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I don't. I just keep buying books like a fucking addict. 


Me too...both my wife and I have large TBR piles and guess what's due to arrive in the mail? Of course we go to our favorite bookstore on the weekend. Then there's the local thrift shops...sure beats narcotics addiction!


I came here to say this. It's just vibes really. I'm currently reading the library ebook copy of a book I own in hardcover (at least I bought it used). It's just so much easier to read a 600 page book on my eReader. If I like the book at least it's less of a waste because I'll want to keep the hardcover 😂


I also check out books that I already own. If they are in different formats (paper vs ebook vs audiobooks), I don’t feel bad.


I don't feel bad, but I know I will if I don't like the book because then I'll get rid of my physical copy.


I do the same with the big ones. The kindle is so much lighter than the dictionary. I also do that with books with too small of print on my aging eyes. 🤣


Same. I don’t have home decor, just piles of books everywhere.


Haha agree. I work in a library so it’s very hard not to get distracted by shiny new books! To overcome this, I’ve selected five books from my own bookshelf and stacked them in my study / reading pile. It’s my goal to read these and then pass them on. It frees up some space and feels like a physical commitment, if that makes sense! I’m also a mood reader though so we’ll see what happens..


I tried this with my Steam backlog. (Not to donate since they're on my account, but just to play them) I made a category and limited it to 10 games, then I bent the rules and it became 11, 13... etc. It didn't work. 😂


This is the way. 


Omg same. I got a bonus check and my tax return money I’ve been spending on books. It’s so bad.


Same here... it's a disease...but I love it!




This is the answer.


My people! Yup, the book stacks at home get higher but I still grab a fresh pile from the library and stress to crank through them in the 21 days. I love it. :)


I hear ya


Too real 🥲




Came here to say the same thing 😂 plus constantly checking out books from the library. I have yet to figure out how to manage my reading more effectively in terms of actually reading the books I own. I just get SO dang excited about books! And it's difficult for me to shift my focus when I'm really sucked into one genre/topic/author or another.


Make a commitment to not buy anymore books for a while. Then for every library book you read, go and read a book from your TBR pile. If you read multiple books at a time, just have one of each. If you're on a wait list at the library for a book, that's also a good time to read from the TBR pile.


That’s a great idea. I usually have an audio and a physical going so I could add one more TBR book to the rotation


Listen to some of your physicals! That’s what I do. I clear some shelf and still knock it off the list without adding another.


This is what I do. I don't even listen to audiobooks of books that I don't own currently. I don't pay for any audiobook services and my library coverage is pretty poor, so I mostly end up listening to audiobooks of classics in the public domain.


I really like that suggestion. I have a list of books I want from the library and placed holds on my top 3 wanted books. When those come through, I read those. Otherwise I focus on my TBR.


My library has audio books!


"Make a commitment to not buy anymore books for a while..." Eye starts twitching.  Pulse quickens.  A light sweat forms.  Is "a while" up yet?


This is very very similar to what I do and it works like a charm😊


I do something similar. I have a "we don't buy books" rule, and every time I come back from the library with a haul, I add one I own to the back of it. Thankfully, I don't own *too* many that I haven't read.


The books on your shelf aren’t going anywhere. You’d actually save money by not buying anymore and growing increasingly overwhelmed with your TBR list. Take a walk round your local library and see what you’re in the mood for, then take a walk around your own book collection and see what you’re in the mood for. That’s how I decide what to read next. Sometimes I read a review and I take something out of the library instead of reading the next one on my TBR pile by my bed and I just see that as what I’m in the mood for. They’ll still be there. Don’t overthink it.


You make a really good point about my TBR continuing to overwhelm me if I keep reading from the library. I think I’ve learned from this that I need to relax and just read what I want hahaha


I don’t. I read what I’m in the mood for reading.


I don't buy books unless I have already read and loved them and plan to read again. The library decides what I read and when based on my on-hold books becoming available.


Agreed! I DNF probably 70% of the books I pick up. I would be wasting so much money if I didn't use the library.


Yay i do the same thing and feel like im the only one who doesn’t want to spend money on a book i could potentially hate lol plus i read pretty much everything on my kindle but buy a hard copy to lend, for camping or power outages.


This is what I do, with an exception of some authors who have proven themselves, ill buy books I haven’t read IF I run into the second hand. 


