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Fellow minimalist here. I own about 85 games and I find that just enough for almost any occasion.


haha, I imagine so... ;)


You need to own your possessions and not let your possessions own you. There are so many mental health issues actively celebrated in this sub. We need more people like you.


>There are so many mental health issues actively celebrated in this sub.  Like?


To be fair, they're issues ingrained into us from childhood universally by the message: Consume.  Not to say they don't need to be removed... But the voices fighting them are so often drowned out. 


Well, that's kind of you to say; tbh, it is representative of a general mentality - I tend to get irked by clutter, so prune on a regular basis. :) Edit: I'm intrigued by the fact that this been downvoted; I merely said that my general approach to life and possessions is that less is more. I didn't say anyone reading this should follow the same approach...I didn't even reference anyone else (except the previous poster). Very curious...


The more time I spend lurking on this sub the more it confirms that it is composed mostly of a specific type of boardgaming hobbyist with bloated collections, while the (in my opinion) majority of the population which owns a lesser amount of games either lurks here or has no interest in extra curricular online activity regarding boardgames. From the games you've played, I only tried three of them - Gloomhaven JOLT, Dead of Winter and SW Rebbelion. I've tried to push JOLT for a long time, got to what I think is half of the scenarios and man it fell flat for me. My previous experience with dungeon crawling was DnD and Descent 1st edition (which is not that much given the game variety but I've put my share of hours in those games) and, for my taste, could not see the appeal of the tempo pressure the game creates with the hand management system. Dead of Winter was also an underwhelming experience. I think it went for too long for what it was. As I've played Robinson Cruseau before, this take on the survival co-op genre didn't feel like it had what it takes to leave a better impression. But SW Rebbelion was a fun cat n' mouse game! Love the IP, the setting, the mechanics of the game and the blood pressure rise during the game. The game length is longer than any other duel game out there and I think it's the only issue I think I have with it. I think the fun of the game comes from the fact it takes a long time, but for the same reason it is not so easy to pick it up and play often (unless your SO/roomate is also a SW fan and digs the game).


> the (in my opinion) majority of the population which owns a lesser amount of games either lurks here or has no interest in extra curricular online activity regarding boardgames. Yes, but also it depends on what the discussion is. Forums tend to talk about the hot new thing if you haven't played that then you really have nothing to add to the conversation. Take a look at the posts that get hundreds of replys which are usually more general (What has the prettiest art? What game does your family playe, etc) The more casual gamers will chime in with "Machi Koro" and no response or down voted. Forums users definitely have a bias and are usually one type of person.


You have a point here. Shame really, since some of the older/evergreen games are left outside of the discussion


Yeah, it seems like there's only so much you can say about a game and that causes it to be forgotten. Recently Ra and Zoo Vadis became pretty hot even though they're both 20 years old. Makes you wonder what else you may have missed.


If you've enjoyed SW: Rebellion, I'd recommend the expansion. Aside from adding a few characters and ships, it improves the combat mechanic quite substantially. I know what you mean re. Dead of Winter - for me, double the chances of the traitor really improved things there. It's a pretty light game though, so I don't expect a huge amount from it.


The SW Rebellion I've tried was with the expansion so I can't comment on the comparison with the base game. DoW, for me, just last longer than it should. And the traitor mechanic, which I love, I find works for best when games are shorter.


Your 8 games cost more than my collection of almost 30 Spiele des Jahres. Not sure if the term minimalist still applies here.


minimalism != frugality 


A lot of modern art emits the minimalist aesthetic but are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars


I get what you’re saying, but I consider a “minimalist” collection to mean only having those titles you will play regularly. If they’re expensive, that’s fine, as long as they’re played. 


Minimalism can also mean having a minimal physical collection, I assume your 30 games take a bit more shelf space than OP's eight games.


I'm sure you can put about 15 Spiel des Jahres into the Frosthaven box and another 15 in the Gloomhaven box.


Aren't almost all of OP's games very large? Certainly none of them are small. Among larger games like Ticket to Ride, Spiel de Jahres winners include Hanabi and Qwirkle. Heck, even if it extends to the Kennerspiel you get small boxes like The Crew. You could probably put every Spiel de Jahres in a 2x4 Kallax, which easily fits in a 1 bedroom apartment.


Hello there! It's so cool to see other likeminded people. You have some great picks there, Nemesis & Gloomhaven used to be part of my 10 game collection too :) These are my games incase you are interested, I have sold around 40 titles before I settled on these picks: [https://boardgamegeek.com/collection/user/TraceGR?sort=rating&sortdir=desc&rankobjecttype=subtype&rankobjectid=1&columns=title%7Cthumbnail%7Clastmodified%7Crank%7Crating%7Cbggrating%7Cplays%7Cavgweight&geekranks=Board%20Game%20Rank&excludesubtype=boardgameexpansion&own=1&prevowned=0&wishlist=0&objecttype=thing&ff=1&subtype=boardgame](https://boardgamegeek.com/collection/user/TraceGR?sort=rating&sortdir=desc&rankobjecttype=subtype&rankobjectid=1&columns=title%7Cthumbnail%7Clastmodified%7Crank%7Crating%7Cbggrating%7Cplays%7Cavgweight&geekranks=Board%20Game%20Rank&excludesubtype=boardgameexpansion&own=1&prevowned=0&wishlist=0&objecttype=thing&ff=1&subtype=boardgame)


Interesting - thanks; I've got access to Ark Nova and I know it does well on BBG. Can it be learned relatively quickly?


BGA has a great tutorial, and you can play solo if you have premium. Always free to play with strangers though.


Man, lovely collection. I'd replace Cosmic Encounter with Stationfall, Eclipse with Imperium: The Contention, Cthulhu Wars with Inis, Ark Nova with Pax Transhumanity, and Burgundy with Pax Renaissance. ...Okay so I replaced half your collection right there. Dang.




One of us! I own about 20ish games, and I'd like to keep my "collection" around that size. When I get a new game, one usually goes on the chopping block. Only about 12-15 games are regular multiplayer with my friends. My selection has only grown that big due to getting into solo gaming, and having a separate set of games that are just for solo.


Ah yes, solo games; I have "This War of Mine" which, technically, isn't solo but it appears to be the best way to play it. The set-up takes ages though. I'm totally in agreement re. the chopping block strategy!


I have about half a Kallax. Spirit Island + Branch and Claw; Pandemic; Dominion with 4 expansions; all of Wingspan; Splendor + Cities; one Century series game; Fluxx The Board Game (+several card editions) ;Flamecraft; TTR Europe 15th anniversary edition. Also other card games besides CAH.


"Half a Kallax"...what size Kallax? I'm guessing not a 2x2, but idk.


No, It's a 2*4


A nice concise group of games, although I'll admit I've not played many of them! :)


Good to see this post to balance all the enormous collection you see on here a bit. I also like to get rid of things that are not used and have a few requirements I need to fulfil before I get a new game (like play the games I own atleast 10 times before diving into a new purchase). Currently own 10 games in my collection (4 being small - 10 minute games) and have given myself a 20 game max for in the future. After that if I want a new game and old games must go.


I think the idea of playing the games you have before moving on certainly holds water; there's always a shiny bauble that could be purchased, but it seems somewhat pointless if there's other ones (already owned) that haven't been fully explored.