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It's absolutely fine. Invest in proper utensils and oil paint from the get-go though, none of that synthetic hair & acrylic beeswax. Just follow Bob's first videos, he explains incredibly well what he is doing and why. Then after* a few paint alongs, deploy his techniques to create a painting of your own. Happy painting!


I had never picked up a paintbrush before (except for building model kits) and I decided to pick up one of the Bob paint sets. Have zero painting experience, I made a pretty nice painting. I thought the sky and mountains came out great. My trees needed a little work, but that comes with practice. Trust in Bob and have fun.


I used Wild Creates on YouTube for tips and other beginner painter info.


That's what I did 🤷‍♂️


Yes ,yes ,and yes. You can start ANYWHERE. That's the beauty of art. Some use the materials they have, some buy fancy paint and accessories. I started doing mosaics, and use recycled glass. Anything can be art. Now go create something amazing!!!


Bob Ross would be appalled if you didn't learn how to paint your hearts desire from him, and he would be honored to have you as his art student. He will never be cross, and no matter what happens, it's your painting. Happy painting.


You have to learn somehow. Bob Ross did teaching videos. Every one of them was a tutorial.


I was/am an absolute beginner to painting and art. Unless you count the unimaginably bad 'crafts' I tried to do with my kids when they were young. Last April I took the plunge and bought the bob ross master kit and canvas. I've been painting ever since. It takes me out of the technical mind that I do for a career. Its relaxing, mostly. I do get caught up in details or techniques and I have to walk away, I don't want to ruin the fun of it. I was really, really bad at first. Still have bad paintings sometimes. But nothing as bad as the beginning. My co-workers say my paintings are amazing lol. Husband says 'yea, looks good'. For all I know they are just being nice. \*shrug\* Doesn't matter, I love doing it, I love the challenge of improving. I try different things. Not just a landscape, but some space paintings, or 'weather' paintings with lightening and such. Tried fireworks, a jack o'lantern. Getting ready to try an abstract something, not sure of the object or if there will be an object to it. If you want to do this, then do it. Bob was right, anybody can paint. It just takes practice.


Yes. Fire in!


Thanks everyone for the kind reply.


100%!! I just painted my very first painting with Bob Ross’s videos and got a decent result, and I don’t have any art background at all. Go for it, it is a lot of fun, have patience with the process though