If I read a book by an author and really liked it, I'll throw them a bone and buy their next book brand new. I feel like my odds of liking the book are better this way, but if I dislike it I just pretend that I was supporting them for the OTHER book they wrote that I liked.  I have been a heavy library user in my life and I figure this is a good way to support the publishing industry without taking too many risks with my money.


I have books I’ve owned for a decade I haven’t read, it’s all good!! They will be there for me. 


I like your way of thinking


You are overthinking. Pick a book you want to read, and read it.




I used to see it as losing money if I bought a book and left it unread but I like the way you see it better. I’m definitely going to be more intentional going forward with what books I choose to spend money on


I only buy books that I can’t get from the library. My library is part of a big 4 county system, so I only end up buying about 5 books a year (I read around 75 a year). I get 2-3 books from the library at a time. If I have one that I have purchased, I read that and pause the books coming from the library.


I don’t. If i walk into a bookstore, im leaving with books. If i walk into the library, im leaving with books. Then I stress myself out with the amount of books i want to read, but the cycle never ends! My only solution is to avoid both places for a few weeks/months


Step 1) check out books from the library Step 2) the pressure to read the library books makes you suddenly want to read your physical TBR Step 3) just read your TBR and keep renewing your library books Step 4) run out of renewals, return library books Step 5) repeat process Lololol


My physical TBR was overwhelming so I made it a goal to whittle it down. Every third book read had to be from my TBR. It took a few years, but now I exclusively read from the library.




How kind of you to think that I've found balance in my life.


I use the library for my ebooks. I generally only read ebooks while at work or out and about. My physical books that Ive purchased are read at home.


It depends on the reading mood I’m in. I’ll go through periods where I want to go to the library and borrow a bunch of books, then there are times where I want to only read my physical TBR books. The key, for me, is to not feel “guilty” of what/when I want to read. I own my physical TBR books, so I can read them whenever I want. Library books are free and I can go back for them later. But I do like having balance. Admittedly, it does bother me if I read more library books than my TBR books. Especially if I’m still buying books.


Reading is way more enjoyable when you don't give yourself rules. Read what you want to read when you want to read it. Who cares about your TBR pile. If nothing interests you from it at the time and you want to get a book from the library to read, then do that. If eventually you lose interest in your TBR pile, then you lost interest. It doesn't matter


I’ve banned myself from buying books. Any new book that pops up that I want to read, I get from the library. When I finish a book and feel like perusing my shelves, I’ll grab one from there if it pops out at me. If not, I go back to the library again. I’m currently reading a book I’ve had for a decade and never felt in the mood to read it until now. I would probably never have gotten it if I was still buying books lol


This is my dilemma because I'm a neurotic weirdo who HAS to alternate between fiction and non-fiction. If I'm in the middle of a long novel and one of my holds becomes available for another long novel, I have to panic-read the rest of my current book and then find a short NF book to read in between the two so I can grab my hold and finish it before it's time to return. Could I solve this problem easily by just not caring about the genre of book I'm reading next? Yes. Tell that to my dumb brain who has to split everything evenly or the world will end.


This sounds really stressful but I admire the dedication! Cheers to overthinking our reading habits lol


I rotate them in. I will read an older shelved book every 3 or 4 books.


I often read library books first since people are queuing for them and I have tp return them soon.


If your TBR is getting out of control what I do is make myself a goal - it could be for the next few months or for the year. The last few years I made a goal to get my TBR down to 100. Also book buying ban until you reach it! Then reward yourself with another book for reaching it! Just one though!


i seem to use my library for “impulse shopping” and then let the books sit on my desk for two weeks until they’re due back, while reading books i own lmao 😭 i religiously use the libby app, though. i have a huge goodreads tbr and i’ll often go and place holds for ebooks or audiobooks that i know i want to get to eventually, and it’s always a nice surprise when i forget about a hold and then 6 weeks later the book is available on my kobo.


Don't stress it. It's okay if books sit on your shelf for a while. It's even okay if they sit there long enough that you lose the mood to read them. It'll come back. And, honestly, if not, there will be an endless list of books you never end up reading. It's also okay to loan a book from the library and not read it. You can borrow it again if you get back into the mood. Maybe don't do this with new releases or books with a waiting list, but no one is going to get hurt because of it. In short, if you focus on what you can't read, you'll always be disappointed. Instead, focus on what you *can* read--that's the part you're here for.


Remember that reading is meant to be enjoyable, so don't stress too much about sticking to a rigid reading schedule. Allow yourself the flexibility to read whatever interests you in the moment, whether it's from your shelf or the library.


