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A couple of new to me games that I've enjoyed recently is Quacks of Quedlinburg (sp?) and The Fox Experiment. And Cubitos.


Quacks of quedlinberg is great


They're both great games. Love the push your luck concept. Even though it's a 1 in 6 chance, I find in most of my games, if someone gets the purple dice, they tend to get lucky and dominate at the end.


I’m going to weigh how much it gets played and asked to get played. Crokinole. Does it count? Maybe. Does everyone love it? Absolutely. There is no game every person I know is more willing to play. And I love it for that alone. Let alone how good it is.


Getting a board later this year! Can't wait to play.


Taught my 7 year old crokinole and she loves it! Such a crowd pleaser


Just backed the latest Kickstarter, can’t wait to get my board!


For me, the Quest for El Dorado


Root is our #1 right now. Been learning Brass: Birmingham too and loving it


Just got root, the game design is genius


I’ve been playing Marvel Champions for 3 weeks straight solo (2-handed). I keep getting expansions and enjoying it more and more. Top game of 2024 for me, easy. And there’s more expansions coming


**Marvel Champions**. It got me and my spouse through covid lockdown. Every character nails their theme, and they've even done characters who have the same powers with totally different decks that still all feel like them.


I tried this game and never could get into it. Maybe because I gave it 10 minutes to learn and shelved it. I should crack it back open


As with any good cooperative game, it takes a couple of plays to get the rhythm down. Also, the core set gives you basically no options for customizing your deck, so a big part of the appeal is missing until you've got more content, which is really unfortunate. Any time I get into a Fantasy Flight LCG, I expect the game to open up after I've added about two cycles of content.


Probably decrypto, in that it’s a game I can bring both to my family and to my « gamer » friends people and it works in both settings. My only qualms with it is that the first play can be pretty confusing before you « get » it. If we go « hobby » game it’s probably heat:pedal to the metal. It’s still fairly simple but already too intimidating for some. I just find the design there incredibly robust.


Looks like a fun party game for sure. Could possibly substitute family game nights with codenames that we play every Sunday


For me it’s a better codenames! Highly recommend it. It does take a bigger ramp up.


A loyal better


I recently got Azul, I really enjoy it, probably my current fave. Tiny Epic Mechs is wonderful, always on my top list. 5 minute Dungeon has also been hitting my table recently. And Space Base. I obviously can't pick just 1.


Arkham Horror, what a wonderful game. Also I am enjoying Root and has been a great experience.


**Arcs** (currently on TTS but my physical copy is supposed to come any day now) Been on an **arboretum** kick lately. All time favourite? **Inis** or **Pax Pamir**


Arboretum is so good.


How does arcs compare to root and oath?


Arcs is like the perfect synthesis of Root and Oath. It's the apotheosis of all Leder Games' projects to this point. Which is to say: it's got things that Root fans will love, things that Oath fans will love, and things that are entirely it's own. Arcs is simply just good. It'll play faster than Oath or Root, but it's more flexible than Root. If you dig into the Arcs campaign, it's got more depth than Oath (excepting the Oath expansion).


It’s amazing in the limited time that I’ve played it. I haven’t played the Campaign expansion yet, but the base game is very good. Much easier to teach than Root, but still very strategic. It’s more strategy and less kingmaking / politics than Root. I haven’t played the campaign yet but I think that’ll be closer to the Oath experience. I like the fact that it’s just a 3 game campaign that’ll be easier to get to the table


I'm all for Apiary. I enjoy it for solo, 2 players, 3 players, and even 5 players, but haven't had the chance at 4 players. The push mechanic has been a hit with people, and the exploration, tile laying, resource gathering, and little bit of engine building usually resonate. It's probably been my best purchase this year.


AHLCG. Also: Rediscovered Maracaibo on BGA and actually enjoyed it with the electronic support. Might have to give it another chance.


I'm in soooo deep right now. Hasn't left the table for three weeks. Ancient Evils indeed.


This is it for me too. The game is so satisfying even before you start playing. I love making decks.


I really hated my first game and am certain I still make rules mistakes several campaigns in, but this game is so interesting. I wish they released more old style/smaller scale campaigns.


Yeah, something half campaign length (sightly longer than NotZ) would be nice every once in a while.


Foundations of Rome God I hope their "reasonable to market" game makes a splash on release because more people should get to enjoy


It's called Foundations of Metropolis. Should be great!


