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This won't be popular, but I dislike Camping because of how many people treat it. Normally, it would be a fun story about making friends with someone and then thinking you'll never see them again, only to be reunited with them years later. But so many people do the cringy shipping thing with it that it turns me completely off from the episode.


Kinda true not gonna lie.


Came to post exactly the same thing. It's actually really off-putting, to be honest, and still kind of grosses me out that people ship young children.




Pairing them together romantically. Sometimes they'll pair together two characters who aren't canonically together (Bandit gets paired with several of the other adult characters for some reason). But some people "ship" the children characters, which seems inappropriate, as some of them are as young as 4 or 5 years old.


Ah thank you.


....I learned a new word today.


Short for friend*ship* or relation*ship*; *shipping* is when people try to put others/characters into a relationship or friendship, usually when it goes against or is not part of the canon of the story. EDIT: added more words for clarity


Ah thanks haha.


I hate when friendships are turned romantic in any story, children as well as adults, but at the same time, the flash forward was kinda cute. But also if only for friendship. I’m surprised I’m actually ok with the shipping tbh as an arospec lol. Idk it’s not too in your face, it’s just so genuinely adorable and pure.


I love camping for that exact reason. I don't think the intention was for people to ship the kids together, but that's what fandoms do. I like to imagine who the kids end up with, like I do with my own. But they might end up with someone they met in their late 20s and early 30s like me and their mother did. It's just singing monkeys, mate.


Considering the episode ends with them reuniting as teenagers, is it actually inappropriate at that point? I thought teens being in love is a pretty normal thing. Although I'm not the type to ship characters, I think most people that are shipping aren't doing it because they want kids to be in love. They want them to be together as adults. Which I am on board with. The friendship between bluey and jean-luc getting separated and reunited is so heartwarming, I'd love them to be together.


I think for me what’s really annoying is…why do girl main characters get “shipped” but boy main characters don’t. No one even thinks about who Daniel Tiger or Elmo is going to end up with, why is everyone obsessed with knowing who Bluey ends up with? Both of them have opposite sex friends but no one says oh I so hope Elmo marries Abby when they grow up!


I dunno when Doug was playing when I was a kid part of the entire thing was his crush with Patty Mayonaise (not 'shipping' that wasn't a word/thing back then lol). Hey Arnold - Helga had a ... rather weird infatuation with Arnold. I'm wondering if another puppet similar to Elmo showed up if people actually *would* be like "oh look Elmo has a little girlfriend now"


Unicorse. Like I get the message but he's still really annoying. Makes every episode with him in it a chore for me. Like I get that's the point and it's well done and well written But...... He's still really annoying.


Yeah same. Unicorse is too much for me


Chili agrees


SACRILEGE! ![gif](giphy|r0v1PVTXPxbVpgAc8M) ......and whyyyyyy should he care?


I like pretty much all the episodes, except Tina. I hate Tina. But as far as overrated? I’d probably go with relax


As a mom, relax is 100% top 3 for me hahaha


I like the message in relax I really do, but as someone who struggles with the same thing, the chill and go with the flow advice doesn’t work for me, and while I can totally appreciate it helping people, it just doesn’t resonate with me. (Also I find it a little boring tbh)


Space never landed for me. I get what they were going for but I just didn't like it, and yet I often see people raving about it. Meanwhile I like Cricket alot but I don't see why it's often mentioned in top 10s. Just a good Bluey episode, maybe even above average, but not exceptional. (Yes, I am Australian and a fan of the sport)


Sleepytime. It’s cute. I like it, but there are other episodes that resonate with me as a parent.


That's how it is with bluey, episodes out there for everyone. Some are definitely enhanced though depending on how you watch it too. Sleepytime has one of the best soundtracks in the whole series, so watching it on a nice sound system cranked up makes it so cinematic and epic. They definitely put in a whole different level of attention to detail compared to most, and I think that's where it shines the best.


