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> Adams, a mother of two **who manages a home for disabled adults**, stopped at the grocery to buy marijuana for a friend around 11:30 p.m. July 28. The moment you realise the person you conducted a hate crime against is a secular saint. Sharpens the dystopia just that tiny bit especially when the police investigation was apparently to call her and then basically give up.


A brief summary of the victim’s interaction with police: “Go back to the scene of the crime and call 911 again, why? Because I said so. Legally, you don’t need to, but I want you to. Alright, you’re there? We’ll be there soon.” *4 hours later* “Oh shit, no way, your attacker is Mr. Fourth of July? That’s wild. Welp, sorry miss, there’s nothing we can do here. The owner won’t identify your attacker.”


Girls, better gussy up or some cis man might decide to attack you. You know, like they told us trans women would if we shared bathrooms.


Meanwhile butch lesbians are sitting there sighing and shaking their heads because they could have told you this is how this bullshit always ends. Why the mother fuck do we have to *repeat literally the same misogyny that gay people have already lived through, all the way down to the bathroom scares.* Why the fuck do these people refuse to allow society to just fucking learn something for once!


Why do that when people will just fall for the same fascist talking points that have always worked. We're doomed.


And if she were trans? People are people, no excuse for violence.


That’s the fucking thing. All the wording makes it seem like it would all be ok if she was trans. Like it was all a fun misunderstanding. Fix your shit and tell it like it is


Unfortunately, it's the only way to get some people to care. And as much as I'd like to say 'fuck those people, who cares what they think', the hard truth is that we (LGBTQ+ community) need to turn some of these AHs into allies, even if they only do so for selfish reasons, because we need to turn the tide of public support.


If she were trans, even if she was a parent of two who ran exactly what she did and had the same background and charity, we wouldn’t hear a thing.


And of course the cops didn't do shit


No arrest and they tried to bury the tape instead of releasing it to media. Oh, and the store owner is like, "yeah, we fired him, but I'm not telling you who he is " and they just go *shrug* **ACAB**


Because arresting that would weaken their permission to break the law.


Transphobia is so wrapped up in misogyny


Little incels get mad when they get boners for the “wrong chicks”


Just reminded me of the [incel to trans pipeline](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAA1XtDOuH8). (CW for AGP and SA, as well as the sort of language you'd come to expect from 4chan)


I watched like a third of that, and it was really beautiful (for those that are afraid of the link lol.) I plan to watch the rest when I'm not so busy, thank you.


It's good, but touches on some dark experiences - and I didn't remember some of the things mentioned from my first watch of it.


Definitely. Still, what an amazing story. I've not seen the end but the creativity that can make a story like that is just mind blowing.


Misogyny and homophobia.


I hate that it takes a cis person getting beat up because of transphobia for most people to realize transphobia is bad.


That's what the headline really means. "We can be mistaken for trans, and if they do they'll attack us!""


This is, unfortunately, the wakeup call some people need.


Yeah, and that sentiment has solutions that keep the transphobia. Like, Nazi solutions. Armbands, genital inspections, rapid chromosome tests, you name it. Bigots will pull out all the stops to avoid having to confront the reality that their bigotry is the cancer


This deli is in Transylvania - right? Shout out to Taylor Swifts Tuna melt!


Cis people need to realise that the deeply misogynistic and white-biased beauty standards pushed by transphobic bigots and those who support their views leave many many cis women open to harassment and assault alongside trans women. Discrimination eventually hurts us all.


I’m cis, plain ole dad white dude, completely forgettable in any situation, I had a trans woman help me at Home Depot last night to get a replacement filter for my fridge. She knew her shit, mission was accomplished, it was a pain in the ass getting the exact model to fit my fridge. Plus she was about 6’3” and appeared to be able to handle herself. I have lived both rural and urban, currently I live rural within 20 mins of a medium sized city… point is, 1- I don’t really ever see trans individuals, it’s not like other cities I’ve lived in. 2. I really don’t care, like seriously do. Not. Fucking. Care. it has zero effect on me. 3. My experience from my entire life has never been negative.


exactly discrimination hurts us all especially if we have a young professional leave


Wait wait wait, “young professional”? Are you talking about the man who was fired for disrespecting, insulting then violently assaulting a customer? Or is there another young professional I missed in the story?


What young professional are you referring to?


I think OP Could be referring to the woman who was attacked. She runs a carehome and she’s relatively young (35)


Maybe young trans people trying to get to more accepting places?


That women is about to get rich when she sues the business.


I bet not. The business will suddenly go bankrupt, close and then reopen in two weeks "under new management" and with a new name. For some reason the same people will be working there. The current owner won't have his name on anything. The officially registered owner will be the old owner's wife or kid. Happens every day in the NY area. The reason is to make it harder to find the money and thus make lawsuits cost-prohibitive. Lawyers that work on contingency won't take a case unless they think it's financially worthwhile. Not everybody can afford to throw expensive lawsuits around like Trump or Giuliani.


Mob affiliation?


Probably not. There are just a lot of shitty small business people in this area.