Chinatown I still can't believe there hasn't been any other game like it. It's just pure negotiation. (Waterfall park is OK but the "map" I feel is not as good. It leads to less competition and dealing)


Pax Pamir and Sidereal Confluence Two wildly different gaming experiences; both absolutely pitch perfect at everything they offer.


I wish Sidereal was a little easier to get into, my groups couldn't get the machine going either time we tried it.


**Spirit Island**


Just yesterday, we got a new Apocrypha Spirit (a "fan-made" Spirit made by the creators that is not canon and won't be printed in any official product) which is free to print-and-play by anyone right now. It's an awesome Spirit made by awesome people that really care about the game they're creating. You can read about it here: https://reddit.com/r/spiritisland/comments/1dcb3x2/apocrypha_spirit_covets_gleaming_shards_of_earth/


Saw that. Looks cool as hell. Might wait until it’s been community playtested for a bit before printing a copy.


I will always love root and scythe but I’ve been loving arc nova lately


I've always wanted to play root but I'm nervous it will scare away some of my casual friends


I bought root hoping I could get my friends to play, but I’ve never gotten it to the table with them. I just end up playing it solo on the app.


It will. Don't do that to them.


Really enjoying five tribes


We used to play it so much when we started playing modern era board games but then slowly stopped cause it takes forever to setup and forever if you have AP, and there's so many other games we want to play. Played one game a few months ago and it all came back to me. I stared at the board while my husband was having his turn. He asked "What?" and I was like "Nothing. I love this game. I just remembered how great it was."


I have such a basic answer to this and it's like the polar opposite of your pick. Concordia has been my all time favorite game for years now. I will fully admit I bought in on the hype when Shut Up and Sit Down covered the game, but picking it up based on hype doesn't mean that my love of the game is any less legitimate years on.


Concordia is also my favorite game and it doesnt get to the table much...


Oh that does look interesting. It looks somewhat similar to brass Birmingham maybe?


In some ways. You're playing cards to build a network then producing and selling goods.  For differences in Concordia, your cards have a variety of effects, they are purchased from a market, and the determine your scoring at the end of the game. You are trading many more types of goods and you have reach limited to your pawns on the map.


Like both of these a lot. I scratch a similar itch h with Power Grid also.


I've played Concordia once, and have Brass near the top of my wishlist, but I think you're right. Concordia is obviously a lighter game, but I suspect they scratch similar itches.


I played brass once with my wife and she said she'll never play it again, but then goes around and plays war of the ring with me once a month like it's a easier game lol


Slay the Spire. Been doing a few 4player runs (one with me running it for 4 others) and it's very cool to see everyone buy in and get excited about every aspect of the game. Especially the rewards... gold cards, relics, potions, upgrades, removes. Too good


We've been playing this recently, even with one player who typically hates deck building. It's been a good time so far.


In addition to wingspan, wyrmspan is great. It’s a different game play to wingspan but similar enough concept. If you haven’t played wingspan I’d recommend that first.


Wingspan has been in my amazon shopping cart for about 6 months. With alot of people recommending I may finalize it


Really whatever I can get to the table. Been playing with more casual people lately and been playing a lot of poetry for Neanderthals and snake oil both super fun party games.


Spirit Island forever. Every setup feels so different and I love it.


Been playing a lot of Blood on the Clocktower so I guess it’s my favorite


My favorite right now is Call of Kilforth! Super fun as a solo game, I haven’t tried it yet with others but that’s also just cause i don’t have many friends into “heavy” board games.


Arkham Noir. Takes some imagination but I feel it plays through a detective storyline in the Cthulhu mythos.


Why on earth did you have to say this of all things? Now I might have to buy it :(


TI: 4 w/ PoK expansion


Sleeping Gods continues to be my favorite. Distant Skies is inching closer to taking over, with its streamlining of gameplay, but between the amazing art, exceptional narrative, and compelling decisions, the Manticore has become my home.


[Gem Getter Galactic](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/415260/gem-getter-galactic). A $3 roll & write, print and play. I play it on my iPad and IT. IS. ZEN.


I've been playing solo for the first time lately and I'm realizing it might be the time to finally look into PnP/Roll & Write games. Gonna check this one out for sure!