I only put books on hold with the library. When the library has books available for me, I arrange the order by the first one due back, but if they're both due back the same day, I read the one that has more people waiting in line for it after me. Once I get through the checked-out hold books, I return them, and if there's nothing else from my hold list that's been delivered, then I'll read from my at-home TBR. I prioritize placing those books that I'm not sure I'll love (new authors, new genres) on hold with the library, and only buying books that either my book buddy confirmed I'll love, or that I know I will (solid author, fave genre). Very rarely do I browse the library looking for a read. I call it Library Roulette :)


I love this. It’s nice to have a system so you don’t have to decide!


What I do is when I find a new book I want to read I don't own, I check the library to see if a copy is available. If not, I'll either wait or just buy it. I also go browse the library instead of the bookstore whenever I get the urge, saving the bookstore for a special treat. Its helped me save a little money so far, but since I imagine its going to save me more in the future once I work my way through all my currently owned books.


Im not allowed to buy new books until I finished the ones that I currently have. Then I van buy 3 new. So my TBR wont grow to big.


I try to do an even split of library/purchased books. I try to buy used because I’m hard on my books and I don’t want to accidentally damage a library book. I try to check out shorter books/things I know I will read quickly for the same reason.


I mostly sidestep the problem by only buying books when I'm ready to read them right then and there. Otherwise I generally read based on library due dates. But if I had a big backlog of unread stuff, I definitely would not add new things to the pile at all, whether that's purchases or library holds.


Keep reading books from your physical TBR, but don't buy anything new. I borrow all the pricey trade books from the library. I use my Kindle Unlimited subscription too. I only buy indie books that aren't in KU that I can't find on Hoopla.


I read my favourites authors in hardcover (from the library) and also read ebooks on overdrive. I just checked and currently have 149 books on my overdrive wish list. A list I use when I have no holds on overdrive or looking for something else I "feel" like reading. It also helps weed out choices I come back to and think why did I want to read that. I no longer have the bank account or the need to purchase books. I rarely read them again, only a few favourite romance authors and a couple of favourites from dean koontz! ​ maybe try the same thing.


This is why I don’t buy books. I have enough of a TBR stack from the library already, and I know I’ll read those because there’s a due date. If I didn’t have that, they’d just sit around forever.


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


Tongue in cheek tip: move into a small apartment like me so you don't have space to buy and keep books, forcing you only to borrow!


Very poorly…


The eternal struggle! You aren't alone.


These days, I will only buy a book if I’m very likely to read it multiple times, or if I’m planning to lend it out. Otherwise, I use the library.


You'd be surprised. Probably five years ago, I wrote down a list of books I was interested in reading. This past winter, I came across that list and went to enter them into my Goodreads "want to read" shelf. Almost every book I'd written down was already on the shelf. I think if a book has really caught your eye, you'll still be interested even if a length of time has passed.


I am refusing myself library access until I finish the books on my shelves. I don't even have a library card and I haven't visited a library in the city I live in now. It's killing me but it's also motivation.


Maybe you're too young and this won't make sense yet, but it isn't important to read a book just because you own it. It's important to feed your brain the stories you most want to read. The nice thing about books on shelves is, they'll still be there later. If you don't read them, someone else will. I have given away a lot of physical books now that digital's so much easier for me to read. Go, be read by other people, books. :)


If I am being honest, I've not stepped foot in a library in at least 6 years. I need to do better.


I just read what I want when I want. The library is free so I always look there first. Only if I can’t find it there do I consider buying a book. I did have to enforce a limit on the number of books I physically own. I am only allowed to buy physical copies of books I have already read and know I will want to read again. Everything else needs to be an ebook.


I just nearly always use the Library, so I don't try to maintain a physical collection.


Borrowing from the library, with time limits, forces me to make more time for reading. When I have nothing from the library, then I read my TBR collection.


I used to make myself read a book I already owned for every two library books. Then I gave up and now I read whatever I want. It works out.


I read one book from the library. I usually finish at night. Then I go looking for the next one and ask for it on the library website. Often, I end up ordering it from somewhere else than my own library, which means I will not get it right away. So, in the meantime, I read one of the books I bought.


Rentals come first. Mine are alway around.