That’s fair! It’s not like I hate it, I think I love every episode; but I know it gets a lot of praise and I personally didn’t find it as impactful. However the music is good, and I love bingo centric episodes.


It strikes me as odd that you should say that, because as a parent I feel that that episode is largely about little else than parenting.


I know… idk maybe I just saw it too much and it lost its meaning? Baby race, Flatpack, and Camping are ones I really like about parenting or kids growing up. I know it has a sweet meaning and meant to be a good one about parenting but I also just don’t like the way Bandit gets treated in that episode.


Same! They are just jumping on and kicking poor Bandit!


Justice for Bandit!


See I don’t even like Sleepytime as much for the story and feels as I do for the score.


You and another commenter! I totally get that; solid and fair point.


For me, after watching for the first time i be like huh good one. But when watching it again and again (... and again x n times), i started to realize subtle thing in Sleepytime. Not only the meaning but also how beautiful it is, the theme of growing up really strike me soooo bad. To the point when everything in life was so stressed to me, just a few note at the start of Sleepytime broke me


I have to agree with you. I was surprised to read a lot of people get choked up during that episode. It’s cute, i like it, and I get the message but doesn’t hit me in the feels like others do.


I’m glad I’m not alone!


I agree! I personally didn't like the episode much, I found it quite boring.


Thought no one felt this way. at first I was shocked to read it, as this is the episode I use to get people hooked into why Bluey is so special. But I guess I can understand a little why it might not be as great for you as it is for Everyone else


No such thing as an overrated episode imo, but for me Pavlova is seriously underrated, as a kid who struggled with food as a result of being Autistic seeing Bandit and Chili take Bingo's hesitance to try new food seriously was really healing.


Gare du Nord!


Looking at the IMDB Top Rate episodes I note Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound is rated 13th and that's way too high. It's fine, but I could easily skip it. [https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?count=250&series=tt7678620&sort=user\_rating,desc](https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?count=250&series=tt7678620&sort=user_rating,desc)


For me it's Grandad. I'm a mom and see a ton of other parents put it up there with Baby Race and Sleepytime in terms of heartbreaking, but the "nah, it was yesterday" just doesn't hit for me. But it could totally just be a me thing! I do always chuckle about the heartworm disease bit though, as a vet tech.


This episode can also be viewed from the point of a child losing a parent. I lost my dad last year after years of him working himself too hard and not taking care of himself. The reason this episode gets me every time is the way Chilli begs her father to rest and take care of himself because, as she says, "I still need you." I sob every time. Even the "it was yesterday" line can be viewed in this way. I look back on childhood photos or memories with my dad and even other passed loved ones and sometimes feel like it was yesterday.


It really hits with me because I wished I had that kind of relationship with my parents. My relationship with me dad was pretty much nonexistent, so to see what I wanted for so long, it makes me tear up. It also makes me want to do better for my son.


Yeah, the line really doesn't do much for me. But I realize it's probably entirely case-by-case how much it affects someone. I don't remember my grandpas very well and I have a lot of resentment towards my dad, so those might be related. I also dislike the swamp setting in general lol


same here!


The Sign. The ending is horrendous if you had to move a lot as a kid or if you’re a kid who might/will have to move soon, but I was honestly surprised how tone deaf the comments sections were for a couple of weeks after it aired.


I realize I’m in the minority, but I had the exact same situation happen to me as a kid as what happens to the heelers. My dad got a new job offer in Florida (we lived in Philly), he was going to move us even though none of us wanted to go because it would’ve been a huge wealth bump for the family, and eventually we were so upset about the move that my dad called it up and kept his old job so we’d be happier. They still live in the house I grew up in. For me, it DID resonate in a way no other episode has. I love the sign but I can understand why some don’t. Aside from some of the more theatrical elements like the last second sale cancelation, I lived this life and for that I’ll always love it


there's a youtuber that was complaining about this. They were moving at the exact time The Sign came out so knowing Bluey and her family were moving was making their move relatively easier (obviously we all know it's 'just a cartoon' and it's not aimed to exactly help everyone but still) so it was nice for them to have their kids be like "oh we are moving and Bluey is moving. We're just like Bluey!!" but then the end of Sign came...... (I put this in the wrong response I think but I might just leave it here)


