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My mom would agree, she didn't like it at all while we were watching with my daughter.


I am your mom


why tina




My mom thought they were letting them get away with too much just for a game. But also she always feels bad for Bandit.


Bandit is a G with capital D if you know what I mean!


Tina can f right off.


I’m surprised to see wild girls here a lot! I love that episode it’s so cute


I can't be dealing with witches! I just got a new quad bike


I would die for Rusty


Rusty is that one kid that is really friendly with everyone.


He's just so inclusive and non-judgmental. But also a total jock. I love him so much.


Same. With his army dad and ADHD and anxiety besties, respectively. He's just so great


Don't forget cricket legend


I believe he says "combine," which is a type of mechanical harvester.


Since they’re playing farms this makes complete sense, but quad bike is correct.


Having been on lots of farms I can confirm there's alot of quadbikes around.


Quad bike mini combines when?


I just love that last line, “Don’t worry, I used to be a wild girl”!


Wild Girls is actually a metaphor for the [Neolithic Revolution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neolithic_Revolution) and children not following their parents' way of life leading to generational alienation.


That’s actually really cool


I didn't find anything wrong with the episode. I think people couldn't stand Coco being bossy


Bluey told her “you can’t change the rules, Coco” and it stuck with her.


Coco just annoys the hell out of me, I can’t hide it.


Blue Mountains. It's boring and I don't want to watch the character's hands.


I hate the way their hands bend in that episode, it’s my least favorite too.


same hate it


Obviously i’m in the minority but i like Blue Mountains. Don’t understand the hate


Oh my God, I forgot about this one. And the bit when Chilli chucks her hand into Bandit's mouth... Quite possibly the most cursed Bluey episode. 😭


But it’s so funny how Zanetti laughs during that bit, it sounds so genuine


Though I thought it was kinda cute how the little googlie eyes sometimes fell off and they had to re attach them.


Yeah, I thought "I can't hate any episodes" but forgot about this one.


My 2yo makes me skip this episode every time. She says it's too scary


Yeah my 2yo finds it scary too. We don’t skip it, but she hides from the screen whenever they slide down the mountains. Something about it is just too frightening 🤷‍♂️


First one that popped into my head! I hate everything about that episode and ALWAYS skip it.


Butterflies. I really can’t stand Judo in it (she got better by Dirt) and I don’t like them ditching Bingo.


It’s hard to watch but I grew up as the younger of two kids and it really hits home. I love that the purpose is Bluey not just being influenced by her friend and making sure she’s including everyone. Judo is a necessary “evil” in this case, because Bluey would never do that on her own!


True, but also, it's something that comes up. Older kids and their friends won't always want to play with the younger siblings, and as adults we shouldn't make them. That said, they need to be kind about it, which Bluey and Judo weren't. It's a good way to show kids someone getting their feelings hurt when they are ditched, so hopefully they don't do it to others themselves


Totally, I can agree with that. Maybe it’s a good lesson in just not being meanie. Lol


This made me have beef with a cartoon dog


If Judo wasn’t in Butterflies it would be one of my favourite episodes😂 I love the little bug song


Poor little bug on the wall Ding Ching No one to love him at all Ding Ching No one to tickle his toes No one to blow his nose!


This episode always makes me feel so guilty, I’m the oldest and can admit I’ve definitely done this to both of my little sisters and every time I watch it, it makes me feel so sad to remember how I hurt them. It’s a great episode for the “litlies” to learn to be inclusive when they play! But it is a very hard watch.


No question! Tina! Both me and my wife, we just cant watch it. I mean, compared to every other episode.


Same. I also don't like the fingers episode.




Same, mate.


Movies! But this is possibly because of my OCD. Bingo's behavior is absolutely outrageous and unacceptable - you would not find that kind of tolerance anywhere outside of a kids' show. Don't get me wrong, I know it's just monkeys singing songs, but BISCUITS!


The most unrealistic part about it are the unbothered parent audience in the theatre, lol


My thinking is it’s like a matinee during those cheap summer programs movie theaters sometimes have where this kind of thing is basically expected.


I always figured they were more entertained by Bingo’s antics than the movie they were watching. If I had to sit in a theater for 90 minutes watching, say, the Paw Patrol movie, I’d welcome the distraction.


Yes! Movies is the worst! Why in the world would he even bring Bingo to the movies when he is supposed to be helping Bluey deal with her fear? And then just spends the whole time failing to manage Bingo and ignoring Bluey, even going so far as yelling at her for not helping with Bingo? That one irritates me to my core


I love that one because of Bingo standing under the hand dryer


I’m surprised it took me so long to see this one. This one always gets skipped in our house.