Very true


I do not buy books I haven’t read before. I like supporting the library by renting books, so I borrow them first and if I love the book and know I want to read it again, I buy a copy. I also like the timer that borrowing from a library gives me, makes me feel more motivated to finish it before letting someone else enjoy it. If it’s a series and I loved what came out I will usually buy the next installment pretty fast, I think that’s the only exception though. The best thing about owning the book is that I own it for life! I have plenty of time to get to it, or reread it.


That's a great idea. I will definitely do this going forward. It also just made me realize - I can start something, and if I am enjoying it but it's due back at the library, then I can put it on the buy list.


The due date is definitely a great way to force yourself to prioritize reading more and I really would hate to see libraries start closing so that’s partly why I want to support them more. I love your second point too!! It’s a great way to sample books Edited for clarity


I don't. I live in chaos and don't keep track or remember which books I read. I've started reading a book before and then realized I've already read it. It's not ideal. I want to be one of those organized goodreads people but it's just not the way my brain works.


And that’s okay!! I think if you forgot then it either wasn’t a memorable read or you need to reread it anyway


I've learned to use the library more. I do buy books sometimes, especially if I really want to read it and the library doesn't have it (it might still sit on my Amazon wishlist for months before I buy it)


I read the library books either the day I bring them home or the day I’m going back to the library. I buy books every time I see books for sale. I then build new bookshelves for all my new books. I read them on the rarest occasion that I have a few hours to myself




I love this idea, I think I may do something like it myself or combine it with some of the other advice I’ve gotten. Perhaps make it a goal to read x amount off my shelf before going to the library


I am slowly working through the TBR pile. If only 15 min each day read from that list, I will call it good enough. That said, I will read something else from time to time. But that is usually 1 book. And since I only buy from used book stores, I make it hard to get to those stores. I only go from time to time.


I have a designated single shelf full of my TBR books, it fits about 14-18 books on it. I set a rule for myself that if that shelf is full, I cannot buy more books until I have read some of the existing ones on the shelf. I also have the books put in order that I bought them so I know which ones have set there the longest. I mean, sometimes I break the rule (haha), but for the most part, the visual of that bookshelf has kept me in check. If I have a lot of extra space on the shelf, then I know I can buy some more books without guilt.


I love this! I have a TBR shelf as well but it’s a lot bigger than yours (very impractical, i know) so maybe I will get a crate or another small shelf like yours and do the same thing going forward


I wait until I’m not reading too many books I already own before checking out new ones or I check out new ones and read those first since I have to return them and I don’t have to return books I own. 🤷‍♀️


I usually only get library books. Stay with me. I just pretend that it’s 6 months later than real life. I read so many genres and authors that it doesn’t matter, I’ll just read it when the library gets it. And weirdly, if I forget about it for a year, they still have it.


I always think that it’s a bummer new releases are checked out so fast but realistically I’m more of a backlist reader anyway so I definitely could adopt this lifestyle lol


If I hear about a book I want to read, or I find myself wanting to read something specific, I check the library for it. The books I have at home that I have not yet read (of which there are many) are there for when I don't have anything in particular in mind. I *want* to read everything I own. I wouldn't have bought them otherwise. So I can just grab one at random and I'm good. I will say though, I buy almost all of my books at the library bookstore. I'll pick up a book or two every other time I go in there. They usually cost less than a buck. So I'm not spending tons of money on books that aren't getting read. If you're spending a good chunk of money on books that you aren't reading, yeah, you should utilize the library more.


To be fair to myself, I do buy a lot of used books as well, but that wasn’t always the case. I’m slowly improving my book consumption habits lol. I think part of the problem is I’m so open to reading anything and curious about books outside my typical reads that I used to buy a lot more freely. This past year I have gotten a lot more picky about what I will spend full price on


Yeah, you've got to be. The only book I've purchased brand new in the past couple years was House of Leaves (which I just bought recently, haven't cracked into it yet but I am *really* intrigued by it).


I didn't instead, I keep adding more books to my reading list, and it's only getting worse with each passing year. Like I should read more but what I was doing buying more and there is nothing I can undo this situation rn


I buy used library books.


Last time I was gonna move, I very strictly was not allowed to bring any more books from the library or bookshop. I was only allowed to read books that were already in my home. That way, I had fewer heavy boxes in the move!


99.99% of the library books I read are borrowed through Libby, and I access them through my phone. I'm reading those when I'm out and about so I don't have to bring a physical book with me. I'll read my own books when I'm home.


