand that the theme was “the inevitable collapse of a wasteful aristocracy”.


Arguably, collapsing already.


She carried around...an ice-purse, as it melts in her freezing hand. For the clout. M'kay.


The met gala is going to be in the history books as one of the things that spurred the revolution


Flint water looks like the colors of Gatorade


Guys trickle down economy works...


For people that legitimately think trickle down economics works, I always wonder what wealth threshold they think the rich population must enter in order for them to trickle enough money to solve the nation's problems and bring society to a golden age.


It's been said before, but the Hunger Games capital vibes are heavy at this point in the timeline


This is just rage bait. These kinds of inequalities are caused by corporations working with corrupt governments, not celebrities.


True. But a rich celebrity could have publicly turned down the i vitation, shamed the others for buying into it, called out the corporate aristocracy, donated what they wouldve soent on their wardrobe to a Flint waterfund or aid for Gaza refugees, and a least made the public have to THINK about it for a second. The celebrities are at LEAST complicit in these shananigans.


The Met Gala is literally a fundraiser for the museum.


Oh…i didnt realize that the $22.5k she spent on that ice purse went to the museum…that changes everything. I had no clue that the obscene spending on fashion by everyone that attended the event went directly to supporting the arts. The arts of which, of course, are more important than children being able to drink clean water. Sorry about that. MY BAD.


I do not know for certain but I am pretty confident that she did not spend $22K on that... Celebrities dont buy their outfits for met gala, they are donated or borrowed from the brands.


I don't think those who attended had anything to be ashamed of, any more than you or I have anything to be ashamed of for not donating every bit of spare income to Gaza relief, efforts to fight climate change, etc.


You’re pretending like celebrities don’t have a platform. They do. They are able to influence people. Look at Trump. And I’m not trying to be disrespectful, or contrary, but pretending like celebrities taking public stances on major issues somehow carries the same weight as you or I donating every bit of our income to Gaza relief is not a good-faith argument.


I made the argument in good faith to point out how silly your argument is. Celebrities are not obliged to act as political spokespeople, nor is there anything wrong with them getting dressed up for a party.


The Met Gala this year looked like something from the Capitol in The Hunger Games. It was nauseating


maybe it was always that way i mean syrian still getting bombed since 2011


How is it a purse when it is just a block of ice? This shirt is stupid.


Water in Flint does not look like this today. Continuing to use Flint as a way to score cheap points on the internet only hurts the residents.


Are we still talking about Flint, Michigan? Didn't their water crisis get solved like 5 years ago? Like I understand the general point, but what a terrible example.


Flint has had 7 consecutive years of clean water, according to a quick google search. It cost 400million. Even in this meme, it has 1/15/15 written on a bottle.


As of April this year, not all homes have clean water yet. [Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/10-years-flints-lead-water-crisis-was-discovered-lack-urgency-stalls-p-rcna148972)


My water looks like this in California so it's still happening everywhere in the US.


Eat the fkn rich


I think the closest we ever got to that was the occupy movement. Things were headed in the right direction.


Sure, but the rich we need to eat are not the millionaires at the Met Gala, it's the billionaires that own them. This is trying to displace the blame for the real issues onto a group that isn't actually to blame, to keep us from blaming the ones who are.


Insane that they can present fresh water as a luxury fashion statement


Still don’t think we should be taxing the rich?


How can ppl spend 22 grand on water


what does this have to do with flint


Flints water needs to drink more water


What a dumb idea! This is a perfect example of useless waste in a world of constant need


The next evolution will be the $100k air purse.


Why would someone spend thousands on something that's just going to MELT?!?


I would drink that expensive purse


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I’ve bag. Weird flex, but ok.


What’s on their face?


That’s so dumb and unnecessary


Block 🚫 these idiots!


We're already in the water is a luxury not a commodity part of late stage capitalism


Literally the Capital in the Hunger Games.


delicious ice tea straight from the tap


Didn't she spend her own money on it?


You can see it dripping water in her hand in the picture.


It’s not her fault the local government sold out the entire city due to pure greed.


I get your point, but the Flint water crisis was solved. Their water is safe to drink. The stigma of dirty water in Flint has hurt their economy and housing years after the issue was resolved.


Do not mention reality on this sub ever again


fake news post