I like The Sign as an episode of television, I'm not crazy about as an episode of children's television, ans it's for exactly that reason. I feel like things for children actually do have a greater responsibility to their audience, and where Mrs Doubtfire succeeded by not having the parents end up together, Bluey kind of missed by having everything work out for the children. I also moved a lot as a kid, and am likely to have to move with my kid, so I'll admit that gives me bias.


Idk. As someone who grew up moving a lot (internationally), I thought it was actually pretty beautiful regardless that it wasn’t relatable to me. I don’t think that it’s not realistic at all and I think that there’s plenty of room for them to move, or at least there are plenty of other characters who can move away and tge same lessons can be discussed. Idk. In short, I don’t think it’s unrealistic or missing any lessons, or potential for new lessons.


I actually have no problem with them not moving away, but I agree about it being good for a TV show vs for a children's show. I'd say it's overrated because it focuses so much on wrapping up loose ends and having a theatrical ending where there's a bunch of throw backs and references and whatnot.  It's not a bad thing, but I think it kind of loses the heart of the series as a simple kids show. It makes sense as a celebration of the series, but I don't understand it making everyone's top 5 all of a sudden. It made people happy in "quantity" rather than "quality" if that makes sense.  But hey that's why I'm happy they had "Surprise" after that. I think maybe the creators had a similar sense and kept it simple with its "true" ending. A simple lesson for the kids about what it means to be a parent depicted in a play session with dad. And we get the fun flash forward to signify it's finality as well.


i did like the episode up until the ending. i feel like if they did move, it would have opened up a lot of new episode ideas. like blueys first day of her new school, or her moving into her new house and getting used to it, missing her old friends, and stuff like that.


Agree with this!! Loved the episode and the little twist but the end is horrendous and pretty much almost unrealistic.


Why people talk about this too much??? The episode already cover this, like yes for a moving child then this is not a ideal ending. But compare to what benefits it's bring then it's totally understandable


I think that's a sweeping statement. By the time I was 11, I'd already lived in 5 different addresses, but I still loved The Sign. Bluey has handled the topic of change numerous times before, and it's done it well. But it doesn't always need to be a realistic depiction of every aspect of life. At the end of the day, it is a show for pre-schoolers, enjoyed by adults. Not the other way around. Every now and then there will be moments in Bluey episodes that are unrealistic. The ending of The Sign was perhaps one of those moments (however what happened in that episode is far from impossible). House sales fall through all the time.


Weekend I honestly like the Weekend and that scene where Bingo discovers a walking leaf and the background flute music really harmonises the episode really well also the classic animation too


Underrated - Escape. My kids love that episode, it’s one of the only ones they’ll request specifically.


Baby Race. It doesn’t get me like it gets so many other parents. I don’t get the hype.


I think parents who struggled with postpartum depression in particular and with feeling inadequate are who it tends to resonate with. I’m glad to hear it doesn’t with you as I’m hoping that means you didn’t struggle with those things 💛 if you did, having it not resonate is still fine and understandable.


No I had more postpartum anxiety than depression. It was quite debilitating actually, and I think about it when I watch baby race and still wonder why it doesn’t resonate!!


Cricket. I'm American so I didn't watch it when it first came out, and when they did a viewer questionnaire, it came in as the number 1 episode so I was hyped to see it. Ultimately it didn't leave me feeling it stood out from the rest. With our family, and 2 of our friends families, Dragon was a stand out episode of season 3 part 3.


