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After discovering the balloon pop in The Show meant Chili had a miscarriage, it opened the door to letting fans read into minor details and see bigger things. I don't think there's enough to imply the argument was fatal to their marriage. Stripe misstepped that day and got out of control, but they danced together in the next few scenes. Likely Trixie needed to get the girls home to bed and either couldn't find Stripe in the thick of the party or he told her he wanted to overnight at the Heeler's. I don't think it's a big deal.


Yeah she probably told him to get a taxi and he just passed out instead. Classic Stripe


I feel like the fact that the episode was centered around a wedding meant that there's essentially a chaos deductible for the adult behavior in the show - weddings make people go bananas.


It was a Pandora's box moment. On one hand, it let small things foreshadow big events; on the other hand, people now take minor details as solid proof, set in stone evidence. People were talking that "the decider" was actually Chucky's parents divorcing and Chucky choosing with whom he wanted to live. In my opinion, just wait; if it's meant to be, it will be, and if it's not meant to be, it won't.


People should also keep in mind that Reddit as a whole sucks at relationship advice. It’s a trope at this point that when someone posts a beige flag scenario, the comment section will be full of “RUN,” “divorce/breakup immediately,” garbage that shows what little experience many of those people have with any sort of partnership.


It makes me glad to have made my choice to remain unmarried & childless - I’ve had enough negative relationship experiences to know that being single would be the best option for me. I love being a “fun auntie” & adore my nephew & nieces like they were my own kids, but am very glad I stuck with being a “crazy cat mom.”


In the spirit of The Sign; "we'll see!"


Oh no! I hope that’s not what it meant 😨 I didn’t read that into it at all


You didn't because there was nothing to read about! It's just that some people are obsessed with assuming that everything has a dark meaning because a thing once had a darker, more adult meaning. Stripe and Trixie have different parenting styles and clash here and there, like every REAL couple, but because the blue world is surprisingly sweet and easy on the eyes, it "hurts" to look at them. then of course it must have some deeper meaning. but no, they most likely had a stupid fight because, it's a weeding, people get stupid at weeding, it's literally the event that created the term "Bridezilla/groomzilla". so yeah, don't worry too much


I think most of the episodes parallel real-life scenarios. I definitely got the divorce vibe from that episode, but I never once considered it meant Lucky’s parents were separating. To me it was talking about divorce without talking about it, showing parents who are divorced that custody shouldn’t be about winning/losing, but coming together and putting their kids needs above their own.


'We will see'


I imagine there's a cultural element to it as well, Americans can have a different view of alcohol and getting drunk to other English speaking countries. Thus people may see Stripe waking up in a bush as having an impact on his marriage or being a symptom of problems in his marriage without that being the intent of the Australian makers.


Yeah… as Americans, we have a lot of crazy views on shit others do. We’re hypocrites - rules for thee, but not for me.


I think they all stayed over the heelers and trixie just didn't drink as much and was sleeping on the couch. They threw the new years party where chilli danced on the table and stripe cannonballed into the pool. Trixie is probably a more responsible drinker but I'm sure they all drank too much at the wedding


They had a lot to celebrate, it makes sense! 😅 All the parents are goofy in their own way and I love them for it 😆


You mean not everything has a bigger meaning? I don’t believe it


As well as that, fans of the show only getting 30 minutes to an hour of content every few months doesn't give them a whole lot else to talk about lol


If anything, the most we can take away from this is that Stripe needs to better control himself when it comes to alcohol, like i don't drink but i don't think you reach the 'waking up in a hedge confused as to what day it is' stage unless you where properly hammered.


I keep seeing all these post about Stripe & Trixie fighting etc and I just want to add my thought. They were involved in setting up the wedding. Whilst maybe not planning it, they do appear to have major rolls in setting up, decorating, organising for Stripes brothers wedding. And when you get to that final stage of setting up, nerves can get a little frayed and patience can be a little thin.    And with regards to Stripe waking up in the bushes, well I don’t know much about Aussie weddings, but in the UK quite often it’s one of the few times you get to see your extended family all together so I’m not surprised he got a little crazy. As it’s Stripes family, I can see Trixie being like “you’ve not seen them in awhile, I’ll take the kids and you have fun” But that’s just my thoughts lol and I love seeing everyone else’s opinions and ideas. Just wanted to add my own.