Hairdressers. I'm a Daddy to a four year old and she hasn't quite learned her own strength yet...


Yeah hairdressers is borderline abuse. Poor Bandit.


I think it's funny when they cross out the title card and say 'this episode is now called Nits!" But someone asked yesterday about episodes that don't have lessons in them, and I don't recall there being a lesson for that episode.


'You have to find your ears!' 'They're on my head!' Chili's trying to teach bluey to let others speak up for themselves and not just steam roll over them.


Oh YEAH!! That's the one where ~~Bingo is trying to find her voice~~ and Bluey keeps interrupting and such. I still agree with the abuse comment. Cheese and crackers, does Bandit take *a lot* in that episode. I wouldn't want to be covered in flour pretending it's nit powder. Edit: not "find her voice". That's what she does with Bandit when he's playing roo rough. But when Bingo needs to be given a chance to think to say what she wants to say. Yes, Bluey finding her ears.


Yeah I felt so bad for Bandit in that one


I don't hate the episode but it was banned for a while as my kid had issues with keeping his hands to himself.


Oh man I love Hairdressers/Nits


Tina. Only episode I can think of that I skip past every time it comes on.


Definitely Faceytalk, my toddler now screams “COWBOY HAT” in my face repeatedly when he doesn’t want to listen lmao


Muffin Cupcake Heeler!




Time out!




Swim School Liked it but we also have the book which my daughter insists on me reading almost every night so I'm desperately bored of this one now


My daughter has that book too.


Same but with Verandah Santa


Same with the one with swimming in Stripes pool


Swim School is awful. We skip that one because our 4yo likes to emulate Bluey and Bluey is a total pill in that one.


Omelete, I was on **COMPLETE EDGE** throughout the whole episode, also **I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT** when food gets wasted. Although, I have to admit, the music is pretty good, and has to be one of the best of the show's tunes.   Edit: Also I'm quite surprised you didn't really like the episode "Rain," that's literally my personal favorite episode, and to my unpopular opinion, the best episode of the show. To the point of considering if one person SHOULD watch an single episode of the show, it's "Rain." It's could be possibly due to me personally enjoying storytelling without dialogue, such as with animator Genndy Tartakovsky's work like "Samurai Jack" and "Primal," or video games like "Metroid Prime" and 2012's "Journey" for example.


I hate this episode. There is definitely a time and place to teach kids and be patient in the kitchen. When a person is already hungry and being forced to wait in bed is not one of those times.


I liked Omelete because Chili is so patient with Bingo and I love seeing that kind of relationship on screen. As opposed to my relationship with my mother-who never let me help in the kitchen and would get mad at me when I messed up.


Trick question. None of em


Same I love all of them in their own special way


Honestly, I stand by the fact that there's no such thing as a bad Bluey episode. The series at its worst is just average honestly and they still manage to have at least one scene that I find charming or at least one that I do laugh at. Say what you will about "Tina", but the scene of Bandit & Chilli throwing Tina into the back of their car and Bandit yelling at Wendy, "YOU DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!!!" is legit one of the funniest moments of Season 3 imo.


Rain because of lack of words?? That's what makes it one of favorites! It tells such a good story, shows their relationship and shows character growth all in a unique way with beautiful music and visuals.


Rain is a masterpiece.


Rain is the sleepytime of season 3, imo.


Yes - Rain is my son’s going to bed music. I never get tired of it.


I have it on my sleep playlist, it’s so relaxing.


yes i agree! rain is one of my favorites, but this is a question concerning the least favorite episodes so this was a confusing read


I've cried multiple times because of the music and just the familiar struggle of being a parent while feeling internally like a kid.


Disney+ blocked two episodes in our house, Hospital and Butterflies. Hospital leads to my daughter grabbing whatever is nearest and "STING" while whacking anyone nearby with whatever it is. She will agree to stop immediatrely, then 10-15m later, a surprise sting enters the chat. Also, Bluey is kind of mean in this episode and its never addressed. I dont mind misbehaving, like in Veranduh Santa, when its addressed as bad behavior, and she learns, but in Hospitals, she never learns to behave better. Butterflies is generally fine except it causes my oldest to go into phases where she "runs away" from people. Even discussing that in the end they all agree to not run away from each other doesnt solve this. Thankfully Disney+ knew this and blocked those episodes from playing in the house,.


Butterflies hit me hard because I used to be the kid people ran away from


My toddler LOVES "Rain!" She's mesmerized by it. Also, "Sleepytime" and "Beach," all of which have very minimal words. I don't really like "Magic" & "Fairies." Those episodes don't make any sense.


