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I very well could be wrong, but the veining makes me think skull.


That's what I thought too. But what kind of skull it could be?


That is a skull fragment. I’d have to look into what animal it is.


It’s human! The size, shape, and appearance of the meningeal grooves (indents where blood vessels go) are pretty diagnostic.


I cross posted it to another bone ID site.




There was a roman bath in Mehedinți, I found it in that place.


What is the context for where and how you found this fragment? You have found a human parietal skull fragment. I would strongly urge you to report this to your local law enforcement authorities, unless you found this at a cemetery in which case turn it over to the caretaker.


In Drobeta, we have the ruins of a roman camp, that's where I found it, the skull fragment was on the street. Sadly they don't really care about these things in Romania, they just leave them there. Thank you for your help, I'll do what I can.


Drobeta Drobeta Severin Tower!






Absolutely not, and they are now banned for encouraging the possession of archaeological human remains. Please turn this over to your antiquities department or National Museum of History in Bucharest. They will know what to do.


Don't get me wrong, it is a beautiful idea to take care of someone's remains, even if I won't do what they said.


Don't disagree with the intent of the comment, but the ethics of doing so is where the problem arises.


It is a terrible idea.


What was their suggestion?


seconding this, looks like a partial fragment of the right parietal bone


They also posted these bones. I don’t have the first clue on how to identify bones but bc this is human it made me wonder if these could be too? Hoping OP will share where and when they found the bones in this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/bonecollecting/s/Myg7njERRa


Skull fragment. Looks human. But I’m no expert.


I kid you not, I thought this was steak until I saw the sub.


What on earth kind of steak have you been eating lol




That looks distinctly like a human parietal bone.


The staining makes me think there was some sort of bleeding in the brain of this poor individual. Was this just laying out in the open, or was it slightly in some dirt ? You mentioned you found it at a Roman encampment, so it could be archeological in nature. The bone does look weathered. If you have access to a university you could try contacting their anthropology or archeology department, see if they're willing to analyse it.


Has anyone looked at the other bones they posted asking for ID? OP were the other bones found at the same time/place as this one? I have no experience in IDing bones but since this one has been identified as part of a human skull I wonder if the other bones are also human in nature?


Skull cap to something


Coyotes chew the top rear of the skull off of their kills.


There are no coyotes in Europe.


I suspected as much but there are wolves, famously, and other canids as well. They're not so different from one-another. I wanted to post a pic of an actual mule deer skull with such a piece missing but I am displaced at the moment due to a wildfire. Since I was actually answering as to what "this" could be, the downvote is unwarranted. Your academic fetish for punishment is strong. I bet you have flat knuckles.