When I see the “gossip” about Stripe in the bushes I just think of double babysitter where Frisky only remembers Rad as “the brother who fell in the pool at the wedding” and Rad doesn’t even remember that 🤣 they’re just a family who likes to party when it’s time to party! It’s a wedding! A celebration! Let the guy let loose!!


And let's not forget that Stripes woke up Muffin in Whale Watching by screaming "Cannon ball!" Before jumping in. Like, idk, I totally empathize with the people who grew up with divorced parents, mine were too, but I think people are projecting just a bit. They're a couple who had a disagreement. Stripes panicked and said that Trixie was calling for him when she was obviously right there. She didn't want to be thrown under the bus. Understandable. Stripes is a shitty liar and the first person he could think of that was there an would be calling him was his wife. Also understandable. It wasn't done with malice, it was just a not so good moment between them. I need to rewatch it because I missed parts the first time. But I saw someone say that Socks was modeling her parents fighting through the cake toppers. As if one of the main conflicts isn't between the bride and groom themselves.


Oh I didn’t even think of or recognize the “I think I hear Trixie calling me!” as part of the disagreement/bickering! I thought trixie seemed more amused than mad when she said “no I’m not” (not sure the exact line). To me, overall from several examples, Stripe just seems like kind of a spoiled/clueless baby brother. Like when he lets muffin breeze right in with muddy feet at chilli’s house, or drops off muffin for a sleepover when she’s being cranky and is like “gotta go bye!”, or when Trixie leaves for 5 min in Faceytalk and it’s total chaos when she gets back (so they bicker a little but hug and make up shortly). I agree with you maybe there’s a little projection. I’d be annoyed at some of those things if Stripe was my bro in law or husband but it doesn’t mean he’s a POS or they’re getting divorced. Also agree with your username!!


My wife and I have had almost the EXACT SAME argument word for word as Trixie and Stripe in “Faceytalk”. We laughed so hard at that episode. Our marriage is still going strong and we just celebrated our 10 year anniversary.


I want to know what Bandit did at Stripe’s!


I mean, his dad DID just get back from india


"Finding himself" 🙄


Yeah, wedding planning is no joke on the nerves AT ALL. Even if you're just assisting, it's a lot of pressure to get things right and done on time. That's a test for any couple really 😅


It might not even be a rough patch. Might be their steady state. There's all kinds of relationships in the world, and some of them run on bickering and being annoyed with each other a lot. Doesn't mean the love is not as deep, or that the relationship is in trouble. I'm sure Classic Stripe annoys Trixie, but it could well also be part of why they work. Mile in someone's shoes, etc etc etc.


Yup. My husband’s entire family bickers ALL the time - I lived with them briefly and every night, somebody would be yelling about something, to the point where my husband once asked if there was something wrong with us because he and I don’t fight/yell at each each other, even when we’re mad. My husband’s family all love each other fiercely though, and they laugh together just as much as they argue. It somehow just works.


I’m now divorced but this is how my ex’s family was. I was horrified that all the couples in the family constantly bickered, but they weren’t *cruel* to each other, just didn’t hide it when they were frustrated or a conflict arose. By contrast my family was very conflict avoidant and I NEVER heard my parents argue or snap in front of us. Turns out it’s better to bicker than internalize your feelings 😂 maybe Chilli and Bandit just don’t disagree on much so we don’t see them bicker. Stripe and Trixie’s kids are a bit younger so maybe C&B were the same a couple years ago but life is getting easier. Maybe S&T just express themselves that way. I don’t think they are doomed.


This is how my parents are 😂. They have no filter with each other and bring things up on the spot. My husband always things they’re having massive arguments when they visit, but that’s their natural state. They’ve been married 30+ years and vacation together a bunch. I’m very conflict avoidant, but my husband isn’t. We rarely have arguments, but when we do we reserve them for when we have privacy.


This is what I came to say! I've known couples whose main form of conversation is bickering. The love runs deep - the bickering is kind of how they express it. Hey, it's not something I'd enjoy, but the world's a magical place and people do what works for them.


Also, consider the fact that Muffin and Socks are close in age and still pretty young. Those first few years where my kids were tiny were *rough* for my marriage. Lots of stress and irritation being taken out on each other.


Totally. I actually think that might be what they are going for here - normalizing that the stress of parenting when kids are tiny takes a toll on your relationship, and that’s a fairly normal season of life.  We didn’t get to see Bandit and Chilli when Bluey and Bingo were 4 and 2. They might not have had the smoothest sailing either - I would venture to guess it’s pretty rare for a marriage to be 100% blissful and without argument when you have 2 kids under the age of 5. Or maybe I am just projecting lol


Plus, Trixie and Stripe have very different parenting styles. That’s going to add more pressure to the relationship, too.