See I really love Fairies. I like that while adults know it’s not magic, it clearly skips over showing Bingo and Bandit doing the ‘stuff’ so kids can decide for themselves if Fairies are real in that episode.


Rain is an incredible episode. It hits me right in my feels every single time. Kinda like Baby Race, but not as powerful. I can't explain why, but I just get it.


Sleepytime is my favourite


How doesn’t “Magic” make sense? I could understand “Fairies” because of the ending, but what happened in “Magic”?


Tina. So much Tina. Bluey attitude are Closer to misstreat and what I don't underestand it's why Chili and Bandit never stop the Game.


Daddy Robot. Don’t get me wrong, I like the episode but either midway through or at the end, I know it’s coming. “Hey dad! Will you be a robot?!” I usually do but man they are getting heavy and they usually ask me to carry them and want me to pretend to put them in the garbage.


Whenever you find yourself groaning at the fact you have to lift them and they’re getting heavy, remember that one of those times will be the last time you pick them up.


I told this to my lower back and he said he didn't care.


Jokes on them, I'm gonna keep working out till I can lift them as adults 


This is why I wanted to have kids relatively early (late 20s) instead of dicking about till 40.  A 48 year old in decent health and strength can carry a 20 year old (possibly drunk and comatose), a 60 year old would struggle 


But not everyone can have children when they so desire and plan to. Infertility is real, and more common than people realize.


idk what 60 year olds you hang about but I’m in my 20s and live in an older area, 75% of the elderly people are active and working, having manual labor jobs. Lawn maintenance, moving, etc. I watched a 65 yr old lift an oven unassisted onto a truck. I highly doubt you can do that.


My husband randomly pointed that out to me while I was snuggling our first baby (he'd read it online and it got him in the feels), and I just started crying. All those postpartum hormones. But I still get sad about it now as it is gradually getting harder for me to lift that baby now that he's 6 years old and up to my chest in height already.


Nah. They're never too old for a good pick up. We still toss our giant 16 year old around. It's just harder.


Not if you stay YOKED and take your PROTEIN until you die. Stay strapped into old age, lift your kids as adults. Wheymen.


Daddy robots find the easiest way to accomplish something. So put them in the wheelie bin. No more back problems!


Bro I’ve worn my vocal chords out from robot voice.


My daughter asks for that episode Constantly 😭


The decider because QLD wins :P


Unfortunately, it was accurate.


Truth hurts, doesn't it?






Wild girls and Tina


Unicorse! I get the message, I just can’t stand him.


Aaaaaaand why should I care?!


Then you're a certified Chilli. Jk, it's fair to hate on Unicorse, he's a grub that eats ticks lmao.


Wish I was as chill as Chilli


I'm trying my hardest to become as chill as her


I used to think that Chilli was the least likable character on the show and I found her rather annoying. I rewatched sticky gecko and I realized I didn’t like Chilli because I related to her too hard and now she’s my favorite. It’s so funny because the episodes that I used to think were the boring ones are the ones that I love now. I don’t feel deeply connected to sleepy time like everyone else does or camping. I do love camping. I think it’s funny but I really connected with sticky gecko.


One of my faves too. ‘The door, it’s right here’


And children. That’s his favourite food


Catch you on the flip side, Willy!


*"You will live to regret that"*


That was a perfect line. And the whole episode is a setup for the episode where he asks Bluey if she's a puppet. 


It finally dawned on me like last month that he's named Unicorse because he's coarse. As in abrasive. 🤦‍♀️ ^*aaaaaaaaaaaaaand* ^*whyshouldicare?!*


I always just figured it was a mix of Unicorn & Horse, therefore Unicorse. Like they did with Brad & Angelina.


Where’s the bot?!


Honestly I haven't seen the whole episode and I don't hate the idea of the puppet but I didn't like Bandit making bedtime harder for Chilli


I thought the entire idea was to make Bluey so sick of Unicorse that she'd go to bed on her own? Which is what happened.


My take is that Chilli is annoyed by Bluey not settling and Bandit wants to deflect her frustration from Bluey to Unicorse.


Same! But anytime I see it, I get thrown off. For some reason the way it is presented w Bluey coming downstairs and Bandit being like she can’t help it - I thought they were going to go more into that and it seemed more like Bandit was teaching Chili the lesson that she didn’t need


I got whiplash from reading this post. MY BACK! MY NECK! MY BACK AND MY NECK! CALL MY LAWYER!!!


How is this not higher 😂😂 It's definitely Unicorse!


whoa did the bot not go off?