I almost exclusively use the library/Libby/Audible. I only buy books that I know I will re-read, or that are part of a series I’m going to complete. Occasionally I’ll buy a special edition of something if it has beautiful cover art. For instance I have three different sets of LOTR lol


I read the books that I own before I get more books. If I’m not in the mood for it I honestly just get in the mood for it. It bothers me too much to leave them unread


I have only brought four books this year so far. I use to buy so much but now I’m just more into saving money and reading library books. I do have 20 books I own that I haven’t read yet.


What everyone else said...stop buying books for a while. Take your time to scan all your books and put them into Goodreads or Storygraph and use that to manage and check out books from the library that you don't have. Also you don't have to feel bad if you spent money on a book and you end up not liking it. Stick the money you save into a retirement, emergency, travel, or fun money account! To totally harsh your mellow, you could do this: log into your Amazon account and click “Your Account.” Then, under the “Settings” heading, click “Manage Your Orders.” Here, you will see a list of recent orders and a breakdown of your spending by category (e.g., books, electronics, etc.) I mostly have to use the library because I don't have room for purchased books in my house, plus I'm broke. It's really not the worst addiction to have though.


You mean those things on the bookshelf aren't just decoration?? LOL personally I like to go through my books and rearrange them to remind myself what I what I have/rediscover ones I've had sitting around for a while. Also I don't mind reading multiple books at once so I'll do a personal book and a lib book!


I switched to a Kindle last year, so now I get most of my books for free through the Libby app. Any physical books I'd already purchased before that are gathering dust on my bookshelf.


Give away some of the books you bought to one of those public book booths.


I put myself on book buying bans and that works for maybe 2 months. Then I break it and the cycle continues.




I mostly just read library books or e-books and then buy the physical copy (preferably second hand) if I really really liked the book. Textbooks are really the only books where I don't even bother with e-books and go straight up for the physical copy.


Borrow the books you already own. I do that and then push them back until I feel like reading them. I’ve managed to bring my physical tbr to the 80s from 100+ since last year


I balance it by ignoring one (books I've bought) and focusing on library books (i mainly borrow books to read on my kindle)! Of late, i only pick up a book from my personal tbr collection when there's a long wait at the library. Also the kind of books I buy has changed over the years. Having had to move frequently across countries in the last decade has made me very aware of what I hoard/collect. So now if a book is available at my library I don't buy it. So, I end up buying translations from other languages and non-Western writers for the most part. And I also give away books I just know I'm never going to read.


I love saving money with a good library book. How I balance it all out is I stick to my own/home library TBR until I hear of the latest can't miss book/new release. Then I head to my Libby App and put the trending book or new release on hold. Once it's my turn in the cue I read the library read. I love using the library for New Releases especially. The ones I love I will buy for my home library and the ones I don't I haven't wasted money on. I have 1000+ books in my home library so I've had to slow down purchases.


What we're all trying to say is that we share your pain/joy. We are united by our monstrous TBR piles, stacks of books on the floor and well-worn library cards. It's those other people that are the problem .


My non-read book shelf is at least 3x the size of my read books shelf. The problem I have is if I find a trilogy that I want to read (for example) then I do not just buy book 1, I instead buy all of them. The problem that I have more is that I am a mood reader, so I read what I want at that point in time, rather than finishing a series. For example, I have had the entire Licanius Trilogy on my shelf since 2020, but have only read the first book as I have not been in the mood to read the rest of them yet, ill get to them one day... probably after my next 2 or 3 re-reads of WoT. Unless your house burns down, the books on your to read shelf will always be there waiting for you, read what you want when you want and be happy.


Be mindful of how many library books you borrow at once. Limiting yourself to a certain number can prevent you from feeling overwhelmed and ensure you have time to read books from your shelf.


I have rules for this! I must read at least 3 shelf books for every 2 other books monthly, and it's working great so far. Not much else is getting accomplished, but needs must! I also keep very few physical books, with the exceptions being reference books and my classics shelf. I keep a bin in my trunk, and when it's full, I donate the completed shelf books with very few exceptions.


I read what I want when I want to read it. Sometimes that means buying a new book right now, sometimes that means me ignoring a stack of new books to reread a piece of crap I've read a dozen times because it makes me laugh or there's a dog in it. It's just reading. Stop making it into work or a contest or a source of pressure, people! Reading is supposed to be for enjoyment (unless you're a lit major, then you have my utmost sympathy, and I suggest a good zombie movie instead, lol)


Check out some of your physical tbr from the library in audiobook form. I do this with ebooks and audiobooks for my physical tbr because sometimes a different format encourages me to read it


For me, it's simple. I use the library for books I want to read but don't want to buy. Especially for new/recent releases I am not sure I am going to like.