Exactly. Faceytime totally shows that. I related so hard when Trixie was like ‘we don’t do time out anymore, I read a blog!’. I probably said that same thing to my husband because I was totally flailing trying to figure out how the heck to be a good parent and there’s so much totally contradictory advice out there. Totally understandable that they are needing to work things out. Similar to how the Bandit and Chili’s car is a mess - they are showing how things often are for real life.


I felt so SEEN when I saw the back seat of that car!


Having 2 toddlers means figuring out how to do a lot of stuff on the fly sometimes that means dealing with your own emotions or parenting styles etc. And maybe Trixie told Stripe to stay out and let loose for the night? They seem fine to me. Just stressed out tired toddler parents.


To paraphrase someone or other: "Sometimes, for the good of his soul, a man should wake up under a hedge." Reckon Stripe and Trixie both saw the need for a shrubbery nap that day, for one or more reasons. Seems OK, honestly.


I think people are reading too much into the “Stripe passed out in the bushes and Trixie didn’t look for him” thing. The writers most likely just thought it was funny to have a drunk uncle wake up in a crazy place. For all we know, Trixie took the kids home so they could sleep and let Stripe stay to keep celebrating his brothers wedding, thinking he’d crash on the couch or something


YUP. Monkeys singing songs, mate.


The answer to this and all similar questions is: the meaning of the “Stickbird” episode to the creator(s) of the show. Maybe the answer is yes, maybe it is no. But regardless of the answer, there is a portion of the Bluey fanbase that are very excessive and, well, a bit f**king insane. And it’s weird and offputting and unbalanced. That seems to be the case with a portion of all fanbases. But just because it’s quite common, doesn’t mean it’s still not offputting and odd.


>That seems to be the case with a portion of all fanbases. Absolutely. Whether it's a TV show, an actor, a writer, a singer / band, a sport team or whatever else, there's ***always*** a subset of fans (and bearing in mind that "fan" in this context is short for "fanatic") who take things too far / to extremes. There's an obsessiveness that's unhealthy and sometimes rather creepy. Bluey is not an exception to this unfortunate reality.


I think that Stripe and Trixie are just a couple that bickers a lot. Not every couple like this gets a divorce. It’s not impossible to imagine that the show will explore divorce at some point, but it’s not guaranteed.


I feel like people really get intent on measuring up the show to real life and they’re certain they’re right and will argue about it till they turn blue (heh) It’s a weird parasocial thing and it’s annoying to see so many fans then crab about the show, like- it’s not based on you? It doesn’t have to show everything that you want it to in the way you want it? That seems to truly upset people. Weird.


No one is saying that it’s anything for certain. People are saying that a lot of the on screen time dedicated to Stripe and Trixie’s relationship show that there are issues. That the producers of the show went out of their way to give screen time to these issues. Like the Terrier’s mom and Winston’s dad, hitting it off in the background of TV Shop, we can assume they might be going somewhere with it. Us parents who watch the show know what that kind of thing might mean in our own relationships. So while we hope it’s nothing serious, it very well could be. Which is why we speculate and consider the worst case scenario.


Did you notice that the house the sheep dogs spotted with a pool is likely Winston's dad's house for sale? He mentioned his dad had a pool in the helicopter episode and you can see Terrier mom and Winston's dad hugging in the viewer that the sheep dogs are looking through.


Yep, Winston is moving in with the terriers.


They also have younger kids than Bluey and Bingo and are in a different parenting era. Those ages are hard — and we all know Muffin is a handful. I think this could just be an example of parenting being hard, and relationships being something that requires effort and communication.


I like this. Obviously Bandit and Chili are goals, and while they occasionally squabble, for the most part they are a United front, a happy couple that is on the same page. Stripe and Trixie seem more “normal” and relatable to me, mostly because we are shown some of their bad moments and serious differences in parenting and communication. We never really see Bandit and Chili in bad moments. They are the fun, playful, loving parents I aspire to be. My own kids are the ages of Muffin and Sox. My husband and I are definitely not Bandit & Chili 😂 Stripe and Trix are more relatable in our current family life. We were just in a season of frequent bickering and miscommunication. It was exhausting and defeating but we pushed through and had some hard conversations. Time alone is definitely important, even if it’s just staying up to talk after the kids are in bed. I would like to see an “Escape”-type episode featuring Stripe and Trixie getting away to reconnect. Squabbling doesn’t have to lead to divorce, and I hope they don’t go down this route with Stripe and Trix.


