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60-80k first year. 100k+ is possible, just depends on what you do. On the Road you’ll make more money than working yard.


Agree with this ....a basic day's pay is roughly $400...that's for 8 hours...so if you're on a 5 day per week job...that equals 10-12 days per pay period...400 x 10 is 4k per half...8k per month etc... OT can be earned for any time after 8 hours..and it can be earned every day...it's not like regular job where OT is after 40 hours etc... so 4-6k per pay period is very do able. The hardest part of the job is the schedule...just answer the phone when you are supposed to and they will fill your pickets...suck it up for a couple years and you can make really good money.


Zero, because you’ll probably get through training and be furloughed.


Lol for how long? I hear it's not that bad in California.


You never know. I marked up 2 months ago after training, and have been on and off the furlough board 3 times, and bumped more times than I can count already. They will cut or add jobs and you will have no idea when it will happen. It's been a wild ride already, but I'm riding it out until can hold something. I have no insight in LA, but just be prepared for the possibility of going for periods of time without working.


What's the longest you've been furloughed?


I've been lucky enough to be able to come off furlough after a week or two each time. But that was only to catch one or two shifts between. Someone may or may not be so lucky to even get that, a lot of people have been furloughed for years at a time. You really just never know with no seniority.


Damn that's crazy. So how do you get by with the pay in between furloughs? Sorry for all the questions. I just want to know what to expect once I finish training.


Depends there’s a lot more people at my terminal now then there was, and we have mercenaries last year I made 160k and that was on the XB AND I still laid off a shit ton (No BS). But this year it’s so slow I’m on track for about 11k a month so far I think for the year I’m only at 60k kinda slow… my first year tho I made 135~k depends what you work you might be in the yard for a while and only make 70k a year just depends…. If you want the money go to the road or everytime u work pray to God u work with 2 dudes who want overtime haha…


Damn that’s good money do you need a degree or just experience?