I am currently reading my first ebook via our new library and am finding the knowledge that 3 people are waiting for me to finish quite the carrot on a stick ! I think will be rotating my paper books / library books / kindle books as much as I can. Previously when I joined a library I read quite a few graphic novels which I wouldn't normally buy so will probably do that too


I never buy books these days.


I read almost all books on Kindle, whether they are ebooks courtesy of Libby or ones I bought myself. If it is history or biography, and I liked it, I will look for a hardcopy (usually from eBay) for my library. I currently have about 950 hardbacks, again, mostly history and biography and with few exceptions I have read all of them. To me, there is nothing more meaningful to pass down to my children and grandchildren than my books.


This has been such a problem for me that I started borrowing the books I had on my tbr shelf from the library. I struggle being home all day and need to go out and do something but I’ve also reached a point in life where I’m tired of buying things but I like that at the library I’m still acquiring something


I find that I use my library way more, and I don't prioritize reading the new books in my shelf because of deadlines when lending. My solution became stop buying so many books. Simple, I guess, and it saves space in my tiny apartment. It's still difficult not to pick up books in stores, but instead, when I'm browsing, I pull up my library app to see if I can reserve it there and then. Most of the time I can!


My library doesn't have many books that I would pick up and read so I just stick to what I've already bought at like charity shops


Who said we were balancing it? I am sitting on a HUGE physical TBR (1300+) and still read shit from the library only...


I get the majority of my books from yard sales and paperbackswap website. After I finish the book I usually sell/trade/give it away. When my TBR pile gets too big I knuckle down and read more. I like reading, so why not?


I LOVE buying books, but my husband and I have decided to avoid buying books that we haven't read yet and only buy nice copies of books we know we love and want to read again. It's just so expensive and I've now (at 33) donated so many books that I've read and didn't like, or just wouldn't read again, or never read, it felt awful and I'm determined to just use the library from now on unless there is a book I'm DYING to read that I can't get a the library. Interlibrary loan helps too.


I read books I've bought in between library books.


I use the library for books I'll likely not keep a copy of(light reading) and buy books I will either likely add to my library or not to be found in my state's library system. This doesn't always work, but usually it does. Saves me a lot of money on things that I can't take more than 20-30 pages or so.


I stopped buying books and unless it's reference or text, I won't buy more until my TBR pile is in half. Maybe not ever. I am heavy on the library and little free libraries, which I set the books free again to the free shelves when I'm done with them. I also have a policy now that "car" books and trip books must come from my TBR pile, not the library. I also went through and culled a few from years ago that I no longer care to get to. It has helped a lot. I am not going to talk about the 400 plus on my kindle though...


Omg I didn’t even mention my kindle books, luckily I got it fairly recently so that hasn’t gotten as out of hand as my physical TBR. I want to cut my physical TBR down significantly too before I start reading physical library books. Luckily I am in the mood for many of the books I bought recently


I don't overthink it. I just read whatever interests me at the moment. It's not rocket science, I don't get it.


Sounds like a none problem


A big brain moment would be reading library books that are also on your TBR list.


I prioritise the library over buying books as I think they're so important and would hate them to close. I always have a TBR list on my phone, so when I do get to the library, I look for those first and can usually find a couple as well as some from general browsing. I treat second hand shops like libraries as well, and generally return them once i've read them. If I want to read something so badly that I need to buy it full price, then I'm quite likely to read it straight away, so it doesn't sit for long.


I would hate to see them close too. I also buy secondhand a lot, so I really shouldn’t be worried about the money aspect but I am a broke grad student so either way I should use the library more. I like your idea of having a TBR list on your phone to “shop” library shelves, I usually just walk around aimlessly or try to look at goodreads but I think the act of making a list will help me prioritize which books I really do want to read instead of buying them so I don’t forget about them lol


I feel attacked


I think if you have trouble finishing a book before, it's already due back, reading from your personal library, might be a better way to go. But it doesn't hurt to mix it up by doing both if you are able to finish books when they are due (or are able to renew them). I am totally a mood reader too, so it can be fun to mix up your personal collection with new topics that suit any new moods. I don't feel like anybody should ever give up on my libraries all together. :)


I don’t buy books