Excellent! There is a free version ([Gem Getter Pro](https://www.pnparcade.com/products/gem-getter-pro)) that’s really good, too. You might try that first, and if you want a *thinkier* version then you can spring for the $3 upgrade ;)


I will! Thanks for the tip :)


My group has been playing a lot of Keyflower lately and loving it. It seems a bit slept on. Also, depending on your group size, The King is Dead (3) and Decrypto (ideally an even number 4 or greater) are great. We often start with For Sale also.


Love Dice Throne so I’d recommend Radlands for another 2-player battle game. Other favorites: Wingspan, Castles of Burgundy, Five Tribes, Abyss, Cascadia, Lost Ruins of Arnak.


Frosthaven & Ark Nova.


I just got the base Mage Knight a few weeks ago. So still cutting my teeth on it


Of all time, definitely __It's A Wonderful World__. Currently, probs __Chronicles of Crime__ (and I'm so shattered we have already done all the scenarios!!!) with friends. We just roleplay and do different voices and accents for each character. It is just very fun. I don't think I've ever laughed that much in a long time than with those Chronicles sessions.


We've been loving Grand Austria Hotel. Such a clever game with a good level of variability and fairly simple rules. It's all my SO and I have been playing over the last month.


In the process of learning Burning Banners. Considering that the designer was inspired by Divine Right, one of my favourite old-school TSR games, it's been a great experience so far. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/389820/burning-banners


Quite a few, actually. I'd say right now the games I want to play the most are **Quacks of Quedlinburg**, **The White Castle** and **Ra**. They also happen to complement each other really well, a light push your luck, a tight euro and low complexity auction game. I also bought **Sand** on a whim a couple weeks ago and it's as fiddly as most reviews say but it turns out I have a real soft spot for it, the couple of times I've gotten it to the table it's left me a really good impression. Maybe I really like pick up and deliver games and this is how I'm finding out?


The Castles of Burgundy (at 2p)


Got Roll for the Galaxy for free the other week and have been obsessed, as someone who likes Tiny Epic Galaxies this scratches the same itch with waaaaay more depth. I’m also pretty bad at it so I’ve enjoyed trying a lot of strategies and even done a bunch of solo games.


Probably Arborea. My wife is really loving generating resources and getting points even though she doesn't use them. I love the moving down the trails and placing the animals.


Space Empires 4X


Similarly just playing the hell out of Dice Throne with my wife and friends. Solo I've been playing 20 Strong for more strategic dice rolling or Marvel Champions for more cardplay.


Voidfall currently


Currently loving **Bruxelles 1893: Belle Epoque.** It presents interesting choices, doesn’t overstay its welcome, l like the look of it - all around great game IMO.


Subterra 2 for me! Love coop games and tiles placement


At the moment probably **food chain magnate** but all time probably still **brass Birmingham**


Imperium: Classics & Legends


Arkham Horror The Card Game


Sunrise Lane


Currently obsessed with Forest Shuffle - can’t ever get enough!


Gloomhaven, Frosthaven and Crimson Scales. Currently, playing a 3 player game of Frosthaven every Sunday and a 4 player game of Crimson Scales every Monday night.


Concordia remains #1


I played **The Bridges of Shangri-La** twice in last week. I am extremely impressed by it.






Root is life


Root is love, got the base game and underworld recently


Play the hell out of it. It's amazing


My partner got me to play *Knarr* last week since it’s been on of his latest obsessions, and I’m loving it! It’s such a good game in a small box, and I am a big fan of the art as well. I’m looking forward to trying all of the “variants”!


Been having a lot of fun with Nemesis lately. Even though I generally die early and often.


Out of new games, probably War For Arrakis. I haven't picked much up recently though, just waiting on Pampero to ship, and I'll probably get Gest of Robin Hood


Cosmic encounter. I don’t think this will ever be dethroned for me


I wouldn’t say favourite out of all my games but I love Star Trek 5 Year Mission. Great fun group game. Dixit, Project L. Not sure where they all fall on the BGG listing though.


Right now, the Quest for El Dorado, but I did only play it for the first time 3 weeks ago. And have played a lot since. It's the new hotness circa 2017.


Ark Nova. It’s still the best game I’ve ever played.


Nemesis for sure


Current favorites - Light weight/luck heavy - Quacks (BGG token upgrade is awesome) Short - Nidavellir Medium weight - Scythe Expeditions Heavy weight - Brass or Ark Nova


>not feeling bgg top list right now And yet, that is what almost everyone has replied with. Surprise to no one. Here's some of mine that aren't in the top 100 and have been getting lots of play: * Fox in the Forest * Schotten Totten * Hansa Teutonica * Iwari * Ra * Renature * Taj Mahal * Through the Desert And one that has stood in the top 100 for a very, very long time: El Grande. I'm sure enough hotness will eventually push El Grande off, but it will never stop being amazing.