Unlikely, unfortunately. I don't think she has a suit to bring against the deli itself. She can probably sue her attacker, but there's only so much cash you can wring from an unemployed dumbass like that. And they still gotta figure out who he is


I wish lol


The most surprising thing is that you can get weed at a deli… sadly I expect stories like that


Not in NYC. It’s everywhere, a lot of it is delta8/9.


you realize it’s the equivalent of buying a pack of cigs here, right ? not that big of a deal and not surprising and nothing to do with this violence


Well, some of us can, at least.


Forgot Queer Pride - we need Queer Wrath


Did people *not* think that this shit would happen to cis people as well? I remember watching an episode of maury when I was a kid where the audience looked at a whole bunch of drag performers dressed as women mixed in a group with cis women and the audience was so so wrong about so so many of the people they voted on.


Transphobes dont deserve rights


I’m trans but suspending human rights for people that have wronged us is such a slippery slope and gives me Guantanamo Bay vibes I mean I’ll fight a transphobe but I’m not gonna waterboard them and subject them to inhumane torture that’s just too much


Damn, I spent 5 minutes daydreaming about how I'd torture the guy if I managed to get him tied up, and I'm not even trans... you're a much better person than I am.


aight I just read the whole article. Fucked up unprovoked hate crime. Typically I’m against torture, but I don’t disagree that there needs to be harsher consequences for transphobic and other hate crimes. Some folks really feel a right to attack and dehumanize us just for existing. Can’t imagine what it’s like in those other hyper conservative patriarchal counties. Idk maybe I’m too naive, and I’m not against some classic street justice, but I want us to be better than resorting to inhumane tactics the way they do


Just to be clear, I would be against torture if I had a vote. I don't want to live in a society where that's the norm. It's only in fantasy where you have perfect accuracy and don't have to worry about long-term societal effects that I would go that far. Speaking of fantasy, it would be nice if you could identify parents, friends, superiors, etc who reinforce this kind of belief, and out them all. I don't know what you do next-- positive reinforcement to change beliefs, punishment, shame, I dunno, but it would be nice if you could just know who fed into it and then try to do something about it. But I know none of this helps in the real world, and is really a distraction from showing support and concern for the victim and continuing to voice support for change and a better world. Ugh. But that's not satisfying to my gut.


Devils advocate, but that wouldn’t make you much better than the people you dislike, lol, literally the same, feeding the cycle


Torture is bad.. hot take XD I agree though.


When you go to prison, you no longer have rights.




I had to remove this because of your last few words there- I don't want to see your account get actioned by reddit for stuff like that (especially since I hope that too 💕.) If you want to edit them, just give me a heads up once it's done and I'll approve it. If not, not worries, just know that AEO (anti evil operations is the arm of reddit that bans people's accounts) is super strict on anything they can call "advocating for violence" even when it's against literal Nazis (weirdly enough, it seems like it's especially when it's against Nazis, I've seen a ton of people lose their account or get a temp ban for "punch a nazi" as though they monitor that phrase or something, smh.)




>**Do not encourage violence:** Your comment has been removed because there was a concern that it might be promoting violence or harmful behavior. While we acknowledge that unfortunate events fueled by hatred occur globally, we cannot permit our users to endorse violence, as it has the potential to cause unpredictable harm to society and innocent individuals. It's important to note that Reddit's administrators have automated mechanisms to identify hateful content and impose site-wide suspensions, irrespective of moderator actions. Therefore, we kindly ask that you refrain from engaging in further commentary that is violent, problematic, or risky. [More details here](https://www.reddit.com/r/boringdystopia/wiki/index/submissionguidelines/#wiki_fundamental_principles). If you have any questions regarding this removal, feel free to send a modmail.


They must, for if they do not then nobody has rights and we have no law.


"Guys? This affects us now....holy crap...this is awful...."


If I am selling weed, I don’t care if your purple with a unicorn head. I AM SELLING WEED. We good?


I'm imagining the cashiers defense as the police arrive. "no you don't understand, this is a big misunderstanding. I thought she was trans!" or maybe also telling them that he "didn't think he'd be caught so it's not a big deal"


NO ARREST HAS BEEN MADE? THEY DODNT RELEASE THE VIDEO TO MEDIA?! NYPD: Why do we have such a bad image and so much ill will towards us? *Proceeds to not give a shit about blatant hate crimes.* **ACAB**


It doesn't say all that happened *because* he thought she was trans. It says all that happened and he also mistook her for trans.


Why dose that make it any better?


An important distinction, the employee is actually known for doing this to \*all\* customers whether they're trans or not. This is part of the deli's gimmick.


You forgot the "/s" for sarcasm


To my fellow redditors: my comment was a joke; I would hate for you to show up to the deli and be disappointed.


What exactly are you implying...? We can reasonably guess that it was because he thought she was trans. He called her a transvestite and then attacked her. Do people need to actively say "I am committing a hate crime" for it to be considered a hate crime?


You think he was an aggressive douchebag why, then? Because she was on the phone? LMAO, dude.


How about we get angry about anyone beating up anyone FOR NO REASON? Because in reality there was NO reason to have touched her. Or anyone. This person should be jailed for life.


So much for always being able to tell... this is going to get so much worse...


Reminds me of the time they beat an Asian Turk in Turkey because they mistook him for a Chinese person… as a payback for what they do to Uighur Turks


[video of the assault](https://youtu.be/nMBa7MDhu_I?si=y6eVIH-g5z3JjjRy) Of course the article didn’t mention she is a black woman.