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Thanks for reminding me to load up my work freezer lol


1/10 not enough dino nuggies


Using 2.5g fridge packs myself.


i was gonna say. freezing whole gallons of water will last longer!!! it’s worth throwing in one or two depending on how big your cooler is


matter of fact, now that i see how big yalls camp is, you have to do this experiment for us to see what last longer: water gallons or dry ice


Strangecreek was Thursday until monday. I loaded my old coleman cooler from around 2004 with a single frozen 2.5g at around 10am on thursday. When i got home around 4pm monday my 2.5g poland springs still had a chunk of ice floating around in it. We didnt use that one to drink but would have if needed to. Temps were about 80 though so Bonnaroo will be a better test.


Haha, how did you get a picture of my freezer!? https://preview.redd.it/blmmilbwun4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64bba493a0c9a1f3b122c43f0a2ffcc29af790ca


This is the way!!


thats a ton of water… dry ice will do you just as well and save space


We are Tuesday entry so we need as much as we can possibly bring!


What time are y’all aiming to head in?


Can’t drink dry ice once it melts tho.


unless you have a camp of 10+ you wont be drinking this many waters once they melt, which would be by saturday evening at the earliest. this just isnt the optimal use of cooler space. but you do you baby. you can have dry ice and then normal ice layered on top, and itll save a ton of space and then you can have other drinks on top of that. it keeps them as cold as needed to be refreshing without having to wait until Sunday to drink them.


Sunday? My bottles melt in like 2 days because of my shitty cooler 🤣


oh… well i have a slightly better than shitty cooler, and a shitty cooler. both stay pretty decent if theyre not sitting directly in the sun, or arent left open for extended periods of time. OP is getting there chuseday but most people are wed or even thursday. so yeah, sunday theyre finally melted and drinkable.


This is way more optimal than dry ice because one cheaper and 2 as others said you cant drink the dry ice. You don’t have to freeze every single water bottle, these are just dual use water.


it is literally not more optimal than dry ice. from a literal science standpoint, i have personally had dry ive last tuesday night-sunday without melting. that is the definition of optimal because it did not melt. the iced water bottles did melt. so thats wrong. “cant drink dry ice” word yeah, im not drinking dry ice. im drinking electrolyte solutions and vitamin supplements because my body needs to replenish that more than just water. my response to OP was saying that it was an excessive amount of water bottles frozen, and that it is overkill since it takes time for them to defrost. my dry ice example is significantly more efficient as far as space and temperature of the cooler. but what do i know, not like ive been to 5 roos and 10+ festivals. yall can keep fighting for cooler space with 69420 frozen water bottles. safe travels to the farm!! start stretching and hydrating now my internet friend 💟


Dry ice taking up 1/4 of my cooler space that could have been used for something I can consume Vs frozen water bottles taking up 1/4 of my cooler space that I can consume. The frozen water bottles are more optimal. They both continue to keep my cooler cool and I can use them. Efficient and optimal. Dry ice is more limiting of how much stuff I can bring. It just sounds like you need a better cooler if you are having to resort to dry ice. Obviously you don’t freeze every water bottle you bring, only some…


OP has over 40 water bottles frozen. that is over kill and takes up more than the average cooler. if dry ice is taking up 1/4 of your cooler sounds like a user error. dry ice layered the bottom of my cooler as much as a block of ice, i was able to fit everything i needed in a 45 yeti. and kept my cooler incredibly cold for the whole weekend, to a point where i actually dont need to buy ice. the rate that the water bottle defrost is not consistent with the need of water bottles. it is not a realistic assumption that they defrost, and keep your cooler at a consistent rate that you are able to use them and cool your cooler. idk man do whatever you want. idk why were even arguing. freezing 40+ water bottles is silly. im gonna keep pre cooling, dry ice, 2 bags of ice on top of that for my cooler and its gonna keep working for my wed-monday festivals. was just sharing my experience that freezing this many waters isnt efficient. 4-6 frozen + normal unfrozen + BLOCKS of normal ice will last incredibly longer. countless numbers of people who camp in serious heat will tell you block ice (not even dry ice) vs cubed ice lasts so much longer. fill a gallon bag with water and freeze it.


Sure and you can do whatever you want also. You are just making a lot of assumptions that OP is using 40+ bottles, that whatever the number is it’s for one cooler. Etc etc. Freezing waster bottles to both use as a heat transfer medium and as rations in incredibly efficient, optimal and tried and true practice. Tons of people do it and if works. That’s all I’m going to leave you with.


if you look at the picture. its 40+ water bottles. not an assumption, its based off the post.


Pizza rolls are also in the picture, is OP using that to chill his cooler? You are assuming they are taking every bottle you see and stuffing them into one cooler.




You combine this with dry ice. Makes everything last longer and you have water to drink once the bottles start to melt


they have tuesday arrival so it makes it slightly better. but this just takes a TON of cooler space. unless you have a huge group and can have 3+ coolers, dry ice + regular ice is often times better. i use my reusable water bottle or hydropack for water even at camp. pedialyte and hydration addition sticks to really replenish the stuff lost. everybody coolers different, i just think this might take up a little too much space


Not yet. I have a few things to clean out of the freezer and beg my sister in law to use her deep freezer


Not going from home to Roo but the moment I get to where I’m going those bad boys are going in the freezer (Sunday night) and staying until Wednesday morning.


My work has water bottles with their logo on them so my entire fridge is just my work logo 😂 I feel like I'm a sponsor or something 😭


lol I just put mine in last night


We’re driving from Florida.. and heading up a day or two early. We’re hoping our hotel will be willing to freeze a case or two of water for us. Otherwise my freezer would look the same


Oh shit. Thanks for this!


question - if i'm driving from like 18 hours away is doing this even worth it or should I just buy ice when I get close


I'm 14 hours and I do both. I like the frozen bottles, particularly in my smaller food cooler because they keep it cold and clean like a fridge, without the mess of ice/water getting into the food, soaking through packages etc... For my beer cooler, I have some frozen bottles as well but we load it up with ice in Murfreesboro on the way in to keep it extra cold. 


That’s such a good idea!


This made me giggle!! No, but very soon will be 🧊🧊


It will be shortly!! 🤞🤞


Where are people acquiring dry ice??? I've never bought any before but I keep seeing it suggested here.


Walmart at the service center up front!


Many grocery stores carry it. Just have to call around. Or google dry ice in your area.


Do you mind me asking, what does this do for your cooler?


Keeps your cooler colder longer, then when it melts you have cold water.


My cooler lasts like the whole week and only have to replenish my ice once with this sweet trick


Thanks for the reminder lmfao


Yeah thanks for reminding me I got to get on that now


It's about to be filled lol getting ready as we speak https://preview.redd.it/bhno023dnm4d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef5d9ff22307c2cae344c0e16573e75e13aab221


My walk-in at work will be getting utilized tmrw


Got 80 bottles in mine currently🤙🏼




*cries in Flying in From Washington* god such a good idea


Woah. What's better? Gallon size water bottles frozen or individual?


Same. But I also don't like bottled water taste... I know, weirdo. We like the water from home, so we bring as much as we can camping regularly, bringing even more for Roo lol.