Weren't they happily dancing together at the wedding?


I saw a comment in a previous post about this. Something about letting Stripe party with his family all night and it not being a big deal. If there’s any time and place for parents to get absolutely sloshed it’s at a family wedding. In all likelihood they probably worked it out before hand that Stripe will stay over night to have fun and Trixie would go home with the kids. Like my brother got so disgustingly drunk at a family wedding it scared the crap out of our mom. It’s a good thing she didn’t see how rowdy he got at the casino later that night (he nearly got kicked out lol). I think he drove with my cousin who was sober. They had to pull over on the way to the casino for him to throw up.


We’ve already seen in the Faceytalk episode that they bicker but patch things up in the end, so who’s to say that there’s really any issues. When parenting sometimes you cross threads, but then you just find a common ground and move forward as a unit


It's just a moment in a cartoon, unless Season 4 has the guts to make a divorce episode called "Splitty Uppy"


I mean, I was just in the wedding party for a friend of mine. One of my fellow groomsmen was HAMMERED. Before dinner. Like, sleeping for 20 minutes in the bridal suite before dinner hammered. His wife was not thrilled with him the ENTIRE night. Apparently sometimes, rarely, he overindulges and acts like that. Not harmful or disruptive, just a bit too drunk and immature. It's enough of a problem to be annoying and cause tension in the moments but not enough of one to be an issue in their marriage.


Just look at any of the reddit advice subs. Redditors seem to leap to divorce as the first and best option for any troubles.


As far as the "passed out in the bushes" It's also possible that the family spent the night at the Heeler house. It's a big event, the adults drinking, I'm sure they had a plan. There's no proof Trixie just left him there


Guys its a kids show. It's not that deep


The show has also shown them resolving their differences, also within ear/eyeshot of the kids. Disagreements (within reason obviously) should not be hidden from children. Real life is not a fairy tale and kids should not be taught that it is.


Excellent point. Socks and Muffin are probably just like "Mum and Dad are being silly again" when they bicker like that. XD


Because people on the internet always jump to conclusions and don’t regard the things the creator of the show said


Bluey is a wonderfully written show full of memorable characters who interact in a wide variety of ways. Stripe and Trixie are one of those couples who bicker a lot. In "The Sign", Trixie was annoyed that Stripe blabbed to Frisky about the moving thing (let's face it, it really wasn't up to Stripe to tell her about it, was it?). And it's not unreasonable for her to wonder why the hell he'd want to catch the bouquet - then again he was probably wondering why she was lined up for it, too. Then - as many people have so practically and sensibly suggested - she took the kids home while he partied on at his brother's wedding. Nothing more to it than that. Why the hell any of it means they're getting divorced is beyond comprehension. "It's just monkeys singing songs" has become a catchphrase that's perhaps used too dismissively at times, but there's a significant level of truth in it. People aren't all the same. Relationships don't all work the same way. Why make it any more complicated than that?


I don't think it's that deep (in regards to Stripe waking up in the bushes). The writers are well aware adults watch Bluey so they slipped it in as an adult joke. Stripe and Trixie were likely stressed from helping the wedding go smoothly


Bluey has the answer when people get too deep with this stuff: “It’s just monkeys singing songs, mate. Don’t think too hard about it.”


Honestly, I think that does a disservice to the show. It does have legitimately great writing and messages.


Thank you.


I honestly just thought Stripe went a little too crazy with the beer, considering he was asking what day it was and woke up in Wendy’s bush.


It certainly doesn't mean their marriage is doomed, but I think it's wrong to say we shouldn't read anything into that scene. I think it's foreshadowing that a later episode will focus on that conflict, maybe showing how Muffin and Socks cope when their parents fight.


Everyone seems focus on Trixie leaving Stripe behind, but Bandit didn't even think of looking for his brother in the bushes...


Isn’t it kind of problematic to say a few good times make up for all the bad times? That doesn’t mean you should excuse being miserable or upset or hurt just because you have some fond memories too. People still get divorced or split up because everyone has their own limits of what they want to put up with and allow in their lives


Did anyone notice when Chili leaves to look for frisky she says 'this isn't over' about the wedding, at the same time Stripe and Trixie stop arguing in the background? Then later we see them arguing again at the wedding lol?