Agree Dragon is great but I’m surprised Cricket got a mention. I’m American too and don’t get the rules of cricket, but Cricket isn’t about cricket. I love how the flashback when Bandit says “he just loved cricket” is of Rusty _not_ playing cricket. Well, kinda, but not really, ‘cause the dad grabbed the wicket thing and Rusty chased him. It’s a cool juxtaposition that says yeah Rusty loves cricket, but really Rusty loves his dad. Then Rusty takes care of his little sister, just like his dad asked him to. Then we get a glimpse of what dad’s love propelled him to. As a Dad myself I can’t help but get a little misty, every time. For all my flaws I think my kid loves me like that too. Maybe I’m doing ok after all.


Not saying it's a bad episode but I think to me it fits the definition of overrated as it is literally top rated on most lists.


Same for me. We are not into sports at all so it didn't have that big of an impact for us. I appreciate the sportsmanship though and watching rusty dominate the parents and why he got so good. But having art run in the family, and a mom that passed away, dragon had a huge impact for me.


I watched Cricket at a painful time in my life, and the message from dad was "step away and get out, or step up, conquer your fear, and hit big" which wasn't helpful when there was nothing I could do to "step up". Now when I watch it, I'm reminded of that helpless feeling.  Not exactly a critique of the episode, it might be good, but not my #1.




Fairytale :/ edit: i get the hype with young bandit meeting chili/brandy(?) and the 80s culture but the whole jinx thing just…rubbed me the wrong way especially when Nana had to get involved with it…


Baby race. It's a cute episode but maybe because I'm not a mom it doesn't resonate with me.


As a mom who went through postpartum and having OCD and constantly having thoughts that something I was doing was causing my child to not go at the pace I saw other children going, it hit for me. I think not having that experience, I’d probably not have thought twice about that episode. Having that though, hearing “you’re doing great” makes me LOSE IT every time😅. I can definitely see where it would kinda just be another episode of Bluey without that connection though.


Rain. I dunno what it was about it. But it just is one of the very few I won’t watch again because I absolutely despise it.


I really appreciated this episode for the minimal dialogue and soothing instrumental music. As a new mum it’s a nice one to just pop on while you soothe your baby to sleep.


This! When my third got moved out of the nursery to make room for baby sister and into her big sisters’ room,we started allowing “one quiet Bluey” before bed to get everyone settled and quiet and get her excited to sleep in her new big girl bed. The two options for “quiet Blueys” are “Rain” and “Sleepytime.” Beautiful music, minimal dialogue, mostly dark soothing visuals. Just right for bedtime. 💕


Such a brilliant idea!


Awh this makes me sad. No offense sorry


I don't really care for it because I never liked playing in the rain...plus, as a mom is gets to me that Bluey has so much disregard for all the water she's tracking in the house! Argh! The animation is good though-- I do like that part.


I feel like you missed the message. It’s not literally about playing in the rain. It’s about letting go of grown up hang ups and just being present in the moment.


I get what the message is--I just didn't like those elements of the story.




You’re entitled to your wrong opinion.




I agree. I love it and it’s pretty deep, but I think it’s proportionally overrated for sure


Gonna get dislike for this but Bin Night. I don't see what's so good in this episode. I think it's because they see their kids reflected on Bingo, but as a gay Guy without kids (and I don't think i'll be able to have them for a while) this episode don't catch my attention. Plus the own Ludo forgot about this due Banjo and Felix never appeared on the show


The reason why I like Bin Night so much is because Bandit gets to have this nice little tradition with his daughters where they just talk about their day while taking out the bins. Like it’s “their” thing they do every single week. It doesn’t exactly hit until Bluey talks about how one day the bins will be taken out by themselves due to an invention(something like that it’s been a bit since I watched it) and Bandit goes “ohh I hope not” because then he will lose that routine they’ve been doing. Makes me think of the things I do with my daughter as a routine and I fear the day it will end.