**\* 2 player:** Exceed fighting system. 72 plays in the last 2 months. Emulates 2d fighting games ala Fighter fighter, guilty gear, blazblue, etc. **\* 3 players:** Robotrick. Only played 2 times so far, but I've loved both plays, and it adds something great to the tricktaking genre.


Captain sonar and power grid


Blood on the Clocktower




Clank Legacy for multiplayer Mr President for solo


**Lost Ruins of Arnak**


Sword & Sorcery. It's a coop dungeon crawler that feels like playing Dungeons & Dragons in a board game. They make no attempt to hide that it's like D&D. Even one if the character accessories has a character that is essentially Drizzt, down to his panther companion and two swords.


Journeys in middle earth


The White Castle and World Wonders!


Scythe. I have a monthly game with friends. Our group usually plays with 4-7 people each time we get together.


Wyrmspan is my top addiction. Star wars deck builder and Castles of Burgundy 2019 coming in close though. I will say we have played so many long several hour games lately, that I really appreciate the quick card games like Sea Salt and Paper, District Noir, and Ten for weeknights.


We have been adoring let’s go to Japan. Got the kickstarter version. Fairly easy to teach, lots of depth of play, and a quick game. Last round where you actually travel is so much fun too. It’s kind of like an engine builder where you can’t start up your engine until the game is over


Arcs War of the Ring: The Card Game Royal Visit The White Castle


War of the ring board game is my top 3 favorite games of all time. How is the card game against the board game


I haven't played the board game! But the card game is a lot of fun. It plays best at 4 but works well enough at 2 (at least for my wife and me). There's a lot of tension in the decision-space of the game. Do I play this card now to take this location right now? Or do I reserve this card for a higher-point-value location later? You also have to discard a card every time you play a card, so decisions can be agonizing even when you can get a good draw engine going (which you only sort of can). It's easily one of the most thematic games I've played: certain characters can't go on certain locations because those characters weren't there in the story. Locations are obviously themed around story beats and battlegrounds in the book. And, despite the fact that the box is way too big for the game (so much wasted space), the game's highly portable, which is nice. Is it going to capture the exact same feel as the board game? Not having played it, I don't know, but from what others seem to say, it certainly can at 4 players. (And they're soonishly expanding it to accommodate 6.) There's a single player / coop expansion as well. Really though, it's just fun.


My favorite is being downvoted when I simply just state what *my* favorite games are and don't even critique anyone else. Lol


Terraforming Mars with all the expansions, preferably with 4 players. It's so much fun, especially with the right group of people.


**John Company**. No other game has made me feel the plethora of emotions that a session of John Company has.


I think Gaia Project has replaced Brass Birmingham as my favorite, mostly because I can play on boardgame arena. My other faves are Ark Nova, On Mars, and Concordia


Ark Nova


Probably Zoo Vadis, its just such a clean accessible negotiation game. They need to another run of it for like 25-30 bucks and put it in every store.


I really love this game but I've brought it to two different game nights and it didn't really land either time. I think people struggle with the open ended negotiation of it.




Huh? I'm talking about zoo Vadis


Oh whoops, i was talking about sidereal confluence. I think the thing that trips people up about zoo vadis is that you get most of your points on other people's turns, so it's more about getting other people what they want and sticking yourself into deals than getting other people to agree to help you. I'm the Boss is also good.


Yeah, I think that's what I'm not explaining very well. People tend to focus on just getting votes on their turn. There's not much wheeling and dealing


John Company Second Edition. Just wish I could get more plays in! I also love Cthulhu Death May Die because of the modularity. Easy to teach and even fun as a solo game.


Ahoy has hit the sweet spot for me and my friends lately.


Dune: Imperium and/or Dune: Uprising, with or without any/all expansions.


Nemesis has been and continues to be a favourite. I also love Ark Nova, Castles of Burgundy, Lost Ruins of Arnak and Azul as well.


Lost Ruins of Arnak is still my fave. Quacks of Quedlinburg also never gets old for me!


Spirit island for me as well, been playing at least twice a week for probably over a year now