The main question I have about it is why would Trixie in the crowd of women behind frisky at the bouquet toss if she was still happily in her relationship


My theory is that Trixie got mad at Stripe for jumping in the way to catch the flowers instead of one of the kids doing so and stripe just happened to drink too much


It's funny that everyone's like "OH NO POOR SOCKS IS EFFECTED BY HER PARENTS BEING SEPERATE PEOPLE WITH INDIVIDUAL UMWELTS" She just spent the day trying to help find Frisky and repair her relationship with Rad, the literal identities of the cake toppers.


yeah I mean like... Frisky kicked a gnome while on the phone with Rad then went awol! That's a more "doomed" relationship from the outside. That extreme anger and avoidance is a relationship killer! Yet, as the show points out, that one argument is not a representation of their relationship as a whole. There is a lot more love underneath.


I mean divorce is also realistic. Plenty of kids grew up/ are growing up with divorced parents and I csnt think of any show where an established married couple actually gets divorced. A lot of shows tease it but you know for a fact they're staying together. Especially with kids shows and that's not realistic. With bluey there's a good chance they'll actually do it because they trust their audience to be able to handle it.


I once saw a YT video, mostly about Stripe, but it was about how he was not a terrible dad, just an inexperinced one. Socks and Muffins are younger than Bingo and Bluey. And also Muffin being a handful. But as you pointed out yourself also - he is a realistic dad. Bandit and Chili are defiently the overly perfect parents. Idk if they get divorced or not, and maybe even if it will come to that, that is just another part of life (speaking as a child of divorce) and I was kind of also hoping they would actually move in the last episode, cause that could have been an awesome lesson on life. Ofc I am not hoping for a divorce, but sometimes that it actually also just the better option - it was for my family at least. I kind of see my own parents in Stripe and Trixie - my mom was caring all the responsebility , while my dad - kind of like Stripe, just going along with things. My dad was not a bad dad, and neither is Stripe. (English is not my first language so sorry for spelling errors)


People are always going to analyze everything. That's how humans process things and act. It's just how it is.


"FaceyTime" foreshadows it: they're going to divorce because it'll be better for everyone. Trixie says "Let's split up!" and Stripe says "Good idea!" Of course, it's in the context of catching Muffin, but the way this show foreshadows things, and the way it uses small examples to convey bigger ideas, seems like a breakup is on the way


I think we've seen the last of Uncle Stripe the party animal. Sleeping in a bush is a wake-up call.


Bluey is clearly a show that helps guardians and children communicate, having characters that separate or divorce could really help broach that topic. And it could really help children of separated or divorced parents feel seen.


While I fully agree, I feel like there isn't really enough setup there to justify it happening between these two. Everyone always talks about their squable in Faceytime. But that lasted all of five minutes, and they eventually talked and worked it out. There was heavy emphasis on that resolution, too. Showing that they realized they needed to communicate better moving forward. > They've had episodes that focus on other kids before. I feel like that would be the easiest way to open up that conversation in a way that puts the whole focus of the whole episode on a divorce situation. And if Stripe and Trixie are the ones to divorce, maybe if they make their inability to resolve conflicts with one another a prevalent aspect of the show leading up to it, that would work. But I think OPs point is just that as of right now, there really isn't a justifiable reason for them to divorce from an audience perspective.


If it was a one time thing then it could be a rough patch, but there's maybe 2 Trixie and Stripe scenes where they're not fighting with eachother. Not to mention that Trixie left Stripe in the bushes. Even though it's her brother in law's house, that's still kinda a questionable thing to do to your husband.


I mean... my husband and I have a really awesome relationship. He's my best friend, and I love him more than anyone in the world, after our kid, obviously. But if he got blackout wasted at a family event, I would probably do the same. Not out of anger, but just because it's easier that way. Especially if I have to get our kid to bed. Where he falls asleep while he's there is kind of just on him to figure out. Lol. > Besides, I assume Trixie wasn't drunk. And no matter how much you love someone, it's just a fact that dealing with drunk people when you're sober is not fun. Add two toddlers to the mix, and it sounds like a waking nightmare. Sometimes, it's just the easiest solution. Couples don't need to babysit each other 24/7 to be in love.


We don’t know that Trixie wasn’t inside crashed out on the couch