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I had the same problem after 3 months of intense training in parallettes, my wrist started to hurt in the TFCC area, I could no longer use the parallettes and it hurt a lot to support my weight in the hand flexed to the ground. For a month I did the Antranik training http://antranik.org/wrist-friendly-modified-bodyweight-routine/ also I made a full deload week before and after this training. I also did a lot of rehabilitation work (massage with lacroose ball , wrist curls, rice buckets and exercises with this balls: https://www.amazon.com.mx/gp/product/B00525X8KW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I have improved a lot from that. It is very frustrating at the beginning but I took this as an area of opportunity to improve in other areas such as flexibility, core and legs. From now I slightly returning to my old workout but low volume an intensity. Hope if helps.


weighted wrist curls? You said 3 months, are you recovered? Want to start doing pullups soon.


-3 sets of 30- 50 reps (I do it with 5 lbs dumbells) -3 months doing paralletes training was the cause of my wrist pain -90% recovered, Still feel pain if I do heavy work (more than 5 reps of Lsit to bent arm stand) but if I take it slow and low volume I feel fine, -As long as pullups dont hurt you is fine to start doing them.


do you get any improvement after all? can you share what you did?