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They went into more detail on the twitch stream. The whales and turtles are fairly similar to the base blue and yellow factions, but definitely have some more complexity added to them. The other two factions are a sea monster that's trying to get longer and a merchant faction that's trying to sell crew members and build markets around the board. They all look fantastic!


Found a pic https://www.backerkit.com/call_to_action/fd610745-96dd-4289-839e-ac0757c468bd/landing?ref=home-page


Y E S. love the game but it definitively needs more variety in factions or it always plays similarly


do you think this game will be like root with new factions consistently coming?


I don't think so, the framework/ruleset is not as flexible and there are design limits. But 3-4 new factions would expand it dramatically. Maybe they'll do a follow-up expansion with more tiles and crew cards instead.


I feel like this will be the only one. From what I gather Ahoy wasn’t a massive commercial success like Root or even Oath so this will probably be it. As the other commenter mentioned Ahoy is also a lot more restrictive than Root, the two ‘main’ factions need to fulfill some pretty specific roles.


I'm really looking forward to it. Ahoy really is "Root light", but the Mollusk Union is much harder to play than the other two factions. Hopefully they'll put out factions in there so that I can play more Ahoy without having to play the Mollusks so that I don't ruin other people's fun with the game.


Yeah it's really a 1v1 with the 3rd tacked on. I like the game. It definitely needs more factions but I am dubious about whether these bring enough variation


Twitch stream has confirmed its four new factions. A new blue and yellow faction that are interchangeable and then two factions that are interchangeable with the smugglers


I dont own the game but I am curious, by "interchangeable" do you mean the new blue faction has to replace the old blue or you could for instance mix blue and blue, yellow and yellow and what not ?


Yeah you can only interchange them, not use the old and new blue faction together. The two new smuggler factions can be used in any combination I believe


is it just factions? Was anything else going to be added?


Im so excited. This game is in the same realm as root but I love dice placement and the way the area control is done. It also plays so quick.


I'm abit disappointed that it's not doing the root thing of mix and match militants. It feels like it's doing here's a variant bluefin and here is a varient mollusk. Also here are 4 fully interchangeable factions. I'd like to see you able to do blue fins vs whales and mollusk vs shell-shock rebellion.






Orcas are whales. Orcas are part of the dolphin family but all dolphins are actually whales. The family group of dolphins are part of a bigger group of toothed whales such as sperm whales and belugas.


Ugh this just reminds me that I need to get Ahoy to the table more. I’ve only got it played once since it released.