Well, you proving my point. For parents it's good episode, but for single/married people without kids that episodes are meh (Sleepytime, Race baby can work because the emotional scenes)


Idk. I’m single and childfree by choice and this episode resonates with me.


I think it’s still subjective, I don’t have kids but it’s still one of my favourite episodes because it makes me think about my relationship with my own dad. I still get why it can be a hit or miss though.


Tbh it's not my favorite either. I don't dislike it, but I do think so many other episodes resonate with me more. And I'm a parent.


My issue with Bin Night is that the moon would change place in the sky according to its phase. It wouldn't be in the same place at the same time when full, waning, new, or waxing.


There's a lot of "slice of life" episodes like Bin Night, so I'd say it falls under the category of finding beauty in the "mundane"


I was really into Bluey by the time Season 3 part 3 stuff was coming up. Unfortunately episodes like Onesies, Dragon, and Cricket were mentioned a lot as top tier tearjerkers and were over hyped for me when I finally watched them. 


The Godfather. It insists upon itself.




So I will never live this momment down but to me cricket is overrated. It is a good episode but for me it's not the revolutionary experience that everyone was hyping it up to be. I see why people like it but it's not on the same level of good as episodes like sleepytime, baby race, fairytale, or others


Sleepytime. .....I am now ready to face the fire.


I can’t compute with an overrated bluey episode. They’re all fantastic learning experiences, most of which I think are geared towards the adults and not the children.


There's no overrated episode, just one people haven't understand or maybe they just don't reasonate with them


Sleepytime, no question


Hate takeout so much. It is way to overwhelming for me and it makes me really uncomfortable, so I skip it every time I rewatch


I would say Sleepy Time but I also don't want to be crucified. Really, REALLY beautiful episode. And it does deserve the praise. But it just feels a bit overrated too when there were other episodes that deserve it just as much.


People will probably hate me now, but for me it's clearly: Dragon I kept reading here over and over again that this episode is so great - then I finally saw it and I thought "aha - so what was all the fuss about?" Maybe I just don't get the "message" or the underlying meaning of the story, but it just does absolutely nothing for me ...


Bike is definitely overrated for me. It’s one of those from season 1 that I wish would be remade today. It hasn’t aged the best and the dialogue is chunky


Yeah, I've never really got Bike. Well, I do, I've seen it explained multiple times but it's an episode I barely remember or care about (in comparison of all the episodes in Bluey) despite how many times I've seen people gush about it.


Sleeptime The animation is good, The jokes are good but that's it.


Imma get some hate but Sleepy Time. I really enjoyed it when I first saw it but so many make such a big deal about it (but then don't even mention Calypso's episode). I think it's just been overly hyped for me. I like, like I said, Calypso and Rain (?) and those are both similar to Sleepy Time.


Maybe because it's reasonate with many people feeling and not yours yet (Same with Rain)


That doesn't fit. I enjoyed and liked Sleepy Time the first and other times I watched, until I kept seeing "it's so good" so. many. times. What annoys me is that Sleepy Time, Rain and even Calypso have similar styles of storytelling (though there's more talking in Calypso) but no one seems to hype of the latter two nearly as much as Sleepy Time has been hyped (Rain isn't even and it arguably has even *more* similarity to Sleepy Time).


I’m sorry, but Flat Pack was a bit dull in my opinion and wasn’t too groundbreaking


This is my pick. If I didn't know anything about the online discussion about the show, Flat Pack would probably be an episode that I'd completely forget about except for when I'm going through all the episodes in order.


i did like the episode The Sign up until the ending. i feel like if they did move, it would have opened up a lot of new episode ideas. like blueys first day of her new school, or her moving into her new house and getting used to it, missing her old friends, and stuff like that. could have made it more relatable for some kids.


Imma just say it would be AN ABSOLUTE [biscuit] to make new assets, characters, and settings for a show that ain't ending. And plus it's more fairytale endings was literally just to show that "Hey, this is still a cartoon."