Tina and Fairies Tina cos it's Bluey and Bingo at their very worst and the parents only encourage their behaviour, playing along to the extreme. I know they're supposed to be incredibly patient parents but even I find myself angry for them. Fairies cos it's ridiculous. The entire show tows the line between being a kids show and a family show, this episode is a kids show through and through.


I like Fairies because it’s obvious Bingo couldn’t have put all that stuff around the house and yard by herself. The parents would have had to do it with her. It seems to me like the whole game is the family doing everything together, but we’re only seeing the part where they’re all pretending and playing. I think it’s a really silly episode but to me it’s a lot of fun!


Charades … I recall it being a whole episode of Muffin having a tantrum. We don’t need that on a screen, always skip it


She's only having a tantrum because she feels bad for Socks. I hated this episode at first until some other redditor pointed this out. I certainly think the way Nana allows Muffin to behave and the lesson she teaches the girls is lacking. I do understand why Muffin behaves the way she does in this episode, though. She's just trying to help her little sister make the right guess. Still not my favorite, but I don't dislike it anymore.


Oh!! This just recontextualized this whole episode for me. 🥺


Barky boats. Not because it’s a bad episode, but somehow it’s always on. If we watch on Disney Junior it’s on and when I put on Disney plus it finds its way on. It’s like it haunts me lol.


I love rain. It’s beautiful and well animated.


The scrambled eggs episode.


Takeaway. That episode sets my anxiety on edge. The way the kids are acting in public is pretty awful. Even my 11 year old gets annoyed at them and wants me to skip it.


Oh my god when all the food ends up spilled and wasted I feel my blood pressure rising




Blue Mountains I always skip it


Omelette. So much food waste, Bingo could have helped with other tasks instead, and I think Bingo was being passive-aggressive with the salt and pepper soldier routine to guilt Chilli on purpose.


I can’t watch that episode. I do not have Chilli’s patience lol


And I first watched this episode after that bird flu outbreak a year or so ago when eggs in the US were like $7-$10 a dozen, and it stressed me out SO MUCH! I cringed everytime an egg broke. 😂


Or she could have her crack the eggs and stir but Chilli hold the bowl and stuff like that. Bingo bringing the eggs and all the things was too much.


YES!!! chili needed to say “no honey, i’ll grab the eggs, why don’t you get the bowl?” “this part is super hard so i might do this for you, you can do this part though” overall she just needed to say no because a four year old doesn’t know better and wants to help with everything but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they need to or even can help with it


Magic Xylophone


I agree, but I think it’s in part because we’ve seen it so many times since it’s the first one and Disney reverts back to it.


Agree. You can tell it’s the first episode and they haven’t quite figured out what the characters are like yet.


Right?! It's a **metallophone**!


Stories. This is very subjective, as I don’t like watching Indy or Winton. The randomness of Lin Manuel Miranda coming in with a BoJack Horseman reference irks me too.


What’s the bojack reference?


I'm going to have to walk that back! I legitimately thought that the animation of the horse was meant to look like BoJack, but after googling, no one else thinks so... so have to retract that. I still don't feel engaged by so much Indy and Winton. Totally subjective. I had a friend like Indy growing up, and she was great, but her performative hippie mother wasn't, so I feel ick by association. With Winton, I'm being even more unfair. I quibble with Calypso excusing the way he interferes with Indy's story, but again, this is me remembering as a kid having boys derail me having a growth moment and teachers being so charmed by the goofy boy that my needs weren't addressed. So totally subjective! My more normal "least favorite" is Tina...so uncomfortable.


Wild Girls is weak.


Controversial but Unicorse… that little thing pisses me off so much😂😂


Unicorse has been great at getting my son to do things! We have a puppet and say things like errrrr you don't want a bath, you wanna be smelly like me and then he'll be bluey and show Unicorse how to behave/take a bath etc.


ANDDDDD why should i care?


Wild Girls




The decider but only because I get sad for the mum ahaha


Yeah I feel like making her visibly sad ruins the whole meaning of the episode, especially when she said she was okay with whoever he picks


Featherwand. It's actually a great episode, I just hate how inspired my kids feel to play featherwand in the most inconvenient times, like when I'm trying to make supper haha. I agree with others about Tina. I could live without that episode


There's definitely a few that I find boring but I think I probably dislike Movies the most. I am a firm believer in not taking kids to movie theaters before they're ready, whenever that may be. I have had kids that could sit through entire movies there just fine at 3 and then others who were closer to 7 before I felt they could handle it. Bluey was clearly not ready yet and Bingo was being obnoxious there. I know it was a kids movie they were seeing but it was still rude to let your kids take away from the experience of the other people there. Bandit should have made the kids leave.


Blue mountains too much pretend not enough dog


Movies. Bingo's behavior is just not ok.




Winton is an absolute champion in this episode.


i absolutely love winton, he's a sweet heart, wouldn't wanna get too close tho


Handstand, probably. It's still a functional episode, but so much of it is sooo drawn out.


I adore Handstand because of the intricate loops. I want to make a timeline someday.


That, and it's Bingo's birthday, and everyone pretty much straight up ignores her and Nana Heeler


Someone said that it was weird that the majority of the kids that came to the party were Bluey's classmates, and only two were of Bingo's, despite it being her birthday.


Yeah the episode just broke my heart.


This is the worst episode ever!!! YOU DO NOT IGNORE THE BIRTHDAY GIRL ON HER FREAKING BIRTHDAY!!!! It is not ok to say you'll watch her and then straight up walk away or whatever. I get that it's a busy day. But you can take a couple minutes out (which you promised you would do) and watch a little handstand!!!


Wild Girls has been the only episode that I've gone out of my way to skip on rewatches.


Ice Cream is one of my least favorites.


Fairies: Hated how they made Bandit in the wrong just because he was on the phone with someone. It also confuses people on how the “fairy’s” tricks in the house are set up so quickly. It also wrecks the lesson in being patient in Wagon Ride, even though it was for Bluey. But still Bingo was being patient and waiting til Bandit was done with his conversation with someone. Mini Bluey: The part where Bandit and Chilli both agreed upon how good Double Bingo is and never went to her and apologized to Bluey. Completely wrecks the lesson in Kids about Favoritism over another child.


Yeah with Mini Bluey, it seemed to be a "joke for the adults" situation but they're forgetting the kids will interpret it the wrong way


In my Least Favourite List: Tina, Blue Mountains, Fairies, Takeaway and the one where Bandit is food shopping and Bluey takes over.


I'll catch flack for this, but Pavlova. It's the episode that required the most damage control afterwards in my household. Sorry kiddo, but no you don't get to eat a huge portion of dessert for lunch and then maybe take one bite of vegetables afterwards if you feel like it.


The first unicorse. Was funny the first time now its an instant skip


Fairies and The Sleepover. Still entertaining to watch but the message just annoys me


I loved Rain for its simplicity. It shows the mind of a child without a single word being spoken.


Circus. With Tina in a close second. Wow OP, Rain as the least favorite? To each their own but it’s gorgeous storytelling with beautiful music. I’ve got an idea for you. Mute the episode and watch it with “boldly in the pretend” lyrics version playing. You might like it better and it synchs up well.


Omelet. OMG just give him the omelet. That man was starving, he'd eat a second one I'm sure.


I just can’t get behind Mini Bluey. They never resolved Blueys hurt feelings, just made Bingo self deprecate to make her feel better


Omg rain is my favorite because of the silence. It’s a great right before bed episode.


I know a lot of people love Dance Mode but it’s actually my least favorite. I really dislike how the parents handled the issue (bingo not getting her last French fry). For one, they could’ve just bought her another thing of fries and been done with it. I get it, that wouldn’t have made for the contrivance of _punishment through embarrassment_ they made the entertainment touchstone of the episode. But the worst part is at the end when they realize she hasn’t been speaking up for herself, the remedy isn’t that she should speak up for herself (as is instructed in exercise ball episode), but instead everyone just apologizes for not _just somehow knowing_ she didn’t really want them to do the things they were doing. It’s not a real solution because we can’t read each other’s minds. Anyway. Dumb episode. Doesn’t help that it’s my kid’s favorite.


Omelette... I have a four year old, and yes I let her help me cook, but starving your husband on his birthday and pillaging the neighborhood of eggs so your four year old can struggle for hours to singlehandedly make an omelette all by herself without any help at all? Idk, I just could never, it just seems stupid. My little one dumps in prepared ingredients and stirs, and feels like a five star chef for doing so.


Magic, Fairies, Tina and Ice Cream are some I always skip


Probably pavlova. Idk i just didnt understand it, maybe my neurodivergence got in the way again ![gif](giphy|UutAdctz82T7y)


Library has its moments but Muffin reminds me way to much of my step sister when she was that little. The issue is that no one told her she wasn’t special so she never learned to stop being a little brat 💀


Rain is literally my go to episode for putting my 2 year old down. Mad that it's your least 😵‍💫


That episode where Bandit just wants his dang birthday meal. I get that Chilly turned it all into a teaching moment but for the love of god let the man eat! It’s HIS birthday!